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was , that no pupil was sent out from these institutions until comfortable situations had been secured for them . These and other institutions connected with the Order were such as to commend themselves to the support of every good Mason , and he consequently regretted that the provincial lodges did not subscribe so liberally as they should . If any brother from the provinces attended Grand Lodge , ho should be happy not only
to introduce him , but also make him as comfortable as posssible , —Bro . LACY acknowledged the toast of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Herefordshire , and spoke highly of the Arch Chapter , advising our brethren of Newport to become connected with that at Hereford , with the view of resuscitating its branch at Newport . Bro . Lacy also spoke in high terms of the working of the Philanthropic Lodge , ivhich he considered , with perhaps
the exception of his own lodge ( the JPalladian ) , as the most systematically Masonic he had visited . —Bro . J . H . HIGGIUSOIS , having had his health proposed as the immediate Past Master of the lodge , replied in an excellent speech , stating that during the two years he had been connected with it , 23 members had been raised and 2-t passed . It was now in a most satisfactory condition . —Bro . MAITSD responded to the toast of Ihe Army and Navyand Bro . Pickford for the lodges of the province . —
, " The health of the esteemed Vicar of Abergavenny , " now nearly a century old , was given as the oldest brother cf the Philanthropic Lodge , and fche toast was replied to by his son , Bro . Charles Powell , who assured the lodge that his father , though advanced in years , manifested great interest in the cause of Masonry . —Bros . Bolt , of Newport , ancl Burvill , of Hereford , sang several songs in capital style , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DOXCASTEE . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 29 S ) . —The brethren held their usual monthly meeting in the Town Hall , on Friday , the 25 th July . In the absence of the W . M . the chair was taken by Bro . J . Kisby , who on being called away by professional cluty , resigned it to Bro . Geo . Brooke , by whom the business of the evening was terminated . During the evening Bro . Fisher , who has left Leeds to reside in this town , was elected a joining
member , and Bros . Cooper and Geo . May were raised to tho sublime degree . It was stated that the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire have accepted the invitation of Bro . Smith , the W . M ., and will assemble at Doncaster on the 1 st October next . This seemed to give satisfaction to the brethren present , and there is no doubt that the Provincial Grand Lodge will ( as is usual on all such occasions in this town ) , be received with a hearty welcome , and the fraternal regards of tho brethren of St . George's Lodge .
SOUTH AUSTRALIA . The second annual Grand Masonic Ball , under the auspices of the Prov . G . M . of the Irish Constitution , Bro . H . Bagot , M . P ., was held afc tlie Adelaide Assembly Rooms , South Australia , on Thursday , May 8 th , 1 SG 2 , and was altogether the most brilliant affair that has ever yet taken place in the province . There were about 300 presentnumbering amongst them the Prov . G . M . H .
, , Bagot , M . JA ..- His Excellency Sir Dominic Daly , Governor-in-Chief , and the ladies of his family ; the Chief Justice ; Mr . Justice Gwynne ; the Attorney-General ; the Crown Solicitor ; the Colonial Surgeon ; the Mayor of Adelaide ; the Speaker ; the Registrar-General ; W . Fiveash , E . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; , T . C . McCunder , Prov . G . S . W ., I . C ; J . P . Boucaut , If . ? , Prov . G . Sec , I . C , with their ladies , and numerous others of the elite
of the province . The room , acknowledged to be tho very finest ball room in all the Australias , was decorated in an unusuall y splendid manner ivith flags , evergreens , mirrors , fountains , statuary , pictures , and Masonic emblems , from the M . M . to some of the highest of the Templar degrees , and looked altogether like fairy-land , not easily to be forgotten . We ought not to have omitted that amongst the evergreens were several huge
banana trees from the garden of Bro . E . E . Ton-ens , which greatly added to the effect . His Excellency , who was highly gratified , stayed till three o'clock , and said he did not think such a ball could have been got up out of England . At supper tlie R . W . the Prov . G . M ., proposed the "Queen and the Craft , " and afterwards the " Health of His Excellency , "
the only non-Mason present , and tho Masonic reception given to those toasts ( the only ones proposed ) , greatly astonished and amused the ladies . Dancing- was kept up till five o'clock , when the National Anthem was played , the company separating , greatly regretting that so splendid a ball was so soon at an end . On the Monday following , the Stewards of the ball patronised a musical and literary soiree in aid of the benevolent fund of the I . Cthe decorations of the ball remainingwhich attracted
, , a numerous assemblage , and also proved a great success . The brethren of the I . C . have taken a high stand in Masonry in South Australia , and have set an example in their working and general management ivhich the other constitutions in the province might nofc disadvantageously follow .
