Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GEOMETRICAL SYMBOLS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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letter , and , at his suggestion , I send you a copy of the rouo-h draug ht in ibs present state , soliciting for it , should you see no objection , a place in your valuable columns . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , CHARLES PTJRTON COOPER . -Chateau Prampas , 24 th July , 1863 .
* * * * 186-1 . " In the summer of last year , although suffering from the Illness which bad separated me in body , but not iu mind , from my Kentish brethren , I forwarded to that very meritorious and useful publication , the FKEEMASONS MAGAZINE , two letters respecting the Provincial Charity Fund . Tbe second letter was merely explanatory of some ambiguity , ivhieh , after the first
was in the postman ' s hand , occurred to me as existing in it . The Editor , at my request , was so obliging as to amalgamate the tivo letters , and thus amalgamated they were inserted in an August number . In the succeeding autumn , before this number had reached me , I forwarded to the MAGAZINE a third letter on the same important subject . This letter is inserted in an October number . Now these numbers of the MAGAZINE are no longer in my possession ; they have been borrowed by a Polish
noblemen , recently initiated in Masonry ( his ancestors ivere active member of a lodge , now extinct , that flourished at Warsaw before the first' partition of his unhappy country ; he hopes the lodge ivill some day be revived—may he not be disappointed ) ! And my design in troubling you is to request that you will communicate to Grand Lodge on * * * tbe wish expressed in the before mentioned letters . There cannot be a more fitting occasion than when it is engaged in the revision of the bye-laws . Many brothers in toivn , I am persuaded , possess the numbers of the MAGAZINE for August and October ,
1860 . Part of my wish will be found expressed in the ivords of the present arrangement , as lately sent me by a Dartford brother . " The lodge having the greatest number of members , according to the returns , shall receive the amount of subscriptions , or such portion of it as shall be voted in Provincial Grand Lodge , to be applied by way of contribution to such one or more of tbe Masonic Charities , as the Provincial Grand Lodge may direct ; so as to give the lodge so contributing the
advantages , during its existence , of a Life Governor ; and in the following year each lodge in succession having the next greatest number of members shall receive the like advantages . " The other part of my wish is that this arrangement should remain unaltered , until you shall have given to every lodge in the province during its existence a Life Governor's advantages of -each of our four thriving charitiesthe Girls' Schoolthe Boys '
, , School , and the Benevolent Institutions , the one for Aged . Freemasons , the for their Widow . * * * * Their old P . Prov . G . M . prays the G . A . O . T . U " . to bless all his Kentish brethren . His heart beat quicker when he read that £ 3000 bad been raised for one of the charities at the dinner in March , Lord Hohnesdiile being chairman ; and quicker still ivhen he afterwards read that of this sum the Kentish brethren had
contributed more than one tenth . Where is the province which , regard being had to numerical proportions , has done so much ? No where , as he believes . " 'Po * * * *
Geometrical Symbols.
TO THE EDITOR 01 ' TICK r _ . EE 3 rAS 0 . VS' MAGAZINE - __ . __ ___ AS 03 TC ltliiho . 1 . Sm , —In the letters on Geometrical ancl other Symbols , which you have done me the honour to reprint from the Builder , your engraver has inadvertently reversed the arrow indicating the Radiative princi ple , in Eig . 3 , page 38 ( 18 th July ) . As this renders the context unintelligible , perhaps you will please to advert to it as an
erratum , and ab the same bime to note the following errors in the same number : —Page 35 , 11 th line from bottom of second column , for " mystical" read " plrysical , " and on page 37 , 28 th line from " top of first column , for " conclusion" read " coincidence . " I am , Sir , yours respectfully , ' 29 th July , 1863 . JOHN E . DOYE .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent is to be held at the White Hart Hotel , Hythe , on Wednesday , tbe 5 th August . His Grace the JDuke of Neivcastle , Prov . G . M . of Notts has consented to preside at the Anniversary Feslii-al of the Boys ' School in March next .
At the next election of the Girls , School on October 8 , there will be 10 pupils to elect from a list of 26 approved candidates . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the United Pilgrim Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Wormald's , the Windmill Tavern , Kennington , on Friday , 14 th August next , Bro . John Thomas in the chair . Time , 7 o'clock .
EOTAI OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , July 22 nd , at Bro . Stevens's , Koyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . Bro . George Wilton , W . M ., assisted by his officers . Bros . Stahr , Collington , Walters , Pembroke , Hodgson , and Blomeley , opened the lodge in the three degrees . Apologies were sent from all tbe candidates for their unavoidable absence . Some new
byelaws were made . The lodge was closed in the various degrees . The brethren then partook of an excellent cold collation . Visitors : —A . H . Tattershall , 13 , 140 ; G . Chapman , J . D ., 147 ; J . T . Tibbals , P . M ., U . S ., 169 ; J . Howes , P . M ., 765 .
