Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 6 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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adjourned to the hospitable hoard of their excellent caterer , Bro . Woods , and we need only say , harmony reigned supreme , the lodge always having due regard to its name and reputation . The usual conveyances for town were announced about eleven o ' clock , aud hearty good wishes were exchanged and the brethren dispersed . LEICESTERSHIRE .
MELTON MOWBBAY . —Rutland Lodge ( No . 1 , 130 ) . —Tho regular monthly meeting of this younor lodge took place on Tuesday , the ioth ult . The W . M . was unavoidably absent from his post , which was most ably filled by Bro . Rev . J . Spittal , P . M . 523 . There were present , Bros . Robinson , S . W . ; Langley , J . W . ; Douglas , S . D . ; S . Weaver , J . D . ; R . W . Johnson , Sec ; Adcock , R . Weaver , Oldham , Mann , Bright , and
others . The lodge was opened up to the second degree by Bro . Spittal , when Bros . Markham , Leadbeater , and Lloyd were duly passed to the degree of F-C . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , and Messrs . Wyles and Rippin were ballotted for and initiated into Freemasonry , by the S . W . sitting at the right hand of the chair of K . S . Four raisings , which were duewere postponed for a lodge of emergency . Mr . Warren
, Sharman was proposed as a candidate for initiation , and after some private business the lodge was closed , and the brethren called to refreshment . An emergency meeting of this lodcre was also held on the 21 st ult ., when Bro . Brewer , P . M . 523 , W . M . 1007 , Prov . G . Treas ., kindly represented the W . M . ( who was unavoidably absent )
being supported by all the officers . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Warren Sharman , as a candidate for initiation , and Bro-Captain W . Hartopp , of the Castle Lodge , Windsor , as a joining member . Bro . Brewer then proceeded in a most impressive manner to raise Bros . Wright , Mann , Oldham , and R . Weaver , to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , when Mr . Sharman was admitted into light . This young lodge which has only held four regular meetings , now numbers twenty-five members , of which fourteen have been initiated since October last .
TYRONE . OiCAGir . — Cappagh Lodge ( No . 350 I . C . ) . —This old lodge which , having been dormant for several years , was restored by the Grand Lodge at its meeting on December 6 th , 1 S 66 , on the petition of its three surviving members , Bros . W . McCullough , R . Denny , and A . Murdock , held its re-opening meeting in the Masonic RoomWhite Hart Hotelon the 21 st ult . Bro .
Cap-, , tain C . Scott , P . M ., read the correspondence from the Grand Lodge , and the warrant , which is upwards of 106 years old , having been granted by Bro . the Earl of Charleville , Grand Master , 7 th day of August , 1760 . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Charles Eccles , J . P ., D . L ., of Ecclesville , who is so deservedly popular in the county , the lodste was opened by Bro . Scottassisted by Bros . Dr . WestS . W . ; G . QuaileJ . W . -
, , , , Captain Crawford , S . D .: W . Beatty , J . D . ; J . Clements , I . G . The old members having ballotted for and accepted Messrs . J . Guy , James Cunningham , and Buchanan Scott , three gentlemen well known and respected in the parish of Cappagh , and wdio were in attendance , having been properly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The W . M . was ably assisted in the performance of the ceremonies by Bros . M .
