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I have granted dispensations during the year to hold two new lodges , viz .: Peterborough Lodge , Peterborough C . AV ., and York Lodge , Eglington , C . W ., and which I recommend Grand Lodges to confirm by warrant . I declined to grant a dispensation for a Lodge to be opened at Wroxeter , C . W ., because I did not think it ivonld conduce to the honour and benefit of
Freemasonry . Two Lodges—Tuscan , No . 999 , Newmarket ; and Blenheim Lodge , No . 108 Drummond—lost their warrants by fire . Satisfactory proof AA'as offered in each instance , ancl I directed the Grand Secretary to prepare ancl issue duplicate ivarrants to make good the loss . King Hiram Lodge , No . 78 , Tilsonburg , C . W ., reported the mysterious disappearance of its warrant , ancl appeared ior a duplicatewhich I declined to grant on such
, insufficient grounds ; though , to save the lodge from inactivity , I granted my dispensation to have effect until the present meeting of Grand Lodge only . I have granted several dispensations for Masters to serve for a third year . Where it is the desire of lodges , I always accede to their wish , although a clause of the Constitution prohibits a longer service than two years , unless with the sanction of the
'G . M . I am not sure but it would be more for the benefit of the lodges to remove the restriction altogether , for the brethren are surely the best judges as to whom they prefer to rule them . At all events , 1 think two years a brief term , for the first may be said to pass by the Master elect in becoming familiar with his responsible duties ; and it is during the second that his real value shows itself , and then the law enacts a change , and the
experiment , which the election of every untried man really is , commences de novo . I have also been called upon to exercise tbe Grand Master's prerogative in l-arious other ways , and have answered many constitutional questions and decided matters of difference , which , however , do not especially require to be reported to Grand Lodge . Model b-law's for subordinate lod have been prepared b
ye ges y me , with the assistance of that able officer , the Grand Secretary , and circulated as desired by Grand Lodgo at its annual communication in 1861 . The correct work , as determined by Grand Lodge , has been made known ancl promulgated . This has been done carefully and confidentially , as so essential and delicate a matter imperatively demanded . The management having been left entirely to tha discretion of the Grand Master ,
the Grand Treasurer defrayed the necessary expense , through the Grand Secretary , by special order . I received a formal report from R . W . Bro . Greff , Grand Treasurer , of a burglary perpetrated of the office of the Gore JBauk , at Simcoe , where he deposited Grand Lodge Funds , vouchers , & c , and I am happy to state that Grand Lodge sustained no loss by the occurrence . I have not relieved Bro . Greff of his treasurershiduring the yearbecause the securit
p , y required from that officer has never been perfected by the Grand Treasurer elected in July , 1862 , who has not communicated with us in relation thereto , nor has tbe President of the Board of General Purposes , to whom I wrote respecting the bond , & c . I sincerely regret to state that I have been compelled to approve of the suspension from their Masonic privileges of two Past Masters—one a member of the Lodge of Antiquity ,
Montreal , the other of Tudor Lodge ( No . 141 ) , Mitchell , C . W ., for exceedingly improper and unmasonic conduct . These two cases the Board of General Purposes will inquire into and report to Grand Lodge , with a view to the restoration of the parties , or the infliction of additional and more severe punishment if called for . The evidence connected ivith them will be produced by -the respective district DeputGrand MastersI have also
y . been compelled to suspend a Past Master belonging to True Blue Lodge ( No . 98 ) , Albion , C . W ., for disobedience , or , I should say , for refusing obedience , such suspension to remain in force until he acknowledges his error . This is the present conclusion of the dispute betAveen Western Light ancl True Blue ¦ Lod ges so often brought before Grand Lodge , and to inquire into wliich I appointed R . W . Bro . de Grnssi , in accordance with
