Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT ZION CHAPTER ( NO . 145 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , 14 th March , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street . Present : —Comps . R . Fanan , as M . E . Z . ; A . Pratt , H . ; and J . Ashwell , J . The minutes of the preceding chapter—when a resolution to increase the joining fee was adopted—were duly confirmed . A ballot was taken for tbe
admission of Bro . George Kenning , S . D . of No . 192 , and being unanimous in his favour , and being in attendance ,- he was received and exalted into the supreme degree . There was a good attendance of members , and , as a visitor , Comp . Augustus Greatrex , of the Cyrus Chapter . The usual pleasant banquet followed .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . EAST STONEHOCSE . —Loyal Prtinswick Encampment . —This Encampment of Masonic Knights Templar , met at the Masonic Hall , St . George's Hall , on Thursday , the 21-th day of March , for the purpose of installing the E . C . elect . The E . C . Sir Knight Rodd , R . > J « , G . S . B ., Prov . G . Reg ., one of the ablest Masons in the province , presided , who , after he had disposed of
the preliminary business of the day , installed his successor , Sir Knt . Mills , R . > j 4 , Prov . G . V . C ., and placed him on the throne . The ceremony was performed with that impressivenes and ability which is rarely witnessed , and for which Sir Knt . Rodd is pre-eminently qualified , and justly and deservedly celebrated . The newly-installed E . C . having been sainted in due form , then
proceeded to invest his officers , giving his reasons for his selection respectively , in most appropriate remarks to each , as they were severally called before him , which elicited the approbation of the fraters . The following are tbe appointments : —Sir Knights Rodda , ( R . t $ < , Prov . G . Chan . ) , 1 st Capt . ; Brizzi , ( R . ( J 0 , 2 nd Capt . ; Bowden , Prelate ; Clase , ( R . I & P . G . 1 st . dipt . ) , Chancellor : Dowse , ( R . _ R Past G . H . ) , Treas . : Blight ,
Registrar ; Matthews , ( Prov . G . Almoner ) , Expert ; Hill , ( Prov . G . Org . ) , 1 st Standard Bearer ; Dupre , ( Prov . G . D . C ) , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; Saddler , Almoner ; Bewes , ( R . t % t , Prov . G . Expert ) , Capt . of Lines ; Anderton , Herald . Several Royal Arch Companions were then proposed as candidates for Knighthood , after which the Encampment was closed , and the fraters proceeded to the hotel of Sir Knt . Isaac Watts , and partook of an excellent
banquet . The E . C . presided with great ability , and proposed the various toasts in that felicitous manner , which called forth repeated applause . It would be a great omission not to mention , that during the evening , a well-merited eulog ' mm was pronounced upon Sir Knt . Rodd , P . E . C ., for the distinguished ability , great urbanity , and rare Masonic knowledge displayed bhim during his year of officeand which so pre-eminently
y , qualified him for holding a high position in the Order . He was always lively , always ready , and always at his post ; no . rater ever consulted him ; but always left him highly gratified with the manner with which he had been received . Sir Knt . Rodd replied in a most feeling manner , after which the company separated , having spent a most delightful evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Encampment . —This conclave was held on Friday , March 25 th , at the field of encampment , Newgate-street , and opened by Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister , P . E . C ., in the absence of Sir Knt . Rev . Samuel Atkinson , E . G ., assisted by the officers and P . E . C's . Coinp . R . J . Banning , M . D ., was installed a member of this illustrious Order , by the Acting B . C ., in his usual earnest and impressive manner , Sir Knt . H .
Knights Templar.
