Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article GRACE BEFORE MEAT. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
after closing the chapter in ancient form , delivered an address-There was a full attendance of companions representing numerous London and some Provincial chapters . [ AVe intend next week to give full particulars of this most edifying and instructive meeting . ] STABILITY CHAPTER ( NO . 217 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at Anderton's HotelFleet-streeton the 15 th ult .
, , There were present Comps . Heath , as M . E : Z . ; F . Walter , as H . ; and E . Sillifant , J . The minutes of the former chapter were read and confirmed . One brother was exalted , and the chapter was then closed . There was no banquet . The visitors were Comps . AVright , No . 22 ; and F . Walters , No . 73 . It was worthy of remark that the ceremony was perfectly worked in every respect .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK AIAJRK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on tbe 19 tb ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , and was opened by Bro . II . Massey , AA . AI . Afterwards , at bis request , Bro . T . Meggy took the chair and advanced Bro . John Thomas AIoss to this degree . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark obtained the appointment of a committee to consider and report upon
tbe advisability of removing the lodge to a smaller house . Bro . Loewenstark also gave notice of a motion to change the lodge ' s quarters if the committe's report should be in favour of removing . The lodge was then closed .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowtce Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Halford-street , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., for the installation of the AV . AI . elect , and other business . In the absence abroad of the AV . AI ., Bro . Major Brewin , tbe Prov . G . AI ., Bro . Kelly , presided . There were also present Bros . W . Pettifor , P . AI . ; A . Al . Duff ; J . AA . and AV . AI . elect ;
AV . Beaumont Smith , S . W . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Partridge , Sec ; Richardson , as Reg . ; Rev . Dr . Hay croft , Chap . ; L . A . Clarke ; C . Johnson , AI . O . ; Toller , as S . O . ; AVeare , J . O . ; Raines ; Crow , Dir . of Cers . ; Alorr , Buzzard , and others . The minutes of the last meeting , including the election of the W . AL , having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . George Eden and Donisthorue , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) , Leicester ; and AVilliam Rutcliffe Bryan , of tbe Howe and Cliarnwood Lodge
( No . 1 , 007 ) , Loughborough , as candidates for advancement , who wero unanimously elected , and who were afterwards advanced , as was also Bro . Alfred Palmer , of No . 279 , who was elected at tbe last lodge . Three other candidates , viz ., Bros . Dr . AVillunson , of Sydenham , P . M . 181 ; Dr . Pearce , Sec . No . 279 ; and Henry Carson , P . Prov . G . J . W . Derbyshire , were prevented being present ou tbe occasion . The Treasurer ' s account having been read was approved , after which Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . AI .,
proceeded to instal Bro . Duff as AV . AI . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —E . Johnson , S . AV . ; Weare , J . W . ; Partridge , AI . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycrofts , S . O . and Chap . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Richardson , Sec . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baiues , J . D . ; Crow , Dir . of Cers . ; Pettifor , P . M ., and Atwond , Stewards ; Buzzard , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler . Some propositions having been received , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and celebrated the festival under the presidency of the newly-installed W . AI .
WE learn from Nature that the examinations for the gold and bronze medals offered as prizes for the proficiency in Physical and Political Geography , by the Royal Geographical Society , were held on the 28 th nlfc . Forty-one schools had been invited to compete , out of Avhich number nineteen accepted , sending a total of
fiftynine candidates ; thirty-four in Physical , mid twenty-five in Political Geography The names of the successful candidates -will be announced at the ensuing anniversary meeting .
Poetry .
