Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
are pleased—except the brigands . An inquiry will also be instituted as to the manner in which the malefactors obtained a passage in a French steamer . Political speculation is of course energetically busy about the probable consequences of . Russia ' s reply to tbe three great Powers . It is now made certain by the Alennese official Gazette that the Austrian
Government has actually addressed notes to England and France , assuring those Poivers that it Avill repudiate any separate negotiations Avith Russia , and that it will remain firm to the common policy traced out by the three . The Paris Journal La France states that the Prussian Government has proposed the discussion of the six points by the five great Powers , and a Vienna
despatch asserts that Russia , becoming sensible of the dangers of the present crisis , is disposed to yield to the representations which have been made by the three Poivers on the Polish question . Au important document has been issued from the Polish National Government announcing that the Poles would , under certain specific conditions and guarantees , consent to
accept the armistice proposed by the three Poivers , and that the National Government ivould pledge itself for faithful execution on its side . This document bears date early in June , and it ivas , no doubt , submitted to the three Poivers before the despatch of their recent notes . A Breslau despatch affirms that in a decree published on the 21 st the revolutionary
government of Warsaw pronounced sentence of death on Colonel Leichte , the celebrated inquisitor of the citadel under the reign of Nicholas , who had recently resumed his functions in the commission of inquiry . The very night after the publication of the decree Colonel Leichte was poignarded by some person unknown . The National Government has also published a decree respecting the estates confiscated by the Emperors Nicholas and Alexander II . in the Polish provinces , and given
to Russian generals and functionaries . These estates are declared national property ; the peasants ivho cultivate them are exonerated from the payment of all dues , and the farmers and manufacturers who occupy any of these estates are charged to pay the rents into the national treasury of Poland . The Cracoiv telegrams report a great revival of insurrectionary strength in the palatinate of Lublin . The Polish bands there
¦ are scouring the province in . all directions . They have seized several Russian couriers who ivere bearing official despatches ; among the rest , a reply to an application for reinforcements , which the Commander-in-Chief declared himself unable to grant . Some rather serious conflicts ivith the Russian troops are also announced , the Poles having hacl the advantage in every
instance . In Lemberg , despite the professed sympathy of the Austrian Government , there are fresh domiciliary visitations and arrests constantly taking plabe . On the 27 th inst . Count Stephen Zamoyski was arrested . The committee of the Austrian JReichsrath have reported in favour of granting Langiewicz ' s petition to be allowed to remove into Switzerland , and the
Chamber agreed to the recommendation by a large majority . A telegram from Posen states as a positive fact that orders have been fonvarded from Vienna to Lemberg to place an Austrian corps of 18 , 000 men upon a war footing on the Russian frontier of Gallacia . Csunt Rechberg himself is stated to have communicated to several Austrian deputies during the last sitting
of the Reichsrath this important p iece of news . The Paris papers publish a Constantinople telegram of the 24 th instant , which asserts that the Circasians have captured , by boarding , a Russian man of war , bound for Sonkoura Kaleh , and have carried her into Schovhsehik . The gifted French actress , Mdlle . Emma Livry , who was burnt so terribly on the stage several
months ago , has , after long suffering , succumbed at last . She died on Sunday night at Neuilly . Advices from Mexico , re
The Week.
ceived at New York , by way of Havanah , assert that " the Mexican people were to be called to decide their form of government on the 29 th June . " Meanwhile General Forey has appointed " a triumvirate and council of state " to aid him in the administration of Mexico . If we may believe the Paris France—no very trustivorthy authority—Prssident Jaurez has been deserted by his troops , has relinquished his intention of
occupying San Luis de Potosi , and is making his way to some port on the Pacific coast where he ivill embark for New York . AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the China from New-York , is full of important events . General Lee had judged it prudent to put the Potomac between himself and tbe enemy , and
had succeeded in safely conveying his army into Virginia . The fall of Port Hudson has followed that of Vicksburg . The fortress surrendered unconditionally on the 9 th instant . Immediately after the surrender of Alcksburg General Sherman marched against General Johnston , and is said to have defeated him after a very sanguinary engagement . General Rosencranz
was still pressing onwards , and General Bragg's army is said to have retreated from Chattanooga to Atlanta . The Confederate General Morgan ivas continuing his raid in Indiana and Ohio . The Federals had commenced their attack on Charleston . After some loss they obtained possession of the whole of Morris Island , except Fort AA agner , the siege of which they
ivere pushing with the aid of five Monitors . Against the advantages over their foes the Federals have to place a serious domestic calamity . The drafting commenced in Neiv York on Saturday , the 11 th , when the names of some 2000 men were
drawn . On its being resumed on the Monday following a large mob assembled in front of the Provost Marshal's office , into ivhieh they forced their way , seized the papers , dispersed the enrolling officers , and fired the building . A large force was called out to quell the riot , but it ivas assailed and overpowered by the rioters , who then proceeded to further acts of outrage .
