Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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B- Kendall , J . D . ; Charles Gibson , I . G . ; W . Emmott , P . M ., G . Warburton , P . M . ; John Bradley , P . M ., Treas . ; James Sly , Tyler . The following visitors were present : —Bros . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . Wilbraham Egcrton , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . Francis Terry , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . J . W . N . Tanner , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg . ; E . II . Griffiths , Prov . John Twiss ? John Smith
G . Sec . ; , Prov . G . Or . ; , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; H . Howard , Prov . J . G . D . ; " S . Barlow , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; 'Henry T- Baldwin , Prov . G . S . B . ; Charles Marsland , Prov . S . G . D . ; John Beresford , John Swindells , G- Backhouse , Prov . G . Stewards ; John Chetham , P . M . 322 ; Isaac W . Petty , P . M . 1 , 009 ; T . Smith . W . M . 152 ; Daniel Percival , W . M . 1 , 030 ; Ralph Weston , S . W . 1 , 0-15 ; P . Bridgford , S . W . 1 , 054 ; A . Coup , i 054 Hevwood 615 John Percival 645
J . W . ; ; C . , J . W . - ; , ; J . D . Walker , 645 ; E . " Barlow , 964 ; Charles Lomax , 322 ; Robert Smith , 204 ; N . Dumville , 152 ; aud W . Eoscoe , 26 S . After the business the brethren , about forty in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet which had evidently been prepared with good taste , the tables were beautifully decorated and nothing was wanting to complete the comfort and enjoyment of the guests .
"Non nobis" having been sung by the choir the W . Master , with a neat and appropriate introduction to each , proposed the following toasts , beginning with " The Queen , " which was received with the usual expressions of loyalty for which
Freemasons are distinguished . Then " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " Next followed " The Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the Grand Officers . " The W . Master claimed the especial attention of the brethren for the next toast . After remarking as to the general respectability of . the Order as evidenced bthe nobility and high
y standing of its leading members , the W . Master , in a highly eulogistic speech , reminded the brethren of the honour of being presided over by a nobleman whose individual excellencies , no less than bis Masonic zeal , had won the admiration and affection of the brethren of his province , and called upon each one who reciprocated these sentiments , to show his appreciation of them by draining a bumper to the health aud long life of our
R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Lord de Tabley . ( Grand honours . ) The Prov . G . Master responded , and in very eloquent and impressive terms , complimented the lodges of Cheshire on their increasing devotedness and zeal , and their growing liberality in the support of the Masonic charities , and expressed himself assured that , judging from the tone and feeling evidenced by the members of the Ashton Lodgebe hadin consecrating it
, , , laid tho foundation for a means of future usefulness which would some day redound to the credit of the province over which he had the pleasure of presiding . He concluded by thanking the W . M . and the brethren , and took his seat amid the most enthusiastic cheers .
The next toast was proposed by Bro . Captain W . Ashton , whose love of Masonry and desire to render its privileges more extensively serviceable to his fellow-creatures , had moved him to becomo the proposer and founder of this new lodge . In an able speech he enlarged on tho noble aud philanthropic principles of the institution , and promised that every effort would be made by the members of the lodge to maintain the dignity aud promote tho usefulness of Masonryand support the superior
, officers in the government of the Craft . He then asked them to drink with him to " Tho Health of tho Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Viscount Combermere , and the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling Bro . tho Hon . Wilbraham Eaerton ' s name with tho toast .
