Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE . Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIEEOE . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
A LODGE of Mark Masters will be held on Tuesday , the Sth of May , at the Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle , for the purpose of installing Bro . T . Blacklock , W . M . ; also investing the officers for the ensuing year . All Mark Masters that feel disposed t ° attend the meeting of the Cumberland Lodge ( So . 60 ) , will be made welcome . THE Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland takes pla"e on Monday , the 4 th inst . The meeting is looked forward to with interest , it being the first time that the Grand Lodge has been opened at its quarterly meeting by the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousie . A numerous muster of brethren is expected .
EASGOB —St . Davids Lodge ( So . 384 ) , and Welshpool Lodge ( So . 998 ) . —We had purposed giving the reports of the meetings of these lodges , which took place on the 3 rd and Sth ult ., respectively , owing to an unusual press of matter , we aro obliged to defer for the present . WE have the pleasure to call the attention of our readers to
a very deserving candidate for the annuity—Mrs . Ann Green , widow of Bro . B . Green , of the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) IJxbridge—and to state that votes , either male or female branch , for the ensuing election will be thankfully received by Bros . H . ' G- Boss , 127 , Offord-road , A . ; and E . W . Little , 7 , Gilbertroad Kennington , S .
SOTBEITE Grand Chapter will hold a quarterly convocation at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , the Gth inst ., at eight o ' clock . I A GHAN ' D CONCIATE will he holden at three o'clock , on Friday , May 8 th , at 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn .
Grand Lodge .
JsSTALTiATXOS 01 * HI GliAIvD MASTER . The installation of the M . W . the Grand Master , Eight Hon . e Earl of Zetland , K . T ., took place on Wednesday last , in the Great Masonic Temple , Great Queen-street . Grand Lodge was opened punctually at five o'clock , the procession liaving been formed according to usage by the G . Dir .
of Cers . The M . W . the Grand Master upon ascending the throne was supported by the D . G . Master the Eight Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon , G . Senior ancl Junior Wardens , a large assemblage of present and past Grand Officers , Grand Stewards , and a . large number of metropolitan and Provincial brethren . The Temple was crowded with brethren , desirous of exhibiting
their loyalty to the G . Master and doing honour to the occasion , upon his installation for the 25 tli time . Grand Lodge having been opened iu due form and with solemn prayer by the Grand Chap ., Bro . E . J . Simpson , and the minutes read , the G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Albert W . Woods , j proclaimed the Eight Hon . the Earl of ZetlandK . T . as G .
, , Master for the present year ; when the brethren having saluted in the usual manner on such occasions , the M . W . the G . Master appointed the Eight Hon . the Earl de Grey and Eipon as the D . G . Master for the present year . The D . G . Master was saluted in the usual manner .
The M . W . the G . Master then made the following appointments for the ensuing year : — Bro . Earl Vane S . G . Warden . „ Le Gendre S . Startle J . G . Warden . „ Eev . E . J . Simpson } G . Chaps .. Ravenshaw
„ Eev . T . F . T . J „ Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . „ iEneasJ . M'Intyre G . Reg . „ W . Gray Clarice G . Sec . „ Henry Gi-issell } s . G . Deacons . „ Bentley Shaw i
» George W . Latham } J . G . Deacons . „ Henry Browse J „ F . P . Cockerel ! G . Supt . of Worts . „ Albert W . Woods G . Dir . of Cers . „ Tliotnas Fenn Assist . G . Dir . of Cers , „ Edward Roberts G . Sword Bearer .
„ James Coward G . Organist . „ Thomas Lewis G . Purst . „ W . Ough Assist . G . Purst . „ Charles B . Pay ne G . Tyler .
