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Cambridgeshire * presiding as representative of the G . M . of England , observed that by this meeting they were painfully reminded of the great loss sustained by the death of the late Prov . G . M . Bro . Ridley , who had endeared himself to all by his many amiable qualities , and by his zeal for Masonry . He was gone to his rest , and in obedience to command of G . L ., they were assembled to install a worthy successor to that office , which he had filled with so much ability and fidelity .
The Prov . G . M . was then introduced and presented by P . M . Sadler , Mayor of Oxford , who , in a short address , adverted to Bro . Bowyer ' s high qualifications for the honourable office conferred on him by the G . M . of England . The Prov . G . Sec . read the Patent of Office and the ancient charges . The presiding Prov . G-. M . administered the O . B ., and inducted Bro . Bowyer to the Chair , congratulating him and the Province on the appointment , and expressing an earnest hope that he might long be spared to rule , and exemplify those great Masonic qualities for which he was so distinguished . The Brethren then saluted the Prov . G . M . in the customary manner .
The Prov . G . M . then said , that his first duty was to appoint a Dep . Prov . G . M ., and that it afforded him the highest gratification to confer that office on Bro . B . J . Spiers , who was not only highly esteemed in the Province , but also ranked in the G . L . of England . He knew that Bro . Spiers ' s services to Masonry would be gratefully acknowledged by the whole Province , as constituting sufficient grounds for his conferring upon him that important office . The P . G . M . said , that the Beports from the Lodges in the Province were of a gratifying nature , and showed them to be in a high state of prosperity .
On the motion of Bro . Beach , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge , seconded by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . Bandall ( 425 ) , was unanimously elected Treasurer to the Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren to be his Gr . Officers for the year , and expressed his regret that he had not more offices at his disposal to confer on many other Brethren , whose merits he should have been pleased to recognize by marks of distinction : —S . W ., James Wyatt ( 425 ); J . W .,
Malcolm , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) ; Chaps ., the B-ev . J . Sedgw ick , Mag . Col ., and Bev J . S . Sidebotham , New Col . ( W . M . 702 ); Beg ., W . Martin Atkins ( 460 ) ; Sec , the Earl of Lincoln , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) ; S . D ., J . T . Hester ( 425 ); J . D ., W . J . Birch ( 873 ); Sup . of Works , Looker ( 873 ) ; Dir . of Cer ., Hon . W . J . Yernon , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) , and T . Houghton ( 425 ); Org ., Dr . S . Elvey ; Sw .-B ., Jos . Plowman ( 702 ); Purs ., J " . Bossom ( 425 ); Stew ., Hon . G . Dillon , Hon . W . H . North , Wodehouse , Rev . T . Russell , Bainsford , E . G . Bruton . The following subscriptions were then voted to the under-mentioned Charities
—Masonic Boys' Schools , ^ Guineas ; Masonic Girls' School , 2 Guineas ; Annuity Bund , £ 2 ; Widows' Fund , £ 2 ; Masonic Asylum , £ 1 ; Oxford Baths and Washhouses , 2 Guineas ; Badcliffe Infirmary , 3 Guineas ; Medical Dispensary , 2 Guineas ; Blue Coat School , 1 Guinea ; Anti-Mendicity Society , 1 Guinea . The Prov . G . M . then handed to Bro . Barter the Charity Jewel , voted by the Prov . G . L . to that Bro ., for having acted as steward to the Boys' and Girls ' Festivals .
The Prov . G . M . said he could not look on the many distinguished Masons around him , many of whom had come from a long distance to pay honour to him and to the office-which he held , without feeling truly grateful to them for their kindness and assistance . He thanked especially the Prov . G . M . of Cambridgeshire , . who had done him the honour to conduct the installation in so masterly a manner , and begged to move that the names of the visiting Prov . G . Officers present be entered on the records of the Lodge , by way of acknowledgement . The Dep . P . G . M . seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , after which the Brethren separated .
