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Old Lodge Records.
The meeting next St . John ' s day is agreed to be in John Sanderson ' s at midday . Galashiels , Deer . 27 th 1748 . Rois called ; found absent , Hugh Scot of Gala ,
exed , Andrew Bald , Hugh Cairncross , excel , William Craig , excel . The sd day George Hunter was chosen preses by plurality of votes , and John Donaldson clerk . The Avhich day George Cairncross is appointed
Box Master till next St . John ' s day , and is hereby ordered to receive from Hugh Cairncross , former Box Master , the soume of thretty pound nineteen shills Scots , which is hereby declared to be in his hand , and to give it out upon intrest to any of
the members that may Avant it , ancl report next St . John ' s day ; and in case he takes bills for the money , he is only to len it out for the space of one year , and to take the bill payable for the use and behoove of the Lodge of Galashiels .
The comission to five for intrants continued . Received by George Cairncross , present Box Master , eighteen shills Scots money as mentioned in sedurent for strengthening the box , payedfor being absent last St . John ' s day by George Hunter ,
George Cairncross , and Hugh Cairncross . Fines the absents as in former sedurents , only giving a satifying excuse in Avrite . The sd day John Dobson , apprentice to Hugh Cairncross , Avas admitted in common form , ancl
Hugh Cairncross and George Hunter are ordered to instruct him , and has this clay given bill for one pound ten shills Scots as eutry . The next meeting on St . John ' s day is to be in John Donaldson ' s , and orders all to attend to hear
and see IIOAV and Avhere the box is to be lodo-ed . The meeting at twelve midday . The box itself , Avith the keys , left in James Bryson ' s , yr ., hands Avith consent . ( To le continued ) .
Masonic Jottings.—No. 26.
BY A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTEE . MASONRY . By the term " Masonry " understand the intercommunication , in antient times , of religious , ethical , and scientific thought .
FABLU . There is Fable , writes a Brother , in the early history of Freemasonry , as there is fable in the early history of a people . Such fable pleases many and misleads none .
Our Church Of England Christianity. Our English Freejmasonry.
As certain unexpected and disquieting discoveries in relation to Biblical history have only served to render us more zealous in the cause of onr Church of England Christianity , so like discoveries , if made in our Craft history , will only
serve to render us more zealous in the cause of our English Freemasonry . GENERAL ASSEMBLY . GRAND LODGE . HEAD LODGE . HAUPT HUTTE . When the General Assembly of English Freemasons assumed the name of Grand Lodge , the
Head Lodge of Scottish Masons assumed the sama name , and German Masons , writing in English , translated the Haupt Hutte of their Masons Grand Loda-e .
CONSTITUTIONS OP 1459 . The famous Constitutions of 1459 sufficiently shoAv the existence of the ingredients of Speculative Masonry in the four Lodges of Strasburg ., Vienna , Cologne , and Berne , but they do not show a use of these ingredients that constitutes " teaching , " in our sense of the term .
THE 1717 THEORY AND THE FINDEL THEORY . The opinion of our good Periodical , as recorded in an article Avritten by a former editor , is unfavourable to both these theories . MASONRY THE SUBJECT OP THE GRANDIDIER RESEARCHES .
The Masonry of the German and French Lodges ( A . D . 1778 ) was our 1717 Masonry . It Avas this Masonry Avhich was the subject of the Abbe Grandidiers' researches . The first lines of his
letter are "You have doubtless heard of that celebrated society transmitted to us from England , Avhich bears the name of Freemasonry . Its members are spread throughout Europe , & c , & c . " ASSERTION OP THE GERMAN THEORISTS . A correspondent , if he will take the trouble to
look into Bro . Findel ' s History , will find the assertion of the German Theorists to be that the present fraternity of Freemasons had its immediate origin from the Ancient Company of Stonecutters and the Building Corporations connected Avith it . ( To be continued . )
TIIE PALESTINE EXPIOHATION FUND . —Lord Lawrence pre * siilcd on the 2 uth ult , over ii meeting lit the Kensington A estry Hull , tit Avliicli Oiipt . iin Warren explained at length the progress of the explorations in Palestine . A resolution was moved by Jlr . Grove , iind seconded by Sir Battle Frere , "That the work and operations of the Palestine Exploration Fund are worthy of the cordial support of all students and lovers of the Bible . "
Lord Lawrence remarked upon the great interest excited in this country by tho objects of tin ' s society . The work of the society would probably le finished in two or three years , but in order to enable so speedy an accomplishment ol its labours , £ 5 , 000 a year would have to be raised during that period .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Lodge Records.
