Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Foxwell , P . M . 1 , 071 ; J . Dngdale , 951 - J Xavlor , 105 ; J . Stentiford , 159 : R . Lose , P .. A " . 159 , 1 099 P . Prov . G . Purst , ; J . Redgate , J . AV . 1 , 212 ; William Jalland , 1 , 099 ; J . Brown , P . M . 1 , 099 ; and J . Lynn , S . W . 230 . The ceremony of installation ivas very ably carried out by AV . Bro . John Brown , assisted by AA . Bros . S . Chappie and R . Lose ; after which the AA ' . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the year ensuing : —Bros . " 11 . llosevo-. ire , S . AA ' . ;
W . If . \ Y . Sargent , j . AV . ; S . Chappie , P . M . and Treas . ; John Brown , I . P . M . ; AV . H . Gillman , Sec ; J . 11 . lilackell , S . D . ; J . Allen , J . D . ; AV . H . Pinchin , I . G- ; W . II . Shepheard , Dir . of Cers . ; , 1 . Murch , jun ., Org . ; T . S . Roseveare and AV . R . Spcnce , SteAvards ; and J . Rashbrook , Tyler .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —Angel Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —Tho annual festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated by the members of tho Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Wednesday the 22 nd ult , at the Cups Hotel . The brethren assembled about three o ' clock , and shortly afterwards the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw , accompanied by his officers , entered Ihe lodge , and Avas received
by tho brethren in due form . The formal installation of Bro . AV . P . Lewis as W . M . for the ensuing year was at once proceeded Avith , the ceremony being mo > t impressively performed by Bro . A . Cobb , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . AV . The W . M . then proceeded to nominate and invest his officers for the ensuing year as folloAvs : —Bros . II . Samuel , S . AV . ; George K . R . Bjwler , J . W . ; Rev . E . H . Crate , Chap . ; AV . Shmey , Treas . ; Thos . J . Railing , Sec . ; Fred . A . Cole , S . D . ; Henry Sandford , J . D . ; John
Bosworth , P . M ., Supt . of Works ; C . O . G . Becker , Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Smith , I . G . ; A . E . AVnldau , Org . ; and AVm . Munson , Ty ler . Some further business was then transacted and the lodge was closed . —At half-past five , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet laid by the hostess , -Airs . Salter . The newly installed A \ . M . presided , and he was supported on his right and loft by the . Right AVorshipful Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . for Essex ; Bros . John AVright Can . Prov . G . Sec . for Essex ;
Rev . A . E . Crate , Chap . ; T . R . Quilter , I . P . M . ; AV . Griffin , P . M . ; C . O . G . Becker , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; John Bosworth , P . M ., Supt . of 'AVorks ; Adolphus E . Church , P . M . ; Henry Samuel , S . AV . ; Geo . K . R . Bowler , J . AA . ; F . A . Cole , S . D . ; Henry Sandford , J . D . ; Thos . 3 . Railing , Sec ; G . S . Smith , I . G . ; P . Hast , AV . Hickford , E . J . Sanders , T . Bolton , AA . F , Lugar , A . R . Staines , and A . E . Waldau . Visitors ; Bros . Re \' . It . N . Sanderson , AV . M ., Prir . ce of Wales Lodge ( Ipswich ) , No . 859 ; A . , 1 . Barber , AV . M ., British Union Lodge ( Ipswich ) , No . Ill , and P . G . O . of Suffolk ; E . Stephens , AV . M ., J . Franks
P . JI ., and S . B . King , Sec , Lodgo or Perfect I nendship ( Ipswich ) No . 376 ; J . Bigley , Sec , United Lodgo ( Colchester ) , No . 697 ; J . E . Wiseman , I . P . M . and Sec , and Geo . Riches , Lodge of Hope ( Brightlingsea ) No . 433 . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were drunk . —Tho AV . JI . then proposed the health ot the R . AA . Prov . G . JI ., thanking him for honouring their gathering by his presence , and passing high encomiums upon the manner in which Bro . Bagshaw had ruled