FIRESIDE DREAMS . A MASON ' S EEVEEIE . By T . J . SWAIN . Seated in the deepening twilight By the warm and glowing hearth ,
Thinking o'er the varied changes That have mark'd life ' s cbcquer'd path ; Changes— -both of grief and gladness-Brought to light by memory ' s beams , Sad , yet sweet , our meditations , Whilst absorbed in fireside dreams . Scenes of youth ' s delightful springtime ,
Hopes that p'raps too soon were crushed , Hours with friends , whose loving voices In the calm of death are husb'd Oh ! bow diff'rent are our feelings , As we took back on the schemes Gaily plann'd but terminating At the last in—fireside dreams . Yet those musings seem to teach us
How we thankfully should prize Every blessing God hath sent us , Tho' we could not realise—All youth ' s roseate expectations , Still , by memory ' s snnshine gleams , Scenes of joy as well as sadness Cheer us in our fireside dreams .
Grace Before Meat.
To Him from whom all blessings flow , May we our gratitude bestow- ; AVith thankful hearts enjoy tho food Which He doth send us for our good : And , as we ' re taught in ancient story , May we do all things to His glory . JESSE BANNING .
Obituary .
We regret to announce the death , on the 19 th nit ., at Gloucester , aged 75 , of Bro . Philip Hopkins . He joined the Lebanon Lodge ( No . 401 ) in 1816 , and his certificate , dated September 3 rd , of that year , bears the signatures of Bros . William White and Edward Harper , the then Grand Secretaries .
Nature remarks that Professor Tyndall will have much to answer for in the results that may be expected from the spread of his " dust and disease " theory . It is stated by the Atlicnmum that a new idea has been broached in a recent letter by Mr . Bloxam , the lecturer on chemistry to the department of artillery studies . He suggests that
the committee on explosives , abandoning gun cotton , should collect the germs of small-pox and similar malignant diseases , in cotton or other dust collecting substances , and load shells with them . AVo should then hear of an enemy dislodged from his position by a volley of typhus , or a few rounds of Asiatic cholera . We shall expect to receive the particulars of a new
" Sale of Poisons " Act , imposing the strictest regulations on the sale by chemists of packets of " cholera germs " or " small-pox seed . " Probably none will be allowed to be sold without bearing- tbe stamp of the Royal Institution , certifying that they have been examined by tho microscope , and are warranted to be the genuine article .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
after closing the chapter in ancient form , delivered an address-There was a full attendance of companions representing numerous London and some Provincial chapters . [ AVe intend next week to give full particulars of this most edifying and instructive meeting . ] STABILITY CHAPTER ( NO . 217 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at Anderton's HotelFleet-streeton the 15 th ult .
, , There were present Comps . Heath , as M . E : Z . ; F . Walter , as H . ; and E . Sillifant , J . The minutes of the former chapter were read and confirmed . One brother was exalted , and the chapter was then closed . There was no banquet . The visitors were Comps . AVright , No . 22 ; and F . Walters , No . 73 . It was worthy of remark that the ceremony was perfectly worked in every respect .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK AIAJRK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on tbe 19 tb ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , and was opened by Bro . II . Massey , AA . AI . Afterwards , at bis request , Bro . T . Meggy took the chair and advanced Bro . John Thomas AIoss to this degree . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark obtained the appointment of a committee to consider and report upon
tbe advisability of removing the lodge to a smaller house . Bro . Loewenstark also gave notice of a motion to change the lodge ' s quarters if the committe's report should be in favour of removing . The lodge was then closed .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Fowtce Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Halford-street , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., for the installation of the AV . AI . elect , and other business . In the absence abroad of the AV . AI ., Bro . Major Brewin , tbe Prov . G . AI ., Bro . Kelly , presided . There were also present Bros . W . Pettifor , P . AI . ; A . Al . Duff ; J . AA . and AV . AI . elect ;
AV . Beaumont Smith , S . W . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Partridge , Sec ; Richardson , as Reg . ; Rev . Dr . Hay croft , Chap . ; L . A . Clarke ; C . Johnson , AI . O . ; Toller , as S . O . ; AVeare , J . O . ; Raines ; Crow , Dir . of Cers . ; Alorr , Buzzard , and others . The minutes of the last meeting , including the election of the W . AL , having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . George Eden and Donisthorue , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) , Leicester ; and AVilliam Rutcliffe Bryan , of tbe Howe and Cliarnwood Lodge
( No . 1 , 007 ) , Loughborough , as candidates for advancement , who wero unanimously elected , and who were afterwards advanced , as was also Bro . Alfred Palmer , of No . 279 , who was elected at tbe last lodge . Three other candidates , viz ., Bros . Dr . AVillunson , of Sydenham , P . M . 181 ; Dr . Pearce , Sec . No . 279 ; and Henry Carson , P . Prov . G . J . W . Derbyshire , were prevented being present ou tbe occasion . The Treasurer ' s account having been read was approved , after which Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . AI .,
proceeded to instal Bro . Duff as AV . AI . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —E . Johnson , S . AV . ; Weare , J . W . ; Partridge , AI . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycrofts , S . O . and Chap . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Richardson , Sec . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baiues , J . D . ; Crow , Dir . of Cers . ; Pettifor , P . M ., and Atwond , Stewards ; Buzzard , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler . Some propositions having been received , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and celebrated the festival under the presidency of the newly-installed W . AI .
