Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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Masters ; Worshipful Masters ; two Stewards ( Bros . Titmas and Lord ) , with wands ; Bro . John Tinker ( Entered Apprentice ) , carrying the Lewis . Bros . Drinkwater , Mountain , Vickers , and Bramall , four Fellow Crafts , who raised ancl lowered the corner stone . The Provincial Grand Lodge Banner borne by Bro . Bailey . Provincial Grand Tyler with sword . Then followed the
Manuscripts , plans of the buildings , and an engraved plate , to be placed over the MSS ., borne by three boys , sons of Freemasons . Bros . J . Sudlow , Prov . G . Treas . ; Stephen Smith , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec .- ; WT Mangnall , the Architect ; JBramall , the Builder ; Bradley and S . Percy , two Secretaries ; Eltoft , tbe Solicitor . Silver vessels of Corn , Wine , and Oil , borne by Worshipful
Masters Clayton , Powell , and Warren . The Directors of the Company two and tivo—Bros . Dr . J . C . Peatson , H . Boddington , Peter Bleakley , T . R . Willliams , J . L . Hine , and J . W . Petty . The trowel , Bro . C . Affleck , Prov . J . G . D . Z The mallet , Bro . J . H . P . Leresche . The Provincial Grand Officers of East Lancashirepast and
, present , two and two , according to rank . The Volume of the Sacred Law , and the square and compasses , on a crimson velvet cushion , borne by Freemasons sons , followed by Prov . G . Chap ., Rev . John Leighton Figgins , 33 . A . Tbe municipal authorities and visitors of distinction not being Masons .
Visiting brethren of distinction . Corinthian Light , bornebyBro . Hart , W . M . ; Column of P . J . G . W ., borne by Bro . J . Booth ; Prov . J . G . W ., with plumb rule ; Doric Light , borne by Bro . Bold , P . M . ; Column of Prov . S . G . W ., borne by Bro . Behreud , W . M . ; Prov . S . G . W ., with level ; Ionic Light , borne by Bro . Nathan , W . M . ; the D . Prov . G . M ., with Square ; two Prov . G . Stewards , with wands ; Prov . G . Master's Standard , borne by the Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Prov . G . Sword Bearer
, with Sword of State ; Prov . G . Stewards , Smith and Bidder , with wands , on either side of the li . W . Prov . G . M ., Stephen Blair , followed by Prov . G . Stewards , Emmott and Shellard , with wands ; the whole being concluded by police . The young gentlemen , sons of Mason , who took part , formed a very interesting feature in the procession . Master Eltoft carried the engraved plate to be placed above the manuscripts
to be deposited under the stone ; Master Boddington carried the manuscripts ; and Master Magnall the plans of the building . The trowel was borne by Master Petty , and the mallet by-Master Percy . The volume of the Sacred laiv and the square and compasses on a crimson vebret cushion were carried by Masters Crowther , Heywood , Currie , Thorpe , Gaudin , Shaw , and Jones . The boys were uniformly dressed in black , with white vests and gloves , and wore beautiful bouquets of exotic floivers , presented on the occasion by their companion , Master John Shaw .
