Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Masonic Mems.
being one of the body should have been spared addressing them ; though ho could assure them that it had given him the greatest pleasure to respond to the call made upon him to undertake the duty of consecrating their Lodge . He had now to return them his thanks not only for drinking his health , but " for the unexpected honour they had conferred upon him in electing him a member of their Lodge . The manner in which the whole of their business had boon conducted and the zeal and
ability of the officers , spoke well for tho future prosperity of tho Lodge , which he trusted was destined to take a distinguished position in the Order . He did not a < Teo with Bro . AVarren that there were any politics in Freemasonry , though there might ancl necessarily would bo differences of opinion on questions of Masonic government , which , ho was happy to agree with that brother , did not penetrate into their private Lodges . He highly valued tho position and talents of Bro . Binckes , whom ho should leave to speak for himself .
Bro . Binckes also returned thanks and expressed himself highly gratified at the auspicious commencement of their new Lodge , and ho should consider no exertion on his part too groat to support its interests . He reci procated the feelings expressed by Bro . Warren , and whilst claiming to himself the right always to express bis opinion freely on every question which came before tho Craft , could conscientiousl y declare that no one find more sincerely tho prosperity of the Order at heart than himself . He considered it a hih honour to be associated in this Lodwith their
g go AV . M ., for whom he had long had the highest esteem and regard , and their excellent Secretary in the carrying out of this new Lodge , of the prosperity of which he had no doubt . He again returned them his sincere thanks , assuring them that ho should ever continue to maintain his independence of thought and action , aud if he ever erred , he trusted they would believe him it was from the head and not the heart .
The AV . M . then proposed "The Neighbouring Lodges , " which was acknowledged by Bro . AV'ightman , of Lodge No . 1 , 008 . ° " The Officers , " and one or two other toasts were drunk , and the enjoyments of the evening brought to a happy close , the majority of the brethren returning to town shortly after ten o ' clock . MAXCIIBTUR LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —This Lod held meeting at
go an emergency Aiiderton ' s Hotel , on Monday , May 23 rd , when Bro . Dr . limit , AV . M ., initiated a candidate into Freemasonry ; after which the AV . M . requested Bro . Collnrd , P . M ., to take the chair , for the purpose of raising a brother to tho decree of iU M * After the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , servecf in excellent style by Bro . Clemow , to whom the Lodge is greatly indebted for his attention to tlioir comforts , on all occasions .
PIUNCE l '' rujDK , iKuc AVIIXIAJ , Unix ( No . 3 , 055 ) . —Tliis Lodge held ameeting on AA cdnesday , . May 25 th , at Hie Lodge room , St . Johns AVood . 'flu ; Lod-e assembled L ° V ' i V" ' , ''\ 'V ? v i' ^ ?! - ' l , rocoe ^ Willi the business by raising Bios . Capt . 0 . Hudson , T . W oods , P . Spice . F . G . Bate , and G . King , to the third degree ; and . passing Bros . 0 . F . Danvers , F ,. Howard , E . Tucker , and T F Wenst to that ol bellow Craft . He afterwards initiated Dr . Goodchild and Mr Price ' We need scarcely state that all the ceremonies wero gone through with that clearness of enunciation ancl of
impressiveness stylo for which the AVM is distinguished Bro . J lardy , S . AV ., was unanimousl y elected AV . M . for the next twelvemonth , and the retiring AV . M . ( Bro . Coulcher ) , with acclamation , to the responsible office of treasurer . Masonic business being concluded , the brethren , to ' the number of forty , including visitors , adjourned to banquet . A delightful evening , passed in love , harmony , and conviviality , was brought to a close . AVe will merely add that the usual toasts were all given and replied to . Bro . T . A Adams OS returning thanks for the Grand Officers
; Bro . Newton , P . M ., No . 25 , for the visitors ; and Bro . Dr . Goodchild for the initiates . BoYAtArjRED LODOK ( No . 1082 ) . —This new Lodge held its third meeting at the Rising Sun , Fi , ham on Friday , the 27 th of May , Bro . J . Smith , G . P . AV At presiding , supported by Bros , Osborne , S . AV ., Fry , J , \ y .. and other members . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
being one of the body should have been spared addressing them ; though ho could assure them that it had given him the greatest pleasure to respond to the call made upon him to undertake the duty of consecrating their Lodge . He had now to return them his thanks not only for drinking his health , but " for the unexpected honour they had conferred upon him in electing him a member of their Lodge . The manner in which the whole of their business had boon conducted and the zeal and
ability of the officers , spoke well for tho future prosperity of tho Lodge , which he trusted was destined to take a distinguished position in the Order . He did not a < Teo with Bro . AVarren that there were any politics in Freemasonry , though there might ancl necessarily would bo differences of opinion on questions of Masonic government , which , ho was happy to agree with that brother , did not penetrate into their private Lodges . He highly valued tho position and talents of Bro . Binckes , whom ho should leave to speak for himself .