Many houses ivere burnt down , every negro met with was attacked , 50 are said to have been killed , and one burnt , and during three days ( the 13 th , 14 th , aud 15 th ) , the city was the scene of tumult and bloodshed . Governor Seymour had declared the city and county to he iu a state of insurrection . He had sent to Washington asking the draft to " be postponed
and it AA'as stated that the President had agreed to the request . AVe hai-e two later arrivals from America , the Mibernia and , the City of Washington . The latter vessel brings neivs to the morning of the 18 th . At that time the riots in New York ivere suppressed . On the previous clay , hoivever , there had been a great deal of wanton mischief done . Archbishop Hughes had
addressed about 5000 of the people in reference to the riots The draft is to be enforced . The latest accounts represent a large Federal fleet as advancing to bombard Fort Sumter , in which it ivould be aided by batteries on Morris Island . General Lee , when last heard of , was at Front Royal , making the best of his way to Richmond . The Confederate cruiser Florida
has made a rather valuable prize . On the 16 th of June she captured and destroyed an American ship called the 33 . F . Hoxie , which had on board aboard about £ 20 , 000 worth of silver bars . The silver was , of course , duly transferred to the Florida . It is stated that this capture ivill cost our marine insurance com . names something over £ 150 , 000 .
To Correspondents.
W . R . —The oldest son of a Mason ( like other men ) , cannot be initiated under 21 years of age unless _ a dispensation is obtained from the Grand Master .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
are pleased—except the brigands . An inquiry will also be instituted as to the manner in which the malefactors obtained a passage in a French steamer . Political speculation is of course energetically busy about the probable consequences of . Russia ' s reply to tbe three great Powers . It is now made certain by the Alennese official Gazette that the Austrian
Government has actually addressed notes to England and France , assuring those Poivers that it Avill repudiate any separate negotiations Avith Russia , and that it will remain firm to the common policy traced out by the three . The Paris Journal La France states that the Prussian Government has proposed the discussion of the six points by the five great Powers , and a Vienna
despatch asserts that Russia , becoming sensible of the dangers of the present crisis , is disposed to yield to the representations which have been made by the three Poivers on the Polish question . Au important document has been issued from the Polish National Government announcing that the Poles would , under certain specific conditions and guarantees , consent to
accept the armistice proposed by the three Poivers , and that the National Government ivould pledge itself for faithful execution on its side . This document bears date early in June , and it ivas , no doubt , submitted to the three Poivers before the despatch of their recent notes . A Breslau despatch affirms that in a decree published on the 21 st the revolutionary
government of Warsaw pronounced sentence of death on Colonel Leichte , the celebrated inquisitor of the citadel under the reign of Nicholas , who had recently resumed his functions in the commission of inquiry . The very night after the publication of the decree Colonel Leichte was poignarded by some person unknown . The National Government has also published a decree respecting the estates confiscated by the Emperors Nicholas and Alexander II . in the Polish provinces , and given
to Russian generals and functionaries . These estates are declared national property ; the peasants ivho cultivate them are exonerated from the payment of all dues , and the farmers and manufacturers who occupy any of these estates are charged to pay the rents into the national treasury of Poland . The Cracoiv telegrams report a great revival of insurrectionary strength in the palatinate of Lublin . The Polish bands there
¦ are scouring the province in . all directions . They have seized several Russian couriers who ivere bearing official despatches ; among the rest , a reply to an application for reinforcements , which the Commander-in-Chief declared himself unable to grant . Some rather serious conflicts ivith the Russian troops are also announced , the Poles having hacl the advantage in every
instance . In Lemberg , despite the professed sympathy of the Austrian Government , there are fresh domiciliary visitations and arrests constantly taking plabe . On the 27 th inst . Count Stephen Zamoyski was arrested . The committee of the Austrian JReichsrath have reported in favour of granting Langiewicz ' s petition to be allowed to remove into Switzerland , and the
Chamber agreed to the recommendation by a large majority . A telegram from Posen states as a positive fact that orders have been fonvarded from Vienna to Lemberg to place an Austrian corps of 18 , 000 men upon a war footing on the Russian frontier of Gallacia . Csunt Rechberg himself is stated to have communicated to several Austrian deputies during the last sitting
of the Reichsrath this important p iece of news . The Paris papers publish a Constantinople telegram of the 24 th instant , which asserts that the Circasians have captured , by boarding , a Russian man of war , bound for Sonkoura Kaleh , and have carried her into Schovhsehik . The gifted French actress , Mdlle . Emma Livry , who was burnt so terribly on the stage several
months ago , has , after long suffering , succumbed at last . She died on Sunday night at Neuilly . Advices from Mexico , re
The Week.