a resolution of Grand Lodge passed last year , leaving the matter in the Grand Mast < " ' s hands for final action in the premises . The Board of -ci "' - "i Purposes has mot regularly and transacted much neces ^ 'ii y .. usiness under the able and diligent superintendence of tha President , the R . W . Bro . Simpson , D . G . M , and the result of its various labours will rbo repoted to Grand Lodge—particularly the proposed alterations in the book of onstitutions which have been duly circulated amongst the
subordinate lodges . The reports of the District Grand Masters will come before Grand Lodge in due course . The Asylum Committee will , I apprehend , be ready with a circumstantial statement of what has been accomplished in aid of that important masonic work , the good consummation of ivhieh is devoutly to be wished for . In the continued absence of a Committee of Benevolence , I
have pursued the same course as heretofore , and which Grand Lodge approved . I have distributed help from Grand Lodge funds to several deserving distressed applicants during the most inclement season of the year , and in one or two cases of especial hardship brought to my notice by the Grand Secretary . And finding that this indefatigable and hard worked officer could not possibly get through the labours devolving upon him , without the active help of the Assistant Grand SecretaryI gave
, him authority to pay for service rendered during the year a sum not exceeding 100 dollars , being the same amount as formerly sanctioned by Grand Lodge . In pursuance of a resolution of Grand Lodge passed last year , I appointed a committee , consisting of Bros . De Grassi , Moore , and Fowler , for collecting Masonic documents , with a
view of compiling a History of Masonry in Canada , who ivill report any progress made in their researches . Ancl I hope the committee appointed to procure the Testimonial to be presented to Bro . Wilson , P . G . M ., may at length be able to report satisfactorily . The subscriptions received from Subordinate Lodges towards this well-merited Testimonial have not amounted to such a sum as the D . G . M ., who is also chairman of the committee , considered worthy either of the
Craft or Bro . Wilson ; and , bearing in mind that , by the original resolution 'the Grand Lodge was to provide the Testimonial , he was good enough to consult with me , and we determined to devote 200 dollars of Grand Lodge Funds towards carrying out the well-known desire of the brotherhood , in addition to the amount of subscriptions already received by the committee . I cannot refrain from recurring to this fact , that there stands recorded on the minutes of the Grand Lodge , but
never , that I can discover , acted upon , the folloiving resolution unanimously ; adopted as far back as 1856 , viz . — " That the Grand Lodge , appreciating the kind and valuable counsel and services at all times of Bro . Stephens , do present him with a Masonic Honorary Jewel , or other suitable mark of esteem . " I need hardly add , that such testimonials are always highly prized , ancl exhibited with a very commendable pride ; but any delay in their presentation has to be borne in silence , and disappointment b y the parties interested , for obvious delicate reasons .
ENGLAND—I am happy to report that our difficulty with the Grand Lodge of England may be said to be at an end , for although there are still a few minor points to be cleared up , the very best feelings of cordiality exist . The Grand Master of England nominated a nobleman of high character attached to the Queen ' s household , and a Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of England , Lord de Tabley , as a brother in every way qualified to succeed Earl de Grey and Ripon , as our
representative at that Grand Lodge , ancl ivhose appointment would be agreeable to Lord Zetland himself . As I have already informed Grand Lodge at its last Communication , that the Grand Master of England had been invited to transmit the name of a brother as our representative , it was with pleasure I forwarded Lord De Tabley ' s credentials , and received his acceptance of the office . I requested the concurrence of the Grand Lodge .