JDEVONSHIRE . PIYMOUTH— Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 , late No . 1256 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge ivas convened on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Brunswick Masonic Hall , Plymouth . On account of tho large amount of ivork , the W . M . ordered the lodge to be close tyled at half-past two . The first business , after confirming the minutes of the last lodge , was to ballot for ten gentlemen , duly proposed at the last regular lod all of whom ivere
unanige , mously elected . The W . JI . had alluded in the circulars that by a clause in the Look of Constitutions , no more than five could be initiated in one day , consequently the first five on the list were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , all of whom expressed their desire to become members of the lodge . Three brethren ivere raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and two were passed to the degree of F . C . A
, communication ivas read from Grand Lodge , intimating that in future the lodge ivould be numbered on their books as 954 , instead of 1256 . The lodge , by vote , resolved that they ivould be represented at the Provincial Grand Lodgo , to be held at Honiton , on the 28 th ult ., by the W . M . and his Wardens . The W . M . announced , amidst the liveliest satisfaction , that their oivn lodge at Morico TOAVII Avns in such a forivard state , that in all
probability their next regular lodge in August ivould be held there . After receiving three propositions for new members and one as a joining member , the brethren adjourned to the adjoining hotel , where suitable refreshments was provided . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . "The Neivly Initiated " by Bro . HOAV . —The AV . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , proposed by the S . W ., said that it could nof be denied that to initiate fivepass two , and raise three in the same dayin
addi-, , tion to the usual business that must necessarily come under the notice of the W . M ., was very arduous ; but , thanks to the assistance of his Wardens and the other officers , he bad got on very well . In conclusion he proposed the health of the Senior and Junior Wardens , and other officers of Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) , which was duly responded to by Bro . Kent , S . IV . The Visitors' toast was responded to by Bro . MayJ . W . of Lod
, ge Charity . Very many visitors were present , among whom were the W . Jf . of Lodge Meridian ; Bro . Hunt , P . M . of Lodge Sincerity ; French , S . W . of Lodge 202 ; Holmes , P . M . 70 ; Lacy , & c . The lodge ivill meet for the initiation of the remaining candidates on tbe Tuesday following the above .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
letter , and , at his suggestion , I send you a copy of the rouo-h draug ht in ibs present state , soliciting for it , should you see no objection , a place in your valuable columns . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , CHARLES PTJRTON COOPER . -Chateau Prampas , 24 th July , 1863 .
* * * * 186-1 . " In the summer of last year , although suffering from the Illness which bad separated me in body , but not iu mind , from my Kentish brethren , I forwarded to that very meritorious and useful publication , the FKEEMASONS MAGAZINE , two letters respecting the Provincial Charity Fund . Tbe second letter was merely explanatory of some ambiguity , ivhieh , after the first
was in the postman ' s hand , occurred to me as existing in it . The Editor , at my request , was so obliging as to amalgamate the tivo letters , and thus amalgamated they were inserted in an August number . In the succeeding autumn , before this number had reached me , I forwarded to the MAGAZINE a third letter on the same important subject . This letter is inserted in an October number . Now these numbers of the MAGAZINE are no longer in my possession ; they have been borrowed by a Polish
noblemen , recently initiated in Masonry ( his ancestors ivere active member of a lodge , now extinct , that flourished at Warsaw before the first' partition of his unhappy country ; he hopes the lodge ivill some day be revived—may he not be disappointed ) ! And my design in troubling you is to request that you will communicate to Grand Lodge on * * * tbe wish expressed in the before mentioned letters . There cannot be a more fitting occasion than when it is engaged in the revision of the bye-laws . Many brothers in toivn , I am persuaded , possess the numbers of the MAGAZINE for August and October ,
1860 . Part of my wish will be found expressed in the ivords of the present arrangement , as lately sent me by a Dartford brother . " The lodge having the greatest number of members , according to the returns , shall receive the amount of subscriptions , or such portion of it as shall be voted in Provincial Grand Lodge , to be applied by way of contribution to such one or more of tbe Masonic Charities , as the Provincial Grand Lodge may direct ; so as to give the lodge so contributing the
advantages , during its existence , of a Life Governor ; and in the following year each lodge in succession having the next greatest number of members shall receive the like advantages . " The other part of my wish is that this arrangement should remain unaltered , until you shall have given to every lodge in the province during its existence a Life Governor's advantages of -each of our four thriving charitiesthe Girls' Schoolthe Boys '
, , School , and the Benevolent Institutions , the one for Aged . Freemasons , the for their Widow . * * * * Their old P . Prov . G . M . prays the G . A . O . T . U " . to bless all his Kentish brethren . His heart beat quicker when he read that £ 3000 bad been raised for one of the charities at the dinner in March , Lord Hohnesdiile being chairman ; and quicker still ivhen he afterwards read that of this sum the Kentish brethren had
contributed more than one tenth . Where is the province which , regard being had to numerical proportions , has done so much ? No where , as he believes . " 'Po * * * *
Geometrical Symbols.
