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Sermon Preached Before The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
sober truths , and proper self-reliance , —the spirit of genuine chivalry will never die . Ever as years roll on , the seeds of the true heroic are SOAVU in the national heart , and though they lie dormant for generations , because , happily , not called into
action , yet deep in the very genius of the popular character they will have their home , guarded as a solemn trust against the day of the nation ' s necessity , then to come forth , not in fury , because not in passion , but in dignity because in virtue , to
uphold the right , to do justly , to love mercy , and to shoAV before God and the world IIOAV , Avhen duty gives the word , even the iron severities of Avar may be consecrated to the service of the Prince of Peace . Yes , my brethren , let us trust not in an
arm of flesh , but in that living God , Avho of old shielded His people . What a glorious appeal was that which He made to His ancient Israel , through His servant Moses , ( Dent , iv ., 1—12 ) , in the course of which the latter thus addresses
them—And ye came near and stood under the mountain , and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of heaven with darkness , clouds , and thick darkness . And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire ; ye heard the voice of the words . '
Aye , heard a voice , but even to them it Avasavoice of thunder , to them spoken out of the ' midst of the fire : ' to us it is ' after the fire / to us it is a ' still small voice . ' Oh , may Ave , brethren , daily learn to hearken to and heed that voice—its
cheering * encouragements , its divine pardon , its terrible denunciations , its glorious promises , its holy truths , its solemn Avarnings , and its final call—hear and heed it in prosperity , in adversity , in our chamber , and in the world , in our choice
blessings , and in our sore trials , in the hour of death , and in the day of judgment , and in that day , after earthly kingdoms have come to nought , and earth itself has passed away , may it fall upon our ears in those Avell-knoAvn , and blessed Avords ,
* " Come , ye blessed children of my Father , receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world . "
The Secession Of The Grand Lodge Of Nova Scotia.
This important eA ent in the Masonic - world continues to excite much discussion and comment . The Norfolk Reformer , a Canadian contemporary , has an article on the subject , Avhich we append in extenso . The article in question , it
will be seen , is strongly in favour of the act of secession . We here quote our contemporary : — "THE GEAND LODGE OP NOVA SCOTIA . " Our Masonic readers will be glad to learn that this neAv organisation was not only
recognised , but warmly Avelcomed into the family of Grand Lodges , by the Grand Lodge of Canada , at the recent annual meeting of that august body , at Montreal .
" The Fraternity m Nova Scotia had for many years been subject to the same grievances aud delays which for so long a time had oppressed the Craft in Canada and destroyed their usefulness , and which , Avith other important considerations ,
led to the establishment of an independent Grand Lodge for Canada . Our brethren in Nova Scotia Avill probably have to submit to much opposition and possible contumely before they attain full possession of all the rights and privileges attached
to the important position which they have assumed , but from Avhat Ave knoAV of the position , intelligence , and perseverance of the distinguished brethren Avho have initiated and who have the control of the neAv body , Ave entertain no doubt as to
their ultimate success . The path of duty is not . always the pleasantest , but it is invariably the safest ; and as Ave know that the brethren composing * the Grand Lodge of NoA a Scotia are actuated purely by their desire to promote the
best interest of the Order in their province , Ave feel that Ave but express the universal desire of the great body of Canadian Masons when we earnestly pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may bless their efforts and crown them AA'ith deserved success .
