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wanting , and he hfcped in time to earn the encomiums that Bro . Deacon had been pleased to bestow upon him . Each returning year he looked forward to the meeting of his Brethren , as whatever discord there might be elsewhere among his Brethren , in the Wight all wore smiles and hearty welcome . He was gratified to hear there was a proposal to found another Lodge in the province . The intended Benevolent Fund could not fail to meet with the approval of the Brethren . He hoped they would give their most hearty support to his newly-appointed Deputy , whose ardent efforts in promoting the interests of Masonry would fail of effect if no kind hands were tendered towards him .
The Prov . G . M . then asked the Brethren to give a hearty welcome to "Bro . Pullen , his D . G . M ., " whose known attainments and true Masonic principles commanded the good wishes of every person in the province . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Pullen , in acknowledgment , said , he was desirous faithfully to discharge every portion of the duty of the " office entrusted to him , and he placed full reliance on the good and right feeling of the Brethren to aid the important duties he should have to perform . This Province had the reputation of being the best-working one in the realm , and he hoped the Brethren would long continue to wear the laurel
they had won : in order that they might do so , he proposed to hold a Lodge of Instruction every alternate month at Newport , to which he invited all who were desirous of improvement . He then spoke of the Provincial Fund of Benevolence which had been formed by his predecessor , Bro . Hearn ; this fund had , from its many claims , dwindled away ; surely this , one of the noblest features of our Order , would not remain thus neglected . ( Hear , hear . ) He then suggested the adoption of a scheme to permanently increase the Benevolent Fund , viz . : —1 st , A
grant of a sum of motiey from the G . L . Fund ; 2 ndly , Voluntary subscriptions ; Srdly , To allow a box to be sent round at every Lodge meeting , when at the festive board ; 4 thly , The Brethren of the various Lodges occasionally furnishing a paper on a subject connected with the Arts or Sciences , to be read before a public audience , the proceeds to be given to this fund ; 5 thly , By individual exertions amongst our friends , whether Masons or otherwise . Bro . Pullen concluded by asking the Brethren ' s assistance in carrying on the objects in view , and especially the last named , which aimed at the great design of Masonry—mental
improvement . " The visiting Brethren from the town of Southampton , " was eloquently responded to by Bro . Stebbing . " The Wardens and Officers that day appointed , " was acknowledged by Bro . Bendall , S . W . " Our other Visitors , including Bro . How , Prov . G . D . C . of Surrey . " Bro . How , in acknowledging the kind greeting with which he had been received , availed himself of the opportunity that was thus offered to make a few remarks on the growth of Freemasonry , and as an humble member of the fourth estate , to call the attention of the Brethren around him to a series of articles now
appearing in the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine ; the recent one was entitled " Progress ; " a careful perusal of it would tend to convince the reader that with the spread of Freemasonry , Barbarism would vanish , and Civilization take firm root . The Brethren well knew that in days gone by—and some few of the Antediluvians yet exist—there were among the Fraternity many who had a holy horror against the Press , fearing the ink should soil the glove or the apron ; but those times are now happily passing away , and we had recent opportunities of knowing that the Magazine was quoted in the foremost literature of our country , and was recognized throughout the Fraternity as the legitimate and unflinching supporter of the Craft .
The last toast , To all poor and distressed Masons , set in action one of Bro . Pullen ' s suggestions , by sending round the charity-box , and the result was the produce of a fair amount . [ We cannot allow this report of the Isle of Wight to pass without cordially congratulating the province on the appointment of Bro . Hyde Pullen , and earnestly expressing a hope that the suggestions which , it will be remembered , have been promulgated in our leading articles recently , as to lectures and other aids to mental improvement being set on foot , will be actively carried out under Bro . Pullen ' s direction . Some Eastern County Lodges have taken up our views ,
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Untitled Article
wanting , and he hfcped in time to earn the encomiums that Bro . Deacon had been pleased to bestow upon him . Each returning year he looked forward to the meeting of his Brethren , as whatever discord there might be elsewhere among his Brethren , in the Wight all wore smiles and hearty welcome . He was gratified to hear there was a proposal to found another Lodge in the province . The intended Benevolent Fund could not fail to meet with the approval of the Brethren . He hoped they would give their most hearty support to his newly-appointed Deputy , whose ardent efforts in promoting the interests of Masonry would fail of effect if no kind hands were tendered towards him .
The Prov . G . M . then asked the Brethren to give a hearty welcome to "Bro . Pullen , his D . G . M ., " whose known attainments and true Masonic principles commanded the good wishes of every person in the province . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Pullen , in acknowledgment , said , he was desirous faithfully to discharge every portion of the duty of the " office entrusted to him , and he placed full reliance on the good and right feeling of the Brethren to aid the important duties he should have to perform . This Province had the reputation of being the best-working one in the realm , and he hoped the Brethren would long continue to wear the laurel
they had won : in order that they might do so , he proposed to hold a Lodge of Instruction every alternate month at Newport , to which he invited all who were desirous of improvement . He then spoke of the Provincial Fund of Benevolence which had been formed by his predecessor , Bro . Hearn ; this fund had , from its many claims , dwindled away ; surely this , one of the noblest features of our Order , would not remain thus neglected . ( Hear , hear . ) He then suggested the adoption of a scheme to permanently increase the Benevolent Fund , viz . : —1 st , A
grant of a sum of motiey from the G . L . Fund ; 2 ndly , Voluntary subscriptions ; Srdly , To allow a box to be sent round at every Lodge meeting , when at the festive board ; 4 thly , The Brethren of the various Lodges occasionally furnishing a paper on a subject connected with the Arts or Sciences , to be read before a public audience , the proceeds to be given to this fund ; 5 thly , By individual exertions amongst our friends , whether Masons or otherwise . Bro . Pullen concluded by asking the Brethren ' s assistance in carrying on the objects in view , and especially the last named , which aimed at the great design of Masonry—mental
improvement . " The visiting Brethren from the town of Southampton , " was eloquently responded to by Bro . Stebbing . " The Wardens and Officers that day appointed , " was acknowledged by Bro . Bendall , S . W . " Our other Visitors , including Bro . How , Prov . G . D . C . of Surrey . " Bro . How , in acknowledging the kind greeting with which he had been received , availed himself of the opportunity that was thus offered to make a few remarks on the growth of Freemasonry , and as an humble member of the fourth estate , to call the attention of the Brethren around him to a series of articles now
appearing in the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine ; the recent one was entitled " Progress ; " a careful perusal of it would tend to convince the reader that with the spread of Freemasonry , Barbarism would vanish , and Civilization take firm root . The Brethren well knew that in days gone by—and some few of the Antediluvians yet exist—there were among the Fraternity many who had a holy horror against the Press , fearing the ink should soil the glove or the apron ; but those times are now happily passing away , and we had recent opportunities of knowing that the Magazine was quoted in the foremost literature of our country , and was recognized throughout the Fraternity as the legitimate and unflinching supporter of the Craft .
The last toast , To all poor and distressed Masons , set in action one of Bro . Pullen ' s suggestions , by sending round the charity-box , and the result was the produce of a fair amount . [ We cannot allow this report of the Isle of Wight to pass without cordially congratulating the province on the appointment of Bro . Hyde Pullen , and earnestly expressing a hope that the suggestions which , it will be remembered , have been promulgated in our leading articles recently , as to lectures and other aids to mental improvement being set on foot , will be actively carried out under Bro . Pullen ' s direction . Some Eastern County Lodges have taken up our views ,