Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland , is to be held at Whitehaven , on Friday , the Sth instant , under the presidency of Bro . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . the new Prov . G . M . being prevented from attending , by severe indisposition , which has confined him to his room for many weeks-
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) . —This old-established loclge held a lodge of emergency on Thursday , July 24-th , at Bro . Roe ' s , Eoyal Albert Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford , Kent . The most important business transacted was , determining that the future meetings of this lodge should take place at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . We are glad to find that this old London lodgo is still to continue in Deptford , for we were apprehensive it was going out of the town . It is the
oldest lodge in Deptford , though it was originally opened in Seven Dials , London , about the year 1715 . We hear there are a great number of gentlemen ready to join this lodge as candidates for the mysteries aud privileges of ancient l- 'reemasonry .
PHIHCE FEEDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 1053 ) . — This flourishing and highly distinguished lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday July 23 , at the St . John Hotel , Queen's Terrace , St . John's Eoad , punctually at two o ' clock . The W . M ., Bro . T . Robinson , with the assistance of his Wardens , Bros . Miles Stapylton , and J . L . Syms , and numerous brethren opened the lodge , ancl the following business was disposed of : — Bro . Coyto was raisedBros . BaileyCookDayand Cornefc
, , , , Thomas , passed to the second degree , and Mr . J . M . Donne initiated . Bro . Miles Stapylton was installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , by Bro . Robinson , W . M ., in an impressive manner , which elicited the warmest encomiums of a large assembly of visitors . Bro . Stapylton appointed the following brethren to be his officers : —Bros . J . H . Svms , S . W . ; J . Hume Williams , J . W . ; J . D . Caulcher , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A .
Stacev , P . M ., Sec . ; P . G . Baker , S . D . ; Dr . Key Harding , J . D . ; T . P . ' Wurst , I . G . ; G . J . Woods , D . C . ; W . Watson , P . M ., Steward ; and Beckett , Tyler . Several gentlemen were proposed to bo initiated at the next meeting of the lodge . The lodge having been closed the brethren retired to banquet , and too much praise cannot be bestowed upon our Bro . R . Stiles for the excellent manner in which everything was served , tho good things of this life being various and profuse . We must mention that Bro . Stiles was most ably assisted in his arduous tusk hy onr Bro . W . Watson . After ample iustico hadbeen done
to the festive board , the W . M . proposed m succession the following toasts "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Earl of ZetlancCM . W . G . M ., " " The Karl de Grey and Eipon , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . llobinson , now tho immediate P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " and passed a well deserved eulogium upon bis working , and from such a beginning it argues well for the future . The W . M . tendered his warmest thanks to the P . Ms , and members of the lodge , and assured
them he would do all iu his power to support the Craft , and uphold tho high position which the Prince Frederick William Lodge stood in the estimation of the members of the ancient fraternity of Freemasons . Then followed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Dr . Dornnc , " then the W . M . gave " The Health of the P . Ms ., " complimenting each of them for the great interest they had always evinced in the prosperity of the lodge , and congratulated the members upon having such Masons
as Bros . J . D . Caulcher , the first P . M . and founder of the lodge , J . J . Hanley , E . J . Frascr , and T . llobinson , as their P . Sfs . To this toast Bros . Caulcher , Hartley , Fraser ; and Robinson severally responded . The lodgo having presented Bro . T . Robinson , P . M ., with a very beautiful P . Ms . Jewel , as a token of the high esteem he was held in by all of the members of the lodge , that brother said he should always wear it with great pleasure , and it would serve as a reminder of one of the happiest years of his life . The W . M . then in a felicitous speech gave " The health of the Visitors , " bidding them welcome , and
trusting to haye tho pleasure of their company again . Bros . J . W . Adams , P . M . of 25 , W . Piatt , P . M . 16 S , Chaplin , 201 , W . B . Ford , 211 , and Capt . Henry Bohn , 1167 , returned thanks . The officers followed , to which Bro . J . L . Syms responded in a happy speech . " The Health of the Secretary , Bro . H . A . Stacey , " was given next , ta which that brother tendered his acknowledgements . " The worthy Host's Health , Bro . Stiles , " was givenand then the Tyler's toast finished one of the
