Article GRAND LODGE . ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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Grand Lodge .
Wardens and other Grand Officers of the year , " "The R . W . the Provincial Grand Masters , " "The Masonic Charities , " " The Grand Stewards of the Year , " "The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence . " The musical arrangements were under the direction of the G . Organist , Bro . J . Coward , P . M . 905 , & c , and the pianoforte
was presided over by Bros . Coward and W . F . Taylor . The vocalists on this occasion were Madlle . Liebhardt , Madame Patey Wlvytock , Miss Poole , and Bros . K . Barney , W . Da-wson , Carter , Montem Smith , and R . Farquharson . The selections of the music during dinner and in the glee room after the banquet were excellent , and consisted of the following : —
Glee , " Mark'd you her Eye " ( Spofforth ) . Song , "The Lover ancl the Bird" ( Guglielmo ) . —Madlle-Liebhart . Song , " The vale of Avoca , " ( Moore ) . —Madame Patey Why took . Song , " Tapping at the Garden Gate" ( S . W . New ) . —Miss
Poole . Pianoforte Duet , Selection from " Faust" ( Gounod ) . —Bros . James Coward and W . F . Taylor . Song , "Oh ! ruddier than the Cherry" ( Handel ) . —Bro . E . Farquharson . Song , " The Cuckoo " ( Abt ) . —Mdlle Liebhart . Song , "Tho Ship-hoy ' s Letter" ( Y . Gabriel ) . —Madame Patey
Whytock . Serenade , " Blest he the Home " ( Benedict ) . Glee , " Oh 1 the sweet Contentment" ( Horsley ) . Valse , "II Bacio" ( Arditi ) . —Mdlle Liebhart . Song , "Never mind the Best" ( H . Faso ) . —Bro . Montem Smith .
Song , "The Spirit of Good" ( A . Lee ) . —Miss Poole . Song , " Nina" ( Hobbs ) . —Bro . F . Carter . Duet , "The Sailor sighs" ( Balfe ) . —Miss Poole and Bro . Montem Smith . Chorus , " The Tiger crouches " ( Bishop ) . We shall give fuller particulars next week .
EOYAI YOKE LODGE OF PEBSEYEKAJTCE ( No . 7 ) . —At the Meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 15 th ult ., two very handsome presentations , viz ., a French drawing-room clock , hy Bro , Baab , of the value of twenty guineas , and a gold Treasurer ' s jewel with gold keys and padlock , by Bro . G . Lambert , were made to Bro . F . Adlard , the Treas . of the Lodge . The W . M . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., in rising to propose the health of Bro . Adlardand presenting him with the testimonials
, in question , expressed tho sincere gratification that he experienced in being the exponent of the unanimous feelings of the Lodge in thus evincing their sentiments to the worthy brother to whom he ( the W . M . ) was deputed to present these tokens of their regard and esteem . In alluding to Bro . Adlard ' s Masonic career , the W . M . observed that Bro . Adlard had been a member of the Eoyal York for thirty-four years , for seventeen of which he had ably filled the position of Dir . of Cers . and while
, filling that oflice had had presented to him by the Lodge ( in the year 1854 ) a testimonial written on vellum , expressive of the exalted estimation in which he was held by the brethren as a man and a Mason , and of their high appreciation of the manner in which he had performed the duties of that office . He was now , and for nine years past , had been their Treasurer , and the clock ancl jewel noiv presented to Bro . Adlard must be taken as indications of the value they justly attached to his
long ancl faithful services in that capacity . In 1853 he had filled the Masonic chair in that lodge , and nineteen years prior had been WM , of 194 , he had served as Steward to all the Charities ( to the Boys School and Benevolent Institution twice ) , he had been several years a member of the Board of General Purposes , the Colonial Board , and the Grand Chapter
Committee , he was one of the twelve P . M . ' s elected by Grand Lodge to the Board of Benevolence , he was one of the Committee of the Benevolent Institution , was a member of the General Committee as a Life Governor of both the Boys and the Girls' Schools , and was a Past Grand Officer for the county of Essex . The W . M . jocosely suggested that it might be supposed from the slight sketch he had given of Bro . Adlard ' s
accomplishments and performances that he was verging towards the sear ancl yellow leaf , or at any rate that he was a middleaged man ; nothing of the sort , he had scarcely arrived at the age of adolescence ; long might he preserve his juvenility , and long might he continue to be as useful a member of the lodge , and as sedulous in the interests of the Charities , and long might he continue to deserve and receive that appreciation from the fraternity of the Royal York which he assured Bro . Adlard it afforded them as much gratification to exhibit , as he hoped it gave him gratification to receive , at their hands .
