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who is thoroughly up to his work . The members then adjourned to an excellent supper , at which they had five visitors ; the toasts being given and received in a truly Masonic manner . Loyal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) , Dudley Arms Hotel . —The meeting of this Lodge took place on the 12 th , at 6 p . m ., at which Bro . Cope was raised , and Messrs . G . Tricketts and Chipton initiated . Bro . Renaud , W . M ., went through
the ceremonies ; the other officers being present and assisting . Bro . Rev . A . G . Davies , S . W ., was then elected W . M ., and Bro . Bateman Treas . for the year ensuing . A better or more efficient working Mason can scarcely be found ; his great punctuality , combined with the admirable manner in which he has filled the assistant chairs , promise much for the year ensuing . Among the visitors at supper and Lodge were Bro . Brooke , No . 50 , 824 ; Kendric , 824 ; King , 824 ; Herbert , 313 ; Bruton , W . M ., 313 ; and Millard , 824 . The meetings for next month are as follows : —• .
Dudley , No . 313 ., 3 rd of July .. 6 p . m „ No . 730 .. 10 th „ .. 6 ip . m „ No . 838 .. 25 th „ .. 5 p . m Tipton , No . 435 .. 20 th „ .. 6 | p . m Stourbridge , No . 824 .. 24 th „ .. 6 p . m Walsal , No . 786 * . 3 rd „ .. 4 p . m
YORKSHIRE . Leeds . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 382 . )—The members of this Lodge met on Wednesday , the 30 th of May , in their new Lodge-room , No . 15 , Commercialstreet , to which they had removed from the Harrison ' s Arms . The room is very nicely arranged , and when its Masonic decorations are completed will be one of the most elegant little Lodges in the province . Great praise is due to the Brethren for having removed from a public inn to a private room . They have taken a step in the right direction ; and if we may judge from the manner in
which the proceedings of the evening were conducted , the Lodge will become , if not a numerous one , yet a very good working Lodge . The W . M . promised to read to the Brethren a Masonic paper , whenever the business of the Lodge will admit of it . This is as it should be , for the true spirit of Masonry appears to have been for some time slumbering in the good town of Leeds . The business , after the opening , commenced by the W . M . ( Bro . Clark ) raising a Bro ., and
afterwards initiating two candidates into Freemasonry . The ceremonies were gone through and the charges delivered by the W . M . in his usual able manner . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was prepared under the excellent superintendence of Bro . P . M . Needell . Many loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to , and the Brethren having enjoyed each other ' s company departed to their respective homes , highly delighted with the fraternal feeling which marked the proceedings of the
evening . West Yorkshire . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of this Province was held April 11 ; present , the R . W . the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , Prov . G . M ., and many past and present Grand Officers , Past Masters , and Brethren . After the disposal of the customary business , the D . P . G . M . complimented Bro . Henry Farrar , P . M ., of the Lodge of Hope , No . 379 , upon the elaborate , edifying , and excellent lecture delivered by him in the Lodge of Hope , on the 5 th of March last ,
the subject of which was , " What is Freemasonry , considered in its Origin and History , its Symbolical Meaning , and its Practical Objects " ( see the Freemasons ' Monthly Magazine for April last ) , and recommended the Brethren of other Lodges to prevail on Bro . Farrar to favour them with the privilege of hearing this lecture on Masonry ; and Bro . Farrar immediately rose , and with great good feeling expressed his willingness to read his Masonic production whenever called upon by his Brethren in Masonry . The Prov . G . Treas . produced his cash accounts , with the vouchers , and the check-book of Messrs . Beckott and Co ., and the 'D . P . G . M . announced to the
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Untitled Article
who is thoroughly up to his work . The members then adjourned to an excellent supper , at which they had five visitors ; the toasts being given and received in a truly Masonic manner . Loyal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) , Dudley Arms Hotel . —The meeting of this Lodge took place on the 12 th , at 6 p . m ., at which Bro . Cope was raised , and Messrs . G . Tricketts and Chipton initiated . Bro . Renaud , W . M ., went through
the ceremonies ; the other officers being present and assisting . Bro . Rev . A . G . Davies , S . W ., was then elected W . M ., and Bro . Bateman Treas . for the year ensuing . A better or more efficient working Mason can scarcely be found ; his great punctuality , combined with the admirable manner in which he has filled the assistant chairs , promise much for the year ensuing . Among the visitors at supper and Lodge were Bro . Brooke , No . 50 , 824 ; Kendric , 824 ; King , 824 ; Herbert , 313 ; Bruton , W . M ., 313 ; and Millard , 824 . The meetings for next month are as follows : —• .
Dudley , No . 313 ., 3 rd of July .. 6 p . m „ No . 730 .. 10 th „ .. 6 ip . m „ No . 838 .. 25 th „ .. 5 p . m Tipton , No . 435 .. 20 th „ .. 6 | p . m Stourbridge , No . 824 .. 24 th „ .. 6 p . m Walsal , No . 786 * . 3 rd „ .. 4 p . m
YORKSHIRE . Leeds . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 382 . )—The members of this Lodge met on Wednesday , the 30 th of May , in their new Lodge-room , No . 15 , Commercialstreet , to which they had removed from the Harrison ' s Arms . The room is very nicely arranged , and when its Masonic decorations are completed will be one of the most elegant little Lodges in the province . Great praise is due to the Brethren for having removed from a public inn to a private room . They have taken a step in the right direction ; and if we may judge from the manner in
which the proceedings of the evening were conducted , the Lodge will become , if not a numerous one , yet a very good working Lodge . The W . M . promised to read to the Brethren a Masonic paper , whenever the business of the Lodge will admit of it . This is as it should be , for the true spirit of Masonry appears to have been for some time slumbering in the good town of Leeds . The business , after the opening , commenced by the W . M . ( Bro . Clark ) raising a Bro ., and
afterwards initiating two candidates into Freemasonry . The ceremonies were gone through and the charges delivered by the W . M . in his usual able manner . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was prepared under the excellent superintendence of Bro . P . M . Needell . Many loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to , and the Brethren having enjoyed each other ' s company departed to their respective homes , highly delighted with the fraternal feeling which marked the proceedings of the
evening . West Yorkshire . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of this Province was held April 11 ; present , the R . W . the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , Prov . G . M ., and many past and present Grand Officers , Past Masters , and Brethren . After the disposal of the customary business , the D . P . G . M . complimented Bro . Henry Farrar , P . M ., of the Lodge of Hope , No . 379 , upon the elaborate , edifying , and excellent lecture delivered by him in the Lodge of Hope , on the 5 th of March last ,
the subject of which was , " What is Freemasonry , considered in its Origin and History , its Symbolical Meaning , and its Practical Objects " ( see the Freemasons ' Monthly Magazine for April last ) , and recommended the Brethren of other Lodges to prevail on Bro . Farrar to favour them with the privilege of hearing this lecture on Masonry ; and Bro . Farrar immediately rose , and with great good feeling expressed his willingness to read his Masonic production whenever called upon by his Brethren in Masonry . The Prov . G . Treas . produced his cash accounts , with the vouchers , and the check-book of Messrs . Beckott and Co ., and the 'D . P . G . M . announced to the