Bro . Egerton responded , and expressed great warmth of feeling and sympathy with the Ashton Lodge , its W . Master , and its officers , and wished them the fullest success . The Prov . Grand Chaplain ' s health was then proposed by Bro . G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg ., and Bro . Terry replied . The Prov . G . Master having taken tho gavel , called upon the brethren to fill " bumbcrs . " It gave him much pleasure , he said , to perform tho of consecration of a lodsebutmore
ceremony , . especially when that lodge afforded him such an assurance of its being respectable and permanent . He inferred from the unanimous nomination of the W . M ., that he must be held by them in very high esteem , aud he felt sure from what he had already seen and heard of ' him , that he would do honour to their choice , and was convinced that if well supported by his officers , the lodge would , under bis management , become a perfect
success . In conclusion , he proposed The Health of Bro Paterson , " their W . Master , which was drunk with the usual Masonic honours . The W . Master , in responding , thanked the Prov . G . Master and the brethren for the honour they had done him . He felt deeply sensible of the importance and responsibility of his position , but gave his earnest assurance that nothing that he could do or contribute to the good and prosperity of the lodge
, should be omitted by him , and if it should please the Prov . G . Master to be present at the end of his year of office , and be able to say half the flattering things he had said this day , it would make him ( the W . Master ) exceedingly glad . "The Health of the Visitors" was next drunk . The W . Master then called on the brethren to drink "The Health of Bro . Baldwin , the Installing Master , " expreasing his
admiration of the able aud efficient manner in which be bad done that ceremony , which had elicited the highest praise from the Prov . G . Master himself . Bro . Baldwin replied in his usually earnest and truly Masonic manner . This was followed by " The Health of the Officers , " after which Bro . Henry Howard , Prov . J . G . D ., in an eloquent speech , proposed "Success to the Ashton Lodge . " The Prov . G . Master then took his departure , the concluding toast was drunk , and the proceedings terminated after a very agreeable evening .
CORNWALL . HELSTOST . —Lodge True and Faithful ( No . 318 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was celebrated on the 18 th ult . The brethren having assembled at the Masonic Rooms , Bro . P . G . Hill , P- Prov . G . O . and P . M ., was duly elected as W . M ., aud appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . Osier , S . W . ; LanyonJ . W . ; TaylorI . P . M . ; CurryP . M . Treas . ; J . Q .
, , , , James , Sec . ; Blight , D . C . ; Lampeu , S . D . ; Davey , J . D . ; Betesta , I . G . ; Vicaroy and Adams , Stewards ; Millar and R . James , Tylers . The brethren retired to the Angel Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent banquet , the W . M- presiding . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and responded to , the lodge was closed at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GABSTON' . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Wellington Hotel , on Monday , the 7 th ult ., Bro . C . Leedham , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the Wardens , Bros . Baker and Cook . Visitors present , Bros . Morris , W . M . 897 ; J . Lazarus , 241 ; Devanes , 667 ; II . Kelly ,, and Edwards 673 . The lodge having been opened in due form
, , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bvo . Cook brought forward the motion , of which he had previously given notice , to alter the day of meeting from the first Monday in the month to the fourth Wednesday , which proposition was agreed to unanimously , as the day is far more suitable as regards the business occupation of the members generally , and it was also the original day of meeting of the lodge . Bro .
Edwards , of Lodge No . 673 , having produced a note from tho W . M . of that lodge , requesting that the second degree might bo given to that brother , was examined as to his proficiency , and having answered the necessary questions in a highly creditable manner , was entrusted and prepared . Bro . Ilamer Prov . G . Treas . for the western division of Lancashire , then tool : the chair , and Bro . Edwards was duly passed to tbo degree of F . C .,
Bro . Baker , S . W ,, explaining the working tools . Bro . Leedham having resumed his seat in the cast , Bros . T . Gardiner , jun ., Wagner , Prenslau , and Morris , were examined as to their fitness for the third degree , and responded in a manner which elicited expressions of strong approbation from the brethren . Tho necessary preparations having been made , and the lodge being opened in the third degree , they were severally raised to
