Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
evening . The first having been satisfactorily got through , Bro . Clarke , who had previously given proofs of his efficiency i n his answers to the questions addressed to him by the W . M ., and who had been afterwards properly prepared , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , with the usual impressive solemnities which attend this degree . Bro . Churchouse kindly played the harmonium . The lodge in the third degree was closed down to the second , and then to the first degree .
Mr . S . D . Lobb , master mariner , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . Gardner , S . W . Bro . Sneath , late I . D ., having resigned that office , the W . M . appointed Bro . Parker , late I . G-., to fill the vacant post , and Bro . Muntz to the office of I . G . The lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock , and the brethren , as is their wonted custom , repaired to the banqueting room for refreshment , where they remained for a short time only . In addition to
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., was proposed by Bro . Glencross , J . W ., who in feeling language expressed the sympathy which he—and he was sure every brother present—felt towards their absent brother in his present great trouble , and their united sorrow at the cause of his absence , and trusted that notwithstanding this the second severe domestic affliction with which he had in so short a time been visited , the welcome face of their late ruler would soon be again seen amongst them . The health was drank in a most cordial and hearty manner . DOYLE ' S LODGE or FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 84 ) . —An emergency
meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Friday , the 27 th March . There weie present ; Bros . Martin , W . M . in the chair ; Guilbert , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . ancl Treas . ; Churchouse , P . M . ; WUcocks , P . M . ; Collenette , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec ; Gardner , S . W . ; Glencross , J . W " . ; Millington , S . D . ; Turton , Clarke , Bougourd , Lucas , Cohen , Muntz , Parker , I . G . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Sarchet , Sec . ; and Manger , Tyler . Visitors : —Thomas Churchouse 288 , and Wakley , W . M . 243 . The cause
of the emergency was the expected early departure from the Channel Islands of the 66 th Regiment , now stationed there , and the business of the evening was to pass Bros . Brown and Carroll , both officers of that regiment , to the second degree . Since then , however , different arrangements have been made by the authorities in England , and it is now hoped that the regiment may remain here long enough to enable Bros . Brown and Carroll to be raised to the third degree in the lodge . There is
nothing to record in the evening's work beyond the simple fact that the two candidates for the Fellow Craft degree were questioned , entrusted , dismissed for preparation , re-admitted and duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in the usual way . The lodge was closed in solemn form shortly before nine o'clock , when the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where the accustomed good cheer awaited them . A pleasant hour or two was spent , Bro . Muntz favouring those present with two
Masonic songs of his own composition , ancl which he sung with his usual good taste and feeling , much to the satisfaction of his audience , to each of whom he presented printed copies of his two impromptus .
GLASGOW . . rr . ovi _* ciAL GEAND LODGE . Visitation and Inspection of Private Lodges . PA-ETICK . —Lodge St . 3 Iary ( No . 117 . )—The rapidly increasing importance of the fashionable western suburb , of Partick , and the great number of its highly respectable and influential
residents have tended well during the past few years to add to the prosperity of St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 117 ) , which , both in numerical strength , and in the status of her members , will bear comparison favourably with any of her sister lodges in the province . Indeed such a demand has there been for suitable accommodation for the brethren , that to meet the requirements of the lodge , it has been found necessary to substitute for the old Masonic hall—itself a commodious building—a new and more
capacious structure , more suitable in every way for lodge meetings and masonic festive gatherings . This new hall was , on the 9 th ult ., inspected by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , consisting of Bros . Jas . Wallace , G . S ., Prov . G . J . D . ; Jas . Thomson , Treas ., Prov . G . Committee ; and Jas . Gillies , Prov . G . S . B . The deputation was received , in a very hearty
manner , and expressed themselves highly pleased at the satisfactory state in which they found the lodge books and accounts ; the excellent way in which the efficient staff of office bearers discharged their several duties , and congratulated the R . W . M ., Bro . E . Waddell , the officers and members generally , upon their having succeeded in erecting such a handsome and commonious hall , in every way so admirably adapted to meet their requirements .