The meeting next St . John ' s day is agreed to be in John Sanderson ' s at midday . Galashiels , Deer . 27 th 1748 . Rois called ; found absent , Hugh Scot of Gala ,
exed , Andrew Bald , Hugh Cairncross , excel , William Craig , excel . The sd day George Hunter was chosen preses by plurality of votes , and John Donaldson clerk . The Avhich day George Cairncross is appointed
Box Master till next St . John ' s day , and is hereby ordered to receive from Hugh Cairncross , former Box Master , the soume of thretty pound nineteen shills Scots , which is hereby declared to be in his hand , and to give it out upon intrest to any of
the members that may Avant it , ancl report next St . John ' s day ; and in case he takes bills for the money , he is only to len it out for the space of one year , and to take the bill payable for the use and behoove of the Lodge of Galashiels .
The comission to five for intrants continued . Received by George Cairncross , present Box Master , eighteen shills Scots money as mentioned in sedurent for strengthening the box , payedfor being absent last St . John ' s day by George Hunter ,
George Cairncross , and Hugh Cairncross . Fines the absents as in former sedurents , only giving a satifying excuse in Avrite . The sd day John Dobson , apprentice to Hugh Cairncross , Avas admitted in common form , ancl
Hugh Cairncross and George Hunter are ordered to instruct him , and has this clay given bill for one pound ten shills Scots as eutry . The next meeting on St . John ' s day is to be in John Donaldson ' s , and orders all to attend to hear
and see IIOAV and Avhere the box is to be lodo-ed . The meeting at twelve midday . The box itself , Avith the keys , left in James Bryson ' s , yr ., hands Avith consent . ( To le continued ) .
Masonic Jottings.—No. 26.
BY A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTEE . MASONRY . By the term " Masonry " understand the intercommunication , in antient times , of religious , ethical , and scientific thought .
FABLU . There is Fable , writes a Brother , in the early history of Freemasonry , as there is fable in the early history of a people . Such fable pleases many and misleads none .
Our Church Of England Christianity. Our English Freejmasonry.
As certain unexpected and disquieting discoveries in relation to Biblical history have only served to render us more zealous in the cause of onr Church of England Christianity , so like discoveries , if made in our Craft history , will only
serve to render us more zealous in the cause of our English Freemasonry . GENERAL ASSEMBLY . GRAND LODGE . HEAD LODGE . HAUPT HUTTE . When the General Assembly of English Freemasons assumed the name of Grand Lodge , the
Head Lodge of Scottish Masons assumed the sama name , and German Masons , writing in English , translated the Haupt Hutte of their Masons Grand Loda-e .
CONSTITUTIONS OP 1459 . The famous Constitutions of 1459 sufficiently shoAv the existence of the ingredients of Speculative Masonry in the four Lodges of Strasburg ., Vienna , Cologne , and Berne , but they do not show a use of these ingredients that constitutes " teaching , " in our sense of the term .
THE 1717 THEORY AND THE FINDEL THEORY . The opinion of our good Periodical , as recorded in an article Avritten by a former editor , is unfavourable to both these theories . MASONRY THE SUBJECT OP THE GRANDIDIER RESEARCHES .
The Masonry of the German and French Lodges ( A . D . 1778 ) was our 1717 Masonry . It Avas this Masonry Avhich was the subject of the Abbe Grandidiers' researches . The first lines of his
letter are "You have doubtless heard of that celebrated society transmitted to us from England , Avhich bears the name of Freemasonry . Its members are spread throughout Europe , & c , & c . " ASSERTION OP THE GERMAN THEORISTS . A correspondent , if he will take the trouble to
look into Bro . Findel ' s History , will find the assertion of the German Theorists to be that the present fraternity of Freemasons had its immediate origin from the Ancient Company of Stonecutters and the Building Corporations connected Avith it . ( To be continued . )
TIIE PALESTINE EXPIOHATION FUND . —Lord Lawrence pre * siilcd on the 2 uth ult , over ii meeting lit the Kensington A estry Hull , tit Avliicli Oiipt . iin Warren explained at length the progress of the explorations in Palestine . A resolution was moved by Jlr . Grove , iind seconded by Sir Battle Frere , "That the work and operations of the Palestine Exploration Fund are worthy of the cordial support of all students and lovers of the Bible . "
Lord Lawrence remarked upon the great interest excited in this country by tho objects of tin ' s society . The work of the society would probably le finished in two or three years , but in order to enable so speedy an accomplishment ol its labours , £ 5 , 000 a year would have to be raised during that period .