, plerisantest meetings it has ever been our good fortune to be present at , and most certainly the pleasure was considerably increased by the singing of Bros . Adams , W . G . Ford , S . Mullens , J . D . Caulcher , F . G-. Baker , ancl others . EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Bro . Stevens , Royal Oak Tavern , High-streetDeptfordKenton WednesdayJul 23 rd . In the
, , , , y unavoidable absence of the W . M ., ' Bro . W . Scott ( caused by his professional duties ) , B ro . G . Wilton , S . W ., assistedby Bros . Walters , Kavanagh , Baatz , and O'Durgei , opened the loclge . There was no work before the lodge . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , gave an explanation of tho tracing hoard in the first degree , in his usual clear style , which was listened to wifch marked attention . The business being ended , the brethren senarated . *
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —A Lodge of Instruction for M . Ms , was appointecl to be held at 8 o ' clock , on Tuesday evening , the 22 nd ult ., when there was a numerous attendance of the brethren . The following officers were appointed to superintend the working , Bros . P . M . P . W . Hayward , Lecture Master ; Ritson , W . M . ; Murray , S . W . ; Win . Carrick ,
J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; Milbourne , J . D . ; Fisher , I . G . and Sec ; Story , Tyler . The lodge was then opened in the first degree , iu a just , perfect , and regular form . All present entered into and executed their work with energy and zeal , which , it was pleasing to witness . There was also some preliminary business discussed and duly despatched , respecting the forthcoming annual provincial festival , to be holden at Whitehaven , on Friday , the Sth August . The lodge was then duly opened in the second and third degrees , when every one discharged their duties with particular care , accuracy , and attention .
WIIITEHAVEX . —Sun , Square , and Compasses Lodge ( No . 133 . ) At the monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on tho 7 th . July , the lodge having heen duly opened by the W . M ., Bro . W . B . Gibson , Prov . G . J . D ., and the ordinary business having heen transacted , the chair was afterwards taken by Bro . W . if . G . Key , P . M . of 791 and 231 , Prov . G . S . and P . Prov . G . S . W . for Kent , who proceeded to instal Bro . II . Spencer , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . M . 138 , into the chair as AV . M . for the
ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Key . The lodge was numerously attended , and tha following brethren were appointed to fill the respective offices , viz .: —G . W . Kenworthy , S . W . ; C . Morton , J . W . ; J . Fletcher , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Treas . ; W . Cowie , P . M ., Sec ; J . Barr . S . D . ; I . Anderson , J . D . ; H . Cook , I . G . ; and J . Cooper , P . G-. O ., Organist . At the termination of the proceedings , the brethren retired to the refreshment-room , ancl spent a happy evening , which was greatly enhanced by the musical talent of many ofthe brethren , under the ablo superintendanco of Bro . Cooper , P . G . Orcraiiist . ¦
HAMPSHIRE . LYJIIKGio :-r . —Nem Forest Lodge ( No . 401 . )—This lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , July 22 nd , at their Hall , in Quay-street . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , including- several from Southampton ( among whom was Bro . F Perkins , Mayor ) , this being the clay appointecl for the installation of Bro . Hayiyard , twice Mayor of Lyinington , as W . M . for tho ensuing- year . The ceremony of installation was
performed by the Rev . Dr . Bradshaw , the retiring W . M ., assisted by P . M . Webb , in a most striking ancl impressive manner , which will long be remembered by all who were present , The new W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers for . the year , among whom were Bros , the Rev . Dr . Bradshaw , as Treas . ; J . Milner . S . W . ; Capt . Johnson , J . W . ; the Rev . B . Maturin , B . A ., Chap . ; T . Webb , S . D . ; II . T . Bath , J . D . ; W . T . Buttery , I . G . ; Preston . Tyler ; and H . Doman , Sec . After this , the newly-installed W . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland , is to be held at Whitehaven , on Friday , the Sth instant , under the presidency of Bro . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . the new Prov . G . M . being prevented from attending , by severe indisposition , which has confined him to his room for many weeks-
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) . —This old-established loclge held a lodge of emergency on Thursday , July 24-th , at Bro . Roe ' s , Eoyal Albert Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford , Kent . The most important business transacted was , determining that the future meetings of this lodge should take place at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . We are glad to find that this old London lodgo is still to continue in Deptford , for we were apprehensive it was going out of the town . It is the
oldest lodge in Deptford , though it was originally opened in Seven Dials , London , about the year 1715 . We hear there are a great number of gentlemen ready to join this lodge as candidates for the mysteries aud privileges of ancient l- 'reemasonry .
