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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROE . * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
THE MASONIC BAM .. —This ball , which had been looked forward to with considerable interest , came off on Monday evening last at Willis ' s Rooms , the whole extent of that magnificent establishment having besn placed at the disposal of the committee . Dancing commenced at ten o ' clock to the enlivening strains of Mons . Rivieri ' s band , and was continued
until five o'clock on the following morning . Bro . Gardner , P . M ., officiated with his usual graceful efficiency as M . C ., and the numerous body of stewards ably seconded his efforts to secure the comfort of the company . At half-past twelve , between 200 and 300 ladies and gentlemen sat down to an elegant supper , served in the most recherche style . Bro . Hodges ,
P . M ., P . Prov . G-. Sec ., and W . M . of Lodge 720 , under whose auspices the ball was originally contemplated , presided , being supported by a number of distinguished ladies and brethren . After the toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " the chairman , in a highly complimentary speech , proposed "The Ladies , " ¦ which toast elicited the most rapturous applause . Bro . Captain
Dampier responded in a speech full of " Crafty" allusions to the grace and beauty of his fair constituents , and a Spanish brother , Don V . Carrios , also addressed the company in a brief speech , in which he displayed that gallantry for which his nation are so justly celebrated . "The Health of the Visitors " ¦ was next given and responded to by his excellency Bro . Marthin , the diplomatic representative and consul-general of the United States of Columbia . Bro . Billington ( of the Adelphi ) also
responded to the toast . The toast of " The Stewards" was next given , the chairman remarking that they were a formidable number ( nearly forty ) , and instancing the great services specially rendered by Bros . Anson , Oswin , Hare , Thomas , Stevens , Taylor , Gates , Ramsay , Bowles , Harvey , Perrot , Dampier , Mothersill , and Toole . All of them would , however , he
Tvas sure unite in opinion that to Bro . Anson the greatest merit was due , and with that toast he , therefore , coupled the name of that brother . Bro . Anson replied in a very felicitous speech , in which he congratulated all present on the remarkable aud brilliant success of the ball , aud predicted that from that success , there would be seen in future years , on a scale of even
greater magnificence , a Grand Metropolitan Masonic Ball which ¦ would be a glory to the Craft and a benefit to its Charities , and at the same time an honour and credit to its promoters . The company shortly after returned to the ball room . Before separating , the executive committee and a few stewards proceeded by arrangement to a private room , when mutual
congratulations were exchanged . The health of the Messrs . Willis was also proposed , who had done everything in their power to aid the stewards , and who had enhanced their already widespread reputation by the splendour and excellence of all their arrangements . Thoy were also complimented upon the superior quality of their wiues , which had been highly commended . Bro . Chas . Willis and Bro . Dolby severally responded on behalf of their firm , and expressed their deli ght at the success which had attended the efforts of all concerned . We understand that
the committee have already received guarantees for 400 guests for next year ' s Ball . SUPREME GBAHD CniriEE . — The Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter will be held at the Freemasons ' Hall on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at 8 p . m .
Masonic Mems.
ROYAL MASONIC IifSTHtriiox EOE BOYS . —By the kind invitation of Bro . F . B . Chattertoii , lessee of Drury-lane Theatre , tlie pupils of this institution attended the morning performance of the pantomime on Monday last . Accompanied by the secretary , with the head and two assistant-masters , they reached the entrance to the theatre in Wellington-street "b y 1-20 , where
they were met by Bros . H . Browne , W . Young , W . Paas , A . H . Hewlett , and R . W . Stewart , members of the House Committee ; Bros . Saml . May , Fredk . Ledger , and other friends of the institution , including several ladies . Tiiey were admitted immediately on their , arrival , the three front rows in the pit having been specially reserved for their accommodation . It need hardly
he said that the young " Lewises" thoroughly enjoyed the treat that had been provided for them , and returned to their beautiful suburban home delighted with their trip , and full of gratitude to Bros . Chatterton and May for the invitation given , and the trouble taken in providing for their amusement—their creature comforts , at the same time , not having been forgotten . The
appearance and behaviour of the boys afforded the most entire gratification to the friends of the institution , many of whom were amongst the audience assembled . MRS . R . LANE FBEEE ' S MEMOBIAII VOLUME—In our short notice last week of Mrs . R . L . Frear ' s beautiful memorial volume of our late Bro . the Venerable Archdeacon R . L . Freer , D . Prov .