Bro . Binckes also returned thanks and expressed himself highly gratified at the auspicious commencement of their new Lodge , and ho should consider no exertion on his part too groat to support its interests . He reci procated the feelings expressed by Bro . Warren , and whilst claiming to himself the right always to express bis opinion freely on every question which came before tho Craft , could conscientiousl y declare that no one find more sincerely tho prosperity of the Order at heart than himself . He considered it a hih honour to be associated in this Lodwith their
g go AV . M ., for whom he had long had the highest esteem and regard , and their excellent Secretary in the carrying out of this new Lodge , of the prosperity of which he had no doubt . He again returned them his sincere thanks , assuring them that ho should ever continue to maintain his independence of thought and action , aud if he ever erred , he trusted they would believe him it was from the head and not the heart .
The AV . M . then proposed "The Neighbouring Lodges , " which was acknowledged by Bro . AV'ightman , of Lodge No . 1 , 008 . ° " The Officers , " and one or two other toasts were drunk , and the enjoyments of the evening brought to a happy close , the majority of the brethren returning to town shortly after ten o ' clock . MAXCIIBTUR LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —This Lod held meeting at
go an emergency Aiiderton ' s Hotel , on Monday , May 23 rd , when Bro . Dr . limit , AV . M ., initiated a candidate into Freemasonry ; after which the AV . M . requested Bro . Collnrd , P . M ., to take the chair , for the purpose of raising a brother to tho decree of iU M * After the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , servecf in excellent style by Bro . Clemow , to whom the Lodge is greatly indebted for his attention to tlioir comforts , on all occasions .
PIUNCE l '' rujDK , iKuc AVIIXIAJ , Unix ( No . 3 , 055 ) . —Tliis Lodge held ameeting on AA cdnesday , . May 25 th , at Hie Lodge room , St . Johns AVood . 'flu ; Lod-e assembled L ° V ' i V" ' , ''\ 'V ? v i' ^ ?! - ' l , rocoe ^ Willi the business by raising Bios . Capt . 0 . Hudson , T . W oods , P . Spice . F . G . Bate , and G . King , to the third degree ; and . passing Bros . 0 . F . Danvers , F ,. Howard , E . Tucker , and T F Wenst to that ol bellow Craft . He afterwards initiated Dr . Goodchild and Mr Price ' We need scarcely state that all the ceremonies wero gone through with that clearness of enunciation ancl of
impressiveness stylo for which the AVM is distinguished Bro . J lardy , S . AV ., was unanimousl y elected AV . M . for the next twelvemonth , and the retiring AV . M . ( Bro . Coulcher ) , with acclamation , to the responsible office of treasurer . Masonic business being concluded , the brethren , to ' the number of forty , including visitors , adjourned to banquet . A delightful evening , passed in love , harmony , and conviviality , was brought to a close . AVe will merely add that the usual toasts were all given and replied to . Bro . T . A Adams OS returning thanks for the Grand Officers
; Bro . Newton , P . M ., No . 25 , for the visitors ; and Bro . Dr . Goodchild for the initiates . BoYAtArjRED LODOK ( No . 1082 ) . —This new Lodge held its third meeting at the Rising Sun , Fi , ham on Friday , the 27 th of May , Bro . J . Smith , G . P . AV At presiding , supported by Bros , Osborne , S . AV ., Fry , J , \ y .. and other members . The