PHIHCE FEEDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 1053 ) . — This flourishing and highly distinguished lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday July 23 , at the St . John Hotel , Queen's Terrace , St . John's Eoad , punctually at two o ' clock . The W . M ., Bro . T . Robinson , with the assistance of his Wardens , Bros . Miles Stapylton , and J . L . Syms , and numerous brethren opened the lodge , ancl the following business was disposed of : — Bro . Coyto was raisedBros . BaileyCookDayand Cornefc
, , , , Thomas , passed to the second degree , and Mr . J . M . Donne initiated . Bro . Miles Stapylton was installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , by Bro . Robinson , W . M ., in an impressive manner , which elicited the warmest encomiums of a large assembly of visitors . Bro . Stapylton appointed the following brethren to be his officers : —Bros . J . H . Svms , S . W . ; J . Hume Williams , J . W . ; J . D . Caulcher , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A .
Stacev , P . M ., Sec . ; P . G . Baker , S . D . ; Dr . Key Harding , J . D . ; T . P . ' Wurst , I . G . ; G . J . Woods , D . C . ; W . Watson , P . M ., Steward ; and Beckett , Tyler . Several gentlemen were proposed to bo initiated at the next meeting of the lodge . The lodge having been closed the brethren retired to banquet , and too much praise cannot be bestowed upon our Bro . R . Stiles for the excellent manner in which everything was served , tho good things of this life being various and profuse . We must mention that Bro . Stiles was most ably assisted in his arduous tusk hy onr Bro . W . Watson . After ample iustico hadbeen done
to the festive board , the W . M . proposed m succession the following toasts "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Earl of ZetlancCM . W . G . M ., " " The Karl de Grey and Eipon , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . llobinson , now tho immediate P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " and passed a well deserved eulogium upon bis working , and from such a beginning it argues well for the future . The W . M . tendered his warmest thanks to the P . Ms , and members of the lodge , and assured
them he would do all iu his power to support the Craft , and uphold tho high position which the Prince Frederick William Lodge stood in the estimation of the members of the ancient fraternity of Freemasons . Then followed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Dr . Dornnc , " then the W . M . gave " The Health of the P . Ms ., " complimenting each of them for the great interest they had always evinced in the prosperity of the lodge , and congratulated the members upon having such Masons
as Bros . J . D . Caulcher , the first P . M . and founder of the lodge , J . J . Hanley , E . J . Frascr , and T . llobinson , as their P . Sfs . To this toast Bros . Caulcher , Hartley , Fraser ; and Robinson severally responded . The lodgo having presented Bro . T . Robinson , P . M ., with a very beautiful P . Ms . Jewel , as a token of the high esteem he was held in by all of the members of the lodge , that brother said he should always wear it with great pleasure , and it would serve as a reminder of one of the happiest years of his life . The W . M . then in a felicitous speech gave " The health of the Visitors , " bidding them welcome , and
trusting to haye tho pleasure of their company again . Bros . J . W . Adams , P . M . of 25 , W . Piatt , P . M . 16 S , Chaplin , 201 , W . B . Ford , 211 , and Capt . Henry Bohn , 1167 , returned thanks . The officers followed , to which Bro . J . L . Syms responded in a happy speech . " The Health of the Secretary , Bro . H . A . Stacey , " was given next , ta which that brother tendered his acknowledgements . " The worthy Host's Health , Bro . Stiles , " was givenand then the Tyler's toast finished one of the
