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tlie late JIarquis who had exceeded him in the esteem of his neighbours and his tenantry , and the monument they had this day laid the foundation-stone of was an evidence of this . It was being erected in order to commemorate his virtues as a public man , his domestic virtues as a proprietor , and as a neighbour and a Freemason . Not only was the JIarquis the originator of the Charleston of Aboyne Lodgein which he had
, taken an interest till the close of his life , but he was also well known in connection with the Grand Lodge of Scotland . To them his life was felt to be cut short too early , but to himself it was not so , he having passed the allotted threescore and ten years . In his high and exalted station he had performed liis duties faithfully , and it was not mere rank and wealth that would gain for any manas he had donerespect through
, , life , and a memorial for his remembrance after he had passed away . Jlr . Neil , as the representative of the local lodges , and depute for Lord Hallyburton , addressed the assemblage . He passed a high eulogium on the late JIarquis of Huntly , and his devotion to Freemasonry . A devoted JIason , he was in every respect an honour to the Craft .
The Rev . Jlr . JI'Kenzie , of Aboyne , expressed the satisfaction he had in being present on the occasion , and spoke very warmly on the many good qualities which adorned the late Marquis of Huntly . Jlr . Jfilne , in the name of Lord and Lady Huntly and other members of the family , thanked the lodges for their great kindness in being present . He had informed the family of tho
demonstration held that day , and had received from the Jlarchioness the following reply -. — " I am very much interested in hearing from you that it is proposed to have a Jfasonic demonstration on the occasion of laying the first stone of the monument to be erected to the memory of the late Lord Huntly , and only l-egret that , in consequence of our absence from the country , it will be impossible for my sou and myself to take part in the proceedings . I hope you will not fail to express to all the
subscribers and Jlasons assembled on the occasion how deeply sensible we are of this evidence of their respect and affection for the memory of the late Lord Huntly . In no spot could a monument have been more appropriately placed than amidst the people aud the scenes which he loved so well . " He ( Jlr . Milne ) felt sure that the sentiments so well expressed by Lady Huntly would be much enhanced when her ladyship received an account ofthe very imposing ceremony of that day . He thanked
the R . W . G . JIaster in particular , and the members of the several lodges , for their very efficient services . To the Charleston and Aboyne Lodge , for initiating the demonstration , his thanks were given heartily . The band then struck up " Rule Britannia , " and the ceremony closed . The procession thou re-formed , in reverse order to that in
which it had been at starting , and the whole company returned to Aboyne , which was reached about three p . m . Here the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The dinner was held at four p . m ., in the Huntly Arms Hotel , where Mrs . Cook had laid out a most substantial meal . There were upwards of 200 present ; aud the R .. W . G . JI . occupied the chair , with Bro . Savage , S . AV ., and Bro . Trail , J . AA ., ns
croupiers . AVith toast , song , and sentiment , a most agreeable mid pleasant afternoon was spent . The speeches were marked -with good taste , and everything combined , the meeting was one ofthe most interesting ofthe kind ever held in the district . The arrangements were carried out with the utmost regularity ; and the important part taken in the ceremony by the E . AV . G . M . in particularwas marked with no small abilitand
, , y , certainly with every regard to the rules and customs of tbe Craft . The Deeside Railway Company ran a special train from Aboyne for tho accommodation ofthe public , and the party from Aberdeen reached that city about ton p . m . The day was looked upon as a holiday in the district where the ceremony took place , and the numerous spectators evidently enjoyed themselves . The weather was excellent .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . DlSTEIBUTIO'f OP PEIZES . The annual meeting for the distribution of prizes to tho pupils connected with this School took place on Jlonday evening ,
the 13 th ult ., in the large hall of the Exhibition Building . During latter years the Female Orphan School was founded . The efforts of tho brethren have been crowned with very considerable success , and though as yet they have not been enabled to provide education and support for all the orphans of fellow members , tbe admirable institution in tho Burlington-road is creditable alike to the Craft and to those charged with its
supervision and management . The standard of education in these schools has been recently raised , and the results of the examinations prove the great attention that has been paid to the pupils . Tho distribution , previous to last year , was usually held in the Round Room of the Rot-undo , or Ancient Concert Rooms , but the increasing interest evinced in the proceedingsand the
, exceedingly large numbers that it was found necessary to afford accommodation for , rendered it expedient to obtain the large hall of the Exhibition Building ; and the fashionable attendance even then could hardly gain room iu the extended space . The appearance of the hall was most pleasing . The walls were hung with banners and emblems of the Order , the galleries and ground floor were crowded , and the many Jlasons present wearing the
insignia of their office created a very pretty effect . The Hon . Secretary read the report of the Governors , which stated that tbe institution was never in a more efficient condition , both socially and financially . The total revenue for the year 1866 amounted to £ 1 , 799 10 s . Id ., and the expenditure to £ 1 , 769 5 s . 10 d ., including £ 510 2 s . 9 d . invested in permanant securities in accordance with the rules of the institution , and .