G-M . of Herefordshire , we omitted to state that it is published only for private circulation " among his Masonic and other lay friends . " THE BEITISH , Irasn , AXD COIOKIXD MASONIC CAIENDAB AND POCKET BOOK SOE 1867 . —The publishers of this useful Masonic Calendar and Pocket Book will , we understand , be
enabled to issue the edition for the present year in the course of a week . FKEEATASO > BY IS CANADA . —The two scarlet chapters and six blue lodges of Quebec have elected their officers for the present year . We will give the appointments in the several lodges and chapters in our next .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
The anuual festival for the benefit of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , was celebrated on Wednesday eveuining , the 30 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall . The Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . for Cheshire , presided . As this is the first Masonic festival of the year , it
necessarily excites a vast amount of interest amongst the members of the Craft , there being a growing desire amongst all that an increase in numbers shall bring with it a corresponding increase of contributions towards this important institution of the Order . For some years since the festival for aged Freemasons has assumed an annual character ; this has happily been the
case with the exception of last year , each succeding year ' s contribution being larger ihan its predecessor . In 1864 the subscriptions announced at the festival ( there being then several lists to come in ) were £ 2 , 376 3 s . 6 d ., the largest amount up to that time ever received on any similar occasion . On the following year the chair was taken hy the Right Hon . Earl de
Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , upon which occasion , in advocating the claims of this charity , he made use of the most argumentative and eloquent appeals ever delivered within the walls of the hall , pointing out to them , as Masons , the duty they owed to their poorer brethren . In his own words he said , " In the battle of life , when the strong are so free , and the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROE . * * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
THE MASONIC BAM .. —This ball , which had been looked forward to with considerable interest , came off on Monday evening last at Willis ' s Rooms , the whole extent of that magnificent establishment having besn placed at the disposal of the committee . Dancing commenced at ten o ' clock to the enlivening strains of Mons . Rivieri ' s band , and was continued
until five o'clock on the following morning . Bro . Gardner , P . M ., officiated with his usual graceful efficiency as M . C ., and the numerous body of stewards ably seconded his efforts to secure the comfort of the company . At half-past twelve , between 200 and 300 ladies and gentlemen sat down to an elegant supper , served in the most recherche style . Bro . Hodges ,
P . M ., P . Prov . G-. Sec ., and W . M . of Lodge 720 , under whose auspices the ball was originally contemplated , presided , being supported by a number of distinguished ladies and brethren . After the toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " the chairman , in a highly complimentary speech , proposed "The Ladies , " ¦ which toast elicited the most rapturous applause . Bro . Captain
Dampier responded in a speech full of " Crafty" allusions to the grace and beauty of his fair constituents , and a Spanish brother , Don V . Carrios , also addressed the company in a brief speech , in which he displayed that gallantry for which his nation are so justly celebrated . "The Health of the Visitors " ¦ was next given and responded to by his excellency Bro . Marthin , the diplomatic representative and consul-general of the United States of Columbia . Bro . Billington ( of the Adelphi ) also
responded to the toast . The toast of " The Stewards" was next given , the chairman remarking that they were a formidable number ( nearly forty ) , and instancing the great services specially rendered by Bros . Anson , Oswin , Hare , Thomas , Stevens , Taylor , Gates , Ramsay , Bowles , Harvey , Perrot , Dampier , Mothersill , and Toole . All of them would , however , he
Tvas sure unite in opinion that to Bro . Anson the greatest merit was due , and with that toast he , therefore , coupled the name of that brother . Bro . Anson replied in a very felicitous speech , in which he congratulated all present on the remarkable aud brilliant success of the ball , aud predicted that from that success , there would be seen in future years , on a scale of even
greater magnificence , a Grand Metropolitan Masonic Ball which ¦ would be a glory to the Craft and a benefit to its Charities , and at the same time an honour and credit to its promoters . The company shortly after returned to the ball room . Before separating , the executive committee and a few stewards proceeded by arrangement to a private room , when mutual
congratulations were exchanged . The health of the Messrs . Willis was also proposed , who had done everything in their power to aid the stewards , and who had enhanced their already widespread reputation by the splendour and excellence of all their arrangements . Thoy were also complimented upon the superior quality of their wiues , which had been highly commended . Bro . Chas . Willis and Bro . Dolby severally responded on behalf of their firm , and expressed their deli ght at the success which had attended the efforts of all concerned . We understand that
the committee have already received guarantees for 400 guests for next year ' s Ball . SUPREME GBAHD CniriEE . — The Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter will be held at the Freemasons ' Hall on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at 8 p . m .