WE learn from Nature that the examinations for the gold and bronze medals offered as prizes for the proficiency in Physical and Political Geography , by the Royal Geographical Society , were held on the 28 th nlfc . Forty-one schools had been invited to compete , out of Avhich number nineteen accepted , sending a total of
fiftynine candidates ; thirty-four in Physical , mid twenty-five in Political Geography The names of the successful candidates -will be announced at the ensuing anniversary meeting .
Poetry .
FIRESIDE DREAMS . A MASON ' S EEVEEIE . By T . J . SWAIN . Seated in the deepening twilight By the warm and glowing hearth ,
Thinking o'er the varied changes That have mark'd life ' s cbcquer'd path ; Changes— -both of grief and gladness-Brought to light by memory ' s beams , Sad , yet sweet , our meditations , Whilst absorbed in fireside dreams . Scenes of youth ' s delightful springtime ,
Hopes that p'raps too soon were crushed , Hours with friends , whose loving voices In the calm of death are husb'd Oh ! bow diff'rent are our feelings , As we took back on the schemes Gaily plann'd but terminating At the last in—fireside dreams . Yet those musings seem to teach us
How we thankfully should prize Every blessing God hath sent us , Tho' we could not realise—All youth ' s roseate expectations , Still , by memory ' s snnshine gleams , Scenes of joy as well as sadness Cheer us in our fireside dreams .
Grace Before Meat.
To Him from whom all blessings flow , May we our gratitude bestow- ; AVith thankful hearts enjoy tho food Which He doth send us for our good : And , as we ' re taught in ancient story , May we do all things to His glory . JESSE BANNING .
Obituary .
We regret to announce the death , on the 19 th nit ., at Gloucester , aged 75 , of Bro . Philip Hopkins . He joined the Lebanon Lodge ( No . 401 ) in 1816 , and his certificate , dated September 3 rd , of that year , bears the signatures of Bros . William White and Edward Harper , the then Grand Secretaries .
Nature remarks that Professor Tyndall will have much to answer for in the results that may be expected from the spread of his " dust and disease " theory . It is stated by the Atlicnmum that a new idea has been broached in a recent letter by Mr . Bloxam , the lecturer on chemistry to the department of artillery studies . He suggests that
the committee on explosives , abandoning gun cotton , should collect the germs of small-pox and similar malignant diseases , in cotton or other dust collecting substances , and load shells with them . AVo should then hear of an enemy dislodged from his position by a volley of typhus , or a few rounds of Asiatic cholera . We shall expect to receive the particulars of a new
" Sale of Poisons " Act , imposing the strictest regulations on the sale by chemists of packets of " cholera germs " or " small-pox seed . " Probably none will be allowed to be sold without bearing- tbe stamp of the Royal Institution , certifying that they have been examined by tho microscope , and are warranted to be the genuine article .