Article PRIESTLY INTOLERANCE. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Priestly Intolerance.
dictation of any Romish priest , even when backed with the aid . of torture and all the terrors of the Inquisition . In making these observations we trust that we shall not be misunderstood . To the Roman . Catholic Church itself we desire to pay tho respect which is due to it as having been tho means of effecting
much good in bygone days , both to the temporal and spiritual condition of the human race . For our Roman Catholic countrymen wo entertain as much respect in their character of citizens of this empire as we do for Church of England men , Dissenters , Jews , Maliommednns , Parsees , Hindus , and all others who are peaceable and patriotic subjects of the same sovereign and laws which wo honour ourselvesbut it is not tho
; part of a patriot or of a peaceful citizen to spread slanderous reports , or to stir up one class of loyal subjects against another by exciting bad passions under the cloak of reli gious zeal . And this intolerance of which wo complain is an evil of comparatively modern growth , fostered by a race of priestlings who may bo considered , justly , as an innovation , upon modern society . Did we not endeavour to expose and curb their
efforts to create strife , we should be wanting in our duty as journalists whose province it is to combat every flagrant nuisance—and as Masons whose object should be to suppress anything that militates against charily and goodwill amongst men . Wo would fain believe that such clerical agitators form but a small part of the Catholic priesthood in these kingdomsand that there are yet to be found a goodlportionof
, y , ( hose pious , liberal minded gentlemen , who , as " priests" in former days were always ready to aid the " parsons" whenever any good work was going forward—before ulframontanism had been substituted for Christianity and dogmatism for reliaion .
. Among the catholic laity we have good reason to believe , that the proceedings which form ( he subject of this article tire regarded with regret , and even disgust . "Wohave received communications upon this betid h'oni several Masonic brethren who belong to that persuasion and who point out what lias often , been remarked before—that there is nothing in the "apostolical constitutions" of the Catholic Church which
, can . be said to be opposed to Freemasonry ; and Unit no general council of the Church has over recorded any censure against the Craft . On tlie contrary , historical proofs are abundant of favours bestowed by popes in the earlier ages of that church on our societ y , and even of bulls for the extension of tho Order anil the augmentation of its members ; the attacks that , some members of tho catholic priesthood
have thought fit ; of kle years to make upon our institution , have therefore emanated from their own malice alone , without a shadow of authority derived from ( ho venerable records of their ancient church . At ( lie present day it is somewhat superfluous to add , that neither Catholics nor Protestants , in this home of freedom , are likely to submit tamely to the endeavours of any body of men , be they who or what '
they may , to shackle the progress ofintelligence or to interfere with liberty of conscience or action . A pamphlet published some dozen years ago by an Irish Catholic Mason , Bro . Milo Burke O'Eyaii , contains
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Priestly Intolerance.
dictation of any Romish priest , even when backed with the aid . of torture and all the terrors of the Inquisition . In making these observations we trust that we shall not be misunderstood . To the Roman . Catholic Church itself we desire to pay tho respect which is due to it as having been tho means of effecting
much good in bygone days , both to the temporal and spiritual condition of the human race . For our Roman Catholic countrymen wo entertain as much respect in their character of citizens of this empire as we do for Church of England men , Dissenters , Jews , Maliommednns , Parsees , Hindus , and all others who are peaceable and patriotic subjects of the same sovereign and laws which wo honour ourselvesbut it is not tho
; part of a patriot or of a peaceful citizen to spread slanderous reports , or to stir up one class of loyal subjects against another by exciting bad passions under the cloak of reli gious zeal . And this intolerance of which wo complain is an evil of comparatively modern growth , fostered by a race of priestlings who may bo considered , justly , as an innovation , upon modern society . Did we not endeavour to expose and curb their
efforts to create strife , we should be wanting in our duty as journalists whose province it is to combat every flagrant nuisance—and as Masons whose object should be to suppress anything that militates against charily and goodwill amongst men . Wo would fain believe that such clerical agitators form but a small part of the Catholic priesthood in these kingdomsand that there are yet to be found a goodlportionof
, y , ( hose pious , liberal minded gentlemen , who , as " priests" in former days were always ready to aid the " parsons" whenever any good work was going forward—before ulframontanism had been substituted for Christianity and dogmatism for reliaion .
. Among the catholic laity we have good reason to believe , that the proceedings which form ( he subject of this article tire regarded with regret , and even disgust . "Wohave received communications upon this betid h'oni several Masonic brethren who belong to that persuasion and who point out what lias often , been remarked before—that there is nothing in the "apostolical constitutions" of the Catholic Church which
, can . be said to be opposed to Freemasonry ; and Unit no general council of the Church has over recorded any censure against the Craft . On tlie contrary , historical proofs are abundant of favours bestowed by popes in the earlier ages of that church on our societ y , and even of bulls for the extension of tho Order anil the augmentation of its members ; the attacks that , some members of tho catholic priesthood
have thought fit ; of kle years to make upon our institution , have therefore emanated from their own malice alone , without a shadow of authority derived from ( ho venerable records of their ancient church . At ( lie present day it is somewhat superfluous to add , that neither Catholics nor Protestants , in this home of freedom , are likely to submit tamely to the endeavours of any body of men , be they who or what '
they may , to shackle the progress ofintelligence or to interfere with liberty of conscience or action . A pamphlet published some dozen years ago by an Irish Catholic Mason , Bro . Milo Burke O'Eyaii , contains