Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . — Loyal Brunswick Encampmant . —The regular quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s-hall , on Thursday the 17 th December , at which twenty fraters were present . The encampment was opened in form at half-past three o ' clock , p . m ., ¦ under the command of tbe E . C . Sir Knt . RoddG . Standard
, Bearer ; assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt , Dowse , Prov . C . H . ; Sir Knts . Scott , Prelate , P . T . ; Mills , 1 st Capt . ; Harfoot , Grand 2 nd Capt . ; llodda , Expert ; Matthews , Capt , of Lines ; and the other officers . The minutes of the meetings of the 24 th September and 29 th October were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Sir Knt . Stoneman , of A eteran Encampment , as a joining member , which proving unanimous , he
was declared duly elected . The ballot was then taken for Royal Arch Companions , Lang and Bayley , of Chapter No . 189 , duly proposed at the last meeting . The same proving unanimous , and they having signed tbe required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form and duly installed Sir Knights of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of St . John of Jerusalem , Malta , Palestine ,
and Rhodes . The election of the Eminent Commander for the ensuing year ( agreeable to the bye-laws ) was then proceeded with by ballot , per scrip , and on tlio scrutiny , the Ist Capt ., Sir Knt . Mills , was declared unanimously elected , which announcement was received with much pleasure by the fraters present . There being no other business before the meeting , the alms were collected and disposed of in charity , and the encampment closed in solemn form with prayer , at six o ' clock , p . m .
LANCASIUUE ( EAST ) . MAXCIIESTEI ! . —Jerusalem Fncampmenl . —This conclave met on AVediiesdny , the 16 th ult ,, at the Masonic-rooms , the following Sir Knts . being present : —John Parker , Jr . l' . P . G . C , G . C , B . St . John B . Joule , P . G . O . Prelate ; H . A . Bennett , P . G . C , P . G . H ., and l ' . P . G . C , as G . A . G . C ; JohnS iiith , P . G . C , P . G . O ., as J . A . G . C . ; J . L . Hine , P . E . C , P . G . H ., Treas . ; F . J . Rowen , M . D . PECand PDGHas ExpertRobert as Com
, .., ...., ; May , . of Lines ; AA . H . AVright , P . E . C , P . G . Capt . of Lines ; Stephen Smith , P . G . C , P . G . C . L . Apologies for absence were read from several Sir Knts . Five members being considerably in arrears with their subscriptions , were ordered to be erased . The auditors announced a satisfactory examination of the accounts , there being a balance of several pounds in the Treasurer ' s hands . The G . C . electSir Knt . B . St . John B . JouleJ . l \ Mus . Doc . was
, , , , presented for installation by the retiring- Commander , and ably inducted into office , by the Prov . Grand Chancellor of Lancashire , Sir Knt . AV . H . AA ' right , who is ever ready with his valuable assistance to any encampment in the province . The officers of the year were then duly appointed , several of whom were reprehensibly absent . Sir Knt . Smith gave notice of his intention to move that P . E . C . ' s partake of the same privileges
as members residing 25 miles from Manchester , viz ., half subscription . The encampment was then duly closed and adjourned to refreshment . The "Union" scheme was also brought before the encampment , and whilst highly approving of the object , it was mentioned that provincial encampments , in common with loclge , are virtually unrepresented in London .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AUBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 95 S ) . —At the regular monthly meeting on December loth , the lodge was opened in the first degree at half-past six , by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M . The oflicers were all present except the J . AA' ., ' whose place , iu his unavoidable absence , was kindly taken , by Bro . C Johnson , P . M . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed
, a ballot was separately taken for the admission of Bros . J . IC . Haire and H . J . Rogers , M . D ., as joining members , which in both cases was unanimous . A ballot was also taken for Air . F . De La Mare , eldest son of the Rev . Chaplain of the lodge , to ho initiated at seven d . iys' notice , and by dispensation , be being a few months under age . As might be expected , in tbis
case , too , there was no black ball in the box . Bro . De La Taste , J . D ., announced that the lease of the premises had been duly executed and signed by himself and the J . AA ., on behalf of the lodgo . The Secretary also informed the brethren that he bad effected an insurance on the property . The AV . M-stated that Bro . E . C . M . De Carteret had presented to the lodge three dozen charge glasses , and that he himself offered two mustard pots for the baiiquetting tableA vote of thanks was dulpassed . The