the balance , £ 32 2 s . 4 d ., remained in the hands of its bankers . The amount now invested on permanent security for the benefit of the school is £ 3 , 341 4 s . 4 d . The governors continued to receive tho most satisfactory accounts of the progress and exemplary conduct of the former inmates of the school , and they fraternally invited the brethren of an Order whose leading princiles were based on love to Godand charitto their
p , y neighbour , cordially and zealously to co-operate with thorn iu the good work , and by combined and energetic efforts to secure from the temptations of poverty and ignorance the destitute orphans of their poor and deserving brethren . The G . Secretary apologised for the unavoidable absence of
his Grace tbe G . JIaster and several other distinguished members of the Order . Tbe children then played some excellent selections on the piano , and their performance exhibited much proficiency . The prizes were then distributed to the successful candidates , amidst applause . Bro . the Hon . George Haudcock , Senior Grand Officer of the Order presentsaid it then became his duty and leasure to
, p address a few words to those present . They had witnessed that evening a ceremony that every one would admit was one of very deep interest indeed , not only to the brethren ofthe JIasonic Order , but to every lady and gentleman in that vast assemblage . The presence ofthe children connected with the Order sufficientl y demonstrated tho care and attention that was bestowed upon them by the brethren of the illustrious Order , and he
exceedingly regretted on that occasion the absence of their esteemed and beloved G . JIaster , who had for over half a century contributed so much to maintain the influence of the Order and the prosperity of the schools . He had been prevented by circumstances over which he had no control—duties in London—from being present that evening . However , he could truly state that his Masonic heart was with the noble institution and the
children belonging to it . He had left them the next best thing to being present himself—their worthy Deputy G . JIaster—who for a period of twelve years had ruled them , because at all the grand meetings they could not expect his Grace to be always present , and , therefore , their meetings came under the control of their valued Deputy G . JIaster ; and he could with truth state that that gentleman eminently possessed those qualities
which a man who should rule over a vast body of people should possess . If he were expected to be respected by them he must in the first place , have education ; in the next place , he should have an ordinary share of good temper , and , what was still more required , he should have a great deal of common sense , which , he believed , was a most uncommon thing to be found—outside the bodyof course . When he told them that the DeputG
, y . JIaster presided over meetings of the Grand Lodge , meetings that were attended sometimes by over three hundred members , they would see bow necessary these qualifications were . He did not know where they could get even three hundred ladies together without a diversity of opinion arising amongst them ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tlie late JIarquis who had exceeded him in the esteem of his neighbours and his tenantry , and the monument they had this day laid the foundation-stone of was an evidence of this . It was being erected in order to commemorate his virtues as a public man , his domestic virtues as a proprietor , and as a neighbour and a Freemason . Not only was the JIarquis the originator of the Charleston of Aboyne Lodgein which he had
, taken an interest till the close of his life , but he was also well known in connection with the Grand Lodge of Scotland . To them his life was felt to be cut short too early , but to himself it was not so , he having passed the allotted threescore and ten years . In his high and exalted station he had performed liis duties faithfully , and it was not mere rank and wealth that would gain for any manas he had donerespect through
, , life , and a memorial for his remembrance after he had passed away . Jlr . Neil , as the representative of the local lodges , and depute for Lord Hallyburton , addressed the assemblage . He passed a high eulogium on the late JIarquis of Huntly , and his devotion to Freemasonry . A devoted JIason , he was in every respect an honour to the Craft .
