Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
MET : ROPOTATAIN CIAATTETI os IKSTUAJCHOIS . —The weekly mooting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , the 28 th Aug ., at the George Hotel , Aldcnnanbury . The ceremony of exaltation was duly rehearsed ; the officers being Comps . Little , Z . ; Penny , H . ; Levander , J . ; Tanner , N . ; Turner , P . S . ; Hamilton and Nicholson , Assist . Soj . The first and second clauses of the 3 rd section , were then ably worked by Comp .
Brett , President , assisted by the companions present . The following companions were elected joining members , viz ., Comp . F . Walters , M . E . Z . 73 , Morris , 73 , Pitscb , 188 , Marks , 185 , and F . K . Stevens , 20 , and the Chapter was closed iff ancient and solemn form . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOII . —Liverpool Chapter ( No . 216 . )—This flourishing
chapter helel a convocation on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., at six o ' clock in the evening , at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet . The firsfc chair was filled by Comp . Laidlaw , P . Z ., supported hy Comps . Hamer , as H . ; Philips , J . ; McKune , P . S . Jarvis , S . E . ; assisted by Comps . Armstrong and Marsh . Visitors Comps . Goepel , 86 ; Jones , 249 , & c . Bro . Geo . Turner , P . M ., of Loelge 86 , was exalted to this degree . The lectures were given from the several chairsand the whole ceremony w-as
, conducted in a way which gratified all present . The chapter was then closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . The health of the three chiefs of tire chapter was given by Comp . McKune , and duly responded to by Comp . Laidlaw , M . E . P . Z ., who said that it gave him great pleasure to do all be could to support the chapter and assist in the good working of the same The health of Comp . Turner was given and duly responded to .
The visitors' toast was next given , coupled with the name of Comps . Jones , 249 , and Goepel , 86 , who returned thanks , and said they were much pleased with the good working of this flourishing chapter . A very happy evening was spent .
DUMFRIESSHIRE . TnoESitiLli . —Bro . F . Bennoch , a P . G . Steward in the Grand Lodge of England , was recently the guest at au entertainment given in Thornhill , by tho E . \ V . M . and other office-bearers of St John ' s ( No . 252 ) . ' Bro . Bennoch as a Freemason is wellknown and highly respected in England . He appears also to have warm-hearted Masonic friends in Scotland . In introducing
the toast of the evening at tbe re-union above referred to , tho U . W . Bro . Adam C . Hislop , made the following remarks , which were cordially indorsed by the assembled brethren : — " Brethren , —AVe . should have been wanting in our duty bad we allowed to pass the present opportunity of tendering to our distinguished brother on my right our hearty congratulations on the occasion of bis present visit to Thornhill . It is scarcely necessary that I should advert to the honourable position which
Bro . Bennoch occupies in literary anel commercial circles : with this all of us are familiar , anel feel a real pride in being able to claim him as a native of Dumfriesshire , and to hold him up to the youth of tlie county as a model , whether we view him in the character of a man of business , a poet , or as a private gentleman . But in another capacity , anel in an especial manner , is he endeared to the present company . He is united to us in the covenant of Freemasonry—is bound more closely to us of St .
John's by the tie of honorary membership , and not only so , but our sympathies are drawn still more closely towards him as having made Two Hundred Two-arid-fifty the subject of verses in which our historian , in common with ourselves , has not failed to discover the genuine ring of a fraternally-poetic genius . Bro . Bennoch : permit me iu the most homely , unaffected , but withal respectful way now to bid you welcome to the bosom of this social gathering of what justlbe termed a small
may y very section of your Masonic friends and admirers in and around Thornhill ; . anel I trust that a re-union with tlie brethren of St . John ' s may for many years to come occupy a place in the retrospect of incidents in connection with your annual visit to your native country . Brethren ; pledge a ' bumper to the health of our honoured anel ever welcome friend and brother , F . Beunoclr . "
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . MABIXEES' LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —On Thursday August 16 th , an emergency meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Hall . The business of the evening was conducted by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . AVnkley , S . AA' . ; Brown , J . W . ; and Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ; who was requested to take ' the chair of I-P . M . The lodge having been opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , Bro . England was examined as to bis proficiency , aud
having given satisfactory proof thereof , was entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was openeel in the 3 rd degree , and the candidate having been reintroduced was raised to tho sublime degree of Mastor Mason by the AV . M ., who also communicated to him the traditionary history . Bro . Dr . Hopkins also gave a lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree , and finally closeel at ten o ' clock . On AVednesday August 22 nd the regular monthly meeting of
the same lodge was held . The first chair was occupied by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., that of S . AV . by Bro . AVhakley , and that of J . AV . by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , The lodge having been opened iu the first degree , the minutes of two previous meetings were read and confirmed . Bro . AVarr was examined as to his proficiency , entrusted and dismissed for preparation , Bro . Dr Hopkins at the request of the WM . took the first chair , and opened the lodge in the 2 nd degree . The candidate was readmitted and
passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Henry was then examined as to his proficiency , and having been entrusted , retired for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and on his readmission he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who also gave the traditionary history . The loelge was resumed in the 1 st degree , and no other business offering , was finally closed at half-past nine . The brethren as usual retired to tbe banqueting room for light refreshment .