Hotham , acting as Expert . This being the day to install the E . C . Elect , Sir Knt . E . S . Switbenb . mk , was presented by Sir-Knt . Punshon , P . E . C ., after being advanced under au arch of steel to the acting E . G ., who duly placed him on the throne , with the beautiful ceremony of the Order , and after being duly proclaimed , the Almoner collected the offerings , which were laid aside for charity . Five pounds was voted to the Boys' School from the funds . The rest of the business over , the conclave
was closed in solemn form . The banquet was held in the hall , which is profusely ornamented with the arms , shields , banners , and crests of the Sir Knights which have been made in the encampment from time immemorial , and was presided over by Sir Knt . Swithenbank , E . G ., supported on his right by Sir Knts .. Punshon and Hotham , P . E . C's , and Dr . Banning ; on the left of theE . C , Sir Knts . C J . Bannister , !! . G . Ludwig , P . E . C's . ; ancl in the S . AV . and N . AV . Sir Knts . Harding , Jansen , & c .
Theloyal aud Masonic toasts were done justice to , also the M . E . and Supreme Grand Master ; Grand Officers , & c . ; the Eminent Commander , who replied in an excellent speech ; the newlyinstalled Sir Knt . ; the P . E . C ' s . ; the better health of the P . E . C ' s ., and Sir Knights who were away ; and the afternoon was spent in accordance with the precepts of this Christian . Order . The officers appointed and invested by the E . C . were : —¦ Sir Knts . Rev . Samuel Atkinson , P . E . C . ; William Punshon ,
Prior ; William Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; Henry Hotham , Prelate and Treas . ; C . J . Bannister , Chancellor ; W . Harding , 1 st Capt . ; . E . Shotton , 2 nd Capt . ; J . Jansen , Reg . ; H . G . Ludwig , Almoner ; R . J . Banning , Capt . of Lines ; Trotter , Equerry .
YORKSHIRE . HTJLE . —Ancient Ybrh Conclave of Redemption ( Time Immemorial ) . —The annual meeting for installation of officers of this encampment was held on Friday , 16 th March , 186 'i ( being the day on which the York Knights commemorate the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay ) , in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , Hull , when there were present the eminent and illustrious Sir Knts . C JBannister 30 ° PEC & eThosThompsonPEC
. , , .., . ; . , ... ; AA alter Reynolds , 18 ° , E . C . ; M . C Peek , 18 ° , 1 st Capt . ; G . AVilkinson , 13 ° , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . T . AValton , Prelate ; C . S . Faram , 18 ° , Expert ; J . N . Scherling , Capt . of Lines ; R . E , Harrison , Org . ; C . Wells , Standard Bearer ; and other Knts . The conclave having been opened in ancient form , and minutes confirmed , three companions were ballotted for and unanimousl y accepted as candidates for the honour of knighthood . The
eminent and illustrious Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister then installed Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds as Eminent Commander of thisancient conclave for the ensuing year , who was accoruingly proclaimed and saluted in ancient form . Comp . Thomas Dale , C . E ., was then admitted , invested , installed , and proclaimed a Knight Templar , and a member of this conclave . The reverend Prelate then delivered an oration on the dignity and antiquity of this Order and of this conclave . Sir Knt . Chas . J . Bannister , 30 ° , was then
unanimously admitted an honorary member of this conclave . The Herald , therefore , called upon the knights , who saluted that eminent and illustrious knight in ancient form . After Sir Knt . Chas . Banister had briefly returned thanks for the honour conferred ou him , and had kindly expressed his readiness to attend the duties of this conclave whenever able to do so , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and the knights adjourned to a fish supper , served in the refreshment room below the hall , spending the rest of the evening in cheerfuluess and brotherly love .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . BEEWICK-ON-TWEED . —Northumberland and Berwic / c-on-Ticeed Lodge . —This lodge was opened on Wednesday , March 23 rd , at the Masonic Hall , by Bro . C . J . Banister , W . M ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Young , who was duly electedbut unable to attendhaving been called
