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The Editoe requests that all communications may be sent to him at 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of eaeh month at latest , to insure their insertion .
To Correspondents.
J . B . —The voucher s recommendation and examination , he "being a P . M ., was certainly sufficient ; and we never saw a visitor so vouched for refused admission . With regard to giving the visitor a higher degree , we think the application should have been from the W . M . of the Lodge in which he had been initiated . A letter from the Secretary is not sufficient . The WfM . does not , in consequence of his presiding , lose any of the rights he possesses as a subscribing member . He could , of course , move an amendment .
A . L . B . —We hope that the universal disapprobation of the Brethren will cause the removal of the badge from the girls ' dress . IL M . —The clothing of the G . M . of Essex was , we understand , made by Bro . C . Bobinson . " A Member of No . 585 . "—An immediate communication shall be instantly made—in fact , has been already instituted—relative to your complaint . Many similar delays have been commented upon .
" Sec , No . 857 . "—We do not know how sufficiently to thank our cordial supporter for his efforts in our favour . He may rely upon it that with such men to encourage us as himself , failure would be impossible . We thank him heartily for his good wishes , and can assure him that his communications will always be acceptable .
"An Inquirer . "—Vide Correspondence , page 83 , in the March Number of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine for 1854 , suggesting the alteration of the work to a monthly publication .
- " M . M . —Apply to Bro . Spencer , our Masonic publisher , for particulars relative to the new edition of Dr . Oliver ' s " Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry . " " A Youtc Bro . "—Send your real name in confidence , and your letter shall be inserted ; but we must have the names of our correspondents in all cases . " Bro . Blake . " —The whole proceeding about this most worthy Mason is , we
understand , informal , and the petition which has gone up to G . L . on his behalf seems unnecessary , so far as reinstating him goes , since he virtually is nncensured . His case justly excites the sympathy of every honourable man / and of all those who prefer a venial indiscretion to low treachery arid disgraceful tale-bearing . As an old , untiring , zealous Mason and Bast Officer , and an uncompromising honest Bro ., he has won the affection of all ; and the sympathy with him manifested recently at Oxford must have proved a thorn in the breast of his mean assailant . The sooner that the latter quits the Craft the better .
" B . G . O . '—Your desire to see our banquets other than mere sensualities is fully shared , and your admirable letter relative to the great mistake at Oxford should have been inserted , had yon sent your name . We thank you for the spirit of brotherly kindness which animates every line of your note towards the Craft ; but do not despair : mind will triumph , and ' * le Ion temps viendra !"
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Editoe requests that all communications may be sent to him at 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of eaeh month at latest , to insure their insertion .
To Correspondents.
J . B . —The voucher s recommendation and examination , he "being a P . M ., was certainly sufficient ; and we never saw a visitor so vouched for refused admission . With regard to giving the visitor a higher degree , we think the application should have been from the W . M . of the Lodge in which he had been initiated . A letter from the Secretary is not sufficient . The WfM . does not , in consequence of his presiding , lose any of the rights he possesses as a subscribing member . He could , of course , move an amendment .
A . L . B . —We hope that the universal disapprobation of the Brethren will cause the removal of the badge from the girls ' dress . IL M . —The clothing of the G . M . of Essex was , we understand , made by Bro . C . Bobinson . " A Member of No . 585 . "—An immediate communication shall be instantly made—in fact , has been already instituted—relative to your complaint . Many similar delays have been commented upon .
" Sec , No . 857 . "—We do not know how sufficiently to thank our cordial supporter for his efforts in our favour . He may rely upon it that with such men to encourage us as himself , failure would be impossible . We thank him heartily for his good wishes , and can assure him that his communications will always be acceptable .
"An Inquirer . "—Vide Correspondence , page 83 , in the March Number of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine for 1854 , suggesting the alteration of the work to a monthly publication .
- " M . M . —Apply to Bro . Spencer , our Masonic publisher , for particulars relative to the new edition of Dr . Oliver ' s " Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry . " " A Youtc Bro . "—Send your real name in confidence , and your letter shall be inserted ; but we must have the names of our correspondents in all cases . " Bro . Blake . " —The whole proceeding about this most worthy Mason is , we
understand , informal , and the petition which has gone up to G . L . on his behalf seems unnecessary , so far as reinstating him goes , since he virtually is nncensured . His case justly excites the sympathy of every honourable man / and of all those who prefer a venial indiscretion to low treachery arid disgraceful tale-bearing . As an old , untiring , zealous Mason and Bast Officer , and an uncompromising honest Bro ., he has won the affection of all ; and the sympathy with him manifested recently at Oxford must have proved a thorn in the breast of his mean assailant . The sooner that the latter quits the Craft the better .
" B . G . O . '—Your desire to see our banquets other than mere sensualities is fully shared , and your admirable letter relative to the great mistake at Oxford should have been inserted , had yon sent your name . We thank you for the spirit of brotherly kindness which animates every line of your note towards the Craft ; but do not despair : mind will triumph , and ' * le Ion temps viendra !"