TO THE EDITOR 01 ' TICK r _ . EE 3 rAS 0 . VS' MAGAZINE - __ . __ ___ AS 03 TC ltliiho . 1 . Sm , —In the letters on Geometrical ancl other Symbols , which you have done me the honour to reprint from the Builder , your engraver has inadvertently reversed the arrow indicating the Radiative princi ple , in Eig . 3 , page 38 ( 18 th July ) . As this renders the context unintelligible , perhaps you will please to advert to it as an
erratum , and ab the same bime to note the following errors in the same number : —Page 35 , 11 th line from bottom of second column , for " mystical" read " plrysical , " and on page 37 , 28 th line from " top of first column , for " conclusion" read " coincidence . " I am , Sir , yours respectfully , ' 29 th July , 1863 . JOHN E . DOYE .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent is to be held at the White Hart Hotel , Hythe , on Wednesday , tbe 5 th August . His Grace the JDuke of Neivcastle , Prov . G . M . of Notts has consented to preside at the Anniversary Feslii-al of the Boys ' School in March next .
At the next election of the Girls , School on October 8 , there will be 10 pupils to elect from a list of 26 approved candidates . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the United Pilgrim Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Wormald's , the Windmill Tavern , Kennington , on Friday , 14 th August next , Bro . John Thomas in the chair . Time , 7 o'clock .
EOTAI OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , July 22 nd , at Bro . Stevens's , Koyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . Bro . George Wilton , W . M ., assisted by his officers . Bros . Stahr , Collington , Walters , Pembroke , Hodgson , and Blomeley , opened the lodge in the three degrees . Apologies were sent from all tbe candidates for their unavoidable absence . Some new
byelaws were made . The lodge was closed in the various degrees . The brethren then partook of an excellent cold collation . Visitors : —A . H . Tattershall , 13 , 140 ; G . Chapman , J . D ., 147 ; J . T . Tibbals , P . M ., U . S ., 169 ; J . Howes , P . M ., 765 .
JDEVONSHIRE . PIYMOUTH— Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 , late No . 1256 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge ivas convened on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Brunswick Masonic Hall , Plymouth . On account of tho large amount of ivork , the W . M . ordered the lodge to be close tyled at half-past two . The first business , after confirming the minutes of the last lodge , was to ballot for ten gentlemen , duly proposed at the last regular lod all of whom ivere
unanige , mously elected . The W . JI . had alluded in the circulars that by a clause in the Look of Constitutions , no more than five could be initiated in one day , consequently the first five on the list were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , all of whom expressed their desire to become members of the lodge . Three brethren ivere raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and two were passed to the degree of F . C . A
, communication ivas read from Grand Lodge , intimating that in future the lodge ivould be numbered on their books as 954 , instead of 1256 . The lodge , by vote , resolved that they ivould be represented at the Provincial Grand Lodgo , to be held at Honiton , on the 28 th ult ., by the W . M . and his Wardens . The W . M . announced , amidst the liveliest satisfaction , that their oivn lodge at Morico TOAVII Avns in such a forivard state , that in all
probability their next regular lodge in August ivould be held there . After receiving three propositions for new members and one as a joining member , the brethren adjourned to the adjoining hotel , where suitable refreshments was provided . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . "The Neivly Initiated " by Bro . HOAV . —The AV . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , proposed by the S . W ., said that it could nof be denied that to initiate fivepass two , and raise three in the same dayin
addi-, , tion to the usual business that must necessarily come under the notice of the W . M ., was very arduous ; but , thanks to the assistance of his Wardens and the other officers , he bad got on very well . In conclusion he proposed the health of the Senior and Junior Wardens , and other officers of Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) , which was duly responded to by Bro . Kent , S . IV . The Visitors' toast was responded to by Bro . MayJ . W . of Lod
, ge Charity . Very many visitors were present , among whom were the W . Jf . of Lodge Meridian ; Bro . Hunt , P . M . of Lodge Sincerity ; French , S . W . of Lodge 202 ; Holmes , P . M . 70 ; Lacy , & c . The lodge ivill meet for the initiation of the remaining candidates on tbe Tuesday following the above .