, , away from home unexpectedly . Several brethren received their certificates . The returns were made out hy the Treasurer , and duly signed by the R . W . M ., and will be sent up forthwith . Business over , the lodge was closed . Mark Masonry is increasing here , and this lodge bids fair to be a well working one , as the new ritual is in the hands of the committee .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT ZION CHAPTER ( NO . 145 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , 14 th March , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street . Present : —Comps . R . Fanan , as M . E . Z . ; A . Pratt , H . ; and J . Ashwell , J . The minutes of the preceding chapter—when a resolution to increase the joining fee was adopted—were duly confirmed . A ballot was taken for tbe
admission of Bro . George Kenning , S . D . of No . 192 , and being unanimous in his favour , and being in attendance ,- he was received and exalted into the supreme degree . There was a good attendance of members , and , as a visitor , Comp . Augustus Greatrex , of the Cyrus Chapter . The usual pleasant banquet followed .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . EAST STONEHOCSE . —Loyal Prtinswick Encampment . —This Encampment of Masonic Knights Templar , met at the Masonic Hall , St . George's Hall , on Thursday , the 21-th day of March , for the purpose of installing the E . C . elect . The E . C . Sir Knight Rodd , R . > J « , G . S . B ., Prov . G . Reg ., one of the ablest Masons in the province , presided , who , after he had disposed of
the preliminary business of the day , installed his successor , Sir Knt . Mills , R . > j 4 , Prov . G . V . C ., and placed him on the throne . The ceremony was performed with that impressivenes and ability which is rarely witnessed , and for which Sir Knt . Rodd is pre-eminently qualified , and justly and deservedly celebrated . The newly-installed E . C . having been sainted in due form , then
proceeded to invest his officers , giving his reasons for his selection respectively , in most appropriate remarks to each , as they were severally called before him , which elicited the approbation of the fraters . The following are tbe appointments : —Sir Knights Rodda , ( R . t $ < , Prov . G . Chan . ) , 1 st Capt . ; Brizzi , ( R . ( J 0 , 2 nd Capt . ; Bowden , Prelate ; Clase , ( R . I & P . G . 1 st . dipt . ) , Chancellor : Dowse , ( R . _ R Past G . H . ) , Treas . : Blight ,
Registrar ; Matthews , ( Prov . G . Almoner ) , Expert ; Hill , ( Prov . G . Org . ) , 1 st Standard Bearer ; Dupre , ( Prov . G . D . C ) , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; Saddler , Almoner ; Bewes , ( R . t % t , Prov . G . Expert ) , Capt . of Lines ; Anderton , Herald . Several Royal Arch Companions were then proposed as candidates for Knighthood , after which the Encampment was closed , and the fraters proceeded to the hotel of Sir Knt . Isaac Watts , and partook of an excellent
banquet . The E . C . presided with great ability , and proposed the various toasts in that felicitous manner , which called forth repeated applause . It would be a great omission not to mention , that during the evening , a well-merited eulog ' mm was pronounced upon Sir Knt . Rodd , P . E . C ., for the distinguished ability , great urbanity , and rare Masonic knowledge displayed bhim during his year of officeand which so pre-eminently
y , qualified him for holding a high position in the Order . He was always lively , always ready , and always at his post ; no . rater ever consulted him ; but always left him highly gratified with the manner with which he had been received . Sir Knt . Rodd replied in a most feeling manner , after which the company separated , having spent a most delightful evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Encampment . —This conclave was held on Friday , March 25 th , at the field of encampment , Newgate-street , and opened by Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister , P . E . C ., in the absence of Sir Knt . Rev . Samuel Atkinson , E . G ., assisted by the officers and P . E . C's . Coinp . R . J . Banning , M . D ., was installed a member of this illustrious Order , by the Acting B . C ., in his usual earnest and impressive manner , Sir Knt . H .
Knights Templar.