the rank of Master Masons , in that quiet and impressive manner which we have previously remarked as Bro . Leedham's style . The lecture and working tools were also explained by the W . M . The lodge having been closed down to tho first degree , on the proposition of Bro . Ilamer , a sura of two guineas was voted to the widow of Bro . Sparing , who had been long known in connection with Masonry at Lodge No . 477 , Birkenhead , and Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 203 ) , and Mariner's Lodge ( No . 249 )
Liverpool , but who had shortly previous to his death been in trouble , and obliged to proceed abroad . Four brethren having been proposed for joining , and the business being concluded , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
B- Kendall , J . D . ; Charles Gibson , I . G . ; W . Emmott , P . M ., G . Warburton , P . M . ; John Bradley , P . M ., Treas . ; James Sly , Tyler . The following visitors were present : —Bros . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . Wilbraham Egcrton , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . Francis Terry , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . J . W . N . Tanner , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg . ; E . II . Griffiths , Prov . John Twiss ? John Smith
G . Sec . ; , Prov . G . Or . ; , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; H . Howard , Prov . J . G . D . ; " S . Barlow , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; 'Henry T- Baldwin , Prov . G . S . B . ; Charles Marsland , Prov . S . G . D . ; John Beresford , John Swindells , G- Backhouse , Prov . G . Stewards ; John Chetham , P . M . 322 ; Isaac W . Petty , P . M . 1 , 009 ; T . Smith . W . M . 152 ; Daniel Percival , W . M . 1 , 030 ; Ralph Weston , S . W . 1 , 0-15 ; P . Bridgford , S . W . 1 , 054 ; A . Coup , i 054 Hevwood 615 John Percival 645
J . W . ; ; C . , J . W . - ; , ; J . D . Walker , 645 ; E . " Barlow , 964 ; Charles Lomax , 322 ; Robert Smith , 204 ; N . Dumville , 152 ; aud W . Eoscoe , 26 S . After the business the brethren , about forty in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet which had evidently been prepared with good taste , the tables were beautifully decorated and nothing was wanting to complete the comfort and enjoyment of the guests .
"Non nobis" having been sung by the choir the W . Master , with a neat and appropriate introduction to each , proposed the following toasts , beginning with " The Queen , " which was received with the usual expressions of loyalty for which
Freemasons are distinguished . Then " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " Next followed " The Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the Grand Officers . " The W . Master claimed the especial attention of the brethren for the next toast . After remarking as to the general respectability of . the Order as evidenced bthe nobility and high
y standing of its leading members , the W . Master , in a highly eulogistic speech , reminded the brethren of the honour of being presided over by a nobleman whose individual excellencies , no less than bis Masonic zeal , had won the admiration and affection of the brethren of his province , and called upon each one who reciprocated these sentiments , to show his appreciation of them by draining a bumper to the health aud long life of our
R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Lord de Tabley . ( Grand honours . ) The Prov . G . Master responded , and in very eloquent and impressive terms , complimented the lodges of Cheshire on their increasing devotedness and zeal , and their growing liberality in the support of the Masonic charities , and expressed himself assured that , judging from the tone and feeling evidenced by the members of the Ashton Lodgebe hadin consecrating it
, , , laid tho foundation for a means of future usefulness which would some day redound to the credit of the province over which he had the pleasure of presiding . He concluded by thanking the W . M . and the brethren , and took his seat amid the most enthusiastic cheers .
The next toast was proposed by Bro . Captain W . Ashton , whose love of Masonry and desire to render its privileges more extensively serviceable to his fellow-creatures , had moved him to becomo the proposer and founder of this new lodge . In an able speech he enlarged on tho noble aud philanthropic principles of the institution , and promised that every effort would be made by the members of the lodge to maintain the dignity aud promote tho usefulness of Masonryand support the superior
, officers in the government of the Craft . He then asked them to drink with him to " Tho Health of tho Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Viscount Combermere , and the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling Bro . tho Hon . Wilbraham Eaerton ' s name with tho toast .