Each of the brethren who had been honoured by appoint , meiit to office ( with the exception of Bro . Henry Grissell , who was unavoidably prevented from being present ) , were received ancl invested by the M . W . the G . Master , and congratulated by the brethren . We are unable , from want of space , to give the
proceedingsmore iu detail ( which we must reserve for our uext number ) except to state that on the proposition by the M . W . the Grand Master , and seconded by the M . W . the D . G . Master , a vote of condolence was directed to be prepared and presented on behalf of the Grand Lodge of England , to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , expressive of their indignation at
the dastardly attempt to assassinate H . E . H . the Duke of Edinburgh , which was carried unanimously . After various business had been transacted , the Grand Lodgewas closed in due form with solemn prayer . The G . Master , the D . G . Master , the General Officers , and brethren adjourned to the new banqueting hall adjoining the Temple .
The brethren having assembled at six o clock , a procession was formed at the entrances to the G . Master ' s apartments , and proceeded along the corridor to the door of the banqueting : hall , where , under the direction of the G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Albert W . "Woods , the M . W . G . Master and Grand officers were received by the brethren present , and after having perambulated the room , the M . W . G . Master assumed the president's chair .
Grace was said by the G . Chaplain . The arrangement of the banquet was under the Board of G . Stewards for the year , composed of the following members : Bros . J . Tepper , 14 , President ; J . S . Banning , 4 , Treas . ; C . J . Hogg , 58 , Hon . Sec . ; G . Bennet , 1 ; W . P . Eae , 2 ; E . M . Perkins , 5 ; G . Claridge , 6 ; F . Hockley , 8 ; J . Poinding , 21 ; .
E . J . Page , 23 ; G . P . Lambert , 28 ; W . H . Allender , 29 ; T . Dyer , 46 ; H . T . Kent , 60 ; A . G . Lapwortb , 91 ; E . March , 99 ; C . E . Hollingworth , 197 ; S . Jones , 259 . After cloth had been removed and grace , " Deum laudate , " sung , the following toasts were given ancl dn \ y responded to : — "The Queen , ' ' "The Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales ,
and the other members of the Eoyal Family , " " The Eight Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . the Grand Master of England , " ' " ' Tho Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , " "The Eight Honourable the Earl de Grey and Eipon , the E . W < the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the E . W . the Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIEEOE . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
A LODGE of Mark Masters will be held on Tuesday , the Sth of May , at the Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle , for the purpose of installing Bro . T . Blacklock , W . M . ; also investing the officers for the ensuing year . All Mark Masters that feel disposed t ° attend the meeting of the Cumberland Lodge ( So . 60 ) , will be made welcome . THE Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland takes pla"e on Monday , the 4 th inst . The meeting is looked forward to with interest , it being the first time that the Grand Lodge has been opened at its quarterly meeting by the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousie . A numerous muster of brethren is expected .
EASGOB —St . Davids Lodge ( So . 384 ) , and Welshpool Lodge ( So . 998 ) . —We had purposed giving the reports of the meetings of these lodges , which took place on the 3 rd and Sth ult ., respectively , owing to an unusual press of matter , we aro obliged to defer for the present . WE have the pleasure to call the attention of our readers to
a very deserving candidate for the annuity—Mrs . Ann Green , widow of Bro . B . Green , of the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) IJxbridge—and to state that votes , either male or female branch , for the ensuing election will be thankfully received by Bros . H . ' G- Boss , 127 , Offord-road , A . ; and E . W . Little , 7 , Gilbertroad Kennington , S .
SOTBEITE Grand Chapter will hold a quarterly convocation at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , the Gth inst ., at eight o ' clock . I A GHAN ' D CONCIATE will he holden at three o'clock , on Friday , May 8 th , at 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn .
Grand Lodge .
JsSTALTiATXOS 01 * HI GliAIvD MASTER . The installation of the M . W . the Grand Master , Eight Hon . e Earl of Zetland , K . T ., took place on Wednesday last , in the Great Masonic Temple , Great Queen-street . Grand Lodge was opened punctually at five o'clock , the procession liaving been formed according to usage by the G . Dir .
of Cers . The M . W . the Grand Master upon ascending the throne was supported by the D . G . Master the Eight Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon , G . Senior ancl Junior Wardens , a large assemblage of present and past Grand Officers , Grand Stewards , and a . large number of metropolitan and Provincial brethren . The Temple was crowded with brethren , desirous of exhibiting
their loyalty to the G . Master and doing honour to the occasion , upon his installation for the 25 tli time . Grand Lodge having been opened iu due form and with solemn prayer by the Grand Chap ., Bro . E . J . Simpson , and the minutes read , the G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Albert W . Woods , j proclaimed the Eight Hon . the Earl of ZetlandK . T . as G .
