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principally to granting certain necessary dispensations , and replying to questions relating to capitular jurisprudence . I have granted a second dispensation in favour of St . Mark ' s Royal Arch Chapter , to bo holiien afc Trenton , C . W ., which had not commenced working afc the time of our last annual convocation , but which Right . Excellent Companion Fowler , Grand Superintendent for the Central and Prince Edward District , has now formally opened anel constituted according to ancient
usage . 1 have also granted a dispensation for the Manitou Royal Arch Chapter , to be holdou at Collingwood , C . AA ., the petition for which came to mo duly anel constitutionally recommended . The Eight Excellent Companion Harris , Grand Scribe E ., opened and constituted this new subordinate . I recommend Grand Chapter to confirm these two new Chapters by warrant .
The several other dispensations granted by me have been ordinary ones coming under- Sections 6 , 17 , and 18 " Of Subordinate Chapters , " in the new book of Constitutions , anel deemed by me to be necessary for the well-working of the -chapters interested . For more full details of the progress of our Order in the respective districts , anel the condition of your several subordinate -chaptersI refer you to the annual reports of the Grand
Super-, intendents , —which I take for granted those really important officers have furnished to the Grand Scribe E . for your information , as they are bound to do by the Constitutions and General -Regulations . Without them no reliable statistics can be compiled .
I refer Grand Chapter to the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe E ., for information as to the state of our . finances . The accounts sanctioned at the annual convocation liave been paid . It is with sincere pleasure I am able to declare that with all our sister grand bodies our communications and relations are of the very kindliest description . Such of their proceedings as have been receivedhave been handed to Riht Excellent
Com-, g panion Seymour , chairman of the Committee of Foreign Correspondence , who , with his accustomed assiduity , bas again , at much personal inconvenience , given them his careful attention , and prepared a report for publication with our own proceedings . The new constitution , under the excellent supervision of your Grand Scribe E ., is printed anel distributed , a cause of congratulation to us all . As regards the Royal Arch work , sanctioned '
by Grand Chapter , it would be well if ifc were exemplified during this Convocation , inasmuch as I discover that it is not even yet generally understood and adopted . Should this suggestion meet your approval I have requested E . Comp . Seymour to act for me in this behalf , assisted by Grand Scribe E . It is of importance that our Subordinate Chapters should no longer be left to their own resources , but that all should
work alike . It is a matter for regret thafc the income of Grand Chapter , will not , as yet , bear the payment for a Grand Lecturer , whose periodical vkits would do an infinite amount of good . The near accomplishment of the confederation of the dominions on this continent of our beloved Queen , God bless her , naturally causes mo to invite your attention to the formation of a Grand Chapter of British North Americaand to suggest that
, that communication be at once entered into with our companions of the maritime provinces on this matter , so interesting to us all , and all Chapters hailing from tlie old country , should be cordially invited and urged to become members of the confederation .
Before concluding , companions , permit me to offer to your notice two subjects of sincere congratulation , as I consider them . The first is the successful accomplishment of the marvellous task of uniting the oid and new worlds b y the Atlantic Telegraph . Already has the small bufc wonder-working wire , embedded as it is in the profound depths of an ocean , been the medium of messages of peace and good will between Great Britain and the United States of America ; and as it has
brought these two powerful , closely allied nations into , what may he called , speaking distance of each other , why should it not bo the means of making the brethren and companions of our ancient Order , in the two hemispheres , more intimately known to , and all the better able to help cacli other ? May it prove so ! May it be another means of diffusing through men's hearts , anel throughout the world that glorious proclamation issued more than eighteen centuries ago , " Glory to God in the Highest ! Peace on Earth—good will towards men ! "
In the second place . I think it is a fit subject on which to congratulate Freemasons , members of an Order , in which loyalty to their sovereign and country is aud should ever be considered as second nature ( as declared in its ancient charges ) on the discomfiture of a set of lawless men , who , under the pretence of righting Ireland's wrongs , meant murder , robbery , and other mischief to Canada . It is a matter of congratulation that these misguided men ( Fenians ) were thrust off the soil they were
polluting by au entire population whose strong boast is that they are subjects of such a sovereign over hearts , as well as dominions , as Queen Victoria . In conclusion , I beg to offer my hearty thanks to the several Grand Superintendents anel Grand Officers for their support anel assistance during the year that has passeel . May peace continue to bless our common country—and may the great Architect of the Universe spare us to meet again happily , and
continue his blessings to us and all belonging to us , and prosper these our present proceedings . So mote it be . T . DOUGLAS IiAEixaio-s " , Grand Z . Ottawa , Gth Aug ., 1866 . The following are the Grand Officers elected for the ensuing year : — GEAXD OPEICEES .
