Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Temple who fully believe in its authenticity , and who attest the statement that the charter has been pronounced n genuine document by competent experts . —LUPUS . JULE EED OEOSS 03 ? EOME AOT ) COFSTANTIIRE V . BEO . JIATIEB , 30 ° , ETC .
I would much like to know in what respect the term " absurd Masonic Order" applies to the above degree more than to the other chivalric degrees in connection with Freemasonry , e . r j ., Knights of Malta , Enights of the Eagle and Pelicanor Eose Croixand
, , others . _ Mark , I do not say either is absurd ; the phrase is Bro . Matier ' s , not mine . With all respect for his Masonic zeal and abilities , I think the term a uiisinomer . — WILLIAM JAMES HUCHTAK - .
JOSEPH AND MA 30 NEX ( p . 247 ) . It appears to me that Joseph had something else to do than to be " Grand Master of all the Egyptian lodges . "—W . P . B . THE sirs' DESCBIBED , V . D . 938 . The following description of the sun is iven in
g the Saxon chronicle , where the author is dilating upon the glorious victory gained by King Athelstan , tbe " Giver of Bracelets , viz .: — " The din of arms resounded sith the sun in the morning-tide rose glad over the earth , greatest of the stars , bright caudle of God the Lord Eternal , till the noblest of things created wank in the west . "—W . P . B .
THE OEDEE 03 ? THE TEMPLE . I haye read with great pleasure the remarks of ' ' ¦ Ecpacs Templi" in last week ' s Maqazine . There are few objections to the system of the Scottish Order of the Temple . One is its assumption of a pure descent irom ± 314 such continuation being contrary to
, every document that has yet appeared , and an impossibility in Catholic countries—its correction would necessitate ... revision of their ritual . The jewel is another objec-Conable feature , and the term Priory another , that of ¦ Commandcry having C 0 ine to us as tbo term of the Amalgamated Orders . It would be well to know in ¦
ivhosc hands lies the revision most certainly if any imhisiorical folly is perpetrated , it will not be ' allowed J . O rest . The Scottish certificate is most appropriate , -ind the bulk of the statutes also . I would suggest diat a complete ritual of every ceremonial of the Order ho privately printed . —Jons YAHKEB ,
I'OEEIQN . FBEEMASOX . _ Will some one of your readers give the names of ( Catholics of foreign churches who have been Freemasons since 173 S ? The Abbe Barruel , who was one , mentions Francis I- ( 1745 ) ; the Prince Conti : Varletbishopinparlilusof Bablon & c . I ask this
, , , y , because , though 1 think of Freemasonry much as Mi \ Pinkerton , some of his logic seems hardly cogent . It is surely not impossible for a prince to forget Clement XII . and his bull , when it seems to be convenient for political ends . —AW * and Queries . —E . IE . KTOAVLES .
" No Master should take an apprentice that is not tho son of honest parents . " — Grand Lodr / e of 1717 . —JOHN YAEKEE .
The ' Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents EOYAL AECH MASONEY .
TO THE JEDITOK 03 ? THE rHEEJIASOlfS' MAGAZINE AND MASOKIC MIEItOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Bro . Hughan will find , on examination of my letters , that I have not descended to personalities ; but if , in his commentaries thereon , he gives them that interpretation . I am not responsible . I fear that an impartial person would conclude
that a conviction of the truth of my remarks had filled his heart with the justice of them , but at the same time I wish it to be understood that my reflections are intended for the system , and not for its advocate . Bro . Hughan cannot have forgotten that I once
recalled his attention from contemplating the imaginary pallor of " ¦ all other" constitutions , to gaze upon some of the real and much boasted " fruits" of our own shameless depravity . He will therefore distinctly understand that from the first , when I spoke of the Eoyal ArchI meantof courseour English
, , , illustration of it . It is certainly very late to ask for my reasons for objecting to the Eoyal Arch , especially as most of them may be found so far back as page 49 , and the remainder ( by far the best , I admit ) have since been supplied by himself . For these , I now beg to express my thanks . The Eoyal Arch , which is
only the mutilated remains of the degree formerly so called , as now constituted , was not worked in 1740 , as every lloyal Arch Mason knows ; and as I address myself to such , it is equally unnecessary and improper to specify what has been omitted and what has been introduced ; suffice it to say that even Laurence Derroott would be ashamed to confess his paternity of our
illegitimate adoption . To says that '' many ot the most distinguished Alasons uphold it" is nothing to the purpose ; and I think it would be more creditable to be able to deny the fact than to defend it by an illustration which redounds so little to our credit . In their opinions , the best of men may be mistaken ; but this neither justifies such opinionsnor makes the
, propriety of their conduct less questionable . In addition to the fact that no amount of authority or usage can make treason to Craft Masonry respectable , there are quite as many Masons equally " distinguished" who despise the present position and organisation of the Eoyal Arch . It should be treated
with contempt , because it is an invidious distinction which may he purchased by wealth , instead of being won by worth , in violation of our Constitutions , which directs that " all preferment among Masons should be grounded upon real worth and personal merit ; " it offers a premium for the establishment of a mercenary
clique within the lodge , where one appears with a badge of conviction and another without , although the latter may possess infinitely more merit and ability than the former . This is a repudiation of the teachings of the mystic level as well as those of the mystic circle ( every part of its circumference not being
equally distant from the Point of Truth ) , and is consequently subversive of the principles of Masonry . Imagine , sir , an aged and honoured brother of " low degree , " whoso venerable locks have silvered in our service , and who has more than once creditably occupied the oriental chair , being told by Bro . Hughan
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Temple who fully believe in its authenticity , and who attest the statement that the charter has been pronounced n genuine document by competent experts . —LUPUS . JULE EED OEOSS 03 ? EOME AOT ) COFSTANTIIRE V . BEO . JIATIEB , 30 ° , ETC .