, plerisantest meetings it has ever been our good fortune to be present at , and most certainly the pleasure was considerably increased by the singing of Bros . Adams , W . G . Ford , S . Mullens , J . D . Caulcher , F . G-. Baker , ancl others . EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Bro . Stevens , Royal Oak Tavern , High-streetDeptfordKenton WednesdayJul 23 rd . In the
, , , , y unavoidable absence of the W . M ., ' Bro . W . Scott ( caused by his professional duties ) , B ro . G . Wilton , S . W ., assistedby Bros . Walters , Kavanagh , Baatz , and O'Durgei , opened the loclge . There was no work before the lodge . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , gave an explanation of tho tracing hoard in the first degree , in his usual clear style , which was listened to wifch marked attention . The business being ended , the brethren senarated . *
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —A Lodge of Instruction for M . Ms , was appointecl to be held at 8 o ' clock , on Tuesday evening , the 22 nd ult ., when there was a numerous attendance of the brethren . The following officers were appointed to superintend the working , Bros . P . M . P . W . Hayward , Lecture Master ; Ritson , W . M . ; Murray , S . W . ; Win . Carrick ,
J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; Milbourne , J . D . ; Fisher , I . G . and Sec ; Story , Tyler . The lodge was then opened in the first degree , iu a just , perfect , and regular form . All present entered into and executed their work with energy and zeal , which , it was pleasing to witness . There was also some preliminary business discussed and duly despatched , respecting the forthcoming annual provincial festival , to be holden at Whitehaven , on Friday , the Sth August . The lodge was then duly opened in the second and third degrees , when every one discharged their duties with particular care , accuracy , and attention .
WIIITEHAVEX . —Sun , Square , and Compasses Lodge ( No . 133 . ) At the monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , on tho 7 th . July , the lodge having heen duly opened by the W . M ., Bro . W . B . Gibson , Prov . G . J . D ., and the ordinary business having heen transacted , the chair was afterwards taken by Bro . W . if . G . Key , P . M . of 791 and 231 , Prov . G . S . and P . Prov . G . S . W . for Kent , who proceeded to instal Bro . II . Spencer , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . M . 138 , into the chair as AV . M . for the
ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Key . The lodge was numerously attended , and tha following brethren were appointed to fill the respective offices , viz .: —G . W . Kenworthy , S . W . ; C . Morton , J . W . ; J . Fletcher , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Treas . ; W . Cowie , P . M ., Sec ; J . Barr . S . D . ; I . Anderson , J . D . ; H . Cook , I . G . ; and J . Cooper , P . G-. O ., Organist . At the termination of the proceedings , the brethren retired to the refreshment-room , ancl spent a happy evening , which was greatly enhanced by the musical talent of many ofthe brethren , under the ablo superintendanco of Bro . Cooper , P . G . Orcraiiist . ¦
HAMPSHIRE . LYJIIKGio :-r . —Nem Forest Lodge ( No . 401 . )—This lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , July 22 nd , at their Hall , in Quay-street . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , including- several from Southampton ( among whom was Bro . F Perkins , Mayor ) , this being the clay appointecl for the installation of Bro . Hayiyard , twice Mayor of Lyinington , as W . M . for tho ensuing- year . The ceremony of installation was
performed by the Rev . Dr . Bradshaw , the retiring W . M ., assisted by P . M . Webb , in a most striking ancl impressive manner , which will long be remembered by all who were present , The new W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers for . the year , among whom were Bros , the Rev . Dr . Bradshaw , as Treas . ; J . Milner . S . W . ; Capt . Johnson , J . W . ; the Rev . B . Maturin , B . A ., Chap . ; T . Webb , S . D . ; II . T . Bath , J . D . ; W . T . Buttery , I . G . ; Preston . Tyler ; and H . Doman , Sec . After this , the newly-installed W . M .