over the province . —The R . W . Prov . G . JI ., in responding , expressed the pleasure ho felt at having paid a visit to tho oldest Lodge in his province after a long absence . He had been highly gratified by all he had witnessed , and he congratulated the brethren of the Angel Lodge upon the progress they had made . — " The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Andrew Jleggy , and the rest of the P . G . Oilicers , " proposed by the AA . JI ,, was responded to b y Bro . John AV . Carr , who stated that it was a source of great regret
to the D . Prov . G . JI ., that circumstances prevented his attendance . —The RW . Prov . G . JI . gave in very flattering terms the health of the AV . M . ; and Bro . Lewis , in acknoAvledging the compliment , thanked the brethren for the unanimous manner in Avhich they had voted him into the chair . He had been preceded in that position by many excellent men , and he hoped , by endeavouring to copy their example , to carry out the duties of his office with credit to himself and satisfaction to the
brethren . — "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed bv the AV . M ., was responded to by Bros . J . Franks , Rev . R . N . Sander . on , A . J . Barrel " , E . Slopheus , Bigley , and J . E . Wiseman . —The remaining toasts Avere , " Tho ' lmmediato Past Jlaster aud P . JI ' s . of the Angel Lodge , responded to by Bro . T . R . Quilter ; " The Officers of tho lodge , " responded to b y Bro . H . Samuel ; "Tho Masonic- Charities" proposed by Bro . Griffin ; " The Treasurer , Bro . W . Shmey , " responded to by Bro . G . K . R . Bjwler ; aud " The Tyler ' s Toast . "
Leicestershire And Rutland.
LEICESTER . John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 . ) This lodge celebrated its Festival on the 2 lth ult ., which , in addition to being St . John the Baptist ' s day , Avas also the anniversary of the birth of - 'Old John of Gaunt , time-honoured Lancaster . " Tho meeting was attended by upwards of thirty members and btwelve visitorsamong whom Avere Bros- tho
y , Rev . A \ . Langley , P . M . 1 , 130 , AV . M . 50 . and P . Prov . G . S . AA . ; A \ . Pettifor , P . M . 279 and P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . 279 and P . Prov . G . S . AV- ; AV . AA eare , P . JI . 27 , 9 and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Crinv , Prov . G . Org . ; and Stannnrd , Jacobs , Palmer , Burnham , Atwood , and Barber , of No . 274 ; and B . Lazarus , 689 . On the lodge being opened and the minutes read and eon firmed , Bro . Lnlhan . was examined in the first degree ,
after which ho Avas passed a Fellow Craft . Bro . Duff , I . P . JI ., then presented the S . AA' . and AA . JI . elect , Bro . Thomas Hardy Buzzard , to the AA . M ., Bro . Toller , to receive the benefit of installation . After the ceremony had boon conducted according to ancient custom in the second degree , a board of Installed JIasters , at which ten were present , was formed , and Bro . Buzzard was duly installed into the chair of K . S . On the brethren being readmitted , the AA ' . M . was proclaimed and saluted
in the several decrees , Bro . C . Johnson presiding at the organ ( luring the processions . The ceremony was concluded by the delivery of tho charges to the AA ' . M . and AA ' ai-dens . The whole duty Avas for the first time undertaken by the retiring AA . JI ., Bro . George . Toller , Prov . G . Sec , and by Avhom it was performed in a most perfect and efficient manner . Bro . AV . Beaumont Smith , P . JI . and P . Prov . G . J . W ., having been re-elected Treasurer , Avith a vote of thanks for his past services , the AV . JI .
