Article OLD LODGE RECORDS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Old Lodge Records.
be payed at St . John's Day next , and the meeting to be in John Sanderson's , ? . fc twelve of the clock mid-day . The sd day George Hunter was entered in comon form , ancl is to pay one pound ten shills . for his entry for which he has granted Bill payable next St . John ' s Day .
Galashiels , Deer . 27 th , 1745 . Rois called none absent , except Andrew Bald , who is hereby fined according to former sederunt . The sd day Jeams Bryson , yr ., is by plurality of votes chosen preses .
The Box Master continued , and money in his hand counted and found as follows : — The sixpence for strengthening the Box continued . The sd day Jeams Foorgreve was entered in
common form , and at his entry payed the soume two pound eight shills Scots money . Memorandum—John Sanderson , debtor for six pence , being the ordinary allowance by each member for strengthening the box .
A _ nd after counting there is found in the hands of Hugh Cairncross , Box Master , the soume of twenty-five pound fourteen shills Scots money . The sd day George Hunter payed into the Box "Mastar one pound ten shills Scots money , and got up his bill granted for the sd soume .
"Toe sd day the members have appointed John Donaldson's house to be the place to meet at twelve a ' clock midday . The commission lo five for intrants continued .
Galashiels , Deer . 27 th 1746 . The Rois called ; found absent John Sanderson , and James Furgreive . ancl Gala . The sd day John Butler was chosen preses by plurality of votes till next St . John ' s day .
Continues Hugh Cairncross Box Master till next St . John ' s day . Andrew Bald being this day present is excused for being formerly absent for any fine that might have been imposed , but made lyable to sixpence
for each year ' s absence , Avhich is herby declared to be two years proceeding this date . The money payed formerly for strengthening the box is this day modified to three shills Scots , the sixpence formerly mentioned being still
payable by those absent . The comission to five for intrants continued , and John Donaldson continued clerk .
The Avhich day there is found of money in the hands of Hugh Cairncross , Box Master , the soume of tAventy-nine pound nine shills Scots money for which soume he is hereby accountable to the lodge .
The which day Adam Harvy , present apprentice to Hugh Cairncross , AA'as admitted in common form , and gave his bill for one pound ten shills Scots in name of entry money , payable betwixt and next St . John ' s day .
The present meeting is next year to be in AVilliam Craig at midday . The Box Master is herby ordered anew to speak to Gala about what he is deficient . Hugh Cairncross , Jeams Bryson , yr ., and George Hunter are hereby ordered to intruct Adam Harvy .
Sedurent Galashiels , Deer . 28 th , 1747 . Rois called ; found absent Gala , Gearge Cairncross , excel , Hugh Cairncross , exed , George Hunter , Jeams Furgrieve , Andrew Bald . The sd day John Butler was continued Preses
till next St . John ' s day . The sd day Hugh Cairncross was continued Box Master , and John Donaldson Clerk . The absents , although otherwise excused , are still liable to pay sixpence to the box , and those
present lyable only three pence Scots , according to last sedurent . The absents that have sent no excuse are by vote of the company , as herby find each in one shill starling as a fine , ancl three shills Scots as a moeity to the box , according to this and last sedurent , besides their proportion of Avhat chairge
the other present brethren ar necessarily brought into . The comission to five for intrants continu ed . This day , upon consideration of the necessitys that the reliect of the deceast William Cairncross
may be in , the brethren have thought fit to remit to her one pound ten shills Scots money , allowing her to make further application to the Box Master , he calling together as many of the brethren as shall give bim pOAver to distribut to her necessity .
The money in the Box Master's hand is as in last sedurent . The Box Master is herby anew ordered to speak to Gala about his grant for strengthening the box . The one pound ten shills formerly spoke of for Widow Cairncross is the three shills Scots paid by the present brethren for this year by each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Lodge Records.
be payed at St . John's Day next , and the meeting to be in John Sanderson's , ? . fc twelve of the clock mid-day . The sd day George Hunter was entered in comon form , ancl is to pay one pound ten shills . for his entry for which he has granted Bill payable next St . John ' s Day .
Galashiels , Deer . 27 th , 1745 . Rois called none absent , except Andrew Bald , who is hereby fined according to former sederunt . The sd day Jeams Bryson , yr ., is by plurality of votes chosen preses .
The Box Master continued , and money in his hand counted and found as follows : — The sixpence for strengthening the Box continued . The sd day Jeams Foorgreve was entered in
common form , and at his entry payed the soume two pound eight shills Scots money . Memorandum—John Sanderson , debtor for six pence , being the ordinary allowance by each member for strengthening the box .
A _ nd after counting there is found in the hands of Hugh Cairncross , Box Master , the soume of twenty-five pound fourteen shills Scots money . The sd day George Hunter payed into the Box "Mastar one pound ten shills Scots money , and got up his bill granted for the sd soume .
"Toe sd day the members have appointed John Donaldson's house to be the place to meet at twelve a ' clock midday . The commission lo five for intrants continued .
Galashiels , Deer . 27 th 1746 . The Rois called ; found absent John Sanderson , and James Furgreive . ancl Gala . The sd day John Butler was chosen preses by plurality of votes till next St . John ' s day .
Continues Hugh Cairncross Box Master till next St . John ' s day . Andrew Bald being this day present is excused for being formerly absent for any fine that might have been imposed , but made lyable to sixpence
for each year ' s absence , Avhich is herby declared to be two years proceeding this date . The money payed formerly for strengthening the box is this day modified to three shills Scots , the sixpence formerly mentioned being still
payable by those absent . The comission to five for intrants continued , and John Donaldson continued clerk .
The Avhich day there is found of money in the hands of Hugh Cairncross , Box Master , the soume of tAventy-nine pound nine shills Scots money for which soume he is hereby accountable to the lodge .
The which day Adam Harvy , present apprentice to Hugh Cairncross , AA'as admitted in common form , and gave his bill for one pound ten shills Scots in name of entry money , payable betwixt and next St . John ' s day .
The present meeting is next year to be in AVilliam Craig at midday . The Box Master is herby ordered anew to speak to Gala about what he is deficient . Hugh Cairncross , Jeams Bryson , yr ., and George Hunter are hereby ordered to intruct Adam Harvy .
Sedurent Galashiels , Deer . 28 th , 1747 . Rois called ; found absent Gala , Gearge Cairncross , excel , Hugh Cairncross , exed , George Hunter , Jeams Furgrieve , Andrew Bald . The sd day John Butler was continued Preses
till next St . John ' s day . The sd day Hugh Cairncross was continued Box Master , and John Donaldson Clerk . The absents , although otherwise excused , are still liable to pay sixpence to the box , and those
present lyable only three pence Scots , according to last sedurent . The absents that have sent no excuse are by vote of the company , as herby find each in one shill starling as a fine , ancl three shills Scots as a moeity to the box , according to this and last sedurent , besides their proportion of Avhat chairge
the other present brethren ar necessarily brought into . The comission to five for intrants continu ed . This day , upon consideration of the necessitys that the reliect of the deceast William Cairncross
may be in , the brethren have thought fit to remit to her one pound ten shills Scots money , allowing her to make further application to the Box Master , he calling together as many of the brethren as shall give bim pOAver to distribut to her necessity .
The money in the Box Master's hand is as in last sedurent . The Box Master is herby anew ordered to speak to Gala about his grant for strengthening the box . The one pound ten shills formerly spoke of for Widow Cairncross is the three shills Scots paid by the present brethren for this year by each .