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The Week.
case of the Queen v . tho Rev . W . AV . Roberts , in which Mr . M'Donuoll , a convert from the catholic to the protectant faith , seeks to recover the person of his child who , after ho became a protestant , continued to attend a Roman Catholic school , of wliich Mr . Roberts is the master , and Avhen ho sought to restrain her , she was , as he alleges , secreted with tho knowledge or connivance of the reverend gentleman . Proceedings wore taken with a view to compel Mr . Roberts to give up the child , or to make known her present residence . ThishoAveverhas not been doneand
, , , yesterday Mr . Lush prayed the judgment of the court for contempt in disobeying the writ . Affidavits on both sides Avere read , Mr . Roberts declaring that the child was not in his custody , and that he did not know where she Avas . This explanation Lord Campbell and the judges did not deem satisfactory , ancl they required him to enter into his own recognizance , Avith sureties , to answer tho interrogatories which will be put to him . Tho case has since come to a determination ; the child has been restored to her fatherand the Rev . Mr . Roberts has been discharged on
, payment of costs . At the Middlesex sessions AVilliam Cohen and AVilliam Lee wore charged with breaking into the dwelling house of Henry Curtis , and committing a robbery therein . Cohen pleaded guilty to injuring a police constable . Tho evidence and the statements of the constables proved that they were both desperate ruffians , and Cohen had been previously convicted of other crimes , ancl suffered sentences of penal servitude . They were both found guilty on this occasion , and each of them sentenced to eight years' penal servitude . Tho court
order a reward of two guineas to bo given to the constable for his courageous conduct . At tho Mansion-house on Saturday , a negro , who Avas said to be a sailor , but refused his name , was placed before the Lord Mayor , charged Avith wounding a police inspector . It seems the fellow had got on to the roof of a house in tho Minories , where he lodged , to avoid being captured , ancl the officer , following him , Avas savagely attacked with a clasped knife . Assistance arriving , the offieor was rescued , and conveyed to St . Thomas ' s hospital , where ho now lies without hope of recovery , nine wounds having been inflicted . The ruffian was remanded .
AVilliam Wellington Turner , a tax collector of Islington , was examined before Mr , Corrie , at CJorkenwoll police-eourt , on Saturday , relative to a charge of embezzlement . The amount of defalcations is set down at over , £ 700 , and tho property of the vestry of St . Mary ' s . The magistrate ordered a remand , and refused to take bail . A Avarrant has been issued for the apprehension of Ebonezer AVard , also a collector of the same parish ; and defaulter to the sum of £ S 0 O . On Saturday , the magnificent now church of All Saints , Margaret-street , Avhich has boon erected at an enormous cost £ 30000 having been given by Mr . Trittonthe bankeralone
, , , , , besides £ 10 , 000 by Mr . Bcrcsford Hope , was consecrated by the bishop of London . After the consecration had been gone through , the usual prayers of the Church were read by the Rev . AV . U . Richards , M . A ., and the sermon was preached by tho bishop . The collections after the three services on Saturday amounted to . £ ' 2 , 300 . A circular was issued on Thursday from the AYar Office , to the lords lieutenants of counties , explaining the objects which volunteers should have in viinv ; also the peculiar duties expected from them ; and containing various practical
directions as to the best means of qualifying . A crowded meeting has been held at Chelsea , to form a AVest London regiment , ancl a very numerous corps -will be raised in that neighbourhood . Meetings continue to be held all over tho country , for the purpose of iorming volunteer corps , with tho greatest enthusiasm . The British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society held its annual meeting on Saturday ; Samuel Gurney , Esq ., M . P ., was in the chair . The report said that after the expenditure of .- £ ' . 10 , 000 , 000 sterling to suppress tho slave trade , it still continued to
a lamentable extent . It Avas , however , confined to one spot , Cuba , and Avas carried on under one flag only , that of the United States . AVhat was called immigration , but was really tho slave trade , was now promoted by France . In Abeokouta African cotton was beginning to be extensively cultivated . If the increase during the next ten years was proportionate to Avhat it had been , Africa alone would be able of herself to supply this country Avith as much cotton as she required , the whole being the produce of free labour . It would , indeed be deplorable if , in consequence of the emigration or slave trade promoted by France , this result should be checked . On Monday the foundation stone of a new cancer hospital was laid at Bromp-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