Delany , W . M . 334 , and Dr . Love , P . M . 332 , ( who occupied seats on the dais ) as well as all the brethren present . Seven gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation ; and nine brethren as joining members from the other lodges to be ballotted for at the next meeting . The W . M . gave notice that ho would appoint his officers after the ballot . Bro . J . Arnold , P . M . 34-4 ( S . C . ) , was elected as Secretary and Treasurer-. A committee was appointed to draw up a set of by-lawsand also to prepare
, a petition to the Grand Lodge of Ireland to form a Provincial Grand Lodge in 'Tyrone . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . The W . M . having thanked the brethren for their assistance and attendance on this occasion , the J . W . called them to refreshment . The worthy proprietor of tho White Hart Hotel , Bro . W . Mullin , had a sumptuous repast prepared ; both the viands and wines were of that excellent quality for
which this hotel is so celebrated . About forty brethren werepresent at the banquet . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank . The W . M . gave "The Past Masters and Officers who had so cheerfully assisted at the ceremonies . " Bros . Love , D . Wilson , Dr . West , W . 0 . Orr , and T . C . Dickie ably responded , and stated that they would be happy again to do so if required . " The Healths of the Old Members , " and " The Entered Apprentices , " and several others
were drank . Bros . West , C . Lundie , H . James , and James-Cunningham , contributed to the harmony and enjoyment of the brethren by singing some capital songs . The Tyler ' s toast was then given and charity collected , after which the brethren separated , having enjoyed a very pleasant reunion . It was much regretted that the severe state of the weather ( snow being nearly 2 ft . deep ) , prevented many brethren from attending , who were very anxious to do so , and who reside at a distance from the town .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CYRUS CHAPTER ( NO . 21 ) . —The annual convocation for installation of Principals and investment of officers , was held on Tuesday , 22 nd ult ., at the London Coffee House , Ludgatehill . The chapter was opened by Comps . Harrison , M . E . Z . ; R . Churchill , H . ; and Mohammed , J . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a conclave of installed First Principals was heldand Comp . Jeremiah HowP . P . Z . having assumed
, , , the chair , Comp . Harrison presented , in succession , Comps . ChnrshiH as 1 st Principal elect ; Mohammed as 2 nd Principal ; and T . Williams as 3 rd Principal ; and they were severally duly installed in the respective chairs , according to the established rites and ceremonies . The other officers are Comps . Barringer , Treas . ; T . R . White , Scribe E . ; and A . Greatrex , P-S . ; Smith , Janitor . The other elected officers were not present . The chapter was then duly closedand the members adjourned to
, banquet . Comps . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and Crisp , were present asvisitors . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on the 24 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The chapter was duly opened by Comp . E . Sisson ,. M . E . Z . ; Sutton H . Cottebrune , P . Z . as J . ; Brett , Buss , and J . Smith , P . Z . 's , after which the companions were admitted and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Mill and J . Smith were then regularly exalted
into Royal Arch Masonry ; the ceremony being well rendered by the various officers . The following companions were elected to office for the ensuing year : —C . T . Sutton , Z . ; C . B . Payne , H . j . R . W . Little , J . ; Buss , P . E . Z .: Hubbard , N . ; Foulger , P . S . ; . J . Smith , P . Z ,, Treas . A donation was then voted to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , and the chapter was duly closed , when the companions adjourned , to the usual banquet , under the presidency of Comp . Sisson , to whom a P . Z . ' s jewel had been unanimously voted for his efficient services during the past year .
Mark Masonry.
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 , E . C . )—The first regular meeting of this lodge since its resuscitation was held on Friday evening , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George Moore , when the following brethren were present , Bros . S . Armstrong , S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , J . W . ; Stonier LeihM . O . RB . HarpleyS . O . Edward Hudson
g , ; , , ; , S . O . ; Samuel Gourley , S . D . ; Geo . Carter , I . G . ; M . Rickinson , Treas . , J . W . Cameron , Sec . ; George Kirk , Reg- of Marks ; . John Miller , Steward ; A . G . Dalziel and James Mowbray , Tyler . After the confirmation of the minutes of the resuscitation meeting , a report of which appeared in this Magazine , a . ballot was taken for Bros . W . C . Ward-Jackson , J . P ., S . W .,. Harbour of Refuge Lod No . 764 ; which proving clear in
thege , East , he was admitted and advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master . Several motions on the by-laws , of which , notice had been given , were then considered , and resolutions passed unanimously ; the most important being to equalise aud raise the subscriptions of the " members ; aud to reduce the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
adjourned to the hospitable hoard of their excellent caterer , Bro . Woods , and we need only say , harmony reigned supreme , the lodge always having due regard to its name and reputation . The usual conveyances for town were announced about eleven o ' clock , aud hearty good wishes were exchanged and the brethren dispersed . LEICESTERSHIRE .
