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countenances which glistened upon us , and wished us God speed , I felt quite sure that after the exhortation of our beloved and respected chaplain , that hereafter Freemasonry must ever he appreciated in the town of Southport . I trust that you will drink the toast with feelings of gratitude and respect , and with the highest pleasure I propose to you " Bro . the Bev . W . A . Mocatta , Chaplain of the Lodge of Unity , No . 889 . "
Bro . Mocatta , on rising , was greeted with several rounds of applause . He said—Worshipful sir , and brethren , it would require a harder heart than mine to be unaffected by the enthusiastic reception which I have met with at your hands on each occasion that I have appeared before you to-day . I assure you that it is with the greatest possible difficulty , not so much perhaps , as our W . M . has stated , that I experience any inability in my tongue to give utterance to the feelings which actuate my bosom , as it is that the emotions
of my heart almost suffocate my utterance altogether , and prevent my giving them expression . However , I trust to your forbearance now as before whilst I briefly respond to the toast which has been proposed in such exceedingly nattering terms , that I cannot for one moment venture to suppose that I deserve one-tenth part of what has been said . With regard to my feeble endeavours to set before you in the oration this morning the principles , and triumphs , and mysteries of Masonry , as I stated to you then , it was mainly a compilation of
those master-minds , who have already , in publications which have appeared before the world , given forth the result of their thoughts and experience ; but if I was by the effort bestowed upon the compilation enabled to contribute any to your gratification or benefit , all the labour I have spent upon it is compensated ten-fold by the reception with which my efforts have been met at your hands . As to the sermon which I delivered in the church , all I can say is
that it was an expression of the sentiments which I verily hold with regard to Masonry . I believe that " brotherly love , " from all that I have seen of Masonry in all its stages and degrees , is really that which ought to be stamped on the fore-front of the order , and I believe that I was only telling out the essential doctrines of Masonry when I represented before you and the congregation assembled at the church that brotherly love ought to continue .
The Brethren then separated , all being highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings The Lodge of Unity , we understand , already numbers thirty-five members .
MONMOUTHSH 1 BE . . The Loyal Monmouth Lodge ( No . 671 ) , met on Tuesday , the 5 th June , for the purpose of installing as W . M . for the year ensuing , Bro . George Yaughan Maddox , architect , of this town . The Lodge of Emergency was called for two o ' clock , when the installation took place . The ceremony was most beautifully performed by Bro . P . M . James Pearce King , and was duly appreciated by the Brethren . Bro . King ' s exertions in the cause of Freemasonry in Monmouth have been the means of adding many valuable members and we augur well for the
ensuing year , from Bro . Maddox , who is a zealous Mason . The W . M . then appointed his officers : Bros . C . Kemys Tynte , S . W . ; S . W . J . Morza , S . D . ; J . Price , J . D . ; J . Jackson , Sec . ; J . Beece , Inner Guard ; J . Bees , Tyler ; J . Webb and J . Watkins , Stews . ; the P . M . ' s present werre Isaac Chilcott , H . Dyke , T . Dyke , J . Swift , and J . P . King . Bro . Captain C . Kemys Tynte , the S . W . of the Lodge , became a subscriber to the Benevolent Fund for aged Freemasons and their widows , upon the solicitation of Bro . Isaac Chilcott , who does not fail to do all he can for the charities upon all occasions , and who is the c ollector in his Lodge for that purpose .
OXFORDSHIRE . Masonic Ball in the Town Hall of tJie City of Oxford . —The Commemoration week was taken advantage of for the presentation of the Testimonials to Bro . Spiers , and for a Masonic ball . On Saturday , June 16 , the committee—twelve citizens , and twelve members of the University—attended at Bro , Spiers' residence to present the Testimonials produced by the subscriptions ; they consist of
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countenances which glistened upon us , and wished us God speed , I felt quite sure that after the exhortation of our beloved and respected chaplain , that hereafter Freemasonry must ever he appreciated in the town of Southport . I trust that you will drink the toast with feelings of gratitude and respect , and with the highest pleasure I propose to you " Bro . the Bev . W . A . Mocatta , Chaplain of the Lodge of Unity , No . 889 . "
Bro . Mocatta , on rising , was greeted with several rounds of applause . He said—Worshipful sir , and brethren , it would require a harder heart than mine to be unaffected by the enthusiastic reception which I have met with at your hands on each occasion that I have appeared before you to-day . I assure you that it is with the greatest possible difficulty , not so much perhaps , as our W . M . has stated , that I experience any inability in my tongue to give utterance to the feelings which actuate my bosom , as it is that the emotions
of my heart almost suffocate my utterance altogether , and prevent my giving them expression . However , I trust to your forbearance now as before whilst I briefly respond to the toast which has been proposed in such exceedingly nattering terms , that I cannot for one moment venture to suppose that I deserve one-tenth part of what has been said . With regard to my feeble endeavours to set before you in the oration this morning the principles , and triumphs , and mysteries of Masonry , as I stated to you then , it was mainly a compilation of
those master-minds , who have already , in publications which have appeared before the world , given forth the result of their thoughts and experience ; but if I was by the effort bestowed upon the compilation enabled to contribute any to your gratification or benefit , all the labour I have spent upon it is compensated ten-fold by the reception with which my efforts have been met at your hands . As to the sermon which I delivered in the church , all I can say is
that it was an expression of the sentiments which I verily hold with regard to Masonry . I believe that " brotherly love , " from all that I have seen of Masonry in all its stages and degrees , is really that which ought to be stamped on the fore-front of the order , and I believe that I was only telling out the essential doctrines of Masonry when I represented before you and the congregation assembled at the church that brotherly love ought to continue .
The Brethren then separated , all being highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings The Lodge of Unity , we understand , already numbers thirty-five members .
MONMOUTHSH 1 BE . . The Loyal Monmouth Lodge ( No . 671 ) , met on Tuesday , the 5 th June , for the purpose of installing as W . M . for the year ensuing , Bro . George Yaughan Maddox , architect , of this town . The Lodge of Emergency was called for two o ' clock , when the installation took place . The ceremony was most beautifully performed by Bro . P . M . James Pearce King , and was duly appreciated by the Brethren . Bro . King ' s exertions in the cause of Freemasonry in Monmouth have been the means of adding many valuable members and we augur well for the
ensuing year , from Bro . Maddox , who is a zealous Mason . The W . M . then appointed his officers : Bros . C . Kemys Tynte , S . W . ; S . W . J . Morza , S . D . ; J . Price , J . D . ; J . Jackson , Sec . ; J . Beece , Inner Guard ; J . Bees , Tyler ; J . Webb and J . Watkins , Stews . ; the P . M . ' s present werre Isaac Chilcott , H . Dyke , T . Dyke , J . Swift , and J . P . King . Bro . Captain C . Kemys Tynte , the S . W . of the Lodge , became a subscriber to the Benevolent Fund for aged Freemasons and their widows , upon the solicitation of Bro . Isaac Chilcott , who does not fail to do all he can for the charities upon all occasions , and who is the c ollector in his Lodge for that purpose .
OXFORDSHIRE . Masonic Ball in the Town Hall of tJie City of Oxford . —The Commemoration week was taken advantage of for the presentation of the Testimonials to Bro . Spiers , and for a Masonic ball . On Saturday , June 16 , the committee—twelve citizens , and twelve members of the University—attended at Bro , Spiers' residence to present the Testimonials produced by the subscriptions ; they consist of