. y AA . M . formally reported that the presentations determined upon at a previous meeting had been made to the Rev Chaplain , in conjunction with the Cesaree Lodge , from which a similar token of esteem had emanated . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . AA ' atson and Le Bas were brought up for examination , in which they acquitted themselves creditably , and they were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by tho
AA' . M ., who also gave the explanation of the tracing board and the charge appertaining to this degree . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Mr . F . De la Mare , having signed the usual declaration , was introduced and initiated into the Order by the AA ' . AL , who likewise gave the charge for an Entered Apprentice , and presented to him a copy ot his Lectures on Freemasonry—¦ deferring the explanation of the tracing board in consequence of
press of business . The AV . M . called attention to twenty-eight designs , which , at the request of the brethren at the previous meeting , he had made for a lodge seal and envelope stamp . For the reason which caused the former omission , this matter was also deferred . Several matters connected with the private business of the lodge were discussed and settled , and , nothing further presenting itself , the lodgo was closed in due form at a
quarterpast nine . The attendance was unusuall y large for a rural district , about fifty brethren being present , many of whom had come from St . ilelier . All remained to partake of refreshment . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the principal ones being those of the Chaplain and his newly initiated son , from whom a separation was soon about to take place . The sentiments expressed bthe WMin proposing themand of these brethren
y .. , in responding , were of course replete with regret and kindly feeling—the Rev . Chaplain taking advantage of this , the last opportunity of addressing the lodge , to offer some valuable advice in his customary eloquent and persuasive manner . The brethren separated about half-past ten , a later hour than is usual in St . Aubin's Lodge .
PRESENTATION TO BHO . THE REV . F . DE LA MAKE . On Monday , December 14 th , a very interesting meeting was held at La Poinine d'Or Hotel , St . Ilelier , when nearly twenty members , chiefly of lodges La Cesaree and St . Aubin , sat down to dinner at seven o ' clock . The occasion was the presentation of tokens of regard to Bro . tho Rev . V . De la Mare , Prov . G . Chaplain , and also Chaplain to both of these lodges , previous to his departure from Jersey . BroDurrellW . M . of No . 590
. , , presided , supported on his right by the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . De In Mare , senior ( an old Mason of fifty-five years' standing ); Bro . the Rev . C Murett , P . G . Chap ., & c . ; and on his left by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 13 , and AV . M ., 958 ; Bro . Le Couteur , P . M ., & c . The A icc-Presidents' chairs were occupied by Bros . Du Jardin and Le Cras , P . M . ' s . The usual toasts were given , ami duly honoured , after the cloth was drawn ,
viz .: — the Queen and Craft , the G . Master , the Prov . G . Master . After these , the President , Bro . DUBELL , AV . M ., delivered an address in French to the Prov . G . Chap ., of which the the following is a translation : — " A ery AVorshipful Bro . De la Mare , Chap lain to our lodge . Believe me , I feel thorough embarrassment—a difficulty arising from a failure iu and strength—under present
circunienergy stanees , in addressing to you a few words before bidding you farewell . The task which the lodge has imposed on ine , in my position of AV . M ., is so serious , and at the same time so agreeable at this solemn period , that I am sensible of the utter impossibility of acquitting myself as I could have wished ; for my words can bo but a feeble echo of tlie sentiments of esteem and affection which influence us in our relation to you . My dear
brother , the excited attitudes and the attentive countenances of the brethren here present , evince bettor than I can express to you with my lips the deep and sympathising regret at the idea of a loss so irreparable to the lodge , as that which must occur on your departure for the Mauritius , whither you are summoned to act as an apostle in the prosecution of your Masonic and evangelical teachings . Although you have , so to speak , but recently required the right of naturalisation in Freemasonry , yet you have already earned our