MELTON MOWBBAY . —Rutland Lodge ( No . 1 , 130 ) . —Tho regular monthly meeting of this younor lodge took place on Tuesday , the ioth ult . The W . M . was unavoidably absent from his post , which was most ably filled by Bro . Rev . J . Spittal , P . M . 523 . There were present , Bros . Robinson , S . W . ; Langley , J . W . ; Douglas , S . D . ; S . Weaver , J . D . ; R . W . Johnson , Sec ; Adcock , R . Weaver , Oldham , Mann , Bright , and
others . The lodge was opened up to the second degree by Bro . Spittal , when Bros . Markham , Leadbeater , and Lloyd were duly passed to the degree of F-C . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , and Messrs . Wyles and Rippin were ballotted for and initiated into Freemasonry , by the S . W . sitting at the right hand of the chair of K . S . Four raisings , which were duewere postponed for a lodge of emergency . Mr . Warren
, Sharman was proposed as a candidate for initiation , and after some private business the lodge was closed , and the brethren called to refreshment . An emergency meeting of this lodcre was also held on the 21 st ult ., when Bro . Brewer , P . M . 523 , W . M . 1007 , Prov . G . Treas ., kindly represented the W . M . ( who was unavoidably absent )
being supported by all the officers . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Warren Sharman , as a candidate for initiation , and Bro-Captain W . Hartopp , of the Castle Lodge , Windsor , as a joining member . Bro . Brewer then proceeded in a most impressive manner to raise Bros . Wright , Mann , Oldham , and R . Weaver , to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , when Mr . Sharman was admitted into light . This young lodge which has only held four regular meetings , now numbers twenty-five members , of which fourteen have been initiated since October last .
TYRONE . OiCAGir . — Cappagh Lodge ( No . 350 I . C . ) . —This old lodge which , having been dormant for several years , was restored by the Grand Lodge at its meeting on December 6 th , 1 S 66 , on the petition of its three surviving members , Bros . W . McCullough , R . Denny , and A . Murdock , held its re-opening meeting in the Masonic RoomWhite Hart Hotelon the 21 st ult . Bro .
Cap-, , tain C . Scott , P . M ., read the correspondence from the Grand Lodge , and the warrant , which is upwards of 106 years old , having been granted by Bro . the Earl of Charleville , Grand Master , 7 th day of August , 1760 . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Charles Eccles , J . P ., D . L ., of Ecclesville , who is so deservedly popular in the county , the lodste was opened by Bro . Scottassisted by Bros . Dr . WestS . W . ; G . QuaileJ . W . -
, , , , Captain Crawford , S . D .: W . Beatty , J . D . ; J . Clements , I . G . The old members having ballotted for and accepted Messrs . J . Guy , James Cunningham , and Buchanan Scott , three gentlemen well known and respected in the parish of Cappagh , and wdio were in attendance , having been properly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The W . M . was ably assisted in the performance of the ceremonies by Bros . M .