" That those lodges Avhich united in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia had undoubted authority for their act we consider unquestionable , and Ave feel it unnecessary at present to enlarge upon that point , further than to say
that , at the time of the formation of the neAv body , the province of Nova Scotia Avas ( Masonically speaking ) unoccupied Masonic territory . Itis true that Provincial Grand Lodges held under English and Scottish authority were in existence
there , but those bodies were mere offshoots from their respective Grand Lodges , mere creatures of the Avill and pleasure of the Grand Masters of England and Scotland respectively . They could have been withdrawn or dissolved at any moment ; they had no power to establish new lodges , and no authority beyond what was specially delegated
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sermon Preached Before The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
sober truths , and proper self-reliance , —the spirit of genuine chivalry will never die . Ever as years roll on , the seeds of the true heroic are SOAVU in the national heart , and though they lie dormant for generations , because , happily , not called into
action , yet deep in the very genius of the popular character they will have their home , guarded as a solemn trust against the day of the nation ' s necessity , then to come forth , not in fury , because not in passion , but in dignity because in virtue , to
uphold the right , to do justly , to love mercy , and to shoAV before God and the world IIOAV , Avhen duty gives the word , even the iron severities of Avar may be consecrated to the service of the Prince of Peace . Yes , my brethren , let us trust not in an
arm of flesh , but in that living God , Avho of old shielded His people . What a glorious appeal was that which He made to His ancient Israel , through His servant Moses , ( Dent , iv ., 1—12 ) , in the course of which the latter thus addresses
them—And ye came near and stood under the mountain , and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of heaven with darkness , clouds , and thick darkness . And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire ; ye heard the voice of the words . '
Aye , heard a voice , but even to them it Avasavoice of thunder , to them spoken out of the ' midst of the fire : ' to us it is ' after the fire / to us it is a ' still small voice . ' Oh , may Ave , brethren , daily learn to hearken to and heed that voice—its
cheering * encouragements , its divine pardon , its terrible denunciations , its glorious promises , its holy truths , its solemn Avarnings , and its final call—hear and heed it in prosperity , in adversity , in our chamber , and in the world , in our choice
blessings , and in our sore trials , in the hour of death , and in the day of judgment , and in that day , after earthly kingdoms have come to nought , and earth itself has passed away , may it fall upon our ears in those Avell-knoAvn , and blessed Avords ,
* " Come , ye blessed children of my Father , receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world . "
The Secession Of The Grand Lodge Of Nova Scotia.
This important eA ent in the Masonic - world continues to excite much discussion and comment . The Norfolk Reformer , a Canadian contemporary , has an article on the subject , Avhich we append in extenso . The article in question , it
will be seen , is strongly in favour of the act of secession . We here quote our contemporary : — "THE GEAND LODGE OP NOVA SCOTIA . " Our Masonic readers will be glad to learn that this neAv organisation was not only
recognised , but warmly Avelcomed into the family of Grand Lodges , by the Grand Lodge of Canada , at the recent annual meeting of that august body , at Montreal .
" The Fraternity m Nova Scotia had for many years been subject to the same grievances aud delays which for so long a time had oppressed the Craft in Canada and destroyed their usefulness , and which , Avith other important considerations ,
led to the establishment of an independent Grand Lodge for Canada . Our brethren in Nova Scotia Avill probably have to submit to much opposition and possible contumely before they attain full possession of all the rights and privileges attached
to the important position which they have assumed , but from Avhat Ave knoAV of the position , intelligence , and perseverance of the distinguished brethren Avho have initiated and who have the control of the neAv body , Ave entertain no doubt as to
their ultimate success . The path of duty is not . always the pleasantest , but it is invariably the safest ; and as Ave know that the brethren composing * the Grand Lodge of NoA a Scotia are actuated purely by their desire to promote the
best interest of the Order in their province , Ave feel that Ave but express the universal desire of the great body of Canadian Masons when we earnestly pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may bless their efforts and crown them AA'ith deserved success .
" That those lodges Avhich united in the formation of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia had undoubted authority for their act we consider unquestionable , and Ave feel it unnecessary at present to enlarge upon that point , further than to say
that , at the time of the formation of the neAv body , the province of Nova Scotia Avas ( Masonically speaking ) unoccupied Masonic territory . Itis true that Provincial Grand Lodges held under English and Scottish authority were in existence
there , but those bodies were mere offshoots from their respective Grand Lodges , mere creatures of the Avill and pleasure of the Grand Masters of England and Scotland respectively . They could have been withdrawn or dissolved at any moment ; they had no power to establish new lodges , and no authority beyond what was specially delegated