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . — Loyal Brunswick Encampmant . —The regular quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s-hall , on Thursday the 17 th December , at which twenty fraters were present . The encampment was opened in form at half-past three o ' clock , p . m ., ¦ under the command of tbe E . C . Sir Knt . RoddG . Standard
, Bearer ; assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt , Dowse , Prov . C . H . ; Sir Knts . Scott , Prelate , P . T . ; Mills , 1 st Capt . ; Harfoot , Grand 2 nd Capt . ; llodda , Expert ; Matthews , Capt , of Lines ; and the other officers . The minutes of the meetings of the 24 th September and 29 th October were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Sir Knt . Stoneman , of A eteran Encampment , as a joining member , which proving unanimous , he
was declared duly elected . The ballot was then taken for Royal Arch Companions , Lang and Bayley , of Chapter No . 189 , duly proposed at the last meeting . The same proving unanimous , and they having signed tbe required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form and duly installed Sir Knights of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of St . John of Jerusalem , Malta , Palestine ,
and Rhodes . The election of the Eminent Commander for the ensuing year ( agreeable to the bye-laws ) was then proceeded with by ballot , per scrip , and on tlio scrutiny , the Ist Capt ., Sir Knt . Mills , was declared unanimously elected , which announcement was received with much pleasure by the fraters present . There being no other business before the meeting , the alms were collected and disposed of in charity , and the encampment closed in solemn form with prayer , at six o ' clock , p . m .
LANCASIUUE ( EAST ) . MAXCIIESTEI ! . —Jerusalem Fncampmenl . —This conclave met on AVediiesdny , the 16 th ult ,, at the Masonic-rooms , the following Sir Knts . being present : —John Parker , Jr . l' . P . G . C , G . C , B . St . John B . Joule , P . G . O . Prelate ; H . A . Bennett , P . G . C , P . G . H ., and l ' . P . G . C , as G . A . G . C ; JohnS iiith , P . G . C , P . G . O ., as J . A . G . C . ; J . L . Hine , P . E . C , P . G . H ., Treas . ; F . J . Rowen , M . D . PECand PDGHas ExpertRobert as Com
, .., ...., ; May , . of Lines ; AA . H . AVright , P . E . C , P . G . Capt . of Lines ; Stephen Smith , P . G . C , P . G . C . L . Apologies for absence were read from several Sir Knts . Five members being considerably in arrears with their subscriptions , were ordered to be erased . The auditors announced a satisfactory examination of the accounts , there being a balance of several pounds in the Treasurer ' s hands . The G . C . electSir Knt . B . St . John B . JouleJ . l \ Mus . Doc . was
, , , , presented for installation by the retiring- Commander , and ably inducted into office , by the Prov . Grand Chancellor of Lancashire , Sir Knt . AV . H . AA ' right , who is ever ready with his valuable assistance to any encampment in the province . The officers of the year were then duly appointed , several of whom were reprehensibly absent . Sir Knt . Smith gave notice of his intention to move that P . E . C . ' s partake of the same privileges
as members residing 25 miles from Manchester , viz ., half subscription . The encampment was then duly closed and adjourned to refreshment . The "Union" scheme was also brought before the encampment , and whilst highly approving of the object , it was mentioned that provincial encampments , in common with loclge , are virtually unrepresented in London .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AUBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 95 S ) . —At the regular monthly meeting on December loth , the lodge was opened in the first degree at half-past six , by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M . The oflicers were all present except the J . AA' ., ' whose place , iu his unavoidable absence , was kindly taken , by Bro . C Johnson , P . M . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed
, a ballot was separately taken for the admission of Bros . J . IC . Haire and H . J . Rogers , M . D ., as joining members , which in both cases was unanimous . A ballot was also taken for Air . F . De La Mare , eldest son of the Rev . Chaplain of the lodge , to ho initiated at seven d . iys' notice , and by dispensation , be being a few months under age . As might be expected , in tbis
case , too , there was no black ball in the box . Bro . De La Taste , J . D ., announced that the lease of the premises had been duly executed and signed by himself and the J . AA ., on behalf of the lodgo . The Secretary also informed the brethren that he bad effected an insurance on the property . The AV . M-stated that Bro . E . C . M . De Carteret had presented to the lodge three dozen charge glasses , and that he himself offered two mustard pots for the baiiquetting tableA vote of thanks was dulpassed . The
