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a Grace-Cup , twenty-six inches in height ; two drinking-cups , eighteen inches high , and two salt-cellars ; also a snuff-box , of great elegance . The snuffbox has this inscription :- —" This box , with five other pieces of plate , was presented , June 16 , 1855 , to Richard James Spiers , Esq ., Alderman , and late Mayor of Oxford , by his friends , as well in testimony of their personal regard , and of their admiration of his public conduct , as in remembrance of the splendid and graceful
hospitality which distinguished his mayoralty , a . d . 1854 . " A party was given by Bro . Spiers the same evening in the Council Chamber to about one hundred persons , chiefly men of letters and artists , when a second testimonial , in the shape of a magnificent album , the product of the talent of one hundred and twenty-five artists and authors , was presented to Bro . Spiers . This affair , although not distinctly connected with the Craft , yet as many Brethren of Oxford and elsewhere were contributors , it demanded a record in our magazine .
The ball was given in the Town Hall , on Tuesday , June 19 . The walls were tastefully decorated with Masonic symbols , armorial bearings , & c . ; and at either end was arranged a vast quantity of beautiful plants and flowers . The refreshments were in the Council Chamber , and comprised every elegance and delicacy that could be found . The efficient board of Stewards , of some of the most distinguished Masons in Oxford , having for their president Bro . W . W . B . Beach ,
P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and the President , Bro . the Earl of Lincoln , showed that nothing could be wanting to render the assembly most excellent . The Stewards were distinguished by a badge , from the design of Mr . Dalison , of Merton College : it was most chaste and elegant , consisting of a Maltese Cross in blue and gold , with a red centre , with the points of fellowship worked in gold . The Brethren of the Order appeared in full Masonic costume .
The general arrangements of the ball were left to Bro . W . Thompson , upon whom the chief labour and responsibility have devolved , and it is but due to him to state that never were his exertions crowned with more complete success . Taste , elegance ,-and judgment pervaded all the arrangements down to the minutest detail , and even the cards of admission , from Mr . Thompson ' s design , were specimens of artistic skill of no ordinary pretensions .
The company , in number about 600 , consisted of the elite of the county , university , and city , with a large proportion of visitors . There was a numerous attendance of the members of the Masonic Fraternity in full Masonic costume . Weippert ' s band was engaged for the occasion , and the festivities were kept up with great spirit until a late hour . The complete success of this ball , the hopes
and anticipations which it gave rise to , and which were so fully realized , will , we doubt not , cause it to become a staple feature in future Commemorations , and serve as a practical illustration that one of the chief characteristics of those bound together by the mystic tie is to diffuse pleasure and happiness among all within their reach .
SURREY . Lodge of Harmony ( No . 317 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Greyhound Inn , Richmond , on the 26 th June , when Bros . Sir Charles Forbes , Coleridge Kennard , and Adam Kennard , were raised , and Mr . Henry Kennard was initiated . Bro . J . A . D . Cox , W . M ., worked the Lodge in his singularly efficient manner . Indeed , it is mainly owing to this excellent Mason ' s exertions that No . 317 holds its present position as a model Lodge in the Craft .
Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 661 . )—The members met for the first time this season on Monday , June 4 , at the Greyhound Hotel , in Croydon . Bros . J . W . Shillito , W . M . ; How , as S . M . ; Warrington , T . W . —Mr . Dancer Thane was initiated , and Bro . Stewart passed to the second Degree . Bro . Edward Vickers , P . M ., No . 82 , was elected W . M . The Brethren adjourned to banquet at six o ' clock . The visitors were Bros . G . Thane , Barber , and Cox .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) , Saracen ' s Head , Dudley . — The members met on Tuesday the 5 th , Bro . Brufcon , W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . James was raised to the Third Degree , the ceremony being impressively and well performed by the W . M .,
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Untitled Article
a Grace-Cup , twenty-six inches in height ; two drinking-cups , eighteen inches high , and two salt-cellars ; also a snuff-box , of great elegance . The snuffbox has this inscription :- —" This box , with five other pieces of plate , was presented , June 16 , 1855 , to Richard James Spiers , Esq ., Alderman , and late Mayor of Oxford , by his friends , as well in testimony of their personal regard , and of their admiration of his public conduct , as in remembrance of the splendid and graceful
hospitality which distinguished his mayoralty , a . d . 1854 . " A party was given by Bro . Spiers the same evening in the Council Chamber to about one hundred persons , chiefly men of letters and artists , when a second testimonial , in the shape of a magnificent album , the product of the talent of one hundred and twenty-five artists and authors , was presented to Bro . Spiers . This affair , although not distinctly connected with the Craft , yet as many Brethren of Oxford and elsewhere were contributors , it demanded a record in our magazine .
The ball was given in the Town Hall , on Tuesday , June 19 . The walls were tastefully decorated with Masonic symbols , armorial bearings , & c . ; and at either end was arranged a vast quantity of beautiful plants and flowers . The refreshments were in the Council Chamber , and comprised every elegance and delicacy that could be found . The efficient board of Stewards , of some of the most distinguished Masons in Oxford , having for their president Bro . W . W . B . Beach ,
P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and the President , Bro . the Earl of Lincoln , showed that nothing could be wanting to render the assembly most excellent . The Stewards were distinguished by a badge , from the design of Mr . Dalison , of Merton College : it was most chaste and elegant , consisting of a Maltese Cross in blue and gold , with a red centre , with the points of fellowship worked in gold . The Brethren of the Order appeared in full Masonic costume .
The general arrangements of the ball were left to Bro . W . Thompson , upon whom the chief labour and responsibility have devolved , and it is but due to him to state that never were his exertions crowned with more complete success . Taste , elegance ,-and judgment pervaded all the arrangements down to the minutest detail , and even the cards of admission , from Mr . Thompson ' s design , were specimens of artistic skill of no ordinary pretensions .
The company , in number about 600 , consisted of the elite of the county , university , and city , with a large proportion of visitors . There was a numerous attendance of the members of the Masonic Fraternity in full Masonic costume . Weippert ' s band was engaged for the occasion , and the festivities were kept up with great spirit until a late hour . The complete success of this ball , the hopes
and anticipations which it gave rise to , and which were so fully realized , will , we doubt not , cause it to become a staple feature in future Commemorations , and serve as a practical illustration that one of the chief characteristics of those bound together by the mystic tie is to diffuse pleasure and happiness among all within their reach .
SURREY . Lodge of Harmony ( No . 317 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Greyhound Inn , Richmond , on the 26 th June , when Bros . Sir Charles Forbes , Coleridge Kennard , and Adam Kennard , were raised , and Mr . Henry Kennard was initiated . Bro . J . A . D . Cox , W . M ., worked the Lodge in his singularly efficient manner . Indeed , it is mainly owing to this excellent Mason ' s exertions that No . 317 holds its present position as a model Lodge in the Craft .
Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 661 . )—The members met for the first time this season on Monday , June 4 , at the Greyhound Hotel , in Croydon . Bros . J . W . Shillito , W . M . ; How , as S . M . ; Warrington , T . W . —Mr . Dancer Thane was initiated , and Bro . Stewart passed to the second Degree . Bro . Edward Vickers , P . M ., No . 82 , was elected W . M . The Brethren adjourned to banquet at six o ' clock . The visitors were Bros . G . Thane , Barber , and Cox .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) , Saracen ' s Head , Dudley . — The members met on Tuesday the 5 th , Bro . Brufcon , W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . James was raised to the Third Degree , the ceremony being impressively and well performed by the W . M .,