proceeded to appoint and invest the officers as follows : —Bros . Geo . Toller , I . P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV ., Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV . ; Rev . J . F . flalford , U . A ., Chaplain ; AV . B . Smith , Treas . ; C . Johnson , P . JI ., Org . ; Barnes , Sec . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; JIace , I . G .: Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers . The Prov . G . JI ., Bro . Kelly , in moving a A-ote of thanks to the retiring AA . JI ., said that during the twenty-four years of the lodge's existence , it had usually dcA olved upon him as the
senior P . M . to perform that duty , but on no occasion had he risen to do this with more pleasure ; and ho AA-ould venture to say that never had the proposition been received more heartil y than it would be on the present occasion . Bro . Toller , from the highly efficient and admirable manner in Avhich he had discharged the . onerous duties of the chair ( IS initiations having taken placa during the year ) had earned the gratitude of the brethren ; but , in addition to this , ee had displayed such
thorough courtesy and urbanit y towards everyone , and such perfect modesty of demeanour , that he had gained the warm esteem of every brother , not only of his own lodge , but of the AAdiole province ; that the estimation in which he was held by the lodge Avas evinced by their having unanimously voted him a P . JI . ' s joAvel , which ( the Prov . G . JI . ) , in the name of the lodge , requested the AV . JI . to place on the breast of his predecessor in office . It was accordingly done , amidst the hearty applause of
the brethren . The compliment to Bro . Toller is the more marked as the only other similar instance took place 23 years ago , when Bro . Kelly Avas himself the recipient of a P . JI . ' s jewel in going ont of olfico as the first , AV . JI . of the lodge . Bro . Toller , in thanking the brethren for the honour they had done him , said it Avas quite impossible for him to give expression to his feelings of gratitude for the very handsome token of their esteem ivhieh he had received , and which lie should prize most
highly . The recommendation of the lodge Avas asked for a petition for a now lodge to be established at Market Ilarborougb , to be called St . Peter ' s Lodge , the petitioners being the Earl of Shrewsbury , Albert Pell , M . P ., W . Kellv , Prov . G . M . ( who is to bo the first AV . JI . ) , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart , ( the first S . AV . ) , the Rev . J . F . Halford ( the first J . AV . ) , the Rev . A . A . O'Neile , P . Prov . G . Ch iplain , and seA-eral other brethren . It is needless to say that the requisite recommendation Avas given .
After some further business , and tho reception of propositions , the brethren were called oil' to rel ' resoment , aud sat down to an elegant banquet , the tallies being beautifully , decorated with flowers aud plants kindly contributed b y Bro . CharlesAvorth . The usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were duly honoured , and numerous songs sung , alter Avhich the brethren separated after a most pleasant festival . There ivere about fort y brethren present at the banquet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Foxwell , P . M . 1 , 071 ; J . Dngdale , 951 - J Xavlor , 105 ; J . Stentiford , 159 : R . Lose , P .. A " . 159 , 1 099 P . Prov . G . Purst , ; J . Redgate , J . AV . 1 , 212 ; William Jalland , 1 , 099 ; J . Brown , P . M . 1 , 099 ; and J . Lynn , S . W . 230 . The ceremony of installation ivas very ably carried out by AV . Bro . John Brown , assisted by AA . Bros . S . Chappie and R . Lose ; after which the AA ' . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the year ensuing : —Bros . " 11 . llosevo-. ire , S . AA ' . ;
W . If . \ Y . Sargent , j . AV . ; S . Chappie , P . M . and Treas . ; John Brown , I . P . M . ; AV . H . Gillman , Sec ; J . 11 . lilackell , S . D . ; J . Allen , J . D . ; AV . H . Pinchin , I . G- ; W . II . Shepheard , Dir . of Cers . ; , 1 . Murch , jun ., Org . ; T . S . Roseveare and AV . R . Spcnce , SteAvards ; and J . Rashbrook , Tyler .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —Angel Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —Tho annual festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated by the members of tho Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Wednesday the 22 nd ult , at the Cups Hotel . The brethren assembled about three o ' clock , and shortly afterwards the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw , accompanied by his officers , entered Ihe lodge , and Avas received