, , Master for the present year ; when the brethren having saluted in the usual manner on such occasions , the M . W . the G . Master appointed the Eight Hon . the Earl de Grey and Eipon as the D . G . Master for the present year . The D . G . Master was saluted in the usual manner .
The M . W . the G . Master then made the following appointments for the ensuing year : — Bro . Earl Vane S . G . Warden . „ Le Gendre S . Startle J . G . Warden . „ Eev . E . J . Simpson } G . Chaps .. Ravenshaw
„ Eev . T . F . T . J „ Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . „ iEneasJ . M'Intyre G . Reg . „ W . Gray Clarice G . Sec . „ Henry Gi-issell } s . G . Deacons . „ Bentley Shaw i
» George W . Latham } J . G . Deacons . „ Henry Browse J „ F . P . Cockerel ! G . Supt . of Worts . „ Albert W . Woods G . Dir . of Cers . „ Tliotnas Fenn Assist . G . Dir . of Cers , „ Edward Roberts G . Sword Bearer .
„ James Coward G . Organist . „ Thomas Lewis G . Purst . „ W . Ough Assist . G . Purst . „ Charles B . Pay ne G . Tyler .
Each of the brethren who had been honoured by appoint , meiit to office ( with the exception of Bro . Henry Grissell , who was unavoidably prevented from being present ) , were received ancl invested by the M . W . the G . Master , and congratulated by the brethren . We are unable , from want of space , to give the
proceedingsmore iu detail ( which we must reserve for our uext number ) except to state that on the proposition by the M . W . the Grand Master , and seconded by the M . W . the D . G . Master , a vote of condolence was directed to be prepared and presented on behalf of the Grand Lodge of England , to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , expressive of their indignation at
the dastardly attempt to assassinate H . E . H . the Duke of Edinburgh , which was carried unanimously . After various business had been transacted , the Grand Lodgewas closed in due form with solemn prayer . The G . Master , the D . G . Master , the General Officers , and brethren adjourned to the new banqueting hall adjoining the Temple .
The brethren having assembled at six o clock , a procession was formed at the entrances to the G . Master ' s apartments , and proceeded along the corridor to the door of the banqueting : hall , where , under the direction of the G . Dir . of Cers ., Bro . Albert W . "Woods , the M . W . G . Master and Grand officers were received by the brethren present , and after having perambulated the room , the M . W . G . Master assumed the president's chair .
Grace was said by the G . Chaplain . The arrangement of the banquet was under the Board of G . Stewards for the year , composed of the following members : Bros . J . Tepper , 14 , President ; J . S . Banning , 4 , Treas . ; C . J . Hogg , 58 , Hon . Sec . ; G . Bennet , 1 ; W . P . Eae , 2 ; E . M . Perkins , 5 ; G . Claridge , 6 ; F . Hockley , 8 ; J . Poinding , 21 ; .
E . J . Page , 23 ; G . P . Lambert , 28 ; W . H . Allender , 29 ; T . Dyer , 46 ; H . T . Kent , 60 ; A . G . Lapwortb , 91 ; E . March , 99 ; C . E . Hollingworth , 197 ; S . Jones , 259 . After cloth had been removed and grace , " Deum laudate , " sung , the following toasts were given ancl dn \ y responded to : — "The Queen , ' ' "The Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales ,
and the other members of the Eoyal Family , " " The Eight Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . the Grand Master of England , " ' " ' Tho Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , " "The Eight Honourable the Earl de Grey and Eipon , the E . W < the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the E . W . the Grand