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Freemasonry And Uniformity, Or A Council Of Rites.
spurned by the executive of Grand Lodge , though it is well known that no one can be admitted a Knight Templar until he has been exalted in a Eoyal Arch Chapter , and a distinguished Provincial Grand Master ia at their head . Truly , uniformity is lacking here .
The Ancient and Accepted Eite in its turn repudiates the Templars , and , although the high grades confer a Templar degree , yet they profess to have no dealings with that body , while , to make the matter more confused , almost every-high grade Mason is a
Masonic Knight Templar , and nearly every Masonic Knight Templar is a high grade Mason . Here again there is want of uniformity . Within these few days we have seen a very pretty degree , which would , doubtless , be taken as authentic
and ancient by scores of Freemasons , but its concocters told us , honestly , that it , and tivo more , were their oivn invention from Scripture history . "What uniformity is there to prevent such degrees being manufactured wholesale , and new governing powers arising which would repudiate all other
portions of Preemasonry . It is cleai " , then , from ivhat has been said , that English Preemasonry is greatly in Avant of a controlling power to produce uniformity of action , an exchange of sentiment , aud a truly fraternal bond of union betiveenall classes and denominations of Freemasons ,
so that the boasted universality of the Order should include all rites , orders , and degrees ; for although every brother , to the top of the tree , is a blue Mason , and cannot cut the spokes of the ladder , by which he
mounted , from under him , yet many virtuall y do so by never setting foot in a Craft Lodge , after having professed in the higher degree . "What then is wanted to harmonize the Avhole and how are we to obtain it ? We want a Council of Eites , similar to that of
Ireland , ivhere Freemasons of high degrees are admitted iu conduction with Knights Templar , but we ivould extend ours further . It should consist of six representatii'es from from every existing jurisdiction , who should meet twice a year and , without seeking to know each other ' s formsceremoniesor secretsthis
, , , Council should make representations of all that tended towards uniformity of Government , relief of the distressed , and for the general good of Preemasonry , to each other , and the Councillors should each report the same to their separate constituents so that no innovations could creep in and all ordersclasses
, , rites , and degrees of Preemasonry should exchange information and confer mutual assistance to each other through the Council of Eites , who ivould have for their especial care to see that there ivas some kind of uniformity of design that should actuate every grade in Preemasonry .
[ "We publish the above as coming from an intelligent correspondent , but without binding ourseli'es to his views , in which , it is but fair to say , Ave do not altogether agree . — -ED . F . M . and M . M . j
Manual of Optlialmoscopic Surgery , by JABEZ HOGG London : John Churchill and Sons , New Burlingtonstreet . This is truly what Bro . Hogg describes it , a practical treatise on the use of the Opbhalmoscope in diseases of the eye ; and the value attached to it by the profession is shown by the fact that the work , which originally
appeared in 1857 , has now reached its third edition . The work , however , is not merely a reprint , but the whole of the text has been re-writton , so that it conies before ns in an enlarged form with the views expressed by the author strengthened by the experience he has since attained as Senior Assistant-Surgeon to the lloyal "Westminster Opthalmic Hospital . The work is illustrated by coloured illustrations of eye diseases , ancl , altogether , is a valuable contribution to medical literature .
Predictions realised in Modern Times . Collected by HOHACE AV . Ei . iiY . London : Kent and Company , Pafcernoster-row . This is a curious collection of predictions on all varieties of subjects ivhieh have , in some way or other , been fulfilled ; thus ive have prophecies on the Massacre of St . Bartholomeiv ; the Assasinatkm of Henry IV . of Prance ;
Sir Thomas Brown ' s opinions on predictions ; Lilly ' s London Predictions ; " Prophet Needs " who foretold , and truly , the death of Mr . Carman , Dr . Mew , and himself in twelve months ; Burkes' Political Predictions ; Smollett's Predictions on the Puture of Prance ; Lord Brougham ' s Sepoy Prophecy , foretelling in 1848 the mutiny of the Sepoy Army , and very many other all
curious and some , certainly , very startling . As a specimen of the curious we give the following : — "There is current in Sussex the folloiving local proverb ; " If Chichester Church steeple fall , In JEngland there ' s no king at all . " Now this has been curiously fulfilled under a Queen
regnant , when the spire of Chichester Cathedral recently foil . " The book does great credit to Mr . Wclby ' s industry as a collector , and will certainly be read with interest by thoso who believe as well as those who disbeliei'o in modern prophecy ; though it cannot be denied that many of the coincidences of thought of some of our most distinguished men with after events have been most remarkable , though even they themselves would disclaim any power of prophecy .
The Crystal Palace Penny Guide , published by authority of the Direcfcoz's : Sydenham , EOBEKT BUBT , Crystal Palace . This is an admirable pennyworth , and should be in the hands of every visitor to the Crystal Palace . It is truly a guide , both to the Palace and the gardens , sufficiently succinct to be easily referred toand yet telling
every-, thing that tho visitor can desire . The work is profusely illustrated ivith woodcuts , admirably executed . Minerva Lodge Directory , 1863 . Hull ; Bro . M . C . PECK . This little work gives a list of the members of the Mineri'a Lodge , Hull ; the Benevolent Fund Committee ;
the Building ditto ; W . M . 's from the formation of the lodge in 1782 ; Members of the Minerva Chapter ; Members of the Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters : Knights ' Templar ; 18 th degree ; Copy of the Lodge Warrant and Lodge Annals from 1782 to 1802 , tho latter to be continued in future additions . Prom this work we can form some idea of the strength of tho various orders of Masonry iu Hull , there being in the Minerva Lodge 123
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Freemasonry And Uniformity, Or A Council Of Rites.
spurned by the executive of Grand Lodge , though it is well known that no one can be admitted a Knight Templar until he has been exalted in a Eoyal Arch Chapter , and a distinguished Provincial Grand Master ia at their head . Truly , uniformity is lacking here .