LODGE STAB ( No 219 ) . — This lodge , holding its meetings on the first and third Monday of every month , at the Masonic Hall , 19 , Croy-plaace , was visited on the 6 th ult . by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , headed by Bro . F . A . Barrow , Substitute Prov . G . M ., where the affairs of the lodge were found to be in a sound and satisfactory state ; the several office bearers proving themselves well posted up in their duties , which they performed most creditabl . Bro . R . Livingston is
y tins R . W . M ., and , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of 219 , we may mention that he has been called upon by them to fill , for three years ih succession , the chair in the orient of the lodge , with which his name has become so especially and deservedly identified . LODGE CALEDONIA !* RAILWAY ( No . 354 ) . —This hard-working and prosperous lodge was visited on the 15 th ult . by a
deputation from the Prov . G . Lodge , consisting of Bros . W . Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; Mc Taggart , M . A ., Convener of Prov . G . Committee ; Walker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Anderson , Prov . G . S . D . ; Wallace , G . S ., Prov . G . J . D . ; Gillies , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ,
& c . There was an unusually stroug muster of the members in honour of the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation ; several visiting brethren were also present , iucluding amongst the latter our representative , Bro . James Stevenson . After an inspection of the lodge books and accounts , which were found to be carefully kept , and in a very satisfactory state , the deputation entered the lodge , presided over hy the present esteemed R . W . M . Bro . J . E . Wilson , and were received with the
customary honours . Wc have so very recently had to refer to the excellent , working ancl prosperous state of this lodge , that it will only be necessary to say here that in connection with the remarks made by different members of the deputation on this occasion , they all tended to confirm in a marked manner our own observations as to the rapidly increasing importance of No . 354 , aud the perfect harmony existing amongst the officers and membersall of whom zealouslwork to keep the status
, y up of their lodge . GOVAN . —Lodge Ooiandale ( No . 437 . )—This flourishing lodge , which , for the last two years , has been ruled most successfully by the present highly respected R . W . M ., Bro . David Kinghorn ( Manager of the London and Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuiding Company ) , was visited on the 7 th ult . by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , headed by
Bro . A . McTaggart , M . A ., Convener of Provincial Grand Committee . The result of the inspection was most gratifying , showing that the affairs of the lodge was in a thoroughly healthy , and highly prosperous state .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUXT LEBAXON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 27 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark . Bros . F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., as M . E . Z . ; J . W . Halsey , M . E . Z . 507 , as H . ; and A . D . Loewenstark , S . N ., M . E . Z . 185 , as J ., opened the chapter . Bros . H . W . Pilcher and J . McKiernan were
exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry , and the chapter was closed . There were present-. Comps . A . P . Leonard , P . S . ; M . A . Loewenstark , W . S . ; II . Massey , as S . N ., and others . Visitors , Comps . W . A . Barrett , 340 ; M . Pilcher , and others .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTEESHIRE . LEICESTEKSHIRE . —Foioke Lodge ( No . 19 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge to advance another instalment of the numerous candidates waiting for the degree , took place at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Tuesday the 7 th ult ., when there were pre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
evening . The first having been satisfactorily got through , Bro . Clarke , who had previously given proofs of his efficiency i n his answers to the questions addressed to him by the W . M ., and who had been afterwards properly prepared , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , with the usual impressive solemnities which attend this degree . Bro . Churchouse kindly played the harmonium . The lodge in the third degree was closed down to the second , and then to the first degree .
Mr . S . D . Lobb , master mariner , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . Gardner , S . W . Bro . Sneath , late I . D ., having resigned that office , the W . M . appointed Bro . Parker , late I . G-., to fill the vacant post , and Bro . Muntz to the office of I . G . The lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock , and the brethren , as is their wonted custom , repaired to the banqueting room for refreshment , where they remained for a short time only . In addition to
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., was proposed by Bro . Glencross , J . W ., who in feeling language expressed the sympathy which he—and he was sure every brother present—felt towards their absent brother in his present great trouble , and their united sorrow at the cause of his absence , and trusted that notwithstanding this the second severe domestic affliction with which he had in so short a time been visited , the welcome face of their late ruler would soon be again seen amongst them . The health was drank in a most cordial and hearty manner . DOYLE ' S LODGE or FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 84 ) . —An emergency
meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Friday , the 27 th March . There weie present ; Bros . Martin , W . M . in the chair ; Guilbert , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . ancl Treas . ; Churchouse , P . M . ; WUcocks , P . M . ; Collenette , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec ; Gardner , S . W . ; Glencross , J . W " . ; Millington , S . D . ; Turton , Clarke , Bougourd , Lucas , Cohen , Muntz , Parker , I . G . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Sarchet , Sec . ; and Manger , Tyler . Visitors : —Thomas Churchouse 288 , and Wakley , W . M . 243 . The cause
of the emergency was the expected early departure from the Channel Islands of the 66 th Regiment , now stationed there , and the business of the evening was to pass Bros . Brown and Carroll , both officers of that regiment , to the second degree . Since then , however , different arrangements have been made by the authorities in England , and it is now hoped that the regiment may remain here long enough to enable Bros . Brown and Carroll to be raised to the third degree in the lodge . There is
nothing to record in the evening's work beyond the simple fact that the two candidates for the Fellow Craft degree were questioned , entrusted , dismissed for preparation , re-admitted and duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in the usual way . The lodge was closed in solemn form shortly before nine o'clock , when the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where the accustomed good cheer awaited them . A pleasant hour or two was spent , Bro . Muntz favouring those present with two
Masonic songs of his own composition , ancl which he sung with his usual good taste and feeling , much to the satisfaction of his audience , to each of whom he presented printed copies of his two impromptus .