THE BANQUET . In the evening the Installation Festival took place at the Town Hall , which was decorated in exceedingly good taste with Masonic banners and devices . Elegant vases and other ornaments , filled up with choice flowers , were interspersed
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Untitled Article
Cambridgeshire * presiding as representative of the G . M . of England , observed that by this meeting they were painfully reminded of the great loss sustained by the death of the late Prov . G . M . Bro . Ridley , who had endeared himself to all by his many amiable qualities , and by his zeal for Masonry . He was gone to his rest , and in obedience to command of G . L ., they were assembled to install a worthy successor to that office , which he had filled with so much ability and fidelity .
The Prov . G . M . was then introduced and presented by P . M . Sadler , Mayor of Oxford , who , in a short address , adverted to Bro . Bowyer ' s high qualifications for the honourable office conferred on him by the G . M . of England . The Prov . G . Sec . read the Patent of Office and the ancient charges . The presiding Prov . G-. M . administered the O . B ., and inducted Bro . Bowyer to the Chair , congratulating him and the Province on the appointment , and expressing an earnest hope that he might long be spared to rule , and exemplify those great Masonic qualities for which he was so distinguished . The Brethren then saluted the Prov . G . M . in the customary manner .
The Prov . G . M . then said , that his first duty was to appoint a Dep . Prov . G . M ., and that it afforded him the highest gratification to confer that office on Bro . B . J . Spiers , who was not only highly esteemed in the Province , but also ranked in the G . L . of England . He knew that Bro . Spiers ' s services to Masonry would be gratefully acknowledged by the whole Province , as constituting sufficient grounds for his conferring upon him that important office . The P . G . M . said , that the Beports from the Lodges in the Province were of a gratifying nature , and showed them to be in a high state of prosperity .
On the motion of Bro . Beach , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge , seconded by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . Bandall ( 425 ) , was unanimously elected Treasurer to the Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren to be his Gr . Officers for the year , and expressed his regret that he had not more offices at his disposal to confer on many other Brethren , whose merits he should have been pleased to recognize by marks of distinction : —S . W ., James Wyatt ( 425 ); J . W .,
Malcolm , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) ; Chaps ., the B-ev . J . Sedgw ick , Mag . Col ., and Bev J . S . Sidebotham , New Col . ( W . M . 702 ); Beg ., W . Martin Atkins ( 460 ) ; Sec , the Earl of Lincoln , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) ; S . D ., J . T . Hester ( 425 ); J . D ., W . J . Birch ( 873 ); Sup . of Works , Looker ( 873 ) ; Dir . of Cer ., Hon . W . J . Yernon , Ch . Ch . ( 460 ) , and T . Houghton ( 425 ); Org ., Dr . S . Elvey ; Sw .-B ., Jos . Plowman ( 702 ); Purs ., J " . Bossom ( 425 ); Stew ., Hon . G . Dillon , Hon . W . H . North , Wodehouse , Rev . T . Russell , Bainsford , E . G . Bruton . The following subscriptions were then voted to the under-mentioned Charities
—Masonic Boys' Schools , ^ Guineas ; Masonic Girls' School , 2 Guineas ; Annuity Bund , £ 2 ; Widows' Fund , £ 2 ; Masonic Asylum , £ 1 ; Oxford Baths and Washhouses , 2 Guineas ; Badcliffe Infirmary , 3 Guineas ; Medical Dispensary , 2 Guineas ; Blue Coat School , 1 Guinea ; Anti-Mendicity Society , 1 Guinea . The Prov . G . M . then handed to Bro . Barter the Charity Jewel , voted by the Prov . G . L . to that Bro ., for having acted as steward to the Boys' and Girls ' Festivals .
The Prov . G . M . said he could not look on the many distinguished Masons around him , many of whom had come from a long distance to pay honour to him and to the office-which he held , without feeling truly grateful to them for their kindness and assistance . He thanked especially the Prov . G . M . of Cambridgeshire , . who had done him the honour to conduct the installation in so masterly a manner , and begged to move that the names of the visiting Prov . G . Officers present be entered on the records of the Lodge , by way of acknowledgement . The Dep . P . G . M . seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , after which the Brethren separated .
THE BANQUET . In the evening the Installation Festival took place at the Town Hall , which was decorated in exceedingly good taste with Masonic banners and devices . Elegant vases and other ornaments , filled up with choice flowers , were interspersed