Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC EXCHANGE. Page 1 of 1
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The Knights Templars.
attack on Acre , and had allowed their battering forts to be burned . * The Templars , in the disputes , appear always as the peace makers , and it was by their means that the quarrel , which arose between Richard and the
Duke of Austria , on the occasion of the former throwing the Iatter ' s standard , into a ditch , was for the time soldered up . f ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
JIELIGIOH" OF OV 1 B . - pBEEilASONEX TWO YEA . ES 13 EOSE THE EEUHIOK " . A brother who signs his letter "A . B . C . " will ' "find the communication respecting which he en-¦ ¦ 'quires , Freemasons' Magazine , No . 218 , September 5 th 163 The movement there mentioned
, S . amongst " ¦¦ "the Oxford undergraduates for the establishment of a ¦ Freemasons' lodge took place in the month of December , just two years before the reunion of out- Grand Lodges under the Duke of Sussex . Christianity was - represented to us as the religion of Freemasonry , with toleration of TheismThis toleration was
. , as ¦ my brother conjectures , extremely distasteful to those ¦ whom he calls "The Dons . " My correspondent ' s v letter contains some questions , a satisfactory solution ¦ of which would demand the sacrifice of much more time than is just now at my disposal . —CHARLES P , - -COOPEE .
THE DECOEOtfS I _ f THE LODGE . In some Worshipful Masters there is much neglect - -and indifference in this respect . Comportment , dic' -tion , elocution , are alike unsuited to the solemnity of - the place where they are , and the dignity of the -office they hold . Aspirants to the chair would do
well to read either in the ori ginal , or a translation , some chapters of the first book of Cicero , " De Officiis . ' '—Prom one of Bro . Purton Cooper ' s Masonic Note-hooks .
THE " EAKA ESCTJLEJTTA" AXD AX INQUISITIVE BROTHEE . See the communication of an "Inquisitive Brother " page 227 of the present volume . " liana Esculenta " is the scientific name of a famous species of the interesting dwellers on land and in water , the subject of that notable dispute . This nameit will be
-, per ceived , itself affords sufficient answer to an "Inquisitive Brother ' s " question . However , it may be mentioned that at a banquet given by some Russian , Austrian , and Prussian officers at Versailles , April , 1814 , not many days after the battle of Paris , a superb "fricassee ' ' of those parts of the " rana
esculenta " which the French consider edible ivas the most attractive " entree ; " and that two Englishmen , the late John Hambrough , Esq ., of Yentnor Castle , Isle of Wi ght , and the Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent , guests on that occasion , found the aforesaid " fricassee " surpassingly delicate . —CHABIES P . COOPEE .
Masonic Exchange.
NOTICE . The system of exchanges of obje . ts wanted , by newspaper correspondence , has of late afforded considerable assistance in mutual accommodation , and we are disposed to afford the same facilities to our
subscribers . Communications addressed to us willmeet with attention . Non-subscribers can remit sixpence in postage stamps for notices to be inserted of objects wanted , or at disposal .
The folio winr / inquiries Jtave leen received . 1 . D . C . wishes to dispose of some old seals and diplomas . 2 . M . M . wishes to exchange a jewel of No . 29 . 3 . X . T . Z . has a set of new clothing for the
officers of a lodge under the Grand Orient of Prance , or Grand Oost of the Netherlands . 4 . T . B . would exchange copies of seals . 5 . "W . J . L . wants rituals of the degrees below the 18 th in English and French . He does not want what are called philosophic rituals .
6 . R , T . wants the loan of the ritual of the old Templars , which is partly in Latin . 7 . "W . H . is open to exchange orig inals or copies of Masonic documents , charters , & c . 8 . D . C . L . has a set of miniature furniture and officers' collars and jewels & cfor a Lodge of
In-, , struction , the pedestals fold ; he will be glad to exchange them for a complete set of "Masonic Quarterly , Monthly , and Weekly Magazine and Mirror . " 9 . R . S . T . has a 30 " jewel , about three inches diameter , together with a silver embroidered sash as good as new ; will exchange it for a 31 ° jewel and
collar of the regulation pattern . 10 . X . offers a perfect set of the quarto series ot the Freemasons ' Magazine for a collar and jewel of the English 31 ° , and a set of Provincial Grand Officers' clothing .
11 . R . R . S . will exchange a K . H . silver gilt 30 ° jewel , set with French brilliants , and a sash , nearly new , for a complete set of Dr . Oliver ' s Masonic works . 12 . J . L . wants an Irish Past Master ' s apron , collar , and jewel , and will give in exchange those of an English P . M . 13 . Miles wishes to exchange a large handsome
Bible , suitable for presentation to an English lodge , for a K . T . signet gold ring . 1-1 . V . B . will be glad to purchase either new or second-hand Rosettes , distinguishable of the Arch Papal Church ; also wanted an old York Ritual . 15 . J . M . wishes to purchase R . A . medal as worn
by the Companions of a Chapter . All answers to be addressed ( post paid ) to the respective numbers and initials , Freemasons' Magazine office , Salishury-street , "W . C , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knights Templars.