M . E . Comp . T . Douglas Harington , Grand Z . R . „ „ A \ illiam B . Simpson , Grand H . „ „ „ Thomas McCraken , Grand J . „ „ „ Thos . Bird Harris , Grand Scribe E . „ „ „ H . A . Sims , Grancl Scribe N . „ „ „ John S . Bowen , Grand Prin . Soj ' r . „ „ „ John W . Murton , Grand Treasurer . „ „ „ AVm . M . Jamieson , Grand Registrar . ,, „ „ John Sweetman , Grand Janitor .
GEAND StrPEEINTElx'DENTS . „ ¦ „ „ Charles Ivahn , London District . „ „ „ Thomas Duggan , Hamilton District . „ „ „ David Curtis , AA'ilson District . „ „ „ James Adams , Toronto District . „ „ „ L . H . Henderson , Prince Edward District . „ „ „ E . H . Parker , Central District . „ „ „ Thomas Milton , Montreal District .
„ „ „ H . L . Robinson , E . Townsp ' s District . „ „ „ Thomas Lambert , Quebec District . In the evening at 9 o ' clock tbe members of Grand Chapter were the guests of their companions of Mount Moria Chapter at a banquet , given in honour of the meeting , at the Stephenson House . The next annual convocation will be held at the city of Ottawa .
Obituary .
BEO . JOHN AMERY , P . M ., P . M . E . Z ., K . T . Ifc is onr painful duty to record the death of this most worthy brother . The Freemasons of Bath and the Province of Somerset have been thus suddenly plunged into the deepest sorrow , and afc this moment ifc may be truly said , — "Now is the stately column broke
, The beacon fire is quenched in smoke , — The trumpet ' s silvery sound is still , The ' AVarden' silent on the hill . " He did nob aspire to be a Stephen Barton AVilson ; still the interest lie took for years in Masonic proceedings and in the success of our Charities , made him a great preceptor in another way . Ifc is unnecessary for the
writer of this notice , Avho Avas intimately acquainted with him for thirty-five years , to speak of his many excellent qualities , either as a citizen , ov a brother . As a firm , and true friend , hospitable , charitable , kind to all , he Avill long be affectionately remembered . He never left a duty unperformed , nor a promise unfulfilled ^ and from , him no friend or brother ever ht aid in vain .
soug Only a few days before he died he Avenfc from Bath to Hastings , as Ms friends thought , in excellent health ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
principally to granting certain necessary dispensations , and replying to questions relating to capitular jurisprudence . I have granted a second dispensation in favour of St . Mark ' s Royal Arch Chapter , to bo holiien afc Trenton , C . W ., which had not commenced working afc the time of our last annual convocation , but which Right . Excellent Companion Fowler , Grand Superintendent for the Central and Prince Edward District , has now formally opened anel constituted according to ancient
usage . 1 have also granted a dispensation for the Manitou Royal Arch Chapter , to be holdou at Collingwood , C . AA ., the petition for which came to mo duly anel constitutionally recommended . The Eight Excellent Companion Harris , Grand Scribe E ., opened and constituted this new subordinate . I recommend Grand Chapter to confirm these two new Chapters by warrant .
The several other dispensations granted by me have been ordinary ones coming under- Sections 6 , 17 , and 18 " Of Subordinate Chapters , " in the new book of Constitutions , anel deemed by me to be necessary for the well-working of the -chapters interested . For more full details of the progress of our Order in the respective districts , anel the condition of your several subordinate -chaptersI refer you to the annual reports of the Grand
Super-, intendents , —which I take for granted those really important officers have furnished to the Grand Scribe E . for your information , as they are bound to do by the Constitutions and General -Regulations . Without them no reliable statistics can be compiled .
I refer Grand Chapter to the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe E ., for information as to the state of our . finances . The accounts sanctioned at the annual convocation liave been paid . It is with sincere pleasure I am able to declare that with all our sister grand bodies our communications and relations are of the very kindliest description . Such of their proceedings as have been receivedhave been handed to Riht Excellent
Com-, g panion Seymour , chairman of the Committee of Foreign Correspondence , who , with his accustomed assiduity , bas again , at much personal inconvenience , given them his careful attention , and prepared a report for publication with our own proceedings . The new constitution , under the excellent supervision of your Grand Scribe E ., is printed anel distributed , a cause of congratulation to us all . As regards the Royal Arch work , sanctioned '
by Grand Chapter , it would be well if ifc were exemplified during this Convocation , inasmuch as I discover that it is not even yet generally understood and adopted . Should this suggestion meet your approval I have requested E . Comp . Seymour to act for me in this behalf , assisted by Grand Scribe E . It is of importance that our Subordinate Chapters should no longer be left to their own resources , but that all should
work alike . It is a matter for regret thafc the income of Grand Chapter , will not , as yet , bear the payment for a Grand Lecturer , whose periodical vkits would do an infinite amount of good . The near accomplishment of the confederation of the dominions on this continent of our beloved Queen , God bless her , naturally causes mo to invite your attention to the formation of a Grand Chapter of British North Americaand to suggest that
, that communication be at once entered into with our companions of the maritime provinces on this matter , so interesting to us all , and all Chapters hailing from tlie old country , should be cordially invited and urged to become members of the confederation .