Grand Lodge having been pleased to place in my hands the final settlement of the standing of St . Laivrence Lodge ( No . 923 ) , Registry of England , holden at Montreal , believed to be working irregularly , but declared to be legally in existence , by i . s Parent Body , I gave tbe matter my most serious consideration , deeming it one of very great importance , and pregnant with real good or much evil , and therefore came to the conclusion that the Grand Lodge of England and her sub-ordinance
had right and justice on their side , and therefore , hesitated not an instant to issue a circular pronouncing tbe said St . Lawrence Lodge to he a lodge in good standing , and as such entitled to all tiie rights and privileges of a lawfully constituted lodge . Previous , liOAvever , to entering upon the consideration of the matter , I deemed it due to the Grand Lodge of Canada to have answers to certain questions , and therefore desired the Grand Secretary to write to the representative of the Grand Lodge of England , and ask—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I have granted dispensations during the year to hold two new lodges , viz .: Peterborough Lodge , Peterborough C . AV ., and York Lodge , Eglington , C . W ., and which I recommend Grand Lodges to confirm by warrant . I declined to grant a dispensation for a Lodge to be opened at Wroxeter , C . W ., because I did not think it ivonld conduce to the honour and benefit of
Freemasonry . Two Lodges—Tuscan , No . 999 , Newmarket ; and Blenheim Lodge , No . 108 Drummond—lost their warrants by fire . Satisfactory proof AA'as offered in each instance , ancl I directed the Grand Secretary to prepare ancl issue duplicate ivarrants to make good the loss . King Hiram Lodge , No . 78 , Tilsonburg , C . W ., reported the mysterious disappearance of its warrant , ancl appeared ior a duplicatewhich I declined to grant on such
, insufficient grounds ; though , to save the lodge from inactivity , I granted my dispensation to have effect until the present meeting of Grand Lodge only . I have granted several dispensations for Masters to serve for a third year . Where it is the desire of lodges , I always accede to their wish , although a clause of the Constitution prohibits a longer service than two years , unless with the sanction of the
'G . M . I am not sure but it would be more for the benefit of the lodges to remove the restriction altogether , for the brethren are surely the best judges as to whom they prefer to rule them . At all events , 1 think two years a brief term , for the first may be said to pass by the Master elect in becoming familiar with his responsible duties ; and it is during the second that his real value shows itself , and then the law enacts a change , and the
experiment , which the election of every untried man really is , commences de novo . I have also been called upon to exercise tbe Grand Master's prerogative in l-arious other ways , and have answered many constitutional questions and decided matters of difference , which , however , do not especially require to be reported to Grand Lodge . Model b-law's for subordinate lod have been prepared b
ye ges y me , with the assistance of that able officer , the Grand Secretary , and circulated as desired by Grand Lodgo at its annual communication in 1861 . The correct work , as determined by Grand Lodge , has been made known ancl promulgated . This has been done carefully and confidentially , as so essential and delicate a matter imperatively demanded . The management having been left entirely to tha discretion of the Grand Master ,
the Grand Treasurer defrayed the necessary expense , through the Grand Secretary , by special order . I received a formal report from R . W . Bro . Greff , Grand Treasurer , of a burglary perpetrated of the office of the Gore JBauk , at Simcoe , where he deposited Grand Lodge Funds , vouchers , & c , and I am happy to state that Grand Lodge sustained no loss by the occurrence . I have not relieved Bro . Greff of his treasurershiduring the yearbecause the securit
p , y required from that officer has never been perfected by the Grand Treasurer elected in July , 1862 , who has not communicated with us in relation thereto , nor has tbe President of the Board of General Purposes , to whom I wrote respecting the bond , & c . I sincerely regret to state that I have been compelled to approve of the suspension from their Masonic privileges of two Past Masters—one a member of the Lodge of Antiquity ,
Montreal , the other of Tudor Lodge ( No . 141 ) , Mitchell , C . W ., for exceedingly improper and unmasonic conduct . These two cases the Board of General Purposes will inquire into and report to Grand Lodge , with a view to the restoration of the parties , or the infliction of additional and more severe punishment if called for . The evidence connected ivith them will be produced by -the respective district DeputGrand MastersI have also
y . been compelled to suspend a Past Master belonging to True Blue Lodge ( No . 98 ) , Albion , C . W ., for disobedience , or , I should say , for refusing obedience , such suspension to remain in force until he acknowledges his error . This is the present conclusion of the dispute betAveen Western Light ancl True Blue ¦ Lod ges so often brought before Grand Lodge , and to inquire into wliich I appointed R . W . Bro . de Grnssi , in accordance with
