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Untitled Article
Dark-heaving;—boundless / endless , and sublime—The image of Eternity—the throne Of the Invisible ; even from out thy shrine , The monsters of the deep are made ¦; each zone Obeys thee ; thou goest forth , dread , fathomless , alone . "
A number of the passengers grouped together , lit up their meershaums for an hour or so , while we contemplated the glorious expanse around us ; and then , one by one , we departed to " turn in . The " incidents of so brief a voyage are of course too common-place to be further remarked on ., We sailed into the beautiful little harbour of St . Heliers ( having touched at Guernsey ) , at eleven o ' clock the next morning .
Here I was , in a strange place , knowing neither the name nor countenance of any one around me , or upon the island ; A busy little man , who had come on board at Guernsey , was going about to the passengers handing his card , and inviting them to his " boarding house , " " replete with every comfort , " " terms moderate , " & c .
I was fain to go with him to save the annoyances of the " touters , whom I saw busy upon the shore ; so we hailed a cab and soon set down at the place of his abode .
After dinner I went forth to explore the place a little . I had not come to spend nay time in solitary peregrinations ; so I determined at once to find out "the Brethren . " I was encumbered by no " introduction , " verbal or written . I sallied forth , therefore , to test the reality and the universality of that " Fraternity , " which I had been given to understand attached to the " Order , " wherever it might be found . I saw a flag floating over the Uoyal Yacht Club ' s wine merchant's , with an outward and visible sign that a Brother
was within . But I passed on . I soon saw the magic marks again ; it was a busy little tavern : I entered , and seated myself opposite the worthy host . I sipped my cognac and lighted my cigar ; but I need not say to the initiated that , as his eye was fixed upon the " stranger , " I had speedily to put down my glass , and grasp the hand of a Brother ! The great cordiality which was immediately manifested dispelled the last remaining cloud of the solitude which ,
till then , I felt , and the comforting sunshine of " Fraternity" burst forth . One by one the guests retired , as we chatted on things in general ; and , as the door closed behind the last a s he departed , fuller explanations were entered into . I learned that the Fraternity was numerous , respectable , and influential in the island . There were no fewer than five Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England , and one holding under the Grand Lodge of Ireland . To those who think with the poet
that" There is a pleasure in the pathless woods , There is a rapture on a lonely shore ; There is society where none intrudes , By the deep sea , and music in its roar "to those who think thus , there are few places , which will be visited with so much pleasure as the little island of Jersey . The marine
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Untitled Article
Dark-heaving;—boundless / endless , and sublime—The image of Eternity—the throne Of the Invisible ; even from out thy shrine , The monsters of the deep are made ¦; each zone Obeys thee ; thou goest forth , dread , fathomless , alone . "
A number of the passengers grouped together , lit up their meershaums for an hour or so , while we contemplated the glorious expanse around us ; and then , one by one , we departed to " turn in . The " incidents of so brief a voyage are of course too common-place to be further remarked on ., We sailed into the beautiful little harbour of St . Heliers ( having touched at Guernsey ) , at eleven o ' clock the next morning .
Here I was , in a strange place , knowing neither the name nor countenance of any one around me , or upon the island ; A busy little man , who had come on board at Guernsey , was going about to the passengers handing his card , and inviting them to his " boarding house , " " replete with every comfort , " " terms moderate , " & c .
I was fain to go with him to save the annoyances of the " touters , whom I saw busy upon the shore ; so we hailed a cab and soon set down at the place of his abode .
After dinner I went forth to explore the place a little . I had not come to spend nay time in solitary peregrinations ; so I determined at once to find out "the Brethren . " I was encumbered by no " introduction , " verbal or written . I sallied forth , therefore , to test the reality and the universality of that " Fraternity , " which I had been given to understand attached to the " Order , " wherever it might be found . I saw a flag floating over the Uoyal Yacht Club ' s wine merchant's , with an outward and visible sign that a Brother
was within . But I passed on . I soon saw the magic marks again ; it was a busy little tavern : I entered , and seated myself opposite the worthy host . I sipped my cognac and lighted my cigar ; but I need not say to the initiated that , as his eye was fixed upon the " stranger , " I had speedily to put down my glass , and grasp the hand of a Brother ! The great cordiality which was immediately manifested dispelled the last remaining cloud of the solitude which ,
till then , I felt , and the comforting sunshine of " Fraternity" burst forth . One by one the guests retired , as we chatted on things in general ; and , as the door closed behind the last a s he departed , fuller explanations were entered into . I learned that the Fraternity was numerous , respectable , and influential in the island . There were no fewer than five Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England , and one holding under the Grand Lodge of Ireland . To those who think with the poet
that" There is a pleasure in the pathless woods , There is a rapture on a lonely shore ; There is society where none intrudes , By the deep sea , and music in its roar "to those who think thus , there are few places , which will be visited with so much pleasure as the little island of Jersey . The marine