The weather during the morning had been very forbidding , and nearly up to the time of starting a steady rain fell . This no doubt thinned the attendance considerably . But , as it was , the procession mustered about 1200 brethren , all wearing the costume of the Order . From the starting of the procession , the weather was fine . There were a great many spectators in the streets , and the windows of most of the houses ivere croAvded with ladies . The procession was imposing . The route was
very along King-street , York-street , Mosley-street , and St . Peter's Square to Cooper-square , the march occupying about an hour . Tbe site was plentifully hung with flags , banners , and other decorations , and the ground was comfortably boarded , and so arranged that everything passed off without the slightest confusion . An orchestra ivas erected for the band of the 1 st Manchester Volunteerswho headed the processiona latform
, ; p , covered with red cloth , was put up round the corner stone ; and a special space was railed off for the ladies , who mustered very strongly . The adjoining streets , warehouses , roofs of houses , and every other spot that afforded a view- of the ceremony were occupied by miscellaneous spectators . The procession ( the members walking two and two ) , entered the ground beneath the crossed swords of the tivo officials who stood at either
doorpost . Upon entering the enclosure the brethren divided ri ght and left , forming an avenue through which the directors , the Provincial Grand Master , the Sword Bearer , the Ionic light , and various officers , passed on to the platform in the north-east comer Avhile the band played the overture to " Zampa . "
The officers having taken their places , the Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prov . G . Chaplain , offered up prayer , after wliich the plans were handed by the Grand Superintendent of Works to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who , testifying bis approval , banded them to the architect . The "lewis" was then fixed by Bro . John Tinker ; the top stone was slowly raised , the band playing " The heavens are telling . "
The Prov . G . Treas . deposited in the cavity of the lower stone , a phial containing copies of the Manchester papers , and a manuscript with an inscription , of which the following is a copy : — "In the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , in the year of our Lord 1863 , and of Masonry 5863 , the foundation-stone of this building , the Freemasons' JHallivas laid by Stephen Blairof Mill Hill
, , House , Bolton , Esquire , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire , of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England ; assisted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , and a numerous assemblage of noblemen and brethren of this and neighbouring provinces . The promoters of this edifice have desired not only to raise a structure perfect in its partsand honourable
, to the builders , and to the Craft ii'liereto they belong , but also to provide for themselves and their brethren , so long as its walls may remain , a fitting temple , protected from all profane intrusion , for the rites , and consecrated solely to the solemn mysteries , of that ancient and honourable order . Here , too , they
have designed to prepare a place where the sacred offices of Masonic hospitality may be fitly celebrated , and under whose roof the three grand principles of brotherly love , relief , and truth may ever find a sheltering home . Incorporated ivith these intentions , they have also sought to make that ivhieh enshrines the inner glories of the system irradiate , in some degree , the precincts of the outer world . In this vast city—which has in the lapse of centuries progressed from the wattled village of
a feiv painted Britons , to the metropolis of northern England , and the workshop of the world—the fraternity of Freemasons therein residing must be represented as becomes the magnitude of the locality , the ivealth of its residents , and tiie increasing elegance of its public and private structures . In this edifice , situated almost at the central point of tbe entire city , Masonry may securely and proudl lace her seat level Avith the halls of
y p the municipality , the shrines of learning and art , the palaces of justice , and the emporia of commerce . " The scroll also contained the names of the directors , shareholders , and officers of the company , together with a list of the lodges , chapters , and encampments meeting in Manchester and Salford , their present number in tho register of the Grand Lodge of Englandthe names of the present officersand the number
, , of subscribing members . With the MSS ., & c , were also deposited photographs of the Prov . G . M ., the chairman , directors , and officers of the company . Tbe Provincial Grand Secretary read the inscription on the brass plate , which was placed over the cavity . We give the inscription : —
"In the name of the great Architect of tbe Universe , This , the COBNER STONE of the MANCHESTER FREEMASONS' HALL , Erected by a Public Company on the principle of Limited Liability , at an Estimated Cost of Twelve Thousand Pounds , was laid with full Masonic Honours by STEPHEN BEAIB , of Mill Hill Bolton Riht Worshiful Provincial
House , , Esq ., g p Grand Master of East Lancashire , assisted by the ¦ Provincial Grand Officers and Members of the Craft , On Saturday , the 25 th July , A . L . 5863 , A . D . 1863 , in the 27 th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria . DIBECTOBS : W . Callender , jun ., P . G . S . W . J . H . P . Leresche , P . G . R , Chas . AffleckP . G . J . D . Isaac Wovenden PettyP . M . 246
, , Peter Bleackley , P . M . 189 Joseph Lancaster Hine , P . M . 399 Henry Boddington , S . W . 117 T . R . Williams , P . M . 177 . J . Peatson , M . D . W . M . 1117 John Bradley , W . M . 177 ) Seoretarieg Saral . Percy , P . M . 399 j &< = cretaiies . Joseph Eltoft , S . W . 1117 , Solicitor . Bro . W . Mangnall , Architect . Bro . John Bramall , Builder .