The Ancient and Accepted Eite in its turn repudiates the Templars , and , although the high grades confer a Templar degree , yet they profess to have no dealings with that body , while , to make the matter more confused , almost every-high grade Mason is a
Masonic Knight Templar , and nearly every Masonic Knight Templar is a high grade Mason . Here again there is want of uniformity . Within these few days we have seen a very pretty degree , which would , doubtless , be taken as authentic
and ancient by scores of Freemasons , but its concocters told us , honestly , that it , and tivo more , were their oivn invention from Scripture history . "What uniformity is there to prevent such degrees being manufactured wholesale , and new governing powers arising which would repudiate all other
portions of Preemasonry . It is cleai " , then , from ivhat has been said , that English Preemasonry is greatly in Avant of a controlling power to produce uniformity of action , an exchange of sentiment , aud a truly fraternal bond of union betiveenall classes and denominations of Freemasons ,
so that the boasted universality of the Order should include all rites , orders , and degrees ; for although every brother , to the top of the tree , is a blue Mason , and cannot cut the spokes of the ladder , by which he
mounted , from under him , yet many virtuall y do so by never setting foot in a Craft Lodge , after having professed in the higher degree . "What then is wanted to harmonize the Avhole and how are we to obtain it ? We want a Council of Eites , similar to that of
Ireland , ivhere Freemasons of high degrees are admitted iu conduction with Knights Templar , but we ivould extend ours further . It should consist of six representatii'es from from every existing jurisdiction , who should meet twice a year and , without seeking to know each other ' s formsceremoniesor secretsthis
, , , Council should make representations of all that tended towards uniformity of Government , relief of the distressed , and for the general good of Preemasonry , to each other , and the Councillors should each report the same to their separate constituents so that no innovations could creep in and all ordersclasses
, , rites , and degrees of Preemasonry should exchange information and confer mutual assistance to each other through the Council of Eites , who ivould have for their especial care to see that there ivas some kind of uniformity of design that should actuate every grade in Preemasonry .
[ "We publish the above as coming from an intelligent correspondent , but without binding ourseli'es to his views , in which , it is but fair to say , Ave do not altogether agree . — -ED . F . M . and M . M . j
Manual of Optlialmoscopic Surgery , by JABEZ HOGG London : John Churchill and Sons , New Burlingtonstreet . This is truly what Bro . Hogg describes it , a practical treatise on the use of the Opbhalmoscope in diseases of the eye ; and the value attached to it by the profession is shown by the fact that the work , which originally
appeared in 1857 , has now reached its third edition . The work , however , is not merely a reprint , but the whole of the text has been re-writton , so that it conies before ns in an enlarged form with the views expressed by the author strengthened by the experience he has since attained as Senior Assistant-Surgeon to the lloyal "Westminster Opthalmic Hospital . The work is illustrated by coloured illustrations of eye diseases , ancl , altogether , is a valuable contribution to medical literature .
Predictions realised in Modern Times . Collected by HOHACE AV . Ei . iiY . London : Kent and Company , Pafcernoster-row . This is a curious collection of predictions on all varieties of subjects ivhieh have , in some way or other , been fulfilled ; thus ive have prophecies on the Massacre of St . Bartholomeiv ; the Assasinatkm of Henry IV . of Prance ;
Sir Thomas Brown ' s opinions on predictions ; Lilly ' s London Predictions ; " Prophet Needs " who foretold , and truly , the death of Mr . Carman , Dr . Mew , and himself in twelve months ; Burkes' Political Predictions ; Smollett's Predictions on the Puture of Prance ; Lord Brougham ' s Sepoy Prophecy , foretelling in 1848 the mutiny of the Sepoy Army , and very many other all
curious and some , certainly , very startling . As a specimen of the curious we give the following : — "There is current in Sussex the folloiving local proverb ; " If Chichester Church steeple fall , In JEngland there ' s no king at all . " Now this has been curiously fulfilled under a Queen
regnant , when the spire of Chichester Cathedral recently foil . " The book does great credit to Mr . Wclby ' s industry as a collector , and will certainly be read with interest by thoso who believe as well as those who disbeliei'o in modern prophecy ; though it cannot be denied that many of the coincidences of thought of some of our most distinguished men with after events have been most remarkable , though even they themselves would disclaim any power of prophecy .
The Crystal Palace Penny Guide , published by authority of the Direcfcoz's : Sydenham , EOBEKT BUBT , Crystal Palace . This is an admirable pennyworth , and should be in the hands of every visitor to the Crystal Palace . It is truly a guide , both to the Palace and the gardens , sufficiently succinct to be easily referred toand yet telling
every-, thing that tho visitor can desire . The work is profusely illustrated ivith woodcuts , admirably executed . Minerva Lodge Directory , 1863 . Hull ; Bro . M . C . PECK . This little work gives a list of the members of the Mineri'a Lodge , Hull ; the Benevolent Fund Committee ;
the Building ditto ; W . M . 's from the formation of the lodge in 1782 ; Members of the Minerva Chapter ; Members of the Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters : Knights ' Templar ; 18 th degree ; Copy of the Lodge Warrant and Lodge Annals from 1782 to 1802 , tho latter to be continued in future additions . Prom this work we can form some idea of the strength of tho various orders of Masonry iu Hull , there being in the Minerva Lodge 123