I would much like to know in what respect the term " absurd Masonic Order" applies to the above degree more than to the other chivalric degrees in connection with Freemasonry , e . r j ., Knights of Malta , Enights of the Eagle and Pelicanor Eose Croixand
, , others . _ Mark , I do not say either is absurd ; the phrase is Bro . Matier ' s , not mine . With all respect for his Masonic zeal and abilities , I think the term a uiisinomer . — WILLIAM JAMES HUCHTAK - .
JOSEPH AND MA 30 NEX ( p . 247 ) . It appears to me that Joseph had something else to do than to be " Grand Master of all the Egyptian lodges . "—W . P . B . THE sirs' DESCBIBED , V . D . 938 . The following description of the sun is iven in
g the Saxon chronicle , where the author is dilating upon the glorious victory gained by King Athelstan , tbe " Giver of Bracelets , viz .: — " The din of arms resounded sith the sun in the morning-tide rose glad over the earth , greatest of the stars , bright caudle of God the Lord Eternal , till the noblest of things created wank in the west . "—W . P . B .
THE OEDEE 03 ? THE TEMPLE . I haye read with great pleasure the remarks of ' ' ¦ Ecpacs Templi" in last week ' s Maqazine . There are few objections to the system of the Scottish Order of the Temple . One is its assumption of a pure descent irom ± 314 such continuation being contrary to
, every document that has yet appeared , and an impossibility in Catholic countries—its correction would necessitate ... revision of their ritual . The jewel is another objec-Conable feature , and the term Priory another , that of ¦ Commandcry having C 0 ine to us as tbo term of the Amalgamated Orders . It would be well to know in ¦
ivhosc hands lies the revision most certainly if any imhisiorical folly is perpetrated , it will not be ' allowed J . O rest . The Scottish certificate is most appropriate , -ind the bulk of the statutes also . I would suggest diat a complete ritual of every ceremonial of the Order ho privately printed . —Jons YAHKEB ,
I'OEEIQN . FBEEMASOX . _ Will some one of your readers give the names of ( Catholics of foreign churches who have been Freemasons since 173 S ? The Abbe Barruel , who was one , mentions Francis I- ( 1745 ) ; the Prince Conti : Varletbishopinparlilusof Bablon & c . I ask this
, , , y , because , though 1 think of Freemasonry much as Mi \ Pinkerton , some of his logic seems hardly cogent . It is surely not impossible for a prince to forget Clement XII . and his bull , when it seems to be convenient for political ends . —AW * and Queries . —E . IE . KTOAVLES .
" No Master should take an apprentice that is not tho son of honest parents . " — Grand Lodr / e of 1717 . —JOHN YAEKEE .
The ' Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents EOYAL AECH MASONEY .
TO THE JEDITOK 03 ? THE rHEEJIASOlfS' MAGAZINE AND MASOKIC MIEItOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Bro . Hughan will find , on examination of my letters , that I have not descended to personalities ; but if , in his commentaries thereon , he gives them that interpretation . I am not responsible . I fear that an impartial person would conclude
that a conviction of the truth of my remarks had filled his heart with the justice of them , but at the same time I wish it to be understood that my reflections are intended for the system , and not for its advocate . Bro . Hughan cannot have forgotten that I once
recalled his attention from contemplating the imaginary pallor of " ¦ all other" constitutions , to gaze upon some of the real and much boasted " fruits" of our own shameless depravity . He will therefore distinctly understand that from the first , when I spoke of the Eoyal ArchI meantof courseour English
, , , illustration of it . It is certainly very late to ask for my reasons for objecting to the Eoyal Arch , especially as most of them may be found so far back as page 49 , and the remainder ( by far the best , I admit ) have since been supplied by himself . For these , I now beg to express my thanks . The Eoyal Arch , which is
only the mutilated remains of the degree formerly so called , as now constituted , was not worked in 1740 , as every lloyal Arch Mason knows ; and as I address myself to such , it is equally unnecessary and improper to specify what has been omitted and what has been introduced ; suffice it to say that even Laurence Derroott would be ashamed to confess his paternity of our
illegitimate adoption . To says that '' many ot the most distinguished Alasons uphold it" is nothing to the purpose ; and I think it would be more creditable to be able to deny the fact than to defend it by an illustration which redounds so little to our credit . In their opinions , the best of men may be mistaken ; but this neither justifies such opinionsnor makes the
, propriety of their conduct less questionable . In addition to the fact that no amount of authority or usage can make treason to Craft Masonry respectable , there are quite as many Masons equally " distinguished" who despise the present position and organisation of the Eoyal Arch . It should be treated
with contempt , because it is an invidious distinction which may he purchased by wealth , instead of being won by worth , in violation of our Constitutions , which directs that " all preferment among Masons should be grounded upon real worth and personal merit ; " it offers a premium for the establishment of a mercenary
clique within the lodge , where one appears with a badge of conviction and another without , although the latter may possess infinitely more merit and ability than the former . This is a repudiation of the teachings of the mystic level as well as those of the mystic circle ( every part of its circumference not being
equally distant from the Point of Truth ) , and is consequently subversive of the principles of Masonry . Imagine , sir , an aged and honoured brother of " low degree , " whoso venerable locks have silvered in our service , and who has more than once creditably occupied the oriental chair , being told by Bro . Hughan