Thos . Gilks Gibbons , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies . " Bro . W . K . CAXIENDEB , jun ,, the Chairman of the Directors , presented the Grand Master with a silver troivel suitably inscribed . In doing so , Bro . Callendar expressed his belief that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masters ; Worshipful Masters ; two Stewards ( Bros . Titmas and Lord ) , with wands ; Bro . John Tinker ( Entered Apprentice ) , carrying the Lewis . Bros . Drinkwater , Mountain , Vickers , and Bramall , four Fellow Crafts , who raised ancl lowered the corner stone . The Provincial Grand Lodge Banner borne by Bro . Bailey . Provincial Grand Tyler with sword . Then followed the
Manuscripts , plans of the buildings , and an engraved plate , to be placed over the MSS ., borne by three boys , sons of Freemasons . Bros . J . Sudlow , Prov . G . Treas . ; Stephen Smith , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec .- ; WT Mangnall , the Architect ; JBramall , the Builder ; Bradley and S . Percy , two Secretaries ; Eltoft , tbe Solicitor . Silver vessels of Corn , Wine , and Oil , borne by Worshipful
Masters Clayton , Powell , and Warren . The Directors of the Company two and tivo—Bros . Dr . J . C . Peatson , H . Boddington , Peter Bleakley , T . R . Willliams , J . L . Hine , and J . W . Petty . The trowel , Bro . C . Affleck , Prov . J . G . D . Z The mallet , Bro . J . H . P . Leresche . The Provincial Grand Officers of East Lancashirepast and
, present , two and two , according to rank . The Volume of the Sacred Law , and the square and compasses , on a crimson velvet cushion , borne by Freemasons sons , followed by Prov . G . Chap ., Rev . John Leighton Figgins , 33 . A . Tbe municipal authorities and visitors of distinction not being Masons .
Visiting brethren of distinction . Corinthian Light , bornebyBro . Hart , W . M . ; Column of P . J . G . W ., borne by Bro . J . Booth ; Prov . J . G . W ., with plumb rule ; Doric Light , borne by Bro . Bold , P . M . ; Column of Prov . S . G . W ., borne by Bro . Behreud , W . M . ; Prov . S . G . W ., with level ; Ionic Light , borne by Bro . Nathan , W . M . ; the D . Prov . G . M ., with Square ; two Prov . G . Stewards , with wands ; Prov . G . Master's Standard , borne by the Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; Prov . G . Sword Bearer
, with Sword of State ; Prov . G . Stewards , Smith and Bidder , with wands , on either side of the li . W . Prov . G . M ., Stephen Blair , followed by Prov . G . Stewards , Emmott and Shellard , with wands ; the whole being concluded by police . The young gentlemen , sons of Mason , who took part , formed a very interesting feature in the procession . Master Eltoft carried the engraved plate to be placed above the manuscripts
to be deposited under the stone ; Master Boddington carried the manuscripts ; and Master Magnall the plans of the building . The trowel was borne by Master Petty , and the mallet by-Master Percy . The volume of the Sacred laiv and the square and compasses on a crimson vebret cushion were carried by Masters Crowther , Heywood , Currie , Thorpe , Gaudin , Shaw , and Jones . The boys were uniformly dressed in black , with white vests and gloves , and wore beautiful bouquets of exotic floivers , presented on the occasion by their companion , Master John Shaw .