Hotham , acting as Expert . This being the day to install the E . C . Elect , Sir Knt . E . S . Switbenb . mk , was presented by Sir-Knt . Punshon , P . E . C ., after being advanced under au arch of steel to the acting E . G ., who duly placed him on the throne , with the beautiful ceremony of the Order , and after being duly proclaimed , the Almoner collected the offerings , which were laid aside for charity . Five pounds was voted to the Boys' School from the funds . The rest of the business over , the conclave
was closed in solemn form . The banquet was held in the hall , which is profusely ornamented with the arms , shields , banners , and crests of the Sir Knights which have been made in the encampment from time immemorial , and was presided over by Sir Knt . Swithenbank , E . G ., supported on his right by Sir Knts .. Punshon and Hotham , P . E . C's , and Dr . Banning ; on the left of theE . C , Sir Knts . C J . Bannister , !! . G . Ludwig , P . E . C's . ; ancl in the S . AV . and N . AV . Sir Knts . Harding , Jansen , & c .
Theloyal aud Masonic toasts were done justice to , also the M . E . and Supreme Grand Master ; Grand Officers , & c . ; the Eminent Commander , who replied in an excellent speech ; the newlyinstalled Sir Knt . ; the P . E . C ' s . ; the better health of the P . E . C ' s ., and Sir Knights who were away ; and the afternoon was spent in accordance with the precepts of this Christian . Order . The officers appointed and invested by the E . C . were : —¦ Sir Knts . Rev . Samuel Atkinson , P . E . C . ; William Punshon ,
Prior ; William Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; Henry Hotham , Prelate and Treas . ; C . J . Bannister , Chancellor ; W . Harding , 1 st Capt . ; . E . Shotton , 2 nd Capt . ; J . Jansen , Reg . ; H . G . Ludwig , Almoner ; R . J . Banning , Capt . of Lines ; Trotter , Equerry .
YORKSHIRE . HTJLE . —Ancient Ybrh Conclave of Redemption ( Time Immemorial ) . —The annual meeting for installation of officers of this encampment was held on Friday , 16 th March , 186 'i ( being the day on which the York Knights commemorate the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay ) , in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , Hull , when there were present the eminent and illustrious Sir Knts . C JBannister 30 ° PEC & eThosThompsonPEC
. , , .., . ; . , ... ; AA alter Reynolds , 18 ° , E . C . ; M . C Peek , 18 ° , 1 st Capt . ; G . AVilkinson , 13 ° , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . T . AValton , Prelate ; C . S . Faram , 18 ° , Expert ; J . N . Scherling , Capt . of Lines ; R . E , Harrison , Org . ; C . Wells , Standard Bearer ; and other Knts . The conclave having been opened in ancient form , and minutes confirmed , three companions were ballotted for and unanimousl y accepted as candidates for the honour of knighthood . The
eminent and illustrious Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister then installed Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds as Eminent Commander of thisancient conclave for the ensuing year , who was accoruingly proclaimed and saluted in ancient form . Comp . Thomas Dale , C . E ., was then admitted , invested , installed , and proclaimed a Knight Templar , and a member of this conclave . The reverend Prelate then delivered an oration on the dignity and antiquity of this Order and of this conclave . Sir Knt . Chas . J . Bannister , 30 ° , was then
unanimously admitted an honorary member of this conclave . The Herald , therefore , called upon the knights , who saluted that eminent and illustrious knight in ancient form . After Sir Knt . Chas . Banister had briefly returned thanks for the honour conferred ou him , and had kindly expressed his readiness to attend the duties of this conclave whenever able to do so , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and the knights adjourned to a fish supper , served in the refreshment room below the hall , spending the rest of the evening in cheerfuluess and brotherly love .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . BEEWICK-ON-TWEED . —Northumberland and Berwic / c-on-Ticeed Lodge . —This lodge was opened on Wednesday , March 23 rd , at the Masonic Hall , by Bro . C . J . Banister , W . M ., assisted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Young , who was duly electedbut unable to attendhaving been called
, , away from home unexpectedly . Several brethren received their certificates . The returns were made out hy the Treasurer , and duly signed by the R . W . M ., and will be sent up forthwith . Business over , the lodge was closed . Mark Masonry is increasing here , and this lodge bids fair to be a well working one , as the new ritual is in the hands of the committee .