GLASGOW . . rr . ovi _* ciAL GEAND LODGE . Visitation and Inspection of Private Lodges . PA-ETICK . —Lodge St . 3 Iary ( No . 117 . )—The rapidly increasing importance of the fashionable western suburb , of Partick , and the great number of its highly respectable and influential
residents have tended well during the past few years to add to the prosperity of St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 117 ) , which , both in numerical strength , and in the status of her members , will bear comparison favourably with any of her sister lodges in the province . Indeed such a demand has there been for suitable accommodation for the brethren , that to meet the requirements of the lodge , it has been found necessary to substitute for the old Masonic hall—itself a commodious building—a new and more
capacious structure , more suitable in every way for lodge meetings and masonic festive gatherings . This new hall was , on the 9 th ult ., inspected by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , consisting of Bros . Jas . Wallace , G . S ., Prov . G . J . D . ; Jas . Thomson , Treas ., Prov . G . Committee ; and Jas . Gillies , Prov . G . S . B . The deputation was received , in a very hearty
manner , and expressed themselves highly pleased at the satisfactory state in which they found the lodge books and accounts ; the excellent way in which the efficient staff of office bearers discharged their several duties , and congratulated the R . W . M ., Bro . E . Waddell , the officers and members generally , upon their having succeeded in erecting such a handsome and commonious hall , in every way so admirably adapted to meet their requirements .
LODGE STAB ( No 219 ) . — This lodge , holding its meetings on the first and third Monday of every month , at the Masonic Hall , 19 , Croy-plaace , was visited on the 6 th ult . by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , headed by Bro . F . A . Barrow , Substitute Prov . G . M ., where the affairs of the lodge were found to be in a sound and satisfactory state ; the several office bearers proving themselves well posted up in their duties , which they performed most creditabl . Bro . R . Livingston is
y tins R . W . M ., and , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of 219 , we may mention that he has been called upon by them to fill , for three years ih succession , the chair in the orient of the lodge , with which his name has become so especially and deservedly identified . LODGE CALEDONIA !* RAILWAY ( No . 354 ) . —This hard-working and prosperous lodge was visited on the 15 th ult . by a
deputation from the Prov . G . Lodge , consisting of Bros . W . Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; Mc Taggart , M . A ., Convener of Prov . G . Committee ; Walker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Anderson , Prov . G . S . D . ; Wallace , G . S ., Prov . G . J . D . ; Gillies , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ,
& c . There was an unusually stroug muster of the members in honour of the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge Deputation ; several visiting brethren were also present , iucluding amongst the latter our representative , Bro . James Stevenson . After an inspection of the lodge books and accounts , which were found to be carefully kept , and in a very satisfactory state , the deputation entered the lodge , presided over hy the present esteemed R . W . M . Bro . J . E . Wilson , and were received with the
customary honours . Wc have so very recently had to refer to the excellent , working ancl prosperous state of this lodge , that it will only be necessary to say here that in connection with the remarks made by different members of the deputation on this occasion , they all tended to confirm in a marked manner our own observations as to the rapidly increasing importance of No . 354 , aud the perfect harmony existing amongst the officers and membersall of whom zealouslwork to keep the status
, y up of their lodge . GOVAN . —Lodge Ooiandale ( No . 437 . )—This flourishing lodge , which , for the last two years , has been ruled most successfully by the present highly respected R . W . M ., Bro . David Kinghorn ( Manager of the London and Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuiding Company ) , was visited on the 7 th ult . by a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , headed by
Bro . A . McTaggart , M . A ., Convener of Provincial Grand Committee . The result of the inspection was most gratifying , showing that the affairs of the lodge was in a thoroughly healthy , and highly prosperous state .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUXT LEBAXON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 27 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark . Bros . F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., as M . E . Z . ; J . W . Halsey , M . E . Z . 507 , as H . ; and A . D . Loewenstark , S . N ., M . E . Z . 185 , as J ., opened the chapter . Bros . H . W . Pilcher and J . McKiernan were
exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry , and the chapter was closed . There were present-. Comps . A . P . Leonard , P . S . ; M . A . Loewenstark , W . S . ; II . Massey , as S . N ., and others . Visitors , Comps . W . A . Barrett , 340 ; M . Pilcher , and others .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTEESHIRE . LEICESTEKSHIRE . —Foioke Lodge ( No . 19 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge to advance another instalment of the numerous candidates waiting for the degree , took place at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Tuesday the 7 th ult ., when there were pre-