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PBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA , NEW BBTJNSWICK , AND PBINCE EDWABD ISLAND . ( HOLDING UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . ) The Hon . A . Keith , B . W . Brov . G . M . The Annual Meeting of this G . L . took place at Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , N . S ., on St . Andrew ' s Day , 1854 . The B . W . Prov . G . M . in the Chair . Present—The representatives of the several Scottish Lodges , the Prov . G . Office Bearers , and several members of sister English Lodges .
The Prov . G . L . being opened in due form , the B . W . Prov . G . M . appointed as G . L . Officers for the ensuing year : — B . W . Bros . John B . Fay , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . D . Cutlip , D . Assist . Prov . G . M . ; iS . J . Lordly , S . G . W . ; W . E . Grigor , J . G . W . ; Geo . Fraser , G . Sec . ; Bev . G . W . Sprott , G . Chap . ; Bobert J . Bomans , G . Treas . ; James Thompson , G . S . D . ; D . B . Cutlip , G . J . D . ; James H , Drake , G . Arch . ; Wm . Grant , G . Dir . ofCer . ; James Fortune , G . Sw . B . ; L . G . Casseres , G . Dir . of Music ; Charles Major , Andrew Campbell , A . Blackader , A . K . Doull , Thos . Shehan , Thomas "Veacy , G . Stewards ; James Wallace , G . Pur . ; John Baxter , G . Tyler . *
The B . W . Prov . G . M ., after thanking the Brethren for their numerous attendance , congratulated them on the unanimity and good feeling prevailing amongst the Craft , and earnestly hoped that they would continue to find an exalted enjoyment in the practice of Brotherly love , relief and truth ; and that the present good understanding existing between the English and Scottish Lodges under his
jurisdiction would continue to grow stronger and stronger , and that no contention should exist among them , " but that noble contention or emulation of who can best work and best agree . " The B . W . P . G . M . concluded by expressing the great interest which he entertained in the prosperity of our ancient institution , and his readiness at all times to aid and assist in the promotion of Faith , Hope , and Charity .
The Prov . G . L . was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer , and adjourned . At ^ ve o ' clock in the afternoon , upwards of fifty members and their guests sat down to a banquet prepared for the occasion ; the B . W . Prov . G . M . presiding , in his usual fraternal manner . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were given , and heartily responded to ; especially that of " Our Brethren in the Crimea , " which elicited " three times three , " and all the honours . The evening being spent in volunteer songs and toasts , the Brethren and guests retired at an early hour , in peace and harmony .
MADBAS BBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . Masonic Address to the Marquis of Lalhousie , March 7 , 1855 . My Lord , —Anticipating that your lordship would visit this city on your way to the Neilgherries , the resident body of Freemasons had prepared themselves to welcome you on your arrival . It has however been to them a source of deep regret that the state of your lordship ' s health has deprived them of the opportunity they so much desired of tendering to you personally the expression of their homage and respect .
But unwilling that your lordship should come within the limits of this province without receiving from the Craft the honour due alike to your eminent Masonic VOL . I . 3 F
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PBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA , NEW BBTJNSWICK , AND PBINCE EDWABD ISLAND . ( HOLDING UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . ) The Hon . A . Keith , B . W . Brov . G . M . The Annual Meeting of this G . L . took place at Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , N . S ., on St . Andrew ' s Day , 1854 . The B . W . Prov . G . M . in the Chair . Present—The representatives of the several Scottish Lodges , the Prov . G . Office Bearers , and several members of sister English Lodges .
The Prov . G . L . being opened in due form , the B . W . Prov . G . M . appointed as G . L . Officers for the ensuing year : — B . W . Bros . John B . Fay , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . D . Cutlip , D . Assist . Prov . G . M . ; iS . J . Lordly , S . G . W . ; W . E . Grigor , J . G . W . ; Geo . Fraser , G . Sec . ; Bev . G . W . Sprott , G . Chap . ; Bobert J . Bomans , G . Treas . ; James Thompson , G . S . D . ; D . B . Cutlip , G . J . D . ; James H , Drake , G . Arch . ; Wm . Grant , G . Dir . ofCer . ; James Fortune , G . Sw . B . ; L . G . Casseres , G . Dir . of Music ; Charles Major , Andrew Campbell , A . Blackader , A . K . Doull , Thos . Shehan , Thomas "Veacy , G . Stewards ; James Wallace , G . Pur . ; John Baxter , G . Tyler . *
The B . W . Prov . G . M ., after thanking the Brethren for their numerous attendance , congratulated them on the unanimity and good feeling prevailing amongst the Craft , and earnestly hoped that they would continue to find an exalted enjoyment in the practice of Brotherly love , relief and truth ; and that the present good understanding existing between the English and Scottish Lodges under his
jurisdiction would continue to grow stronger and stronger , and that no contention should exist among them , " but that noble contention or emulation of who can best work and best agree . " The B . W . P . G . M . concluded by expressing the great interest which he entertained in the prosperity of our ancient institution , and his readiness at all times to aid and assist in the promotion of Faith , Hope , and Charity .
The Prov . G . L . was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer , and adjourned . At ^ ve o ' clock in the afternoon , upwards of fifty members and their guests sat down to a banquet prepared for the occasion ; the B . W . Prov . G . M . presiding , in his usual fraternal manner . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were given , and heartily responded to ; especially that of " Our Brethren in the Crimea , " which elicited " three times three , " and all the honours . The evening being spent in volunteer songs and toasts , the Brethren and guests retired at an early hour , in peace and harmony .
MADBAS BBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . Masonic Address to the Marquis of Lalhousie , March 7 , 1855 . My Lord , —Anticipating that your lordship would visit this city on your way to the Neilgherries , the resident body of Freemasons had prepared themselves to welcome you on your arrival . It has however been to them a source of deep regret that the state of your lordship ' s health has deprived them of the opportunity they so much desired of tendering to you personally the expression of their homage and respect .
But unwilling that your lordship should come within the limits of this province without receiving from the Craft the honour due alike to your eminent Masonic VOL . I . 3 F