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penetrate this additional recess in the mysteries of Masonry , I inquired when the next meeting of the Lodge would be held ; but was informed that , there had not been a meeting for several years ; that it was possible , but not probable , that I could succeed in getting
up a meeting during the brief period of my sojourn there , and especially as September was a very unfavourable season of the year . However , I set about the business in good earnest , and with what success the kindness of the Brethren crowned my labours , will appear before I conclude my remarks .
The warrants of the two oldest Lodges in the island were taken out under the AtHol regime , previous to the Union . Their ritual was quite different , and they were at one time not on visiting terms with each other . At the Union , fraternity was restored , but the working was still inefficient and unsatisfactory . The improvements effected by that auspicious event , did not at once extend to Jersey ; and when .
Bro . J . O . Lyte , P . M ., was first elected "W . M . of the Farmers' Lodge , there was no one in the island who could perform the installation . Bro . Daly , of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , went over in 1843 , and rendered very material assistance to the Jersey Brethren , and communicated much valuable information to Bro . Lyte . The Athol ritual was then forsaken for that agreed on by the United
Grand Lodge ; but , even then , the Arch was in a wretched state of dilapidation : so much so as to prevent any working therein . To Bro . Daly every credit is due ; but Bro . Lyte , and those who then and since worked so cordially with him to render efficient thePraternity they adorn , were chiefly indebted to Bro . G . P . de Rhe Phillipe , P . G . S . B ., to whom he was introduced by the late Bro . Dr . J . Lane .
Bro . Daly communicated to them the " Craft , " and Bros . Lane and Phillipe the " Arch ; " and , from that time , Bro . Lyte and others , as the numerous jewels and other testimonials they have received from their grateful Brethren of the various Lodges ; will abundantly show , devoted themselves energetically and incessantly to elevate the Fraternity to that degree of efficiency , which now characterizes the Lodges of that island . ' *
The oldest Lodge now existing in the island is the Farmers' Lodge , No . 302 , the charter of which dates from 1813 . Bro . Dr . Cuquemelle is W . M . This was "the only Lodge in the island I had not the pleasure of visiting ; but I saw most , if not all the Brethren members of it at the other Lodges . This Lodge was first held at Gronville , but moved to St . Heliers , where all the Lodges now meet ; and after flitting about from house to house , it has settled peaceably down at the Freemasons' Hall , Grove-place ; f meeting on the first Monday
* I may here remark , that the labours of Bro . Lyte have extended still further , as he wears a handsome P . Z . jewel , presented to him by the Comps . of Doyles Chapter , Wo . 99 , Guernsey , on the occasion of his visit to that island , when he installed the Ps ., and instructed the officers of the said Chapter in their several duties . The jewel bears date " May 26 , 1845 . " + There are two Halls , one known as "the Masonic Hall , " in Mnseunvstreet , and the other as " Freemasons' Hall , " in Grove-place . There are also a host of Lodges for the illegitimate offspring of Masonry , such as Odd Fellows , Foresters , VOL . I . 0
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Untitled Article
penetrate this additional recess in the mysteries of Masonry , I inquired when the next meeting of the Lodge would be held ; but was informed that , there had not been a meeting for several years ; that it was possible , but not probable , that I could succeed in getting
up a meeting during the brief period of my sojourn there , and especially as September was a very unfavourable season of the year . However , I set about the business in good earnest , and with what success the kindness of the Brethren crowned my labours , will appear before I conclude my remarks .
The warrants of the two oldest Lodges in the island were taken out under the AtHol regime , previous to the Union . Their ritual was quite different , and they were at one time not on visiting terms with each other . At the Union , fraternity was restored , but the working was still inefficient and unsatisfactory . The improvements effected by that auspicious event , did not at once extend to Jersey ; and when .
Bro . J . O . Lyte , P . M ., was first elected "W . M . of the Farmers' Lodge , there was no one in the island who could perform the installation . Bro . Daly , of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , went over in 1843 , and rendered very material assistance to the Jersey Brethren , and communicated much valuable information to Bro . Lyte . The Athol ritual was then forsaken for that agreed on by the United
Grand Lodge ; but , even then , the Arch was in a wretched state of dilapidation : so much so as to prevent any working therein . To Bro . Daly every credit is due ; but Bro . Lyte , and those who then and since worked so cordially with him to render efficient thePraternity they adorn , were chiefly indebted to Bro . G . P . de Rhe Phillipe , P . G . S . B ., to whom he was introduced by the late Bro . Dr . J . Lane .
Bro . Daly communicated to them the " Craft , " and Bros . Lane and Phillipe the " Arch ; " and , from that time , Bro . Lyte and others , as the numerous jewels and other testimonials they have received from their grateful Brethren of the various Lodges ; will abundantly show , devoted themselves energetically and incessantly to elevate the Fraternity to that degree of efficiency , which now characterizes the Lodges of that island . ' *
The oldest Lodge now existing in the island is the Farmers' Lodge , No . 302 , the charter of which dates from 1813 . Bro . Dr . Cuquemelle is W . M . This was "the only Lodge in the island I had not the pleasure of visiting ; but I saw most , if not all the Brethren members of it at the other Lodges . This Lodge was first held at Gronville , but moved to St . Heliers , where all the Lodges now meet ; and after flitting about from house to house , it has settled peaceably down at the Freemasons' Hall , Grove-place ; f meeting on the first Monday
* I may here remark , that the labours of Bro . Lyte have extended still further , as he wears a handsome P . Z . jewel , presented to him by the Comps . of Doyles Chapter , Wo . 99 , Guernsey , on the occasion of his visit to that island , when he installed the Ps ., and instructed the officers of the said Chapter in their several duties . The jewel bears date " May 26 , 1845 . " + There are two Halls , one known as "the Masonic Hall , " in Mnseunvstreet , and the other as " Freemasons' Hall , " in Grove-place . There are also a host of Lodges for the illegitimate offspring of Masonry , such as Odd Fellows , Foresters , VOL . I . 0