by tho brethren in due form . The formal installation of Bro . AV . P . Lewis as W . M . for the ensuing year was at once proceeded Avith , the ceremony being mo > t impressively performed by Bro . A . Cobb , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . AV . The W . M . then proceeded to nominate and invest his officers for the ensuing year as folloAvs : —Bros . II . Samuel , S . AV . ; George K . R . Bjwler , J . W . ; Rev . E . H . Crate , Chap . ; AV . Shmey , Treas . ; Thos . J . Railing , Sec . ; Fred . A . Cole , S . D . ; Henry Sandford , J . D . ; John
Bosworth , P . M ., Supt . of Works ; C . O . G . Becker , Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Smith , I . G . ; A . E . AVnldau , Org . ; and AVm . Munson , Ty ler . Some further business was then transacted and the lodge was closed . —At half-past five , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet laid by the hostess , -Airs . Salter . The newly installed A \ . M . presided , and he was supported on his right and loft by the . Right AVorshipful Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . for Essex ; Bros . John AVright Can . Prov . G . Sec . for Essex ;
Rev . A . E . Crate , Chap . ; T . R . Quilter , I . P . M . ; AV . Griffin , P . M . ; C . O . G . Becker , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; John Bosworth , P . M ., Supt . of 'AVorks ; Adolphus E . Church , P . M . ; Henry Samuel , S . AV . ; Geo . K . R . Bowler , J . AA . ; F . A . Cole , S . D . ; Henry Sandford , J . D . ; Thos . 3 . Railing , Sec ; G . S . Smith , I . G . ; P . Hast , AV . Hickford , E . J . Sanders , T . Bolton , AA . F , Lugar , A . R . Staines , and A . E . Waldau . Visitors ; Bros . Re \' . It . N . Sanderson , AV . M ., Prir . ce of Wales Lodge ( Ipswich ) , No . 859 ; A . , 1 . Barber , AV . M ., British Union Lodge ( Ipswich ) , No . Ill , and P . G . O . of Suffolk ; E . Stephens , AV . M ., J . Franks
P . JI ., and S . B . King , Sec , Lodgo or Perfect I nendship ( Ipswich ) No . 376 ; J . Bigley , Sec , United Lodgo ( Colchester ) , No . 697 ; J . E . Wiseman , I . P . M . and Sec , and Geo . Riches , Lodge of Hope ( Brightlingsea ) No . 433 . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were drunk . —Tho AV . JI . then proposed the health ot the R . AA . Prov . G . JI ., thanking him for honouring their gathering by his presence , and passing high encomiums upon the manner in which Bro . Bagshaw had ruled
over the province . —The R . W . Prov . G . JI ., in responding , expressed the pleasure ho felt at having paid a visit to tho oldest Lodge in his province after a long absence . He had been highly gratified by all he had witnessed , and he congratulated the brethren of the Angel Lodge upon the progress they had made . — " The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Andrew Jleggy , and the rest of the P . G . Oilicers , " proposed by the AA . JI ,, was responded to b y Bro . John AV . Carr , who stated that it was a source of great regret
to the D . Prov . G . JI ., that circumstances prevented his attendance . —The RW . Prov . G . JI . gave in very flattering terms the health of the AV . M . ; and Bro . Lewis , in acknoAvledging the compliment , thanked the brethren for the unanimous manner in Avhich they had voted him into the chair . He had been preceded in that position by many excellent men , and he hoped , by endeavouring to copy their example , to carry out the duties of his office with credit to himself and satisfaction to the
brethren . — "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed bv the AV . M ., was responded to by Bros . J . Franks , Rev . R . N . Sander . on , A . J . Barrel " , E . Slopheus , Bigley , and J . E . Wiseman . —The remaining toasts Avere , " Tho ' lmmediato Past Jlaster aud P . JI ' s . of the Angel Lodge , responded to by Bro . T . R . Quilter ; " The Officers of tho lodge , " responded to b y Bro . H . Samuel ; "Tho Masonic- Charities" proposed by Bro . Griffin ; " The Treasurer , Bro . W . Shmey , " responded to by Bro . G . K . R . Bjwler ; aud " The Tyler ' s Toast . "
Leicestershire And Rutland.