Masonic Mems.
ROYAL MASONIC IifSTHtriiox EOE BOYS . —By the kind invitation of Bro . F . B . Chattertoii , lessee of Drury-lane Theatre , tlie pupils of this institution attended the morning performance of the pantomime on Monday last . Accompanied by the secretary , with the head and two assistant-masters , they reached the entrance to the theatre in Wellington-street "b y 1-20 , where
they were met by Bros . H . Browne , W . Young , W . Paas , A . H . Hewlett , and R . W . Stewart , members of the House Committee ; Bros . Saml . May , Fredk . Ledger , and other friends of the institution , including several ladies . Tiiey were admitted immediately on their , arrival , the three front rows in the pit having been specially reserved for their accommodation . It need hardly
he said that the young " Lewises" thoroughly enjoyed the treat that had been provided for them , and returned to their beautiful suburban home delighted with their trip , and full of gratitude to Bros . Chatterton and May for the invitation given , and the trouble taken in providing for their amusement—their creature comforts , at the same time , not having been forgotten . The
appearance and behaviour of the boys afforded the most entire gratification to the friends of the institution , many of whom were amongst the audience assembled . MRS . R . LANE FBEEE ' S MEMOBIAII VOLUME—In our short notice last week of Mrs . R . L . Frear ' s beautiful memorial volume of our late Bro . the Venerable Archdeacon R . L . Freer , D . Prov .
G-M . of Herefordshire , we omitted to state that it is published only for private circulation " among his Masonic and other lay friends . " THE BEITISH , Irasn , AXD COIOKIXD MASONIC CAIENDAB AND POCKET BOOK SOE 1867 . —The publishers of this useful Masonic Calendar and Pocket Book will , we understand , be
enabled to issue the edition for the present year in the course of a week . FKEEATASO > BY IS CANADA . —The two scarlet chapters and six blue lodges of Quebec have elected their officers for the present year . We will give the appointments in the several lodges and chapters in our next .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
The anuual festival for the benefit of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , was celebrated on Wednesday eveuining , the 30 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall . The Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . for Cheshire , presided . As this is the first Masonic festival of the year , it
necessarily excites a vast amount of interest amongst the members of the Craft , there being a growing desire amongst all that an increase in numbers shall bring with it a corresponding increase of contributions towards this important institution of the Order . For some years since the festival for aged Freemasons has assumed an annual character ; this has happily been the
case with the exception of last year , each succeding year ' s contribution being larger ihan its predecessor . In 1864 the subscriptions announced at the festival ( there being then several lists to come in ) were £ 2 , 376 3 s . 6 d ., the largest amount up to that time ever received on any similar occasion . On the following year the chair was taken hy the Right Hon . Earl de
Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master , upon which occasion , in advocating the claims of this charity , he made use of the most argumentative and eloquent appeals ever delivered within the walls of the hall , pointing out to them , as Masons , the duty they owed to their poorer brethren . In his own words he said , " In the battle of life , when the strong are so free , and the