F ill your glasses , fill , fill them to the brim , E ound the table let the bottle pass ; E very man a bumper , drink to him ; D rink , and drinking , empty every glass . A 11 fair things bloom upon thy face , O Earth ! D eep in thy breast are gifts that may be ours ; L about- is man ' s vocation from his birth , A nd industry is blest with golden showers . E aise not thy scythe , Old Time , till years are past , D are not an honoured friend ' s career o ' ercast .
The toast was drunk with unwonted enthusiasm . —Bro . Adlard returned thanks in a modest and appropriate speech . He was . evidently much aft'ected . He tendered his warmest thanks to the W . Jf . and the brethren for their handsome presents ; for the genial and hearty way in which his health had been proposed ancl responded to ; and said he was deeply gratified ; that the present was one of the sunniest of all his sunny hours , that his services had been overrated ; but to the best of his ability
he had performed and would continue to perform them , while they did him the honour to continue him as their Treasurer ; that he felt the eulogistic terms in which the W . M . had been pleased to mention him were much beyond his poor merits ; but the remembrance of that evening , and of the kindness of the W . M ., the ' visitors , and brethren would live in his heart for ever . The visitors present were -. —Bros . E . Phillips , P . G . D . ; Hyde ClarkeD . D . G . MTurkey H . J . KnappD . G . O .
, . ; , Turkey ; J . Pearson May , P . M . 15 -, R . P . Atkins , W . M . 1107 ; H . Gillied I . G . 534 ; Baker , 957 ; Carrington . MOTJ _ * T LEBAS-OS LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —This lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ,, ancl was opened by Bro . F . Walters , P . M . Bros . Keeble , Judge , and Progatzy were raised . Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., arrived and passed Bro . Gomme ; initiated Messrs .
Innocent and Philips . Twenty guineas were unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the Girls' School . There were present also , Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; D . Eose , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . D . , * G . Free , J . D . ; R . Ord , I . G . ; E . N . Lew . P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; J . Trickett , C . TS . ; T . Knott , & c . Visitors : Bros . C . Wren , S . W . 315 ; G . Ransom , 1 , 178 ; F . Golding , 147 , & c . The meeting was concluded .
BOTAD OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . —This lodge met on Wednesday , 22 nd ult , at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The work done was two raisings and three passings , by Bro . W . Andrews , P . M . One initiation by Bro . J . Hawke , W . M . All the work was well rendered . Ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School from tho lodge funds ; one guinea from the Charity Fund to the widow of a Mason , once a member of this lodge . The lodge was closed . During the evening there were present
Bros . J . Truelove , J . W . ; H . A . Collinsrton , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; Barrett , J . D . ; S . G . Cook , I . G . ; Killner , Dir . of Cers . ; Billington , Dalziel , and others . Visitors .- Bros . J . Trickett , C . E ., 73 , J . W . 1 , 194 ; T . N . Monre , 73 ; H . Keeble , 73 ; F . W . Ward , P . M . 79 ; J . Fitzgerald , 79 ; J . Patte , W . M . 147 ; J . Cavell , P . M . 147 ; J . Mott , 247 ; J . Carver , 147 , ancl others . VICTORIA LODGE ( NO . 1056 ) . —The installation of this
, , young and flourishing lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . Pendlebury , I . P . M . ( ihe W . M ., Bro . Turner , having died recently ) , assisted by Bros . Snow , S . W . ; G . Roberts , J . W . ; Williams , S . D . ; F . Y . Latreille , J . D . ; Brown ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge .
Wardens and other Grand Officers of the year , " "The R . W . the Provincial Grand Masters , " "The Masonic Charities , " " The Grand Stewards of the Year , " "The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence . " The musical arrangements were under the direction of the G . Organist , Bro . J . Coward , P . M . 905 , & c , and the pianoforte
was presided over by Bros . Coward and W . F . Taylor . The vocalists on this occasion were Madlle . Liebhardt , Madame Patey Wlvytock , Miss Poole , and Bros . K . Barney , W . Da-wson , Carter , Montem Smith , and R . Farquharson . The selections of the music during dinner and in the glee room after the banquet were excellent , and consisted of the following : —
Glee , " Mark'd you her Eye " ( Spofforth ) . Song , "The Lover ancl the Bird" ( Guglielmo ) . —Madlle-Liebhart . Song , " The vale of Avoca , " ( Moore ) . —Madame Patey Why took . Song , " Tapping at the Garden Gate" ( S . W . New ) . —Miss
Poole . Pianoforte Duet , Selection from " Faust" ( Gounod ) . —Bros . James Coward and W . F . Taylor . Song , "Oh ! ruddier than the Cherry" ( Handel ) . —Bro . E . Farquharson . Song , " The Cuckoo " ( Abt ) . —Mdlle Liebhart . Song , "Tho Ship-hoy ' s Letter" ( Y . Gabriel ) . —Madame Patey
Whytock . Serenade , " Blest he the Home " ( Benedict ) . Glee , " Oh 1 the sweet Contentment" ( Horsley ) . Valse , "II Bacio" ( Arditi ) . —Mdlle Liebhart . Song , "Never mind the Best" ( H . Faso ) . —Bro . Montem Smith .
Song , "The Spirit of Good" ( A . Lee ) . —Miss Poole . Song , " Nina" ( Hobbs ) . —Bro . F . Carter . Duet , "The Sailor sighs" ( Balfe ) . —Miss Poole and Bro . Montem Smith . Chorus , " The Tiger crouches " ( Bishop ) . We shall give fuller particulars next week .
EOYAI YOKE LODGE OF PEBSEYEKAJTCE ( No . 7 ) . —At the Meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 15 th ult ., two very handsome presentations , viz ., a French drawing-room clock , hy Bro , Baab , of the value of twenty guineas , and a gold Treasurer ' s jewel with gold keys and padlock , by Bro . G . Lambert , were made to Bro . F . Adlard , the Treas . of the Lodge . The W . M . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., in rising to propose the health of Bro . Adlardand presenting him with the testimonials
, in question , expressed tho sincere gratification that he experienced in being the exponent of the unanimous feelings of the Lodge in thus evincing their sentiments to the worthy brother to whom he ( the W . M . ) was deputed to present these tokens of their regard and esteem . In alluding to Bro . Adlard ' s Masonic career , the W . M . observed that Bro . Adlard had been a member of the Eoyal York for thirty-four years , for seventeen of which he had ably filled the position of Dir . of Cers . and while
, filling that oflice had had presented to him by the Lodge ( in the year 1854 ) a testimonial written on vellum , expressive of the exalted estimation in which he was held by the brethren as a man and a Mason , and of their high appreciation of the manner in which he had performed the duties of that office . He was now , and for nine years past , had been their Treasurer , and the clock ancl jewel noiv presented to Bro . Adlard must be taken as indications of the value they justly attached to his
long ancl faithful services in that capacity . In 1853 he had filled the Masonic chair in that lodge , and nineteen years prior had been WM , of 194 , he had served as Steward to all the Charities ( to the Boys School and Benevolent Institution twice ) , he had been several years a member of the Board of General Purposes , the Colonial Board , and the Grand Chapter
Committee , he was one of the twelve P . M . ' s elected by Grand Lodge to the Board of Benevolence , he was one of the Committee of the Benevolent Institution , was a member of the General Committee as a Life Governor of both the Boys and the Girls' Schools , and was a Past Grand Officer for the county of Essex . The W . M . jocosely suggested that it might be supposed from the slight sketch he had given of Bro . Adlard ' s
accomplishments and performances that he was verging towards the sear ancl yellow leaf , or at any rate that he was a middleaged man ; nothing of the sort , he had scarcely arrived at the age of adolescence ; long might he preserve his juvenility , and long might he continue to be as useful a member of the lodge , and as sedulous in the interests of the Charities , and long might he continue to deserve and receive that appreciation from the fraternity of the Royal York which he assured Bro . Adlard it afforded them as much gratification to exhibit , as he hoped it gave him gratification to receive , at their hands .