Bro . Egerton responded , and expressed great warmth of feeling and sympathy with the Ashton Lodge , its W . Master , and its officers , and wished them the fullest success . The Prov . Grand Chaplain ' s health was then proposed by Bro . G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg ., and Bro . Terry replied . The Prov . G . Master having taken tho gavel , called upon the brethren to fill " bumbcrs . " It gave him much pleasure , he said , to perform tho of consecration of a lodsebutmore
ceremony , . especially when that lodge afforded him such an assurance of its being respectable and permanent . He inferred from the unanimous nomination of the W . M ., that he must be held by them in very high esteem , aud he felt sure from what he had already seen and heard of ' him , that he would do honour to their choice , and was convinced that if well supported by his officers , the lodge would , under bis management , become a perfect
success . In conclusion , he proposed The Health of Bro Paterson , " their W . Master , which was drunk with the usual Masonic honours . The W . Master , in responding , thanked the Prov . G . Master and the brethren for the honour they had done him . He felt deeply sensible of the importance and responsibility of his position , but gave his earnest assurance that nothing that he could do or contribute to the good and prosperity of the lodge
, should be omitted by him , and if it should please the Prov . G . Master to be present at the end of his year of office , and be able to say half the flattering things he had said this day , it would make him ( the W . Master ) exceedingly glad . "The Health of the Visitors" was next drunk . The W . Master then called on the brethren to drink "The Health of Bro . Baldwin , the Installing Master , " expreasing his
admiration of the able aud efficient manner in which be bad done that ceremony , which had elicited the highest praise from the Prov . G . Master himself . Bro . Baldwin replied in his usually earnest and truly Masonic manner . This was followed by " The Health of the Officers , " after which Bro . Henry Howard , Prov . J . G . D ., in an eloquent speech , proposed "Success to the Ashton Lodge . " The Prov . G . Master then took his departure , the concluding toast was drunk , and the proceedings terminated after a very agreeable evening .
CORNWALL . HELSTOST . —Lodge True and Faithful ( No . 318 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was celebrated on the 18 th ult . The brethren having assembled at the Masonic Rooms , Bro . P . G . Hill , P- Prov . G . O . and P . M ., was duly elected as W . M ., aud appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . Osier , S . W . ; LanyonJ . W . ; TaylorI . P . M . ; CurryP . M . Treas . ; J . Q .
, , , , James , Sec . ; Blight , D . C . ; Lampeu , S . D . ; Davey , J . D . ; Betesta , I . G . ; Vicaroy and Adams , Stewards ; Millar and R . James , Tylers . The brethren retired to the Angel Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent banquet , the W . M- presiding . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and responded to , the lodge was closed at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GABSTON' . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Wellington Hotel , on Monday , the 7 th ult ., Bro . C . Leedham , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the Wardens , Bros . Baker and Cook . Visitors present , Bros . Morris , W . M . 897 ; J . Lazarus , 241 ; Devanes , 667 ; II . Kelly ,, and Edwards 673 . The lodge having been opened in due form
, , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bvo . Cook brought forward the motion , of which he had previously given notice , to alter the day of meeting from the first Monday in the month to the fourth Wednesday , which proposition was agreed to unanimously , as the day is far more suitable as regards the business occupation of the members generally , and it was also the original day of meeting of the lodge . Bro .
Edwards , of Lodge No . 673 , having produced a note from tho W . M . of that lodge , requesting that the second degree might bo given to that brother , was examined as to his proficiency , and having answered the necessary questions in a highly creditable manner , was entrusted and prepared . Bro . Ilamer Prov . G . Treas . for the western division of Lancashire , then tool : the chair , and Bro . Edwards was duly passed to tbo degree of F . C .,
Bro . Baker , S . W ,, explaining the working tools . Bro . Leedham having resumed his seat in the cast , Bros . T . Gardiner , jun ., Wagner , Prenslau , and Morris , were examined as to their fitness for the third degree , and responded in a manner which elicited expressions of strong approbation from the brethren . Tho necessary preparations having been made , and the lodge being opened in the third degree , they were severally raised to
the rank of Master Masons , in that quiet and impressive manner which we have previously remarked as Bro . Leedham's style . The lecture and working tools were also explained by the W . M . The lodge having been closed down to tho first degree , on the proposition of Bro . Ilamer , a sura of two guineas was voted to the widow of Bro . Sparing , who had been long known in connection with Masonry at Lodge No . 477 , Birkenhead , and Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 203 ) , and Mariner's Lodge ( No . 249 )
Liverpool , but who had shortly previous to his death been in trouble , and obliged to proceed abroad . Four brethren having been proposed for joining , and the business being concluded , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren