Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
sent , Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M . and W . M . in the chair ; Brewin , S . W . ; W . B . Smith , J . W . ; A . M . Duff , M . O . ; Charles Johnson , S . O . ancl Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Herbert , J . O . ; C . Stretton , Treas . and Reg . of Marks ; G . H . Hodges , Sec ; W Weare , S . D . ; J . E . Clarke , J . O . ; Manning , J . G . ; Benbridge , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form , a ballot was taken for Bros . W . Carrick Crofts , W . M . of Lodge No . 779 ; Ashley-de-la-Zouche ; John Huntof No . 523 Leicester ; and
, , J . J . Fairfax Scott , of No . 1007 , Loughborough , as candidate for the Mark , who was duly elected . The following brethren were then advanced , viz .: —Leonard A . Clarke , P . M . of Lodge No . 279 ; Thomas Hardy Buzzard and William Sculthorpe , of No . 523 ; William Rowbotham , of No . 1007 ; and Levi Lincoln Attwood , of Garden City Lodge , Chicago , Illinois , United States . Bro . Charles Johnson presided at the instrumentand
, the ceremony was concluded hy the delivery of the lecture of the degree . Another lodge of emergency was fixed to take place on Tuesday the 21 st ult , for the advancement of a further number of the candidates , and , three more brethren liaving been proposed , the lodge was closed in due form , ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ASD EAST ) . H ULL . The first monthly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held in the Minerva Mark Lodge ( No . 12 ) , on Thursday , the 16 th ult . Bro . W . W . P . Bach , G . M ., presided , assisted bv the following brethren : —Bros . P . Jacobs , P . M ., Prov . G . M . ' O . as S . G . W . ' J . W . WoodallP . M . as J . G . W . ; W .
, , , F . Rooke , P . M ., as G . M . O . ; C . Copeland , as S . G . O . ; E . A . Man-illier , as J . G . O . ; Fred . Binckes , G . Sec . ; G . Hardy , as S . G . D . ; J . C . Armitage , as J . G . D . ; W . Reynolds , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . J . Chaffer , as G . Purst . ; and T . Sanderson , as G . Tyler . Previous to Grand Lodge entering , the Minerva Lodge was opened by Bro . J . F . Holden , W . M ., assisted by Bros . J . N .
Scherling , S . W . ; J . Walker , J . W ; J . Thompson , M . O . ; H . Haigh , S . O . ; R . T . Vivian , J . O . ; W . H . North , S . D . ; J . H . Ernes , J . D . ; G . Hardy . Dir . of Cers . ; M . C . Peek , P . M ., as Org . ; W . Tesseyman , I . G . ; W . Johnson , Tyler ; W . E . Dixon , P . E . Weeke , S . Allen , F . Watson , H . Vise , C . J . Todd , W . E . Woolf . C . Pool , W . B . Louth , and J . Norton . Visitors : —Bro . Peacock , Star iu the East Lodge , Scarbro' ; and Bro . H . L . Grove .
The Grand Lodge on entering was received with the customary honours . The G . M . having opened Grand Lodge in ample form , and with . solemn prayer , called upon the Grand Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting of Grand Lodge in December last , which was accordingly clone . The G . M . then invited discussion thereon ; no discussion , however , ensuing the G . M . called on the W . M . and officers of the Minerva Lodge to
resume their chairs , and work the ceremony of advancement . Accordingly , Bro . J . Hadfield , a candidate for this degree , being in attendance , was then admitted and regularly advanced to this honourable degree by the WM ., in his well-known excellent style , assisted by his officers , Bro . M . C . Peck , P . M ., giving the charge in the centre , and Bro . Hardy , Dir . of Cers ., the explanation of the working tools , ancl concluding charge . Grand Lodwas then resumedwhen Bro . HoldenW . M .
proge , , , posed a vote of thanks to the G . M ., for honouring this lodge by holding the first moveable Grand Lodge in it , which was carried by acclamation . The G . M ., in responding , expressed himself pleased with the reception that he had met with , and said that he had strongly advocated in Grand Lodge the holding of moveable Grand Lodges in the provinces , and that he considered the Order would be greatly benefited thereby . Grand Lodge
was then closed in ample form and with solemn prayer , and the G . M . retired with his officers . After which the Minerva Lodge was closed in due and ancient form . A banquet was held in the evening at the George Hotel , when between thirty and forty brethren sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Bro . Bellamy in his usual excellent style . The G . M . presided , supported by the W . M . of the Minerva Lodge on his rightand the Grand Secretary on his left . The
, usual Masonic and patriotic toast were proposed and responded to . The G . M . in responding to the toast of his health , after having expressed himself exceedingly pleased with the reception he had met with , gave a slight sketch of the manner in which Grand Lodge was established , and the progress the Order had made since that time . He said he had been an advocate for
Mark Masonry.
holding moveable Grand Lodges in the provinces , and he thought that such meetings would infuse energy into the country lodges , thereby benefiting the Order generally . Several brethren spoke to the same effect , and gave statistics of the progress the Order had made of late years in their town . The Minerva Lodge came under Grand Lodge in 1862 , since which time about 150 brethren had been admitted into the Order . From various causes several of these had not continued
subscribers to the lodge , notwithstanding which there were still on the books of the lodge about 120 members ; and that at the present moment there were some twelve or fourteen brethren accepted for the degree , who would be advanced , on an early occasion . Throughout the evening the greatest peace and harmony prevailed , and the brethren separated about eleven o'clock , one and all well pleased with the manner in which the meeting had been conducted .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . . DEVOXPOBT . —Royal Sussex Encampment—An . assembly of the Knights of this encampment , formerly stationed at Tiverton , took place on Wednesday , the 14 th ult ., at its present station , the Saint Aubyn Masonic Rooms , at Morice Town , Devonport . The business of the Knights being to install as their eminent commanderthe very Hih and Eminent Sir
, g Knight Lord Eliot , M . P . for Devonport , Sub-Prior of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales , and Provincial Grand Commander of the Province of Cornwall . His Lordship , liaving been duly elected at a previous meeting , was presented by Past Eminent Commander of the Sussex Encampment , Sir Knight Samuel Chappie , to the very eminent Sir Knight Shuttleworth , Grand Vice Chancellor of England , on the throne , for
the benefit of installation . The peculiar rights and ceremonies proper to the occasion were duly observed , and , with the assistance of Sir Knight Dowse , Provincial Grand Chancellor for Devon , and ; Sir Knt . Rodcla , Past Grand Almoner , rendered very impressive . His lordship , being placed on tbe throne , proceeded to appoint and induct his officers for the year ensuing ; Prelate the Rev . Tliomas Jones , M . A . ; Sir Knts . J . R . H . Spry 1 st Cap . Commanding Columns ; W . J . J . S 2 nd
, pry , Cap . Commanding Columns ; Vincent Bird , Treas . and Chancellor ; James Hawton , Reg . ; Philip B . Clemence , Expert ; William Foxwell , Capt , of Lines ; John Brown , Marshal and Dir . of Cers . ; John Bladder , Almoner ; William H . Roberts , Herald ; James Rashbrook , Equerry . No other business presenting itself , congratulations were exchanged , and the encampment closed in due form . Immediately thereon , Sir Knt . Shuttleworth ascended the throne as Past Eminent Prior of the
Order of Malta , and , with the assistance of Sir Knts . Lord Eliot , Rodda , Chappie , Bird , and J . R . H . Spry , who had previously entered the Order , proceeded to open a Priory of the Order of St . John . Fifteen Sir Knights of the Temple were then balloted and accepted , and on . being admitted to the priory , were severally obligated and put in possession of the secrets of the Mediterranean pass , and subsequently receiving the accolade were created Knights of St . John , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta .
Sir Knt . Lord Eliot was unanimously elected Eminent Prior , but in the absence of a number of Past Kniinent Priors to form a board , his lordship's installation could not he proceeded with . This interesting ceremony will be held in London in May next . Sir Knt . Bird was unanimously elected Treasurer , aud it is mainly owing to the zeal , perseverance , and liberality of this indefatigable Mason , that all the legitimate and recognized Orders of Masonry have been brought within the walls ofand
, found a home in , this truly unique Masonic Temple , erected especially for , ancl strictly reserved to , Masonic purposes . This last Order , like all the others planted in the congenial soil of St . Aubyn , from the admirable arrangements made for working , and the Masonic spirit of its members bids fair to have a bright and successful future . The labours of the day being over , the Knights adjourned to the refectory at the Crown Hotel , where the viandschoice in quality and abundant in quantity
, , were served up in Sir Knt . Hawton ' s best style . After ample justice had been done , and the usual toasts given , his lordship removed the restrictions of etiquette , and the meeting adjourned , a social character which was particularly enlivened by more than one of the Knights reciting some humorous tales in the quaint Cornish dialect , which , together
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
sent , Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M . and W . M . in the chair ; Brewin , S . W . ; W . B . Smith , J . W . ; A . M . Duff , M . O . ; Charles Johnson , S . O . ancl Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Herbert , J . O . ; C . Stretton , Treas . and Reg . of Marks ; G . H . Hodges , Sec ; W Weare , S . D . ; J . E . Clarke , J . O . ; Manning , J . G . ; Benbridge , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form , a ballot was taken for Bros . W . Carrick Crofts , W . M . of Lodge No . 779 ; Ashley-de-la-Zouche ; John Huntof No . 523 Leicester ; and
, , J . J . Fairfax Scott , of No . 1007 , Loughborough , as candidate for the Mark , who was duly elected . The following brethren were then advanced , viz .: —Leonard A . Clarke , P . M . of Lodge No . 279 ; Thomas Hardy Buzzard and William Sculthorpe , of No . 523 ; William Rowbotham , of No . 1007 ; and Levi Lincoln Attwood , of Garden City Lodge , Chicago , Illinois , United States . Bro . Charles Johnson presided at the instrumentand
, the ceremony was concluded hy the delivery of the lecture of the degree . Another lodge of emergency was fixed to take place on Tuesday the 21 st ult , for the advancement of a further number of the candidates , and , three more brethren liaving been proposed , the lodge was closed in due form , ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ASD EAST ) . H ULL . The first monthly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held in the Minerva Mark Lodge ( No . 12 ) , on Thursday , the 16 th ult . Bro . W . W . P . Bach , G . M ., presided , assisted bv the following brethren : —Bros . P . Jacobs , P . M ., Prov . G . M . ' O . as S . G . W . ' J . W . WoodallP . M . as J . G . W . ; W .
, , , F . Rooke , P . M ., as G . M . O . ; C . Copeland , as S . G . O . ; E . A . Man-illier , as J . G . O . ; Fred . Binckes , G . Sec . ; G . Hardy , as S . G . D . ; J . C . Armitage , as J . G . D . ; W . Reynolds , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . J . Chaffer , as G . Purst . ; and T . Sanderson , as G . Tyler . Previous to Grand Lodge entering , the Minerva Lodge was opened by Bro . J . F . Holden , W . M ., assisted by Bros . J . N .
Scherling , S . W . ; J . Walker , J . W ; J . Thompson , M . O . ; H . Haigh , S . O . ; R . T . Vivian , J . O . ; W . H . North , S . D . ; J . H . Ernes , J . D . ; G . Hardy . Dir . of Cers . ; M . C . Peek , P . M ., as Org . ; W . Tesseyman , I . G . ; W . Johnson , Tyler ; W . E . Dixon , P . E . Weeke , S . Allen , F . Watson , H . Vise , C . J . Todd , W . E . Woolf . C . Pool , W . B . Louth , and J . Norton . Visitors : —Bro . Peacock , Star iu the East Lodge , Scarbro' ; and Bro . H . L . Grove .
The Grand Lodge on entering was received with the customary honours . The G . M . having opened Grand Lodge in ample form , and with . solemn prayer , called upon the Grand Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting of Grand Lodge in December last , which was accordingly clone . The G . M . then invited discussion thereon ; no discussion , however , ensuing the G . M . called on the W . M . and officers of the Minerva Lodge to
resume their chairs , and work the ceremony of advancement . Accordingly , Bro . J . Hadfield , a candidate for this degree , being in attendance , was then admitted and regularly advanced to this honourable degree by the WM ., in his well-known excellent style , assisted by his officers , Bro . M . C . Peck , P . M ., giving the charge in the centre , and Bro . Hardy , Dir . of Cers ., the explanation of the working tools , ancl concluding charge . Grand Lodwas then resumedwhen Bro . HoldenW . M .
proge , , , posed a vote of thanks to the G . M ., for honouring this lodge by holding the first moveable Grand Lodge in it , which was carried by acclamation . The G . M ., in responding , expressed himself pleased with the reception that he had met with , and said that he had strongly advocated in Grand Lodge the holding of moveable Grand Lodges in the provinces , and that he considered the Order would be greatly benefited thereby . Grand Lodge
was then closed in ample form and with solemn prayer , and the G . M . retired with his officers . After which the Minerva Lodge was closed in due and ancient form . A banquet was held in the evening at the George Hotel , when between thirty and forty brethren sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Bro . Bellamy in his usual excellent style . The G . M . presided , supported by the W . M . of the Minerva Lodge on his rightand the Grand Secretary on his left . The
, usual Masonic and patriotic toast were proposed and responded to . The G . M . in responding to the toast of his health , after having expressed himself exceedingly pleased with the reception he had met with , gave a slight sketch of the manner in which Grand Lodge was established , and the progress the Order had made since that time . He said he had been an advocate for
Mark Masonry.
