Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
ahlueus . Leyden , 1616 , in Svo . Fractatus apologeticus iufcegi'itatem societatis de Rosea-Cruce defendens . Leyden , 1617 , iu Svo . " There is another tract by Fludd , in defence of the Order of Rose Croix , but dedicated to it , not less rare fchau the two foregoing . " Tractatus theologies philosophieus de vita , morte , et resurrectionefrafcribus Rosea ) Crucis dicatus .
Op-, penheim , 1617 , iu 4 to . " Fludd veas , I believe , born in a village to the Avest of the Medway . If so he Avas a Kentish man , and not a man of Kent . —CHARLES PURTON COOPER . A FREEMASON ' KNOAA * XEDGE . What should a Freemason know?—FELLOAV-CEAET .
—[ His duty to God aud to his neighbour , Avith such other branches of human kuoAvledge as will fit him for Avork aud leisure "iu that state of life in Avhich it has pleased God to call him . " ] THE DEATH OE THE l'HCENIX . In what degree is the death o £ the Pelican alluded
to as being burned amidst sweet herbs ?—V . ISf . V . — [ Iu none that Ave knoAv of . You have made a mistake , too , about the bird . Ovid says" " ( J pon a shady tree the Phceuix takes her rest And on the highest hough her funeral nest Her beak and talons huild ; then strews thereon Balm , cassia , spikenard , myrrh , and cinnamon : Last on the fragrant pile herself she lays , And in consuming odours ends her days . " !
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . HIRAM'S TOMB . TO THE EDITOR 01 ? TEE PKEEHASONS' MAGA 2 I 5 E A ^ D 3 T . 1 S 0 XIC HIMOil . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your last week's numberyour correspondent" G . C . S . " iu his hasty
, , , censorious desire to fiud fault has made a sad blunder . His remarks refer to an extract aud drawing I scut you , from au excellent work , I saAv a few years ago , iu Mudie's Collection , named "The Laud aud the the Book , " by Dr . Thompson , giving much interesting and valuable information respecting the Holy Loud
aud Holy Writ , but not having fche slightest direct reference to Freemasonry in it . " G . C . S . " says that " ' E . W . S . ' has sent a representation of what he is pleased to term Hiram ' s tomb . " I ask " G . C . S . " what state of mind he Avas iu when lie perused the short extract I sent youaud
, further to point out any page iu your MAOAZINE wherein I have given a representation of Hiram Abiff ' s tomb , or any dimensions respecting it . I much regret the tone of " G . 0 . S . ' s" remarks , and certainly shall decline entering into any Masonic controversy vrith him , as little good Avould ensue from
discussing matters Avith one Avho so wilfully misrepresents another ' s statement or quotation . I must apologise to you for this intrusioji on your space , the necessity for Avhich would not have arisen had " G . C . S . " asked any well informed Master Masouthe difference between Hiram and Hiram my
, father , or Hiram Abiff . Faithfully yours , E . W . S . Bradford , June 25 th .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey is to be held at Reigate on Saturday the 23 rd July , at three o ' clock p . m . The next Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will he . held at Pontefract on the 6 th of July . The brethren will meet at 11-30 . a . m .
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . AYLESBURY . —Buckingham Lodge { TSo . 591 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , fche 21 st June , at the George Hotel , when there was a fair gathering of members and visitors . The latter included Bros . W . F . Farrer , W . M . Castle Lodge 771 , Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . M ., Prov . Gr . Chap ., Bucks and Berks and P . Prov . S . G . W ., Durham ; P . Gotto , W . M . 943 ; J . Shrimpton , S . W . 948 ; Oswald M . Ilolden , Apollo University 357 ; Rev . Charles Lowndes ,
P . M . 591 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Berks and Bucks ; F . Fowler , St . Andrew's Lodge , Lower Canada . The lodge was opened hy Bro . W . J . Beauchamp , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . Herbert A . P . Cooper , S . W . ; D . Lovell , J . W . ; George States , W . M . 173 , S . D . ; W . H . Baker , P . M ., as J . D . ; T . Williams , P . M ., as I . G . The usual routine business was got through and the alteration of by-laws 1 and 12 unanimously confirmed . Bro . George Statesthen took the chair , and after forming a hoard of installed
masters , consisting of Bros . Beauchamp , Horwood , Williams , Baker , Farrer , Simpson , and Gotto , proceeded to instal Bro . Herbert A . P . Cooper W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., which was done in Bro . State's usual impressive manner , and called forth the hearty approval of fche brethren present . The W . M . was then installed in the usual manner , and proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . AV . J .