attack on Acre , and had allowed their battering forts to be burned . * The Templars , in the disputes , appear always as the peace makers , and it was by their means that the quarrel , which arose between Richard and the
Duke of Austria , on the occasion of the former throwing the Iatter ' s standard , into a ditch , was for the time soldered up . f ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
JIELIGIOH" OF OV 1 B . - pBEEilASONEX TWO YEA . ES 13 EOSE THE EEUHIOK " . A brother who signs his letter "A . B . C . " will ' "find the communication respecting which he en-¦ ¦ 'quires , Freemasons' Magazine , No . 218 , September 5 th 163 The movement there mentioned
, S . amongst " ¦¦ "the Oxford undergraduates for the establishment of a ¦ Freemasons' lodge took place in the month of December , just two years before the reunion of out- Grand Lodges under the Duke of Sussex . Christianity was - represented to us as the religion of Freemasonry , with toleration of TheismThis toleration was
. , as ¦ my brother conjectures , extremely distasteful to those ¦ whom he calls "The Dons . " My correspondent ' s v letter contains some questions , a satisfactory solution ¦ of which would demand the sacrifice of much more time than is just now at my disposal . —CHARLES P , - -COOPEE .
THE DECOEOtfS I _ f THE LODGE . In some Worshipful Masters there is much neglect - -and indifference in this respect . Comportment , dic' -tion , elocution , are alike unsuited to the solemnity of - the place where they are , and the dignity of the -office they hold . Aspirants to the chair would do
well to read either in the ori ginal , or a translation , some chapters of the first book of Cicero , " De Officiis . ' '—Prom one of Bro . Purton Cooper ' s Masonic Note-hooks .
THE " EAKA ESCTJLEJTTA" AXD AX INQUISITIVE BROTHEE . See the communication of an "Inquisitive Brother " page 227 of the present volume . " liana Esculenta " is the scientific name of a famous species of the interesting dwellers on land and in water , the subject of that notable dispute . This nameit will be
-, per ceived , itself affords sufficient answer to an "Inquisitive Brother ' s " question . However , it may be mentioned that at a banquet given by some Russian , Austrian , and Prussian officers at Versailles , April , 1814 , not many days after the battle of Paris , a superb "fricassee ' ' of those parts of the " rana
esculenta " which the French consider edible ivas the most attractive " entree ; " and that two Englishmen , the late John Hambrough , Esq ., of Yentnor Castle , Isle of Wi ght , and the Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent , guests on that occasion , found the aforesaid " fricassee " surpassingly delicate . —CHABIES P . COOPEE .
Masonic Exchange.
NOTICE . The system of exchanges of obje . ts wanted , by newspaper correspondence , has of late afforded considerable assistance in mutual accommodation , and we are disposed to afford the same facilities to our
subscribers . Communications addressed to us willmeet with attention . Non-subscribers can remit sixpence in postage stamps for notices to be inserted of objects wanted , or at disposal .
The folio winr / inquiries Jtave leen received . 1 . D . C . wishes to dispose of some old seals and diplomas . 2 . M . M . wishes to exchange a jewel of No . 29 . 3 . X . T . Z . has a set of new clothing for the
officers of a lodge under the Grand Orient of Prance , or Grand Oost of the Netherlands . 4 . T . B . would exchange copies of seals . 5 . "W . J . L . wants rituals of the degrees below the 18 th in English and French . He does not want what are called philosophic rituals .
6 . R , T . wants the loan of the ritual of the old Templars , which is partly in Latin . 7 . "W . H . is open to exchange orig inals or copies of Masonic documents , charters , & c . 8 . D . C . L . has a set of miniature furniture and officers' collars and jewels & cfor a Lodge of
In-, , struction , the pedestals fold ; he will be glad to exchange them for a complete set of "Masonic Quarterly , Monthly , and Weekly Magazine and Mirror . " 9 . R . S . T . has a 30 " jewel , about three inches diameter , together with a silver embroidered sash as good as new ; will exchange it for a 31 ° jewel and
collar of the regulation pattern . 10 . X . offers a perfect set of the quarto series ot the Freemasons ' Magazine for a collar and jewel of the English 31 ° , and a set of Provincial Grand Officers' clothing .
11 . R . R . S . will exchange a K . H . silver gilt 30 ° jewel , set with French brilliants , and a sash , nearly new , for a complete set of Dr . Oliver ' s Masonic works . 12 . J . L . wants an Irish Past Master ' s apron , collar , and jewel , and will give in exchange those of an English P . M . 13 . Miles wishes to exchange a large handsome
Bible , suitable for presentation to an English lodge , for a K . T . signet gold ring . 1-1 . V . B . will be glad to purchase either new or second-hand Rosettes , distinguishable of the Arch Papal Church ; also wanted an old York Ritual . 15 . J . M . wishes to purchase R . A . medal as worn
by the Companions of a Chapter . All answers to be addressed ( post paid ) to the respective numbers and initials , Freemasons' Magazine office , Salishury-street , "W . C , London .