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The Week.
of the emperor , although reported by telegraph to be good , has been affected by rheumatism . The empress has gone to St . Cloud , and taken up her residence there for the summer . At one o ' clock , on Thursday , the empress received the members of the great bodies of the state , and addressed a discourse to the presidents of each body . Her majesty said to Count Moruy , president of the corps Icgislatif , that she depended on the enlightened patriotism of the deputies to maintain in their several departments that confidence which all must feel iu the energy of the army , and ,
Avhen the day of victory shall have conic , in the moderation of the emperor . Her majesty further said that she reckons upon the loyal support of tho entire nation , which , during the absence of the chief it has chosen , Avill never be found wanting to a woman and n child . The church in the Rue d'Aguessoau , Paris , which has been recently obtained from her majesty ' s government by the Colonial Church School Society , was opened for divine worship on Sunday . The electric telegraph is finished through the the head quarters of the different Austrian corps d armce , aud by two routes to A ienna . The news of the battle of Montebello was
received Avith rejoicings at Vienna , and the city was illuminated iu honour of the victory over the French . A Berlin paper says , " tho speech of Kossuth is a manifesto destined to justify a step Avhich he has resolved upon , and w'hich he will carry out shortly , viz ., to go over publicly to the Bmperor Napoleon , aud to influence from Turin the Hungarian troops in tho Austrian army . Klapka , who has recently paid a flying visit from Constantinople to Milosch , will operate from the other side iu a similar manner . AA ' e hear also of a blockade along the Venetian coast . AVhat the design of the French in this quarter may be does not distinctly
appear , but it seems likely that the light craft belonging to the fleet will make some demonstration against Venice , and prove whether the place be as strong as the Austriaus assert . Only the Italian coast is as yet blockaded . The Emperor of Austria , accompanied by Marshal Hess left A icnna on Sunday for the seat of Avar . From the seat of war in Italy we continue to hear of successes by Garibaldi . A despatch dated Friday from Varese announces that 5 , 000 Austriaus attacked Gen .
Garibaldi ' s corps , Avhich is variously estimated at from 4 , 000 to 10 , 000 men , Three hours later the Austriaus were repulsed with great loss at Malmate , on the road to Como . The Chasseurs d'Alpos fought valiantly , charging the Austriaus Avith the bayonet . The country round Varese is in insurrection , and the people are provided Avith arms . General Garibaldi was iu pursuit of the retreating enemy . Paris letters of Saturday , confirm the fact that Garibaldi had justified the boldness of his move into Lombardy without support from the allies , aud without a basis of operations , by the success which had attended his attempt . He had not only maintained his at
position Varese , but had defeated the Austrian force sent against him , captured two guns , aud reached Como , where he was fortifying himself . A telegram states that Garibaldi had received reinforcements at Como , and was organising his artillery ; but a later one says he had received a defeat by the Austriaus , and had fallen back on Tcssiu . The Austriaus had occupied Bobbio , thirty miles frem Genoa . The Monilcar of Monday speaks well of the state of the French army , and mentions the progress making by Garibaldi . There is much grumbling iu the allied camps , where councils of war are held every day . There were rumours
current that the Emperor ' s plan of campaign bail been condemned by his chief officers , and that much time had been Avasted in trying to fix on another . In Paris people ask Avby the French could not have done Avhat Garibaldi is doing ? A letter from the Gazellu , di Milano , dated Gaiiasco , May 27 th , gives an account of the battle of Montebello . The spirit of exaggeration manifested by the writers on both sides is shown by a statement in some French letters that one French soldier took sixteen ) irisoners . The Pays of . Saturday announces that 50 , 1100 Austriaus had left Piacenza and returned to LombardyThis is doubted . It is asserted that about
, sixty French men-of-war are hi the Mediterranean , cruizing between the Adriatic and the Levant , There is but one gun-vessel lying there . The Corricre Mercantile di Genoa afiinns that the Bey of Tunis has offered two auxiliary regiments to Piedmont , King Victor Emmanuel has placed himself and his arh . y tinder the Emperor ' s orders , as a simple commander of a corps d ' armce . Private letters from the French camp state the number of officers wounded at Montebello at twenty-seven . A telegram stiys that the rainy weather had reeoniwcjieecf , aud that , " therefore , " the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