case of the Queen v . tho Rev . W . AV . Roberts , in which Mr . M'Donuoll , a convert from the catholic to the protectant faith , seeks to recover the person of his child who , after ho became a protestant , continued to attend a Roman Catholic school , of wliich Mr . Roberts is the master , and Avhen ho sought to restrain her , she was , as he alleges , secreted with tho knowledge or connivance of the reverend gentleman . Proceedings wore taken with a view to compel Mr . Roberts to give up the child , or to make known her present residence . ThishoAveverhas not been doneand
, , , yesterday Mr . Lush prayed the judgment of the court for contempt in disobeying the writ . Affidavits on both sides Avere read , Mr . Roberts declaring that the child was not in his custody , and that he did not know where she Avas . This explanation Lord Campbell and the judges did not deem satisfactory , ancl they required him to enter into his own recognizance , Avith sureties , to answer tho interrogatories which will be put to him . Tho case has since come to a determination ; the child has been restored to her fatherand the Rev . Mr . Roberts has been discharged on
, payment of costs . At the Middlesex sessions AVilliam Cohen and AVilliam Lee wore charged with breaking into the dwelling house of Henry Curtis , and committing a robbery therein . Cohen pleaded guilty to injuring a police constable . Tho evidence and the statements of the constables proved that they were both desperate ruffians , and Cohen had been previously convicted of other crimes , ancl suffered sentences of penal servitude . They were both found guilty on this occasion , and each of them sentenced to eight years' penal servitude . Tho court
order a reward of two guineas to bo given to the constable for his courageous conduct . At tho Mansion-house on Saturday , a negro , who Avas said to be a sailor , but refused his name , was placed before the Lord Mayor , charged Avith wounding a police inspector . It seems the fellow had got on to the roof of a house in tho Minories , where he lodged , to avoid being captured , ancl the officer , following him , Avas savagely attacked with a clasped knife . Assistance arriving , the offieor was rescued , and conveyed to St . Thomas ' s hospital , where ho now lies without hope of recovery , nine wounds having been inflicted . The ruffian was remanded .
AVilliam Wellington Turner , a tax collector of Islington , was examined before Mr , Corrie , at CJorkenwoll police-eourt , on Saturday , relative to a charge of embezzlement . The amount of defalcations is set down at over , £ 700 , and tho property of the vestry of St . Mary ' s . The magistrate ordered a remand , and refused to take bail . A Avarrant has been issued for the apprehension of Ebonezer AVard , also a collector of the same parish ; and defaulter to the sum of £ S 0 O . On Saturday , the magnificent now church of All Saints , Margaret-street , Avhich has boon erected at an enormous cost £ 30000 having been given by Mr . Trittonthe bankeralone
, , , , , besides £ 10 , 000 by Mr . Bcrcsford Hope , was consecrated by the bishop of London . After the consecration had been gone through , the usual prayers of the Church were read by the Rev . AV . U . Richards , M . A ., and the sermon was preached by tho bishop . The collections after the three services on Saturday amounted to . £ ' 2 , 300 . A circular was issued on Thursday from the AYar Office , to the lords lieutenants of counties , explaining the objects which volunteers should have in viinv ; also the peculiar duties expected from them ; and containing various practical
directions as to the best means of qualifying . A crowded meeting has been held at Chelsea , to form a AVest London regiment , ancl a very numerous corps -will be raised in that neighbourhood . Meetings continue to be held all over tho country , for the purpose of iorming volunteer corps , with tho greatest enthusiasm . The British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society held its annual meeting on Saturday ; Samuel Gurney , Esq ., M . P ., was in the chair . The report said that after the expenditure of .- £ ' . 10 , 000 , 000 sterling to suppress tho slave trade , it still continued to
a lamentable extent . It Avas , however , confined to one spot , Cuba , and Avas carried on under one flag only , that of the United States . AVhat was called immigration , but was really tho slave trade , was now promoted by France . In Abeokouta African cotton was beginning to be extensively cultivated . If the increase during the next ten years was proportionate to Avhat it had been , Africa alone would be able of herself to supply this country Avith as much cotton as she required , the whole being the produce of free labour . It would , indeed be deplorable if , in consequence of the emigration or slave trade promoted by France , this result should be checked . On Monday the foundation stone of a new cancer hospital was laid at Bromp-