Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEEEMASONS MONTHLY MAGAZINE . Sib , —I beg to send you a copy of the deliverance of the Supreme Chapter regarding the Mark Lodge in London , and am , Sir , your most obedient servant , War . Gaylob , ( t . S . N " . Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Edinburgh , June 21 , 1855 . ( Copy referred to . )
[ The Editor does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents . ^
The Grand Scribe JST . brought under the notice of the Supreme Chapter the allegation that the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen , No . 70 , had granted a warrant to some Masons in London to practise Mark Masonry , as also a letter to the Grand Scribe N . from Comp . Rettie , Principal Z . of that Chapter , referring to a letter from himself , which he had published in the Freemasons Magazine for this present month , wherein he had acknowledged the Chapter had dono so , and given the reasons for so doing ; and this letter in the FreemasonsMagazine
having been read and considered , the Supreme Chapter is unanimously ' of opinion that Comp . Hettie , while quoting correctly from the laws of the Supreme Chapter , has applied to them a meaning they are quite incapable of sustaining . The Supreme Chapter further declares , that a Supreme Chapter of Royal Arch Masons alone has power in this country to grant legal warrants for the Mark , Past , Excellent , and Royal Arch Degrees , or such of these Degrees as are
acknowledged by it . That on the 21 st December , 1842 , the Supreme Chapter of Scotland resolved to grant separate warrants for practising the two Degrees of Mark and Past Master , and no others , reserving however to E . A . Chapters their privilege to confer these also as formerly . That this law continued only in operation for a few years , after which the right to confer ( or initiate in ) these two Degrees was restricted to those only who took out R . A . Charters . That the Aberdeen Bon Accord Chapter can only confer these Degrees under the Charter granted to it on the 18 th December , 1850 , and which was , after the repeal of the law of 1842 , and cannot grant warrants to any other body of Masons to confer the said Degrees , or depute its own powers in any way whatever . That the Chapter of Bon Accord , Aberdeen , has thus assumed to itself powers which can be exercised by the Supreme Chapter alone , and are not conferred on any daughter Chapter , either by its Charter or by the laws of the Supreme Chapter . The Supreme Chapter therefore directs , that intimation be made to Comp . Bettie to withdraw the warrant immediately , and to report at next quarterly communication that the same has been so done , in order to avoid the necessity of ulterior measures . June 20 , 1855 .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MONTHLY MAGAZINE . ABUSES OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY . Sir , —The public complains , artists complain , and , though last not least , the press complains , of the Hanging Committee of the Royal Academy this year " Pictures , " they say , " are placed which ought to have been excluded , and viceversd . " VOL . I . 3 M
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEEEMASONS MONTHLY MAGAZINE . Sib , —I beg to send you a copy of the deliverance of the Supreme Chapter regarding the Mark Lodge in London , and am , Sir , your most obedient servant , War . Gaylob , ( t . S . N " . Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Edinburgh , June 21 , 1855 . ( Copy referred to . )
[ The Editor does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents . ^
The Grand Scribe JST . brought under the notice of the Supreme Chapter the allegation that the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen , No . 70 , had granted a warrant to some Masons in London to practise Mark Masonry , as also a letter to the Grand Scribe N . from Comp . Rettie , Principal Z . of that Chapter , referring to a letter from himself , which he had published in the Freemasons Magazine for this present month , wherein he had acknowledged the Chapter had dono so , and given the reasons for so doing ; and this letter in the FreemasonsMagazine
having been read and considered , the Supreme Chapter is unanimously ' of opinion that Comp . Hettie , while quoting correctly from the laws of the Supreme Chapter , has applied to them a meaning they are quite incapable of sustaining . The Supreme Chapter further declares , that a Supreme Chapter of Royal Arch Masons alone has power in this country to grant legal warrants for the Mark , Past , Excellent , and Royal Arch Degrees , or such of these Degrees as are
acknowledged by it . That on the 21 st December , 1842 , the Supreme Chapter of Scotland resolved to grant separate warrants for practising the two Degrees of Mark and Past Master , and no others , reserving however to E . A . Chapters their privilege to confer these also as formerly . That this law continued only in operation for a few years , after which the right to confer ( or initiate in ) these two Degrees was restricted to those only who took out R . A . Charters . That the Aberdeen Bon Accord Chapter can only confer these Degrees under the Charter granted to it on the 18 th December , 1850 , and which was , after the repeal of the law of 1842 , and cannot grant warrants to any other body of Masons to confer the said Degrees , or depute its own powers in any way whatever . That the Chapter of Bon Accord , Aberdeen , has thus assumed to itself powers which can be exercised by the Supreme Chapter alone , and are not conferred on any daughter Chapter , either by its Charter or by the laws of the Supreme Chapter . The Supreme Chapter therefore directs , that intimation be made to Comp . Bettie to withdraw the warrant immediately , and to report at next quarterly communication that the same has been so done , in order to avoid the necessity of ulterior measures . June 20 , 1855 .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MONTHLY MAGAZINE . ABUSES OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY . Sir , —The public complains , artists complain , and , though last not least , the press complains , of the Hanging Committee of the Royal Academy this year " Pictures , " they say , " are placed which ought to have been excluded , and viceversd . " VOL . I . 3 M