Beauchamp , P . M . ; D . Lovell , S . W . ; AV . H . Baker , J . W . ; Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; James James , Treas . ; John Williams , See . ; Thomas Horwood , S . D . ; Isaac King , J . D ; Charles Hooper , I . G . ; Joseph AVall , Tyler . All business being ended the lodge was closed in proper form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The cloth being removed the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts in terse and appropriate language
, which were cordially and loyally responded to . The toasts of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Ripon and Grand Officers were then given and acknowledged in a manner truly Masonic . In proposing the health of the acting Prov . G . M . and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , the AV . M . remarked it gave him great pleasure to see such a number of Prov . G . Officers , two of whom
had come from AA indsor to assist at his installation , viz ., the Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Chap ., and he thanked those brethren on behalf of himself and the lodge for their visit , and the efficient help they afforded at the ceremony , concluding hy coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Farrer , Prov . S . G . W .,. and calling upon the brethren to respond with 11 asonie honours , which was most heartily done . Bro . Farrer , in a kindly warmhearted speech , expressed the pleasure it afforded him in being
present at the installation of Bro . Cooper ; alluded in general terms to the present efficient state of Provincial Grand Lodge ; and iu referring to the expressed wish of the members of lodges in Bucks that the two counties should be separated , spoke favourably of the movement , assuring the brethren that such an alteration rested entirely with themselves , and that if they united and worked together , the day would not he far distant when Bucks would rank as an independent province . Bro .
Farrai- strongly advocated lodges of instruction without which a lodge could hardly hope to he perfect , and concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., and had no doubt , from the interest he took in Masonry , that during his year of office the Buckingham Lodge would prosper and increase iu numbers and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ahlueus . Leyden , 1616 , in Svo . Fractatus apologeticus iufcegi'itatem societatis de Rosea-Cruce defendens . Leyden , 1617 , iu Svo . " There is another tract by Fludd , in defence of the Order of Rose Croix , but dedicated to it , not less rare fchau the two foregoing . " Tractatus theologies philosophieus de vita , morte , et resurrectionefrafcribus Rosea ) Crucis dicatus .
Op-, penheim , 1617 , iu 4 to . " Fludd veas , I believe , born in a village to the Avest of the Medway . If so he Avas a Kentish man , and not a man of Kent . —CHARLES PURTON COOPER . A FREEMASON ' KNOAA * XEDGE . What should a Freemason know?—FELLOAV-CEAET .
—[ His duty to God aud to his neighbour , Avith such other branches of human kuoAvledge as will fit him for Avork aud leisure "iu that state of life in Avhich it has pleased God to call him . " ] THE DEATH OE THE l'HCENIX . In what degree is the death o £ the Pelican alluded
to as being burned amidst sweet herbs ?—V . ISf . V . — [ Iu none that Ave knoAv of . You have made a mistake , too , about the bird . Ovid says" " ( J pon a shady tree the Phceuix takes her rest And on the highest hough her funeral nest Her beak and talons huild ; then strews thereon Balm , cassia , spikenard , myrrh , and cinnamon : Last on the fragrant pile herself she lays , And in consuming odours ends her days . " !
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . HIRAM'S TOMB . TO THE EDITOR 01 ? TEE PKEEHASONS' MAGA 2 I 5 E A ^ D 3 T . 1 S 0 XIC HIMOil . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your last week's numberyour correspondent" G . C . S . " iu his hasty
, , , censorious desire to fiud fault has made a sad blunder . His remarks refer to an extract aud drawing I scut you , from au excellent work , I saAv a few years ago , iu Mudie's Collection , named "The Laud aud the the Book , " by Dr . Thompson , giving much interesting and valuable information respecting the Holy Loud
aud Holy Writ , but not having fche slightest direct reference to Freemasonry in it . " G . C . S . " says that " ' E . W . S . ' has sent a representation of what he is pleased to term Hiram ' s tomb . " I ask " G . C . S . " what state of mind he Avas iu when lie perused the short extract I sent youaud
, further to point out any page iu your MAOAZINE wherein I have given a representation of Hiram Abiff ' s tomb , or any dimensions respecting it . I much regret the tone of " G . 0 . S . ' s" remarks , and certainly shall decline entering into any Masonic controversy vrith him , as little good Avould ensue from
discussing matters Avith one Avho so wilfully misrepresents another ' s statement or quotation . I must apologise to you for this intrusioji on your space , the necessity for Avhich would not have arisen had " G . C . S . " asked any well informed Master Masouthe difference between Hiram and Hiram my
, father , or Hiram Abiff . Faithfully yours , E . W . S . Bradford , June 25 th .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey is to be held at Reigate on Saturday the 23 rd July , at three o ' clock p . m . The next Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will he . held at Pontefract on the 6 th of July . The brethren will meet at 11-30 . a . m .
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . AYLESBURY . —Buckingham Lodge { TSo . 591 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , fche 21 st June , at the George Hotel , when there was a fair gathering of members and visitors . The latter included Bros . W . F . Farrer , W . M . Castle Lodge 771 , Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . M ., Prov . Gr . Chap ., Bucks and Berks and P . Prov . S . G . W ., Durham ; P . Gotto , W . M . 943 ; J . Shrimpton , S . W . 948 ; Oswald M . Ilolden , Apollo University 357 ; Rev . Charles Lowndes ,
P . M . 591 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Berks and Bucks ; F . Fowler , St . Andrew's Lodge , Lower Canada . The lodge was opened hy Bro . W . J . Beauchamp , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . Herbert A . P . Cooper , S . W . ; D . Lovell , J . W . ; George States , W . M . 173 , S . D . ; W . H . Baker , P . M ., as J . D . ; T . Williams , P . M ., as I . G . The usual routine business was got through and the alteration of by-laws 1 and 12 unanimously confirmed . Bro . George Statesthen took the chair , and after forming a hoard of installed
masters , consisting of Bros . Beauchamp , Horwood , Williams , Baker , Farrer , Simpson , and Gotto , proceeded to instal Bro . Herbert A . P . Cooper W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., which was done in Bro . State's usual impressive manner , and called forth the hearty approval of fche brethren present . The W . M . was then installed in the usual manner , and proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . AV . J .
Beauchamp , P . M . ; D . Lovell , S . W . ; AV . H . Baker , J . W . ; Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; James James , Treas . ; John Williams , See . ; Thomas Horwood , S . D . ; Isaac King , J . D ; Charles Hooper , I . G . ; Joseph AVall , Tyler . All business being ended the lodge was closed in proper form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The cloth being removed the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts in terse and appropriate language
, which were cordially and loyally responded to . The toasts of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Ripon and Grand Officers were then given and acknowledged in a manner truly Masonic . In proposing the health of the acting Prov . G . M . and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , the AV . M . remarked it gave him great pleasure to see such a number of Prov . G . Officers , two of whom
had come from AA indsor to assist at his installation , viz ., the Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Chap ., and he thanked those brethren on behalf of himself and the lodge for their visit , and the efficient help they afforded at the ceremony , concluding hy coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Farrer , Prov . S . G . W .,. and calling upon the brethren to respond with 11 asonie honours , which was most heartily done . Bro . Farrer , in a kindly warmhearted speech , expressed the pleasure it afforded him in being
present at the installation of Bro . Cooper ; alluded in general terms to the present efficient state of Provincial Grand Lodge ; and iu referring to the expressed wish of the members of lodges in Bucks that the two counties should be separated , spoke favourably of the movement , assuring the brethren that such an alteration rested entirely with themselves , and that if they united and worked together , the day would not he far distant when Bucks would rank as an independent province . Bro .
Farrai- strongly advocated lodges of instruction without which a lodge could hardly hope to he perfect , and concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., and had no doubt , from the interest he took in Masonry , that during his year of office the Buckingham Lodge would prosper and increase iu numbers and