Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 5 of 8 →
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Masonic Mems.
aud the observation was general that ' ' the Masons did not forget their children . " The popular feeling among those who lined the streets was that " they had nover seeu such a school . " To Miss Bowyer , Mrs . Liddell , and Mrs . Cottrell Dormerwho by their kind demeanour , and the prestige of their presence did much towards the octal of the proceedings—the thanks of the brethren are particularly due ; as well as to Bros . Spiers , Randall , the indefatigable Bro . Thompson , and the brethren of the province of Oxford generally , who each contributed cheerfully and without
grudging ; and it will be long ore the remembrance of a day so pleasant , so perfect , and so full of grateful associations can . be forgotten . To the children it will be a marked event , and in after life many of them will revert to one of the happiest days of their youth as having been spent in the magnificent city of Oxford , tended , watched , and every wish anticipated by the brethren of that province .
METROPOLITAN . APPOINTMENTS . ll- ' cdiii : sJiiy , June Is / .-OKAXD LODGE . —Lodges , Westminster and Keystone ( 10 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Florence Nightingale ( 1003 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich .
Thursday , 2 nd . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 20 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Strong Jinn ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern ; Good licport ( 15 S ; , Uadlov ' s Hotel ; St . Andrew ' s ( 281 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , George , Commercial lioad East ; Crystal Palace ( 101-1 ) , Crystal Palace . Chapter— St . James ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Moriah ( 0 ) , " Thatclied House Tavern . Friday , 3 rd . —Chapter—Prince of Wales ( 321 ) , Thatched House Tavern . Saturday , ith . —Lodge , London ( 125 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Committee Boys School , at 4 . Momhy , 6 /* . —Lodges , St . John ' s ( 107 ) , Badlcy ' s Hotel ; St . Luke's ( 1 CS ) , Commercial Hall , CheLea ; Joppa ( 223 ,, Albion Tavern .
Tuesday 7 th . —Lodeos , St . John ' s ( 106 ) , Holly Bush , Hampslead ; Euphrates ( 257 ) , AVhilo Hart , iiishopsgate Street ; Stability ( Ml ) , Green Dragon , Bishonseiito Street ; La IVIevauco ( 781 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Mark . —Florence Nightingale , Crown and Anchor , Woolwich , at li . ( 'hupter . —St . . loliu ' s ( 190 ) , Hadlcy ' s Hotel . Colonial Board , at 3 . Wednesday , Stli— Lodges , Fidelity ( 3 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Union of Waterloo ( 13 ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; Kent ( 15 ) , Three Tuns , Soutliwark ; Koyal Navsl ( 70 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; \ itvuviaii ( 103 ) , lVhilo Hart , Lamhcth ; Justice ( 172 ) , Koyal Albert , New Cross , Deptford ; ( , ' aveao ( -20 o ) Star and GarterKcwZetland ( 753 ) Adam and EveKensingtonCommittee
, , ; , , . Koyal Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Thursday , Oth— Lodges , Friendship ( 0 ) , Thatched House Tavern : Friends'in ( 2-18 ) , Ship aud Turtle ; Batik oT England ( 320 ) , Dudley ' s Hotel ; Polish ( 778 ) , Frccmasons'Tavern . Friday , 10 //) . —Lodges , Calcdouian ( 150 ) , Ship ami Turtle ; l ! otir . > rd ( 183 ) , Freemasons ' 'tavern ; High Croso ( 10511 ) , Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction appear in the hist number of each mouth . ]
COJfSKCHATIO . V OF A KEW LODGE . Cni-sUKKT LODGE ( NO , 1 . 090 ) . —The ceremony of consecrating a new Lodw , under the above title , in the beautiful district of Twickenham , was perfoimcd ° ; tt the King ' s Head Tavern , on Tuesday , May 24 th . On the opening of the LocW ' , the chair was taken b y Bro . Stephen li . AVilson , P . G . D ., as W . M Bro Sava » e S . U . D ., officiating as S . AV . ; and Bro . Baxter , P . O . Steward , as J . AV . There were ' also present , Bros . Cray Clarke , G . Sec . ; Hopwood ; P . G . D . ; Hervev , P . G . D and number of other visitors " '
a large . The ceremony of consecration was most ably performed b y Bro . AVilson , assisted b y Bros . Savage , . Hervey , and Baxter ; the music incident to tho ceremony being porlormed by Bros . Edney , Elton , AVilliams , aud Fielding . The ceremony of consecration having been completed , Bro . AVilson proceeded to install Bro . Henry Uarrod , of Mo . 11 , the designate AV . M ., into the chair , according to ancient custom , Bro . binckes , P . M ., No . 11 , proclaiming him , and delivering the customary address ,
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Masonic Mems.
