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gentleman whose writing would sometimes puzzle the blind man in the General Post-office , and whose name on the fly-leaf presents a curious appearance : —•
" Nungs fruetur sapientia Cum immisa est Indus tria . Frauciscus Bungeby hune sibi Comparavit librum Friburgi Brisganise . Ano Domini Mille-Simo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo Octavo . "
> This old book of logic and rhetoric is interesting , for a great portion has been written in very black ink with a good steel pen , and many of the letters in glittering scarlet ink look as bright as they must have done the day that they were penned . It would not be hard to make a collection of most ludicrous titles
of old books ; to do this shall be now our object , as well as to note down the names of works in any way remarkable . Some of these books and pamphlets may be found in the library of Winchester Cathedral , and in that of Mr . Thomas Kerslake , of Bristol . The titles will be given without much regard to the date of the book ' s publication .
The most remarkable engravings , unmistakably original , maybe found in a work entitled , Pia Desideria . Authore Herm . Hvgoke . Soc . Iesu . Aotyerpe ^! , apud Henricum Acressens , 1632 . The greater part of this book is " written in Latin verse ; it is dedicated in a very flattering preface to " Sanctissimo D . nostro Vrba ^ o Octavo Pontifici Maximo . "
There are many persons in the present day who know nothing about the persons who blew , metaphorically speaking , the Great South-Sea Bubble , nor pity those ruined when it burst ; yet they had some sympathisers , for "Willymott dedicated to the South-Sea Bubble sufferers his " Imitation of Christ , with the three
TABERNACLES of POVERTY , HUMILITY , and PATIENCE , 1722 . " In 1628 was published W . Prynne ' s Vnlouelinesse of Love-Lockes , with Passages out of the Fathers , Sfc . against Face-painting , Supposititious , Poudred , Frizled , or Long Haire , and Woman * s Mannish , Vnnaturall , Impudent , and Vnchristian Gutting of their Haire , Sfc .
Prince Bladud , the son of Lud Hurdebras , was cured of leprosy , we know , by bathing in the mineral springs of Bath ; but we may be sure that the virtue of common water , or the water system , was known to us at an early date ; for , in the year 1723 , a shilling pamphlet was published , entitled Curiosities of Common Water , or the
Advantages thereof in preventing and curing many Distempers . B y John Smith , CM . Further down on the title-page are the following lines , which would doubtless find favour , as regards their sentiment , in the eyes of the modern humorous author who has given us " Memoirs of a Stomach : "" That ' s the best physick which doth cure our ills , Without the charge of pothecaries' pills . " VOL . I . 3 A
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Untitled Article
gentleman whose writing would sometimes puzzle the blind man in the General Post-office , and whose name on the fly-leaf presents a curious appearance : —•
" Nungs fruetur sapientia Cum immisa est Indus tria . Frauciscus Bungeby hune sibi Comparavit librum Friburgi Brisganise . Ano Domini Mille-Simo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo Octavo . "
> This old book of logic and rhetoric is interesting , for a great portion has been written in very black ink with a good steel pen , and many of the letters in glittering scarlet ink look as bright as they must have done the day that they were penned . It would not be hard to make a collection of most ludicrous titles
of old books ; to do this shall be now our object , as well as to note down the names of works in any way remarkable . Some of these books and pamphlets may be found in the library of Winchester Cathedral , and in that of Mr . Thomas Kerslake , of Bristol . The titles will be given without much regard to the date of the book ' s publication .
The most remarkable engravings , unmistakably original , maybe found in a work entitled , Pia Desideria . Authore Herm . Hvgoke . Soc . Iesu . Aotyerpe ^! , apud Henricum Acressens , 1632 . The greater part of this book is " written in Latin verse ; it is dedicated in a very flattering preface to " Sanctissimo D . nostro Vrba ^ o Octavo Pontifici Maximo . "
There are many persons in the present day who know nothing about the persons who blew , metaphorically speaking , the Great South-Sea Bubble , nor pity those ruined when it burst ; yet they had some sympathisers , for "Willymott dedicated to the South-Sea Bubble sufferers his " Imitation of Christ , with the three
TABERNACLES of POVERTY , HUMILITY , and PATIENCE , 1722 . " In 1628 was published W . Prynne ' s Vnlouelinesse of Love-Lockes , with Passages out of the Fathers , Sfc . against Face-painting , Supposititious , Poudred , Frizled , or Long Haire , and Woman * s Mannish , Vnnaturall , Impudent , and Vnchristian Gutting of their Haire , Sfc .
Prince Bladud , the son of Lud Hurdebras , was cured of leprosy , we know , by bathing in the mineral springs of Bath ; but we may be sure that the virtue of common water , or the water system , was known to us at an early date ; for , in the year 1723 , a shilling pamphlet was published , entitled Curiosities of Common Water , or the
Advantages thereof in preventing and curing many Distempers . B y John Smith , CM . Further down on the title-page are the following lines , which would doubtless find favour , as regards their sentiment , in the eyes of the modern humorous author who has given us " Memoirs of a Stomach : "" That ' s the best physick which doth cure our ills , Without the charge of pothecaries' pills . " VOL . I . 3 A