of the emperor , although reported by telegraph to be good , has been affected by rheumatism . The empress has gone to St . Cloud , and taken up her residence there for the summer . At one o ' clock , on Thursday , the empress received the members of the great bodies of the state , and addressed a discourse to the presidents of each body . Her majesty said to Count Moruy , president of the corps Icgislatif , that she depended on the enlightened patriotism of the deputies to maintain in their several departments that confidence which all must feel iu the energy of the army , and ,
Avhen the day of victory shall have conic , in the moderation of the emperor . Her majesty further said that she reckons upon the loyal support of tho entire nation , which , during the absence of the chief it has chosen , Avill never be found wanting to a woman and n child . The church in the Rue d'Aguessoau , Paris , which has been recently obtained from her majesty ' s government by the Colonial Church School Society , was opened for divine worship on Sunday . The electric telegraph is finished through the the head quarters of the different Austrian corps d armce , aud by two routes to A ienna . The news of the battle of Montebello was
received Avith rejoicings at Vienna , and the city was illuminated iu honour of the victory over the French . A Berlin paper says , " tho speech of Kossuth is a manifesto destined to justify a step Avhich he has resolved upon , and w'hich he will carry out shortly , viz ., to go over publicly to the Bmperor Napoleon , aud to influence from Turin the Hungarian troops in tho Austrian army . Klapka , who has recently paid a flying visit from Constantinople to Milosch , will operate from the other side iu a similar manner . AA ' e hear also of a blockade along the Venetian coast . AVhat the design of the French in this quarter may be does not distinctly
appear , but it seems likely that the light craft belonging to the fleet will make some demonstration against Venice , and prove whether the place be as strong as the Austriaus assert . Only the Italian coast is as yet blockaded . The Emperor of Austria , accompanied by Marshal Hess left A icnna on Sunday for the seat of Avar . From the seat of war in Italy we continue to hear of successes by Garibaldi . A despatch dated Friday from Varese announces that 5 , 000 Austriaus attacked Gen .
Garibaldi ' s corps , Avhich is variously estimated at from 4 , 000 to 10 , 000 men , Three hours later the Austriaus were repulsed with great loss at Malmate , on the road to Como . The Chasseurs d'Alpos fought valiantly , charging the Austriaus Avith the bayonet . The country round Varese is in insurrection , and the people are provided Avith arms . General Garibaldi was iu pursuit of the retreating enemy . Paris letters of Saturday , confirm the fact that Garibaldi had justified the boldness of his move into Lombardy without support from the allies , aud without a basis of operations , by the success which had attended his attempt . He had not only maintained his at
position Varese , but had defeated the Austrian force sent against him , captured two guns , aud reached Como , where he was fortifying himself . A telegram states that Garibaldi had received reinforcements at Como , and was organising his artillery ; but a later one says he had received a defeat by the Austriaus , and had fallen back on Tcssiu . The Austriaus had occupied Bobbio , thirty miles frem Genoa . The Monilcar of Monday speaks well of the state of the French army , and mentions the progress making by Garibaldi . There is much grumbling iu the allied camps , where councils of war are held every day . There were rumours
current that the Emperor ' s plan of campaign bail been condemned by his chief officers , and that much time had been Avasted in trying to fix on another . In Paris people ask Avby the French could not have done Avhat Garibaldi is doing ? A letter from the Gazellu , di Milano , dated Gaiiasco , May 27 th , gives an account of the battle of Montebello . The spirit of exaggeration manifested by the writers on both sides is shown by a statement in some French letters that one French soldier took sixteen ) irisoners . The Pays of . Saturday announces that 50 , 1100 Austriaus had left Piacenza and returned to LombardyThis is doubted . It is asserted that about
, sixty French men-of-war are hi the Mediterranean , cruizing between the Adriatic and the Levant , There is but one gun-vessel lying there . The Corricre Mercantile di Genoa afiinns that the Bey of Tunis has offered two auxiliary regiments to Piedmont , King Victor Emmanuel has placed himself and his arh . y tinder the Emperor ' s orders , as a simple commander of a corps d ' armce . Private letters from the French camp state the number of officers wounded at Montebello at twenty-seven . A telegram stiys that the rainy weather had reeoniwcjieecf , aud that , " therefore , " the