Article Untitled Article ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1
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that it was necessary to put a stop to the system of Brethren standing in the ante-room with marked lists , to thrust into the hands of members , he feared there were objections to the adoption of Bro . Savage ' s plan , and therefore he would
move as an amendment , " That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge , an alteration be made in the mode of election of the Board of General Purposes and Board of Benevolence , and it is resolved that no balloting papers be delivered to Brethren but in Grand Lodge , and that no Brother be permitted to leave his place until the election is over . "
Bro . Rawson , Prov . G . M . for China , seconded the amendment , and said , he should like to Jcnoiv how any one was enabled to obtain as many as eighty lists in the case mentioned by Bro . Tomkins . The question was then put to the vote , and Bro . Warren ' s amendment was carried , there being but one hand held up against it . There being no other business before the G . L ., it was then closed .
Bro . Rev . G . R . Portals motion , for the delivery to every member , at the quarterly communications , of a paper comprising the business to be entered upon ; was postponed till December , in consequence of Bro . Portal ' s absence through illhealth . We are pleased to hear that a communication has been opened to put the Grand Lodges of France and England into mutual communication , and that Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D ., has received the appointment of Representative of the Grand Orient in the United Grand Lodge of England .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The next meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will be held at Ereemasons Hall , on the 31 st October , at four o ' clock , when the 30 th degree will be given to those candidates who shall be approved of by the Supreme
Grand Councu . Names of candidates ( who must be members of a Rose Croix Chapter , and proposed by a member of the High Grades ) , to be sent to Charles John Vigne , Esq ., Westfield House , Weston , Bath , before the 20 th October . There will be the usual meeting afterwards in the High Grades Union .
Rose Croix.
Bath Ciiaptee of Rose Crotx . —A Convocation of the Companions of the Rose Croix Chapter of St . Peter and St . Paul , Bath , was held on Eriday , August 27 th , at the York House Hotel . Among the Companions present were the 111 . Bros . Sir John de la Pole , Bart ., 33 rd ; C . J . Vigne , Sec . Gen ., 33 rd ; Comps . G . Robertson , 0 . W . Hind , C . Milsom , jun ., and W . D . Harris . At
this Convocation the very distinguished Mason , Henry Charles Yernon , Esq ., P . G . M ., P . G . Supt ., and D . P . G . Comp ., elect , of Worcestershire , was admitted a Companion of the Chapter , according to the anciently established rites and ceremonies of the Order . In consequence of accidental circumstances the attendance was not so large as might have been expected ; the zeal of the attending Brethren
was conspicuous . The ceremony of admission was carefully performed by the M . W . S . After a collection for charity had been made , the Chapter was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to dine at the Castle Hotel , where they received that attention for which the worthy host , Comp . Temple , is and has been so justly celebrated .
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Untitled Article
that it was necessary to put a stop to the system of Brethren standing in the ante-room with marked lists , to thrust into the hands of members , he feared there were objections to the adoption of Bro . Savage ' s plan , and therefore he would
move as an amendment , " That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge , an alteration be made in the mode of election of the Board of General Purposes and Board of Benevolence , and it is resolved that no balloting papers be delivered to Brethren but in Grand Lodge , and that no Brother be permitted to leave his place until the election is over . "
Bro . Rawson , Prov . G . M . for China , seconded the amendment , and said , he should like to Jcnoiv how any one was enabled to obtain as many as eighty lists in the case mentioned by Bro . Tomkins . The question was then put to the vote , and Bro . Warren ' s amendment was carried , there being but one hand held up against it . There being no other business before the G . L ., it was then closed .
Bro . Rev . G . R . Portals motion , for the delivery to every member , at the quarterly communications , of a paper comprising the business to be entered upon ; was postponed till December , in consequence of Bro . Portal ' s absence through illhealth . We are pleased to hear that a communication has been opened to put the Grand Lodges of France and England into mutual communication , and that Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D ., has received the appointment of Representative of the Grand Orient in the United Grand Lodge of England .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The next meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will be held at Ereemasons Hall , on the 31 st October , at four o ' clock , when the 30 th degree will be given to those candidates who shall be approved of by the Supreme
Grand Councu . Names of candidates ( who must be members of a Rose Croix Chapter , and proposed by a member of the High Grades ) , to be sent to Charles John Vigne , Esq ., Westfield House , Weston , Bath , before the 20 th October . There will be the usual meeting afterwards in the High Grades Union .
Rose Croix.
Bath Ciiaptee of Rose Crotx . —A Convocation of the Companions of the Rose Croix Chapter of St . Peter and St . Paul , Bath , was held on Eriday , August 27 th , at the York House Hotel . Among the Companions present were the 111 . Bros . Sir John de la Pole , Bart ., 33 rd ; C . J . Vigne , Sec . Gen ., 33 rd ; Comps . G . Robertson , 0 . W . Hind , C . Milsom , jun ., and W . D . Harris . At
this Convocation the very distinguished Mason , Henry Charles Yernon , Esq ., P . G . M ., P . G . Supt ., and D . P . G . Comp ., elect , of Worcestershire , was admitted a Companion of the Chapter , according to the anciently established rites and ceremonies of the Order . In consequence of accidental circumstances the attendance was not so large as might have been expected ; the zeal of the attending Brethren
was conspicuous . The ceremony of admission was carefully performed by the M . W . S . After a collection for charity had been made , the Chapter was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to dine at the Castle Hotel , where they received that attention for which the worthy host , Comp . Temple , is and has been so justly celebrated .