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Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) meets at the " Old Bull Hotel , " Church-street , Monday evening , on or after full moon . The W , M , is Bro . Charles Boardman . Oldham . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —The members , at their meeting on the 2 nd of May , were honoured with the presence of their R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Stephen Blair , Bro . John Bell , Prov . S . G . W ., and others of the Prov . Gr . officers of East Lancashire . The ceremonies were performed in a very able and
impressive manner by the W . M . Bro . Daniel Evans , whom the R . W . D . P . G . M , highly complimented on the excellent working of himself and officers , as deserving his warmest approval . After the transaction of other ordinary business , the W . M ., in a very feeling address , presented Bro . W . Hudson , P . M ., with a P . M . ' s jewel and a purse , bearing the following inscription : " Presented with a purse of 201 . to Bro . W . Hudson , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) , in acknowledgment of his long and valuable services as Secretary . " Bro . Hudson , under strong feelings , expressed the deep sense he entertained
of the kindness of his Brethren , and his determination to merit its continuance . The R . W . D . P . G . M ., from the very satisfactory manner in which the books of the Lodge were kept , expressed the gratification which this presentation to Bro . Hudson afforded him . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a very pleasing and instructive manner , the Brethren being highly gratified by the kindness of their R . W . D . P . G . M ., who , wherever he is known , whethe * as a man or a Mason , never fails to carry away with him the fraternal regards and best wishes of all .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Newcastle-ON-Tyne . —Lodge de Loraine ( No . 793 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 8 th of May , at Freemasons' Hall , to pass to the Second Degree a Bro . Master Mariner , who had been initiated at Hull ; and another Lodge on the 10 th , to initiate a gentleman going abroad . Northern Counties Lodge ( No . 586 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled on Wednesday , April 25 , at Freemasons' Hall , for the installation of Bro . William
Dalziel , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation w as performed by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . M ., No . 56 . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren as Officers for the year , viz . : —Bros . H . P . Mork , P . M . ; E . D . Davis , S . W . ; J . T . M . Harrison , J . W . ; William Punshon , Treas . ; G . W . Fenwick , Sec . ; J . C . Gibson , D . C . ; J . Shield , S . D . ; G . Hardy , J . D .
H . Bell , I . G .: L . Haslam and E . Holloway , Stewards ; and A . Dickson , Tyler . Bro . E . D . Davis presented to the Lodge three beautiful Tracing Boards . The Brethren then proceeded to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where Bro . Miller had a sumptuous entertainment provided for them , to which forty Brethren did full justice . The W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Richard Metcalf , D . P . G . M . for Northumberland : H . P . Mork and Win .-Berkley . P . M . s . No . 586 . Amongst for NorthumberlandH . P . Mork and Wm , BerkleyP . M . sNo . 586 . Amongst
; , , the visitors were Bros . Geo . Weatherhead , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and J . S . Challoner , Prov . G . J . W . for Northumberland : George Fenwick ; J . Hodge , P . M ., No . 24 ; William Johnson , W . M ., No . 24 ; F . P . John , P . M ., No . 56 ; J . Hopper , P . M ., No . 614 ; John Cook , W . M ., No . 706 ; D . W . Spence , and — Neimitz , J . W ., No . 706 . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were given , and warmly responded to , and the Brethren retired highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings .
Bykeii , neae Newcastle-on-Tyne . —St . Peters Lodge . —This Lodge has subscribed the sum of three guineas to the Building Fund of the Newcastle Infirmary ; and one guinea to the Boyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows .
OXFORDSHIRE . Oxford . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —Tuesday , May the 8 th , will be long remembered by the Oxford Masons , as not only themselves , but many eminent Brethren from all parts of the Empire , assembled in the Masonic Hall , to witness the installation of Bro . Henry Atkins Bowyer , of Steeple Aston , as R . W . G . M " . of the Province . A magnificent public breakfast ushered in the ceremonial , and at twelve o ' clock , the Lodge Room being crowded , Bro . Hall , Prov . G . M . for
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Untitled Article
Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) meets at the " Old Bull Hotel , " Church-street , Monday evening , on or after full moon . The W , M , is Bro . Charles Boardman . Oldham . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —The members , at their meeting on the 2 nd of May , were honoured with the presence of their R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Stephen Blair , Bro . John Bell , Prov . S . G . W ., and others of the Prov . Gr . officers of East Lancashire . The ceremonies were performed in a very able and
impressive manner by the W . M . Bro . Daniel Evans , whom the R . W . D . P . G . M , highly complimented on the excellent working of himself and officers , as deserving his warmest approval . After the transaction of other ordinary business , the W . M ., in a very feeling address , presented Bro . W . Hudson , P . M ., with a P . M . ' s jewel and a purse , bearing the following inscription : " Presented with a purse of 201 . to Bro . W . Hudson , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) , in acknowledgment of his long and valuable services as Secretary . " Bro . Hudson , under strong feelings , expressed the deep sense he entertained
of the kindness of his Brethren , and his determination to merit its continuance . The R . W . D . P . G . M ., from the very satisfactory manner in which the books of the Lodge were kept , expressed the gratification which this presentation to Bro . Hudson afforded him . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a very pleasing and instructive manner , the Brethren being highly gratified by the kindness of their R . W . D . P . G . M ., who , wherever he is known , whethe * as a man or a Mason , never fails to carry away with him the fraternal regards and best wishes of all .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Newcastle-ON-Tyne . —Lodge de Loraine ( No . 793 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 8 th of May , at Freemasons' Hall , to pass to the Second Degree a Bro . Master Mariner , who had been initiated at Hull ; and another Lodge on the 10 th , to initiate a gentleman going abroad . Northern Counties Lodge ( No . 586 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled on Wednesday , April 25 , at Freemasons' Hall , for the installation of Bro . William
Dalziel , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation w as performed by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . M ., No . 56 . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren as Officers for the year , viz . : —Bros . H . P . Mork , P . M . ; E . D . Davis , S . W . ; J . T . M . Harrison , J . W . ; William Punshon , Treas . ; G . W . Fenwick , Sec . ; J . C . Gibson , D . C . ; J . Shield , S . D . ; G . Hardy , J . D .
H . Bell , I . G .: L . Haslam and E . Holloway , Stewards ; and A . Dickson , Tyler . Bro . E . D . Davis presented to the Lodge three beautiful Tracing Boards . The Brethren then proceeded to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where Bro . Miller had a sumptuous entertainment provided for them , to which forty Brethren did full justice . The W . M . presided , supported by Bros . Richard Metcalf , D . P . G . M . for Northumberland : H . P . Mork and Win .-Berkley . P . M . s . No . 586 . Amongst for NorthumberlandH . P . Mork and Wm , BerkleyP . M . sNo . 586 . Amongst
; , , the visitors were Bros . Geo . Weatherhead , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and J . S . Challoner , Prov . G . J . W . for Northumberland : George Fenwick ; J . Hodge , P . M ., No . 24 ; William Johnson , W . M ., No . 24 ; F . P . John , P . M ., No . 56 ; J . Hopper , P . M ., No . 614 ; John Cook , W . M ., No . 706 ; D . W . Spence , and — Neimitz , J . W ., No . 706 . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were given , and warmly responded to , and the Brethren retired highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings .
Bykeii , neae Newcastle-on-Tyne . —St . Peters Lodge . —This Lodge has subscribed the sum of three guineas to the Building Fund of the Newcastle Infirmary ; and one guinea to the Boyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows .
OXFORDSHIRE . Oxford . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —Tuesday , May the 8 th , will be long remembered by the Oxford Masons , as not only themselves , but many eminent Brethren from all parts of the Empire , assembled in the Masonic Hall , to witness the installation of Bro . Henry Atkins Bowyer , of Steeple Aston , as R . W . G . M " . of the Province . A magnificent public breakfast ushered in the ceremonial , and at twelve o ' clock , the Lodge Room being crowded , Bro . Hall , Prov . G . M . for