F ill your glasses , fill , fill them to the brim , E ound the table let the bottle pass ; E very man a bumper , drink to him ; D rink , and drinking , empty every glass . A 11 fair things bloom upon thy face , O Earth ! D eep in thy breast are gifts that may be ours ; L about- is man ' s vocation from his birth , A nd industry is blest with golden showers . E aise not thy scythe , Old Time , till years are past , D are not an honoured friend ' s career o ' ercast .
The toast was drunk with unwonted enthusiasm . —Bro . Adlard returned thanks in a modest and appropriate speech . He was . evidently much aft'ected . He tendered his warmest thanks to the W . Jf . and the brethren for their handsome presents ; for the genial and hearty way in which his health had been proposed ancl responded to ; and said he was deeply gratified ; that the present was one of the sunniest of all his sunny hours , that his services had been overrated ; but to the best of his ability
he had performed and would continue to perform them , while they did him the honour to continue him as their Treasurer ; that he felt the eulogistic terms in which the W . M . had been pleased to mention him were much beyond his poor merits ; but the remembrance of that evening , and of the kindness of the W . M ., the ' visitors , and brethren would live in his heart for ever . The visitors present were -. —Bros . E . Phillips , P . G . D . ; Hyde ClarkeD . D . G . MTurkey H . J . KnappD . G . O .
, . ; , Turkey ; J . Pearson May , P . M . 15 -, R . P . Atkins , W . M . 1107 ; H . Gillied I . G . 534 ; Baker , 957 ; Carrington . MOTJ _ * T LEBAS-OS LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —This lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ,, ancl was opened by Bro . F . Walters , P . M . Bros . Keeble , Judge , and Progatzy were raised . Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., arrived and passed Bro . Gomme ; initiated Messrs .
Innocent and Philips . Twenty guineas were unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the Girls' School . There were present also , Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; D . Eose , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . D . , * G . Free , J . D . ; R . Ord , I . G . ; E . N . Lew . P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; J . Trickett , C . TS . ; T . Knott , & c . Visitors : Bros . C . Wren , S . W . 315 ; G . Ransom , 1 , 178 ; F . Golding , 147 , & c . The meeting was concluded .
BOTAD OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . —This lodge met on Wednesday , 22 nd ult , at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The work done was two raisings and three passings , by Bro . W . Andrews , P . M . One initiation by Bro . J . Hawke , W . M . All the work was well rendered . Ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School from tho lodge funds ; one guinea from the Charity Fund to the widow of a Mason , once a member of this lodge . The lodge was closed . During the evening there were present
Bros . J . Truelove , J . W . ; H . A . Collinsrton , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; Barrett , J . D . ; S . G . Cook , I . G . ; Killner , Dir . of Cers . ; Billington , Dalziel , and others . Visitors .- Bros . J . Trickett , C . E ., 73 , J . W . 1 , 194 ; T . N . Monre , 73 ; H . Keeble , 73 ; F . W . Ward , P . M . 79 ; J . Fitzgerald , 79 ; J . Patte , W . M . 147 ; J . Cavell , P . M . 147 ; J . Mott , 247 ; J . Carver , 147 , ancl others . VICTORIA LODGE ( NO . 1056 ) . —The installation of this
, , young and flourishing lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . Pendlebury , I . P . M . ( ihe W . M ., Bro . Turner , having died recently ) , assisted by Bros . Snow , S . W . ; G . Roberts , J . W . ; Williams , S . D . ; F . Y . Latreille , J . D . ; Brown ,