The weather during the morning had been very forbidding , and nearly up to the time of starting a steady rain fell . This no doubt thinned the attendance considerably . But , as it was , the procession mustered about 1200 brethren , all wearing the costume of the Order . From the starting of the procession , the weather was fine . There were a great many spectators in the streets , and the windows of most of the houses ivere croAvded with ladies . The procession was imposing . The route was
very along King-street , York-street , Mosley-street , and St . Peter's Square to Cooper-square , the march occupying about an hour . Tbe site was plentifully hung with flags , banners , and other decorations , and the ground was comfortably boarded , and so arranged that everything passed off without the slightest confusion . An orchestra ivas erected for the band of the 1 st Manchester Volunteerswho headed the processiona latform
, ; p , covered with red cloth , was put up round the corner stone ; and a special space was railed off for the ladies , who mustered very strongly . The adjoining streets , warehouses , roofs of houses , and every other spot that afforded a view- of the ceremony were occupied by miscellaneous spectators . The procession ( the members walking two and two ) , entered the ground beneath the crossed swords of the tivo officials who stood at either
doorpost . Upon entering the enclosure the brethren divided ri ght and left , forming an avenue through which the directors , the Provincial Grand Master , the Sword Bearer , the Ionic light , and various officers , passed on to the platform in the north-east comer Avhile the band played the overture to " Zampa . "
The officers having taken their places , the Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prov . G . Chaplain , offered up prayer , after wliich the plans were handed by the Grand Superintendent of Works to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who , testifying bis approval , banded them to the architect . The "lewis" was then fixed by Bro . John Tinker ; the top stone was slowly raised , the band playing " The heavens are telling . "
The Prov . G . Treas . deposited in the cavity of the lower stone , a phial containing copies of the Manchester papers , and a manuscript with an inscription , of which the following is a copy : — "In the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , in the year of our Lord 1863 , and of Masonry 5863 , the foundation-stone of this building , the Freemasons' JHallivas laid by Stephen Blairof Mill Hill
, , House , Bolton , Esquire , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire , of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England ; assisted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , and a numerous assemblage of noblemen and brethren of this and neighbouring provinces . The promoters of this edifice have desired not only to raise a structure perfect in its partsand honourable
, to the builders , and to the Craft ii'liereto they belong , but also to provide for themselves and their brethren , so long as its walls may remain , a fitting temple , protected from all profane intrusion , for the rites , and consecrated solely to the solemn mysteries , of that ancient and honourable order . Here , too , they
have designed to prepare a place where the sacred offices of Masonic hospitality may be fitly celebrated , and under whose roof the three grand principles of brotherly love , relief , and truth may ever find a sheltering home . Incorporated ivith these intentions , they have also sought to make that ivhieh enshrines the inner glories of the system irradiate , in some degree , the precincts of the outer world . In this vast city—which has in the lapse of centuries progressed from the wattled village of
a feiv painted Britons , to the metropolis of northern England , and the workshop of the world—the fraternity of Freemasons therein residing must be represented as becomes the magnitude of the locality , the ivealth of its residents , and tiie increasing elegance of its public and private structures . In this edifice , situated almost at the central point of tbe entire city , Masonry may securely and proudl lace her seat level Avith the halls of
y p the municipality , the shrines of learning and art , the palaces of justice , and the emporia of commerce . " The scroll also contained the names of the directors , shareholders , and officers of the company , together with a list of the lodges , chapters , and encampments meeting in Manchester and Salford , their present number in tho register of the Grand Lodge of Englandthe names of the present officersand the number
, , of subscribing members . With the MSS ., & c , were also deposited photographs of the Prov . G . M ., the chairman , directors , and officers of the company . Tbe Provincial Grand Secretary read the inscription on the brass plate , which was placed over the cavity . We give the inscription : —
"In the name of the great Architect of tbe Universe , This , the COBNER STONE of the MANCHESTER FREEMASONS' HALL , Erected by a Public Company on the principle of Limited Liability , at an Estimated Cost of Twelve Thousand Pounds , was laid with full Masonic Honours by STEPHEN BEAIB , of Mill Hill Bolton Riht Worshiful Provincial
House , , Esq ., g p Grand Master of East Lancashire , assisted by the ¦ Provincial Grand Officers and Members of the Craft , On Saturday , the 25 th July , A . L . 5863 , A . D . 1863 , in the 27 th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria . DIBECTOBS : W . Callender , jun ., P . G . S . W . J . H . P . Leresche , P . G . R , Chas . AffleckP . G . J . D . Isaac Wovenden PettyP . M . 246
, , Peter Bleackley , P . M . 189 Joseph Lancaster Hine , P . M . 399 Henry Boddington , S . W . 117 T . R . Williams , P . M . 177 . J . Peatson , M . D . W . M . 1117 John Bradley , W . M . 177 ) Seoretarieg Saral . Percy , P . M . 399 j &< = cretaiies . Joseph Eltoft , S . W . 1117 , Solicitor . Bro . W . Mangnall , Architect . Bro . John Bramall , Builder .
Thos . Gilks Gibbons , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies . " Bro . W . K . CAXIENDEB , jun ,, the Chairman of the Directors , presented the Grand Master with a silver troivel suitably inscribed . In doing so , Bro . Callendar expressed his belief that