Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 3 →
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4 > [ T HE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents ^]
THE MASONIC . BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC JtlMtOH . DEAR Sm AND BROTJIEI :, —In recording the proceedings of the annual general meeting of our Benevolent Institution , held on Friday last , you have noticed the vote of thanks accorded to Bro . Henley , Honorary to the Institutionfor his unwearied attention and great kindness
Surgeon , to our annuitants at the asylum for so many years . Believing with others , that the time has arrived when a testimonial of a substantial character should be presented to that excellent brother , I . wish to observe that I . intend to bring the subject before the committee of the institution at its next meeting , " where I have no doubt sonic proceedings will be adopted in its favour . I am . dear Sir and Brother , faithfully yours , ''
SAMUEL ALUUICH , P . M ., No . IfJli , Uampslead , 23 rd May , 1859 .
THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS . li' 0 THIS ElUTOK Of THE FllEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIKKOK . 1 > J ; AK SII ; AND BUOTUEK , —In your number for the l'lth of May , I read with great interest a letter on tins subject , signed by "An Independent
P . M ., " and also the note by yourself at the foot of this letter , promising a concise statement of "Masonic services" and " claims" of the newly appointed Grand Officers . I looked forward with some anxiety for your next number , so that I . might ascertain the " Masonic services" and " claims" of those brethren , being myself entirely unacquainted with any possible " services'' the majority of them could have rendered to the Craft , or what " claims" they could haveto entitle them to the high honours bestowed
, upon them . Your last number has set my mhul at rest upon tin ' s point , and 1 shall now , with your permission , make " a few remarks upon these appointments , first premising , however , that I do so in a purely Masonic spirit , and without the slightest intention of wounding the feelings of these brethren ( for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
4 > [ T HE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents ^]
THE MASONIC . BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC JtlMtOH . DEAR Sm AND BROTJIEI :, —In recording the proceedings of the annual general meeting of our Benevolent Institution , held on Friday last , you have noticed the vote of thanks accorded to Bro . Henley , Honorary to the Institutionfor his unwearied attention and great kindness
Surgeon , to our annuitants at the asylum for so many years . Believing with others , that the time has arrived when a testimonial of a substantial character should be presented to that excellent brother , I . wish to observe that I . intend to bring the subject before the committee of the institution at its next meeting , " where I have no doubt sonic proceedings will be adopted in its favour . I am . dear Sir and Brother , faithfully yours , ''
SAMUEL ALUUICH , P . M ., No . IfJli , Uampslead , 23 rd May , 1859 .
THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS . li' 0 THIS ElUTOK Of THE FllEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIKKOK . 1 > J ; AK SII ; AND BUOTUEK , —In your number for the l'lth of May , I read with great interest a letter on tins subject , signed by "An Independent
P . M ., " and also the note by yourself at the foot of this letter , promising a concise statement of "Masonic services" and " claims" of the newly appointed Grand Officers . I looked forward with some anxiety for your next number , so that I . might ascertain the " Masonic services" and " claims" of those brethren , being myself entirely unacquainted with any possible " services'' the majority of them could have rendered to the Craft , or what " claims" they could haveto entitle them to the high honours bestowed
, upon them . Your last number has set my mhul at rest upon tin ' s point , and 1 shall now , with your permission , make " a few remarks upon these appointments , first premising , however , that I do so in a purely Masonic spirit , and without the slightest intention of wounding the feelings of these brethren ( for