ROYAL ARCH . MEETisa OB GEASD CHAETEE . The annual convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Canada was hold at St . Catherines , on the 14 th ult . In the absence of E . Comp . T . D . Harington , Grand Z ., E . Comp . AV . M . AVilson , P . G . Z . presided . The attendance was larger than usual , nearly all of the subordinate chapters being represented . The report
of the several Grand Superintendents indicate that capitular Masonry is iu a very prosperous condition . A most interesting report referring to correspondence with twenty-four sister Grand Chapters was presented by E . Comp . Seymour . The following annual address was read : — Address to the Most Excellent the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada .
Greeting : Companions . —I regret exceedingly that I am nofc able to meet you this year in convocation . It is a great disappointment ; to me for several reasons , not the least of which being , that I am prevented forming one of a band of companions , who can seldom arrange to meet together and exchange their hearty congratulations , except at our annual assemblages , to Avhich I havo always looked with much true anticipatory pleasure . Bufc
the termination of Parliament , and important measures passeel by the legislature afc once coining into effect , render it impossible for mo to absent myself from my duty as a public officer . I have , therefore , requested Most Excellent Companion AV . M . \ A 7 ilson , your respected Past Grand First Principal , to preside for mo over your deliberations , on this your ninth annual convocation . Once again it falls to my lot , companions , to call upon you
reverently to return humble and hearty thanks to Almighty God for sparing us to confer together , —for our prosperous con " condion , —and for His many blessings poured out upon us , anel this favoured portion of the British dominions . As I had tho pleasure of doing last year , so 1 am now enabled to state , that I know of no serious breach of harmony existing between our chapters ov companions . I have , on the contrary , good reason to believe that all are working in unison , and that a quiet continuous growth of prosperity exists in our Order . My work has been light in consequence , having been confined
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
MET : ROPOTATAIN CIAATTETI os IKSTUAJCHOIS . —The weekly mooting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , the 28 th Aug ., at the George Hotel , Aldcnnanbury . The ceremony of exaltation was duly rehearsed ; the officers being Comps . Little , Z . ; Penny , H . ; Levander , J . ; Tanner , N . ; Turner , P . S . ; Hamilton and Nicholson , Assist . Soj . The first and second clauses of the 3 rd section , were then ably worked by Comp .
Brett , President , assisted by the companions present . The following companions were elected joining members , viz ., Comp . F . Walters , M . E . Z . 73 , Morris , 73 , Pitscb , 188 , Marks , 185 , and F . K . Stevens , 20 , and the Chapter was closed iff ancient and solemn form . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOII . —Liverpool Chapter ( No . 216 . )—This flourishing
chapter helel a convocation on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., at six o ' clock in the evening , at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet . The firsfc chair was filled by Comp . Laidlaw , P . Z ., supported hy Comps . Hamer , as H . ; Philips , J . ; McKune , P . S . Jarvis , S . E . ; assisted by Comps . Armstrong and Marsh . Visitors Comps . Goepel , 86 ; Jones , 249 , & c . Bro . Geo . Turner , P . M ., of Loelge 86 , was exalted to this degree . The lectures were given from the several chairsand the whole ceremony w-as
, conducted in a way which gratified all present . The chapter was then closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . The health of the three chiefs of tire chapter was given by Comp . McKune , and duly responded to by Comp . Laidlaw , M . E . P . Z ., who said that it gave him great pleasure to do all be could to support the chapter and assist in the good working of the same The health of Comp . Turner was given and duly responded to .
The visitors' toast was next given , coupled with the name of Comps . Jones , 249 , and Goepel , 86 , who returned thanks , and said they were much pleased with the good working of this flourishing chapter . A very happy evening was spent .