a resolution of Grand Lodge passed last year , leaving the matter in the Grand Mast < " ' s hands for final action in the premises . The Board of -ci "' - "i Purposes has mot regularly and transacted much neces ^ 'ii y .. usiness under the able and diligent superintendence of tha President , the R . W . Bro . Simpson , D . G . M , and the result of its various labours will rbo repoted to Grand Lodge—particularly the proposed alterations in the book of onstitutions which have been duly circulated amongst the
subordinate lodges . The reports of the District Grand Masters will come before Grand Lodge in due course . The Asylum Committee will , I apprehend , be ready with a circumstantial statement of what has been accomplished in aid of that important masonic work , the good consummation of ivhieh is devoutly to be wished for . In the continued absence of a Committee of Benevolence , I
have pursued the same course as heretofore , and which Grand Lodge approved . I have distributed help from Grand Lodge funds to several deserving distressed applicants during the most inclement season of the year , and in one or two cases of especial hardship brought to my notice by the Grand Secretary . And finding that this indefatigable and hard worked officer could not possibly get through the labours devolving upon him , without the active help of the Assistant Grand SecretaryI gave
, him authority to pay for service rendered during the year a sum not exceeding 100 dollars , being the same amount as formerly sanctioned by Grand Lodge . In pursuance of a resolution of Grand Lodge passed last year , I appointed a committee , consisting of Bros . De Grassi , Moore , and Fowler , for collecting Masonic documents , with a
view of compiling a History of Masonry in Canada , who ivill report any progress made in their researches . Ancl I hope the committee appointed to procure the Testimonial to be presented to Bro . Wilson , P . G . M ., may at length be able to report satisfactorily . The subscriptions received from Subordinate Lodges towards this well-merited Testimonial have not amounted to such a sum as the D . G . M ., who is also chairman of the committee , considered worthy either of the
Craft or Bro . Wilson ; and , bearing in mind that , by the original resolution 'the Grand Lodge was to provide the Testimonial , he was good enough to consult with me , and we determined to devote 200 dollars of Grand Lodge Funds towards carrying out the well-known desire of the brotherhood , in addition to the amount of subscriptions already received by the committee . I cannot refrain from recurring to this fact , that there stands recorded on the minutes of the Grand Lodge , but
never , that I can discover , acted upon , the folloiving resolution unanimously ; adopted as far back as 1856 , viz . — " That the Grand Lodge , appreciating the kind and valuable counsel and services at all times of Bro . Stephens , do present him with a Masonic Honorary Jewel , or other suitable mark of esteem . " I need hardly add , that such testimonials are always highly prized , ancl exhibited with a very commendable pride ; but any delay in their presentation has to be borne in silence , and disappointment b y the parties interested , for obvious delicate reasons .
ENGLAND—I am happy to report that our difficulty with the Grand Lodge of England may be said to be at an end , for although there are still a few minor points to be cleared up , the very best feelings of cordiality exist . The Grand Master of England nominated a nobleman of high character attached to the Queen ' s household , and a Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of England , Lord de Tabley , as a brother in every way qualified to succeed Earl de Grey and Ripon , as our
representative at that Grand Lodge , ancl ivhose appointment would be agreeable to Lord Zetland himself . As I have already informed Grand Lodge at its last Communication , that the Grand Master of England had been invited to transmit the name of a brother as our representative , it was with pleasure I forwarded Lord De Tabley ' s credentials , and received his acceptance of the office . I requested the concurrence of the Grand Lodge .
Grand Lodge having been pleased to place in my hands the final settlement of the standing of St . Laivrence Lodge ( No . 923 ) , Registry of England , holden at Montreal , believed to be working irregularly , but declared to be legally in existence , by i . s Parent Body , I gave tbe matter my most serious consideration , deeming it one of very great importance , and pregnant with real good or much evil , and therefore came to the conclusion that the Grand Lodge of England and her sub-ordinance
had right and justice on their side , and therefore , hesitated not an instant to issue a circular pronouncing tbe said St . Lawrence Lodge to he a lodge in good standing , and as such entitled to all tiie rights and privileges of a lawfully constituted lodge . Previous , liOAvever , to entering upon the consideration of the matter , I deemed it due to the Grand Lodge of Canada to have answers to certain questions , and therefore desired the Grand Secretary to write to the representative of the Grand Lodge of England , and ask—