aud the observation was general that ' ' the Masons did not forget their children . " The popular feeling among those who lined the streets was that " they had nover seeu such a school . " To Miss Bowyer , Mrs . Liddell , and Mrs . Cottrell Dormerwho by their kind demeanour , and the prestige of their presence did much towards the octal of the proceedings—the thanks of the brethren are particularly due ; as well as to Bros . Spiers , Randall , the indefatigable Bro . Thompson , and the brethren of the province of Oxford generally , who each contributed cheerfully and without
grudging ; and it will be long ore the remembrance of a day so pleasant , so perfect , and so full of grateful associations can . be forgotten . To the children it will be a marked event , and in after life many of them will revert to one of the happiest days of their youth as having been spent in the magnificent city of Oxford , tended , watched , and every wish anticipated by the brethren of that province .
METROPOLITAN . APPOINTMENTS . ll- ' cdiii : sJiiy , June Is / .-OKAXD LODGE . —Lodges , Westminster and Keystone ( 10 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Florence Nightingale ( 1003 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich .
Thursday , 2 nd . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 20 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Strong Jinn ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern ; Good licport ( 15 S ; , Uadlov ' s Hotel ; St . Andrew ' s ( 281 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , George , Commercial lioad East ; Crystal Palace ( 101-1 ) , Crystal Palace . Chapter— St . James ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Moriah ( 0 ) , " Thatclied House Tavern . Friday , 3 rd . —Chapter—Prince of Wales ( 321 ) , Thatched House Tavern . Saturday , ith . —Lodge , London ( 125 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Committee Boys School , at 4 . Momhy , 6 /* . —Lodges , St . John ' s ( 107 ) , Badlcy ' s Hotel ; St . Luke's ( 1 CS ) , Commercial Hall , CheLea ; Joppa ( 223 ,, Albion Tavern .
Tuesday 7 th . —Lodeos , St . John ' s ( 106 ) , Holly Bush , Hampslead ; Euphrates ( 257 ) , AVhilo Hart , iiishopsgate Street ; Stability ( Ml ) , Green Dragon , Bishonseiito Street ; La IVIevauco ( 781 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Mark . —Florence Nightingale , Crown and Anchor , Woolwich , at li . ( 'hupter . —St . . loliu ' s ( 190 ) , Hadlcy ' s Hotel . Colonial Board , at 3 . Wednesday , Stli— Lodges , Fidelity ( 3 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Union of Waterloo ( 13 ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; Kent ( 15 ) , Three Tuns , Soutliwark ; Koyal Navsl ( 70 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; \ itvuviaii ( 103 ) , lVhilo Hart , Lamhcth ; Justice ( 172 ) , Koyal Albert , New Cross , Deptford ; ( , ' aveao ( -20 o ) Star and GarterKcwZetland ( 753 ) Adam and EveKensingtonCommittee
, , ; , , . Koyal Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Thursday , Oth— Lodges , Friendship ( 0 ) , Thatched House Tavern : Friends'in ( 2-18 ) , Ship aud Turtle ; Batik oT England ( 320 ) , Dudley ' s Hotel ; Polish ( 778 ) , Frccmasons'Tavern . Friday , 10 //) . —Lodges , Calcdouian ( 150 ) , Ship ami Turtle ; l ! otir . > rd ( 183 ) , Freemasons ' 'tavern ; High Croso ( 10511 ) , Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction appear in the hist number of each mouth . ]
COJfSKCHATIO . V OF A KEW LODGE . Cni-sUKKT LODGE ( NO , 1 . 090 ) . —The ceremony of consecrating a new Lodw , under the above title , in the beautiful district of Twickenham , was perfoimcd ° ; tt the King ' s Head Tavern , on Tuesday , May 24 th . On the opening of the LocW ' , the chair was taken b y Bro . Stephen li . AVilson , P . G . D ., as W . M Bro Sava » e S . U . D ., officiating as S . AV . ; and Bro . Baxter , P . O . Steward , as J . AV . There were ' also present , Bros . Cray Clarke , G . Sec . ; Hopwood ; P . G . D . ; Hervev , P . G . D and number of other visitors " '
a large . The ceremony of consecration was most ably performed b y Bro . AVilson , assisted b y Bros . Savage , . Hervey , and Baxter ; the music incident to tho ceremony being porlormed by Bros . Edney , Elton , AVilliams , aud Fielding . The ceremony of consecration having been completed , Bro . AVilson proceeded to install Bro . Henry Uarrod , of Mo . 11 , the designate AV . M ., into the chair , according to ancient custom , Bro . binckes , P . M ., No . 11 , proclaiming him , and delivering the customary address ,