DUMFRIESSHIRE . TnoESitiLli . —Bro . F . Bennoch , a P . G . Steward in the Grand Lodge of England , was recently the guest at au entertainment given in Thornhill , by tho E . \ V . M . and other office-bearers of St John ' s ( No . 252 ) . ' Bro . Bennoch as a Freemason is wellknown and highly respected in England . He appears also to have warm-hearted Masonic friends in Scotland . In introducing
the toast of the evening at tbe re-union above referred to , tho U . W . Bro . Adam C . Hislop , made the following remarks , which were cordially indorsed by the assembled brethren : — " Brethren , —AVe . should have been wanting in our duty bad we allowed to pass the present opportunity of tendering to our distinguished brother on my right our hearty congratulations on the occasion of bis present visit to Thornhill . It is scarcely necessary that I should advert to the honourable position which
Bro . Bennoch occupies in literary anel commercial circles : with this all of us are familiar , anel feel a real pride in being able to claim him as a native of Dumfriesshire , and to hold him up to the youth of tlie county as a model , whether we view him in the character of a man of business , a poet , or as a private gentleman . But in another capacity , anel in an especial manner , is he endeared to the present company . He is united to us in the covenant of Freemasonry—is bound more closely to us of St .
John's by the tie of honorary membership , and not only so , but our sympathies are drawn still more closely towards him as having made Two Hundred Two-arid-fifty the subject of verses in which our historian , in common with ourselves , has not failed to discover the genuine ring of a fraternally-poetic genius . Bro . Bennoch : permit me iu the most homely , unaffected , but withal respectful way now to bid you welcome to the bosom of this social gathering of what justlbe termed a small
may y very section of your Masonic friends and admirers in and around Thornhill ; . anel I trust that a re-union with tlie brethren of St . John ' s may for many years to come occupy a place in the retrospect of incidents in connection with your annual visit to your native country . Brethren ; pledge a ' bumper to the health of our honoured anel ever welcome friend and brother , F . Beunoclr . "
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . MABIXEES' LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —On Thursday August 16 th , an emergency meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Hall . The business of the evening was conducted by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . AVnkley , S . AA' . ; Brown , J . W . ; and Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ; who was requested to take ' the chair of I-P . M . The lodge having been opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , Bro . England was examined as to bis proficiency , aud
having given satisfactory proof thereof , was entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was openeel in the 3 rd degree , and the candidate having been reintroduced was raised to tho sublime degree of Mastor Mason by the AV . M ., who also communicated to him the traditionary history . Bro . Dr . Hopkins also gave a lecture on the tracing board . The lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree , and finally closeel at ten o ' clock . On AVednesday August 22 nd the regular monthly meeting of
the same lodge was held . The first chair was occupied by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., that of S . AV . by Bro . AVhakley , and that of J . AV . by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , The lodge having been opened iu the first degree , the minutes of two previous meetings were read and confirmed . Bro . AVarr was examined as to his proficiency , entrusted and dismissed for preparation , Bro . Dr Hopkins at the request of the WM . took the first chair , and opened the lodge in the 2 nd degree . The candidate was readmitted and
passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Henry was then examined as to his proficiency , and having been entrusted , retired for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and on his readmission he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who also gave the traditionary history . The loelge was resumed in the 1 st degree , and no other business offering , was finally closed at half-past nine . The brethren as usual retired to tbe banqueting room for light refreshment .
ROYAL ARCH . MEETisa OB GEASD CHAETEE . The annual convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Canada was hold at St . Catherines , on the 14 th ult . In the absence of E . Comp . T . D . Harington , Grand Z ., E . Comp . AV . M . AVilson , P . G . Z . presided . The attendance was larger than usual , nearly all of the subordinate chapters being represented . The report
of the several Grand Superintendents indicate that capitular Masonry is iu a very prosperous condition . A most interesting report referring to correspondence with twenty-four sister Grand Chapters was presented by E . Comp . Seymour . The following annual address was read : — Address to the Most Excellent the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada .
Greeting : Companions . —I regret exceedingly that I am nofc able to meet you this year in convocation . It is a great disappointment ; to me for several reasons , not the least of which being , that I am prevented forming one of a band of companions , who can seldom arrange to meet together and exchange their hearty congratulations , except at our annual assemblages , to Avhich I havo always looked with much true anticipatory pleasure . Bufc
the termination of Parliament , and important measures passeel by the legislature afc once coining into effect , render it impossible for mo to absent myself from my duty as a public officer . I have , therefore , requested Most Excellent Companion AV . M . \ A 7 ilson , your respected Past Grand First Principal , to preside for mo over your deliberations , on this your ninth annual convocation . Once again it falls to my lot , companions , to call upon you
reverently to return humble and hearty thanks to Almighty God for sparing us to confer together , —for our prosperous con " condion , —and for His many blessings poured out upon us , anel this favoured portion of the British dominions . As I had tho pleasure of doing last year , so 1 am now enabled to state , that I know of no serious breach of harmony existing between our chapters ov companions . I have , on the contrary , good reason to believe that all are working in unison , and that a quiet continuous growth of prosperity exists in our Order . My work has been light in consequence , having been confined