ceived at New York , by way of Havanah , assert that " the Mexican people were to be called to decide their form of government on the 29 th June . " Meanwhile General Forey has appointed " a triumvirate and council of state " to aid him in the administration of Mexico . If we may believe the Paris France—no very trustivorthy authority—Prssident Jaurez has been deserted by his troops , has relinquished his intention of
occupying San Luis de Potosi , and is making his way to some port on the Pacific coast where he ivill embark for New York . AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the China from New-York , is full of important events . General Lee had judged it prudent to put the Potomac between himself and tbe enemy , and
had succeeded in safely conveying his army into Virginia . The fall of Port Hudson has followed that of Vicksburg . The fortress surrendered unconditionally on the 9 th instant . Immediately after the surrender of Alcksburg General Sherman marched against General Johnston , and is said to have defeated him after a very sanguinary engagement . General Rosencranz
was still pressing onwards , and General Bragg's army is said to have retreated from Chattanooga to Atlanta . The Confederate General Morgan ivas continuing his raid in Indiana and Ohio . The Federals had commenced their attack on Charleston . After some loss they obtained possession of the whole of Morris Island , except Fort AA agner , the siege of which they
ivere pushing with the aid of five Monitors . Against the advantages over their foes the Federals have to place a serious domestic calamity . The drafting commenced in Neiv York on Saturday , the 11 th , when the names of some 2000 men were
drawn . On its being resumed on the Monday following a large mob assembled in front of the Provost Marshal's office , into ivhieh they forced their way , seized the papers , dispersed the enrolling officers , and fired the building . A large force was called out to quell the riot , but it ivas assailed and overpowered by the rioters , who then proceeded to further acts of outrage .
Many houses ivere burnt down , every negro met with was attacked , 50 are said to have been killed , and one burnt , and during three days ( the 13 th , 14 th , aud 15 th ) , the city was the scene of tumult and bloodshed . Governor Seymour had declared the city and county to he iu a state of insurrection . He had sent to Washington asking the draft to " be postponed
and it AA'as stated that the President had agreed to the request . AVe hai-e two later arrivals from America , the Mibernia and , the City of Washington . The latter vessel brings neivs to the morning of the 18 th . At that time the riots in New York ivere suppressed . On the previous clay , hoivever , there had been a great deal of wanton mischief done . Archbishop Hughes had
addressed about 5000 of the people in reference to the riots The draft is to be enforced . The latest accounts represent a large Federal fleet as advancing to bombard Fort Sumter , in which it ivould be aided by batteries on Morris Island . General Lee , when last heard of , was at Front Royal , making the best of his way to Richmond . The Confederate cruiser Florida
has made a rather valuable prize . On the 16 th of June she captured and destroyed an American ship called the 33 . F . Hoxie , which had on board aboard about £ 20 , 000 worth of silver bars . The silver was , of course , duly transferred to the Florida . It is stated that this capture ivill cost our marine insurance com . names something over £ 150 , 000 .
To Correspondents.
W . R . —The oldest son of a Mason ( like other men ) , cannot be initiated under 21 years of age unless _ a dispensation is obtained from the Grand Master .