holding moveable Grand Lodges in the provinces , and he thought that such meetings would infuse energy into the country lodges , thereby benefiting the Order generally . Several brethren spoke to the same effect , and gave statistics of the progress the Order had made of late years in their town . The Minerva Lodge came under Grand Lodge in 1862 , since which time about 150 brethren had been admitted into the Order . From various causes several of these had not continued
subscribers to the lodge , notwithstanding which there were still on the books of the lodge about 120 members ; and that at the present moment there were some twelve or fourteen brethren accepted for the degree , who would be advanced , on an early occasion . Throughout the evening the greatest peace and harmony prevailed , and the brethren separated about eleven o'clock , one and all well pleased with the manner in which the meeting had been conducted .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . . DEVOXPOBT . —Royal Sussex Encampment—An . assembly of the Knights of this encampment , formerly stationed at Tiverton , took place on Wednesday , the 14 th ult ., at its present station , the Saint Aubyn Masonic Rooms , at Morice Town , Devonport . The business of the Knights being to install as their eminent commanderthe very Hih and Eminent Sir
, g Knight Lord Eliot , M . P . for Devonport , Sub-Prior of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales , and Provincial Grand Commander of the Province of Cornwall . His Lordship , liaving been duly elected at a previous meeting , was presented by Past Eminent Commander of the Sussex Encampment , Sir Knight Samuel Chappie , to the very eminent Sir Knight Shuttleworth , Grand Vice Chancellor of England , on the throne , for
the benefit of installation . The peculiar rights and ceremonies proper to the occasion were duly observed , and , with the assistance of Sir Knight Dowse , Provincial Grand Chancellor for Devon , and ; Sir Knt . Rodcla , Past Grand Almoner , rendered very impressive . His lordship , being placed on tbe throne , proceeded to appoint and induct his officers for the year ensuing ; Prelate the Rev . Tliomas Jones , M . A . ; Sir Knts . J . R . H . Spry 1 st Cap . Commanding Columns ; W . J . J . S 2 nd
, pry , Cap . Commanding Columns ; Vincent Bird , Treas . and Chancellor ; James Hawton , Reg . ; Philip B . Clemence , Expert ; William Foxwell , Capt , of Lines ; John Brown , Marshal and Dir . of Cers . ; John Bladder , Almoner ; William H . Roberts , Herald ; James Rashbrook , Equerry . No other business presenting itself , congratulations were exchanged , and the encampment closed in due form . Immediately thereon , Sir Knt . Shuttleworth ascended the throne as Past Eminent Prior of the
Order of Malta , and , with the assistance of Sir Knts . Lord Eliot , Rodda , Chappie , Bird , and J . R . H . Spry , who had previously entered the Order , proceeded to open a Priory of the Order of St . John . Fifteen Sir Knights of the Temple were then balloted and accepted , and on . being admitted to the priory , were severally obligated and put in possession of the secrets of the Mediterranean pass , and subsequently receiving the accolade were created Knights of St . John , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta .
Sir Knt . Lord Eliot was unanimously elected Eminent Prior , but in the absence of a number of Past Kniinent Priors to form a board , his lordship's installation could not he proceeded with . This interesting ceremony will be held in London in May next . Sir Knt . Bird was unanimously elected Treasurer , aud it is mainly owing to the zeal , perseverance , and liberality of this indefatigable Mason , that all the legitimate and recognized Orders of Masonry have been brought within the walls ofand
, found a home in , this truly unique Masonic Temple , erected especially for , ancl strictly reserved to , Masonic purposes . This last Order , like all the others planted in the congenial soil of St . Aubyn , from the admirable arrangements made for working , and the Masonic spirit of its members bids fair to have a bright and successful future . The labours of the day being over , the Knights adjourned to the refectory at the Crown Hotel , where the viandschoice in quality and abundant in quantity
, , were served up in Sir Knt . Hawton ' s best style . After ample justice had been done , and the usual toasts given , his lordship removed the restrictions of etiquette , and the meeting adjourned , a social character which was particularly enlivened by more than one of the Knights reciting some humorous tales in the quaint Cornish dialect , which , together