. y AA . M . formally reported that the presentations determined upon at a previous meeting had been made to the Rev Chaplain , in conjunction with the Cesaree Lodge , from which a similar token of esteem had emanated . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . AA ' atson and Le Bas were brought up for examination , in which they acquitted themselves creditably , and they were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by tho
AA' . M ., who also gave the explanation of the tracing board and the charge appertaining to this degree . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Mr . F . De la Mare , having signed the usual declaration , was introduced and initiated into the Order by the AA ' . AL , who likewise gave the charge for an Entered Apprentice , and presented to him a copy ot his Lectures on Freemasonry—¦ deferring the explanation of the tracing board in consequence of
press of business . The AV . M . called attention to twenty-eight designs , which , at the request of the brethren at the previous meeting , he had made for a lodge seal and envelope stamp . For the reason which caused the former omission , this matter was also deferred . Several matters connected with the private business of the lodge were discussed and settled , and , nothing further presenting itself , the lodgo was closed in due form at a
quarterpast nine . The attendance was unusuall y large for a rural district , about fifty brethren being present , many of whom had come from St . ilelier . All remained to partake of refreshment . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the principal ones being those of the Chaplain and his newly initiated son , from whom a separation was soon about to take place . The sentiments expressed bthe WMin proposing themand of these brethren
y .. , in responding , were of course replete with regret and kindly feeling—the Rev . Chaplain taking advantage of this , the last opportunity of addressing the lodge , to offer some valuable advice in his customary eloquent and persuasive manner . The brethren separated about half-past ten , a later hour than is usual in St . Aubin's Lodge .
PRESENTATION TO BHO . THE REV . F . DE LA MAKE . On Monday , December 14 th , a very interesting meeting was held at La Poinine d'Or Hotel , St . Ilelier , when nearly twenty members , chiefly of lodges La Cesaree and St . Aubin , sat down to dinner at seven o ' clock . The occasion was the presentation of tokens of regard to Bro . tho Rev . V . De la Mare , Prov . G . Chaplain , and also Chaplain to both of these lodges , previous to his departure from Jersey . BroDurrellW . M . of No . 590
. , , presided , supported on his right by the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . De In Mare , senior ( an old Mason of fifty-five years' standing ); Bro . the Rev . C Murett , P . G . Chap ., & c . ; and on his left by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 13 , and AV . M ., 958 ; Bro . Le Couteur , P . M ., & c . The A icc-Presidents' chairs were occupied by Bros . Du Jardin and Le Cras , P . M . ' s . The usual toasts were given , ami duly honoured , after the cloth was drawn ,
viz .: — the Queen and Craft , the G . Master , the Prov . G . Master . After these , the President , Bro . DUBELL , AV . M ., delivered an address in French to the Prov . G . Chap ., of which the the following is a translation : — " A ery AVorshipful Bro . De la Mare , Chap lain to our lodge . Believe me , I feel thorough embarrassment—a difficulty arising from a failure iu and strength—under present
circunienergy stanees , in addressing to you a few words before bidding you farewell . The task which the lodge has imposed on ine , in my position of AV . M ., is so serious , and at the same time so agreeable at this solemn period , that I am sensible of the utter impossibility of acquitting myself as I could have wished ; for my words can bo but a feeble echo of tlie sentiments of esteem and affection which influence us in our relation to you . My dear
brother , the excited attitudes and the attentive countenances of the brethren here present , evince bettor than I can express to you with my lips the deep and sympathising regret at the idea of a loss so irreparable to the lodge , as that which must occur on your departure for the Mauritius , whither you are summoned to act as an apostle in the prosecution of your Masonic and evangelical teachings . Although you have , so to speak , but recently required the right of naturalisation in Freemasonry , yet you have already earned our