The Rev . Jlr . JI'Kenzie , of Aboyne , expressed the satisfaction he had in being present on the occasion , and spoke very warmly on the many good qualities which adorned the late Marquis of Huntly . Jlr . Jfilne , in the name of Lord and Lady Huntly and other members of the family , thanked the lodges for their great kindness in being present . He had informed the family of tho
demonstration held that day , and had received from the Jlarchioness the following reply -. — " I am very much interested in hearing from you that it is proposed to have a Jfasonic demonstration on the occasion of laying the first stone of the monument to be erected to the memory of the late Lord Huntly , and only l-egret that , in consequence of our absence from the country , it will be impossible for my sou and myself to take part in the proceedings . I hope you will not fail to express to all the
subscribers and Jlasons assembled on the occasion how deeply sensible we are of this evidence of their respect and affection for the memory of the late Lord Huntly . In no spot could a monument have been more appropriately placed than amidst the people aud the scenes which he loved so well . " He ( Jlr . Milne ) felt sure that the sentiments so well expressed by Lady Huntly would be much enhanced when her ladyship received an account ofthe very imposing ceremony of that day . He thanked
the R . W . G . JIaster in particular , and the members of the several lodges , for their very efficient services . To the Charleston and Aboyne Lodge , for initiating the demonstration , his thanks were given heartily . The band then struck up " Rule Britannia , " and the ceremony closed . The procession thou re-formed , in reverse order to that in
which it had been at starting , and the whole company returned to Aboyne , which was reached about three p . m . Here the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The dinner was held at four p . m ., in the Huntly Arms Hotel , where Mrs . Cook had laid out a most substantial meal . There were upwards of 200 present ; aud the R .. W . G . JI . occupied the chair , with Bro . Savage , S . AV ., and Bro . Trail , J . AA ., ns
croupiers . AVith toast , song , and sentiment , a most agreeable mid pleasant afternoon was spent . The speeches were marked -with good taste , and everything combined , the meeting was one ofthe most interesting ofthe kind ever held in the district . The arrangements were carried out with the utmost regularity ; and the important part taken in the ceremony by the E . AV . G . M . in particularwas marked with no small abilitand
, , y , certainly with every regard to the rules and customs of tbe Craft . The Deeside Railway Company ran a special train from Aboyne for tho accommodation ofthe public , and the party from Aberdeen reached that city about ton p . m . The day was looked upon as a holiday in the district where the ceremony took place , and the numerous spectators evidently enjoyed themselves . The weather was excellent .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . DlSTEIBUTIO'f OP PEIZES . The annual meeting for the distribution of prizes to tho pupils connected with this School took place on Jlonday evening ,
the 13 th ult ., in the large hall of the Exhibition Building . During latter years the Female Orphan School was founded . The efforts of tho brethren have been crowned with very considerable success , and though as yet they have not been enabled to provide education and support for all the orphans of fellow members , tbe admirable institution in tho Burlington-road is creditable alike to the Craft and to those charged with its
supervision and management . The standard of education in these schools has been recently raised , and the results of the examinations prove the great attention that has been paid to the pupils . Tho distribution , previous to last year , was usually held in the Round Room of the Rot-undo , or Ancient Concert Rooms , but the increasing interest evinced in the proceedingsand the
, exceedingly large numbers that it was found necessary to afford accommodation for , rendered it expedient to obtain the large hall of the Exhibition Building ; and the fashionable attendance even then could hardly gain room iu the extended space . The appearance of the hall was most pleasing . The walls were hung with banners and emblems of the Order , the galleries and ground floor were crowded , and the many Jlasons present wearing the
insignia of their office created a very pretty effect . The Hon . Secretary read the report of the Governors , which stated that tbe institution was never in a more efficient condition , both socially and financially . The total revenue for the year 1866 amounted to £ 1 , 799 10 s . Id ., and the expenditure to £ 1 , 769 5 s . 10 d ., including £ 510 2 s . 9 d . invested in permanant securities in accordance with the rules of the institution , and .
the balance , £ 32 2 s . 4 d ., remained in the hands of its bankers . The amount now invested on permanent security for the benefit of the school is £ 3 , 341 4 s . 4 d . The governors continued to receive tho most satisfactory accounts of the progress and exemplary conduct of the former inmates of the school , and they fraternally invited the brethren of an Order whose leading princiles were based on love to Godand charitto their
p , y neighbour , cordially and zealously to co-operate with thorn iu the good work , and by combined and energetic efforts to secure from the temptations of poverty and ignorance the destitute orphans of their poor and deserving brethren . The G . Secretary apologised for the unavoidable absence of
his Grace tbe G . JIaster and several other distinguished members of the Order . Tbe children then played some excellent selections on the piano , and their performance exhibited much proficiency . The prizes were then distributed to the successful candidates , amidst applause . Bro . the Hon . George Haudcock , Senior Grand Officer of the Order presentsaid it then became his duty and leasure to
, p address a few words to those present . They had witnessed that evening a ceremony that every one would admit was one of very deep interest indeed , not only to the brethren ofthe JIasonic Order , but to every lady and gentleman in that vast assemblage . The presence ofthe children connected with the Order sufficientl y demonstrated tho care and attention that was bestowed upon them by the brethren of the illustrious Order , and he
exceedingly regretted on that occasion the absence of their esteemed and beloved G . JIaster , who had for over half a century contributed so much to maintain the influence of the Order and the prosperity of the schools . He had been prevented by circumstances over which he had no control—duties in London—from being present that evening . However , he could truly state that his Masonic heart was with the noble institution and the
children belonging to it . He had left them the next best thing to being present himself—their worthy Deputy G . JIaster—who for a period of twelve years had ruled them , because at all the grand meetings they could not expect his Grace to be always present , and , therefore , their meetings came under the control of their valued Deputy G . JIaster ; and he could with truth state that that gentleman eminently possessed those qualities
which a man who should rule over a vast body of people should possess . If he were expected to be respected by them he must in the first place , have education ; in the next place , he should have an ordinary share of good temper , and , what was still more required , he should have a great deal of common sense , which , he believed , was a most uncommon thing to be found—outside the bodyof course . When he told them that the DeputG
, y . JIaster presided over meetings of the Grand Lodge , meetings that were attended sometimes by over three hundred members , they would see bow necessary these qualifications were . He did not know where they could get even three hundred ladies together without a diversity of opinion arising amongst them ,