Before concluding , companions , permit me to offer to your notice two subjects of sincere congratulation , as I consider them . The first is the successful accomplishment of the marvellous task of uniting the oid and new worlds b y the Atlantic Telegraph . Already has the small bufc wonder-working wire , embedded as it is in the profound depths of an ocean , been the medium of messages of peace and good will between Great Britain and the United States of America ; and as it has
brought these two powerful , closely allied nations into , what may he called , speaking distance of each other , why should it not bo the means of making the brethren and companions of our ancient Order , in the two hemispheres , more intimately known to , and all the better able to help cacli other ? May it prove so ! May it be another means of diffusing through men's hearts , anel throughout the world that glorious proclamation issued more than eighteen centuries ago , " Glory to God in the Highest ! Peace on Earth—good will towards men ! "
In the second place . I think it is a fit subject on which to congratulate Freemasons , members of an Order , in which loyalty to their sovereign and country is aud should ever be considered as second nature ( as declared in its ancient charges ) on the discomfiture of a set of lawless men , who , under the pretence of righting Ireland's wrongs , meant murder , robbery , and other mischief to Canada . It is a matter of congratulation that these misguided men ( Fenians ) were thrust off the soil they were
polluting by au entire population whose strong boast is that they are subjects of such a sovereign over hearts , as well as dominions , as Queen Victoria . In conclusion , I beg to offer my hearty thanks to the several Grand Superintendents anel Grand Officers for their support anel assistance during the year that has passeel . May peace continue to bless our common country—and may the great Architect of the Universe spare us to meet again happily , and
continue his blessings to us and all belonging to us , and prosper these our present proceedings . So mote it be . T . DOUGLAS IiAEixaio-s " , Grand Z . Ottawa , Gth Aug ., 1866 . The following are the Grand Officers elected for the ensuing year : — GEAXD OPEICEES .
M . E . Comp . T . Douglas Harington , Grand Z . R . „ „ A \ illiam B . Simpson , Grand H . „ „ „ Thomas McCraken , Grand J . „ „ „ Thos . Bird Harris , Grand Scribe E . „ „ „ H . A . Sims , Grancl Scribe N . „ „ „ John S . Bowen , Grand Prin . Soj ' r . „ „ „ John W . Murton , Grand Treasurer . „ „ „ AVm . M . Jamieson , Grand Registrar . ,, „ „ John Sweetman , Grand Janitor .
GEAND StrPEEINTElx'DENTS . „ ¦ „ „ Charles Ivahn , London District . „ „ „ Thomas Duggan , Hamilton District . „ „ „ David Curtis , AA'ilson District . „ „ „ James Adams , Toronto District . „ „ „ L . H . Henderson , Prince Edward District . „ „ „ E . H . Parker , Central District . „ „ „ Thomas Milton , Montreal District .
„ „ „ H . L . Robinson , E . Townsp ' s District . „ „ „ Thomas Lambert , Quebec District . In the evening at 9 o ' clock tbe members of Grand Chapter were the guests of their companions of Mount Moria Chapter at a banquet , given in honour of the meeting , at the Stephenson House . The next annual convocation will be held at the city of Ottawa .
Obituary .
BEO . JOHN AMERY , P . M ., P . M . E . Z ., K . T . Ifc is onr painful duty to record the death of this most worthy brother . The Freemasons of Bath and the Province of Somerset have been thus suddenly plunged into the deepest sorrow , and afc this moment ifc may be truly said , — "Now is the stately column broke
, The beacon fire is quenched in smoke , — The trumpet ' s silvery sound is still , The ' AVarden' silent on the hill . " He did nob aspire to be a Stephen Barton AVilson ; still the interest lie took for years in Masonic proceedings and in the success of our Charities , made him a great preceptor in another way . Ifc is unnecessary for the
writer of this notice , Avho Avas intimately acquainted with him for thirty-five years , to speak of his many excellent qualities , either as a citizen , ov a brother . As a firm , and true friend , hospitable , charitable , kind to all , he Avill long be affectionately remembered . He never left a duty unperformed , nor a promise unfulfilled ^ and from , him no friend or brother ever ht aid in vain .
soug Only a few days before he died he Avenfc from Bath to Hastings , as Ms friends thought , in excellent health ,