Delany , W . M . 334 , and Dr . Love , P . M . 332 , ( who occupied seats on the dais ) as well as all the brethren present . Seven gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation ; and nine brethren as joining members from the other lodges to be ballotted for at the next meeting . The W . M . gave notice that ho would appoint his officers after the ballot . Bro . J . Arnold , P . M . 34-4 ( S . C . ) , was elected as Secretary and Treasurer-. A committee was appointed to draw up a set of by-lawsand also to prepare
, a petition to the Grand Lodge of Ireland to form a Provincial Grand Lodge in 'Tyrone . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . The W . M . having thanked the brethren for their assistance and attendance on this occasion , the J . W . called them to refreshment . The worthy proprietor of tho White Hart Hotel , Bro . W . Mullin , had a sumptuous repast prepared ; both the viands and wines were of that excellent quality for
which this hotel is so celebrated . About forty brethren werepresent at the banquet . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank . The W . M . gave "The Past Masters and Officers who had so cheerfully assisted at the ceremonies . " Bros . Love , D . Wilson , Dr . West , W . 0 . Orr , and T . C . Dickie ably responded , and stated that they would be happy again to do so if required . " The Healths of the Old Members , " and " The Entered Apprentices , " and several others
were drank . Bros . West , C . Lundie , H . James , and James-Cunningham , contributed to the harmony and enjoyment of the brethren by singing some capital songs . The Tyler ' s toast was then given and charity collected , after which the brethren separated , having enjoyed a very pleasant reunion . It was much regretted that the severe state of the weather ( snow being nearly 2 ft . deep ) , prevented many brethren from attending , who were very anxious to do so , and who reside at a distance from the town .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CYRUS CHAPTER ( NO . 21 ) . —The annual convocation for installation of Principals and investment of officers , was held on Tuesday , 22 nd ult ., at the London Coffee House , Ludgatehill . The chapter was opened by Comps . Harrison , M . E . Z . ; R . Churchill , H . ; and Mohammed , J . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a conclave of installed First Principals was heldand Comp . Jeremiah HowP . P . Z . having assumed
, , , the chair , Comp . Harrison presented , in succession , Comps . ChnrshiH as 1 st Principal elect ; Mohammed as 2 nd Principal ; and T . Williams as 3 rd Principal ; and they were severally duly installed in the respective chairs , according to the established rites and ceremonies . The other officers are Comps . Barringer , Treas . ; T . R . White , Scribe E . ; and A . Greatrex , P-S . ; Smith , Janitor . The other elected officers were not present . The chapter was then duly closedand the members adjourned to
, banquet . Comps . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and Crisp , were present asvisitors . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on the 24 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The chapter was duly opened by Comp . E . Sisson ,. M . E . Z . ; Sutton H . Cottebrune , P . Z . as J . ; Brett , Buss , and J . Smith , P . Z . 's , after which the companions were admitted and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Mill and J . Smith were then regularly exalted
into Royal Arch Masonry ; the ceremony being well rendered by the various officers . The following companions were elected to office for the ensuing year : —C . T . Sutton , Z . ; C . B . Payne , H . j . R . W . Little , J . ; Buss , P . E . Z .: Hubbard , N . ; Foulger , P . S . ; . J . Smith , P . Z ,, Treas . A donation was then voted to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , and the chapter was duly closed , when the companions adjourned , to the usual banquet , under the presidency of Comp . Sisson , to whom a P . Z . ' s jewel had been unanimously voted for his efficient services during the past year .
Mark Masonry.
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 , E . C . )—The first regular meeting of this lodge since its resuscitation was held on Friday evening , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George Moore , when the following brethren were present , Bros . S . Armstrong , S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , J . W . ; Stonier LeihM . O . RB . HarpleyS . O . Edward Hudson
g , ; , , ; , S . O . ; Samuel Gourley , S . D . ; Geo . Carter , I . G . ; M . Rickinson , Treas . , J . W . Cameron , Sec . ; George Kirk , Reg- of Marks ; . John Miller , Steward ; A . G . Dalziel and James Mowbray , Tyler . After the confirmation of the minutes of the resuscitation meeting , a report of which appeared in this Magazine , a . ballot was taken for Bros . W . C . Ward-Jackson , J . P ., S . W .,. Harbour of Refuge Lod No . 764 ; which proving clear in
thege , East , he was admitted and advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master . Several motions on the by-laws , of which , notice had been given , were then considered , and resolutions passed unanimously ; the most important being to equalise aud raise the subscriptions of the " members ; aud to reduce the