LEICESTER . John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 . ) This lodge celebrated its Festival on the 2 lth ult ., which , in addition to being St . John the Baptist ' s day , Avas also the anniversary of the birth of - 'Old John of Gaunt , time-honoured Lancaster . " Tho meeting was attended by upwards of thirty members and btwelve visitorsamong whom Avere Bros- tho
y , Rev . A \ . Langley , P . M . 1 , 130 , AV . M . 50 . and P . Prov . G . S . AA . ; A \ . Pettifor , P . M . 279 and P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . 279 and P . Prov . G . S . AV- ; AV . AA eare , P . JI . 27 , 9 and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Crinv , Prov . G . Org . ; and Stannnrd , Jacobs , Palmer , Burnham , Atwood , and Barber , of No . 274 ; and B . Lazarus , 689 . On the lodge being opened and the minutes read and eon firmed , Bro . Lnlhan . was examined in the first degree ,
after which ho Avas passed a Fellow Craft . Bro . Duff , I . P . JI ., then presented the S . AA' . and AA . JI . elect , Bro . Thomas Hardy Buzzard , to the AA . M ., Bro . Toller , to receive the benefit of installation . After the ceremony had boon conducted according to ancient custom in the second degree , a board of Installed JIasters , at which ten were present , was formed , and Bro . Buzzard was duly installed into the chair of K . S . On the brethren being readmitted , the AA ' . M . was proclaimed and saluted
in the several decrees , Bro . C . Johnson presiding at the organ ( luring the processions . The ceremony was concluded by the delivery of tho charges to the AA ' . M . and AA ' ai-dens . The whole duty Avas for the first time undertaken by the retiring AA . JI ., Bro . George . Toller , Prov . G . Sec , and by Avhom it was performed in a most perfect and efficient manner . Bro . AV . Beaumont Smith , P . JI . and P . Prov . G . J . W ., having been re-elected Treasurer , Avith a vote of thanks for his past services , the AV . JI .
proceeded to appoint and invest the officers as follows : —Bros . Geo . Toller , I . P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV ., Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV . ; Rev . J . F . flalford , U . A ., Chaplain ; AV . B . Smith , Treas . ; C . Johnson , P . JI ., Org . ; Barnes , Sec . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; JIace , I . G .: Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers . The Prov . G . JI ., Bro . Kelly , in moving a A-ote of thanks to the retiring AA . JI ., said that during the twenty-four years of the lodge's existence , it had usually dcA olved upon him as the
senior P . M . to perform that duty , but on no occasion had he risen to do this with more pleasure ; and ho AA-ould venture to say that never had the proposition been received more heartil y than it would be on the present occasion . Bro . Toller , from the highly efficient and admirable manner in Avhich he had discharged the . onerous duties of the chair ( IS initiations having taken placa during the year ) had earned the gratitude of the brethren ; but , in addition to this , ee had displayed such
thorough courtesy and urbanit y towards everyone , and such perfect modesty of demeanour , that he had gained the warm esteem of every brother , not only of his own lodge , but of the AAdiole province ; that the estimation in which he was held by the lodge Avas evinced by their having unanimously voted him a P . JI . ' s joAvel , which ( the Prov . G . JI . ) , in the name of the lodge , requested the AV . JI . to place on the breast of his predecessor in office . It was accordingly done , amidst the hearty applause of
the brethren . The compliment to Bro . Toller is the more marked as the only other similar instance took place 23 years ago , when Bro . Kelly Avas himself the recipient of a P . JI . ' s jewel in going ont of olfico as the first , AV . JI . of the lodge . Bro . Toller , in thanking the brethren for the honour they had done him , said it Avas quite impossible for him to give expression to his feelings of gratitude for the very handsome token of their esteem ivhieh he had received , and which lie should prize most
highly . The recommendation of the lodge Avas asked for a petition for a now lodge to be established at Market Ilarborougb , to be called St . Peter ' s Lodge , the petitioners being the Earl of Shrewsbury , Albert Pell , M . P ., W . Kellv , Prov . G . M . ( who is to bo the first AV . JI . ) , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart , ( the first S . AV . ) , the Rev . J . F . Halford ( the first J . AV . ) , the Rev . A . A . O'Neile , P . Prov . G . Ch iplain , and seA-eral other brethren . It is needless to say that the requisite recommendation Avas given .
After some further business , and tho reception of propositions , the brethren were called oil' to rel ' resoment , aud sat down to an elegant banquet , the tallies being beautifully , decorated with flowers aud plants kindly contributed b y Bro . CharlesAvorth . The usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were duly honoured , and numerous songs sung , alter Avhich the brethren separated after a most pleasant festival . There ivere about fort y brethren present at the banquet .