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The Week.
aim and object of whose existence is the elevation and aggrandizement of her beloved husband . This , if . will be granted , is somewhat different from the ordinary "tragedy queen" view of the part ; but for ourselves we cannot but think that the heroine of Shakspeare ' s conception is truly delineated by Miss Glyn . Mr . Phelps's Macbeth is natural , dignified , and energetic . Not a point is lost , nor a line misinterpreted . In Bhort , a greater treat to the lovers of high art and English poetry could hardly be imagined than this tragedy as played bthese accomplished
y performers . At the Strand Theatre an exceedingly absurd and very laughable trifle has been brought out under the title of " Caught by the Ears ; " the plot of which strongly resembles that of the " AVandering Minstrel , " of RobsomaivJ fame . Suffice it to say , that one Jem Gi'eeres ( admirably played by Mr . James Rogers ) , is mistaken'by amad musical amateur , Mr . Qranhycrotchet , for our great tenor , Mr . Sims Reeves , and is by him taken by main force into his house to sing , whether he will or not . The fear of tho unfortunate victim , who suspects he is in a madhouse ; the
belief of his captor that the tenor is travelling in disguise ; the efforts of the latter to extract a note from the former , who happens to have one for twenty pounds sewn up in his trousers pocket ; the manner in Avhich (/ reeves is made to dross himself aB Othello , and black his face , is threatened with pistols , and forced to sit down to the piano and sing , and subsequently volunteers a mock Italian scena , are better imagined than described , since they are so utterly ridiculous as to be unworthy the trouble involved or the space occupied by their complete depicture . The farce yy . as entirely successful .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to be paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOHN Coco IN , of No . S , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . G . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HENRY G . WARREN . Advertisers vrill oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
To Correspondents.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF OXFORDSHIRE . —In our report of the proceedings of this Provincial Grand Lodge , in our last number , Ave inadvertently omitted to state that it was held on the previous Monday , May 23 rd . The new Prov . S . G . AV . was described as Bro . Benjamin Havers , whereas it should have been Bro . Richard Havers—he is rightly described as Bro . R . Havers in the appointment of officers . AVe should not omit to mention that , acting upon the principles laid
down in the Freemasons' Magazine last year , the Provincial Grand Lodge Avas pro . pcrly opened as an independent body , —the Cherweil Lodge , though acting as the hosts to the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , not lieing opened at all . " Z . " —You may be installed into the First Principal ' s chair of a Royal Arch Chapter , without having passed through the other chairs , if you aro nominated to the office in the warrant constituting the Chapter—not otherwise .
" J . J ., BOULOGNE . " —AVe should say , certainly not . AA ' e do not believe the Grand Master would for a moment entertain a petition for constituting a Lodge Uiicier the English Constitution in Boulogne ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
aim and object of whose existence is the elevation and aggrandizement of her beloved husband . This , if . will be granted , is somewhat different from the ordinary "tragedy queen" view of the part ; but for ourselves we cannot but think that the heroine of Shakspeare ' s conception is truly delineated by Miss Glyn . Mr . Phelps's Macbeth is natural , dignified , and energetic . Not a point is lost , nor a line misinterpreted . In Bhort , a greater treat to the lovers of high art and English poetry could hardly be imagined than this tragedy as played bthese accomplished
y performers . At the Strand Theatre an exceedingly absurd and very laughable trifle has been brought out under the title of " Caught by the Ears ; " the plot of which strongly resembles that of the " AVandering Minstrel , " of RobsomaivJ fame . Suffice it to say , that one Jem Gi'eeres ( admirably played by Mr . James Rogers ) , is mistaken'by amad musical amateur , Mr . Qranhycrotchet , for our great tenor , Mr . Sims Reeves , and is by him taken by main force into his house to sing , whether he will or not . The fear of tho unfortunate victim , who suspects he is in a madhouse ; the
belief of his captor that the tenor is travelling in disguise ; the efforts of the latter to extract a note from the former , who happens to have one for twenty pounds sewn up in his trousers pocket ; the manner in Avhich (/ reeves is made to dross himself aB Othello , and black his face , is threatened with pistols , and forced to sit down to the piano and sing , and subsequently volunteers a mock Italian scena , are better imagined than described , since they are so utterly ridiculous as to be unworthy the trouble involved or the space occupied by their complete depicture . The farce yy . as entirely successful .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to be paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOHN Coco IN , of No . S , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . G . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HENRY G . WARREN . Advertisers vrill oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
To Correspondents.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF OXFORDSHIRE . —In our report of the proceedings of this Provincial Grand Lodge , in our last number , Ave inadvertently omitted to state that it was held on the previous Monday , May 23 rd . The new Prov . S . G . AV . was described as Bro . Benjamin Havers , whereas it should have been Bro . Richard Havers—he is rightly described as Bro . R . Havers in the appointment of officers . AVe should not omit to mention that , acting upon the principles laid
down in the Freemasons' Magazine last year , the Provincial Grand Lodge Avas pro . pcrly opened as an independent body , —the Cherweil Lodge , though acting as the hosts to the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , not lieing opened at all . " Z . " —You may be installed into the First Principal ' s chair of a Royal Arch Chapter , without having passed through the other chairs , if you aro nominated to the office in the warrant constituting the Chapter—not otherwise .
" J . J ., BOULOGNE . " —AVe should say , certainly not . AA ' e do not believe the Grand Master would for a moment entertain a petition for constituting a Lodge Uiicier the English Constitution in Boulogne ,