CANADA . GHASD LODGE . —ANNUAL Corait-jncATiox ' . The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge' of Canada was commenced in the Town Hall , St . Catherines , on Wednesday , the 9 th of June . The following Grand Officers were present : —M . W . Bros . T . D . Harrington , G . M . ; B . W . W . B . Simpson , D . G . M , ; William McGhie , as G . S . W . ; John H . Noel , as G . J . W . ; Rev . Vincent
Clementi , Grand Chap .: Henry Croft , G . Treas . ; D . Curtis , G . Reg . ; T . B . Harris , G . Sec .: James M . Rogerson , G . S . D . ; Isaac P . Wilson , as G .. T . D . ; Hon . Robert Spencc , as G . S . of P . ; Alfio DeGrassi , as G . Dir . of Cers . ; H . V . Sanders , as G . S . B . ; S . Blondheim , G . P . ; James Seymour , G . O . ; James Higman , G . Tyler ; George Masson , D . Dist . G . M ., London District ; JEmelias Irving , D . Dist . G . M ., Huron District ; William Fitch , D . Dist , G . M ., Hamilton District ; W . G . Storm ,
D . Dist . G . M ,, Toronto District ; W . H . Weller , D . Dist . G . M ., Ontario District ; A . A . Campbell , D . Dist . G . M ., Prince Edward District ; G . F . LaScrre , D . Dist . G . M ., Central District ; A . A . Stevenson , D . Dist . G . M ., Montreal District . After the disposal of some routine business , the lodge adjourned till eight o'clock in the evening , out of respect to the memory of the late Hon . W . H . Merritt , iKi . C On resuming , the GBAXD MASTEE ( M . W . Bro . T . D .
Harrington ) delivered the following Address to tlie M . W . the Grand Lodge of Canada : Brethren , —Once again we are permitted by the Great Architect of the Universe to assemble together . Another year has followed its predecessors , and we are still the recipients of His mercies ancl blessings—still suffered to exchange the friendly grasp—to mingle in social intercourse , and see each other ' s old familiar faces . The fiat was not issued to call us away , and ifc behoves each and all of us to be thankful and watchful , for the
future is a sealed hook , ancl not one can ever guess how suddenly the dread summons that cannot be evaded may reach him . I am led to address you thus seriously , and to warn you , in the beautiful language of Freemasonry , " to perforin your allotted tasks while it is yet day , " because , though we are here , death has been reaping his annual harvest , and many honoured ancl valued members of the human family have departed , leaving behind them only their memory ancl virtues . Hihborn ancl
g lowly , poor and ivealty , from each and all the last penalty will inevitably be exacted , and we cau only call tho present fleeting moments our own . Our Most Gracious Sovereign—our Queon—our widowed Queen—is even now bowed hy natural grief for the death of her nearest ancl dearest friend , her husband , —one for whose untimely loss the entire empire unites in mourning—one whose
domestic and public virtues had endeared him as well to every British subject as to all who had the privilege or honour of knowing him , or became in any way subject to his kind , amiable and benignant influence . We have tlie affecting declaration of our sorrowing Queen that none knew how thoroughly good was the illustrious prince the nation has lost . But her subjects , while grieving with , have increased cause to love her , who ,
forgetful of her own sorrow , even at the time when it must have been most poignant , identified herself with the widows of those humble , hard-working miners , who had been cut off by a terrible visitation , ' and , in her own misery , remembered ancl ancl soothed theirs . Daughter ancl niece of Masons ! well may the Fraternity be proud of her affinity to them , and gloriously does she , our loved and Sovereign Ladyadd refulgence to our
, Order , one of whose grand principles is , " relief" to suffering fellow creatures ! Soon ivill another of her children leave her protection , but with her full and free approval , one of those children of whom we are all so proud , and who cannot fail to carry about with them the impress of tho womanly virtues of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was , that no pupil was sent out from these institutions until comfortable situations had been secured for them . These and other institutions connected with the Order were such as to commend themselves to the support of every good Mason , and he consequently regretted that the provincial lodges did not subscribe so liberally as they should . If any brother from the provinces attended Grand Lodge , ho should be happy not only
to introduce him , but also make him as comfortable as posssible , —Bro . LACY acknowledged the toast of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Herefordshire , and spoke highly of the Arch Chapter , advising our brethren of Newport to become connected with that at Hereford , with the view of resuscitating its branch at Newport . Bro . Lacy also spoke in high terms of the working of the Philanthropic Lodge , ivhich he considered , with perhaps
the exception of his own lodge ( the JPalladian ) , as the most systematically Masonic he had visited . —Bro . J . H . HIGGIUSOIS , having had his health proposed as the immediate Past Master of the lodge , replied in an excellent speech , stating that during the two years he had been connected with it , 23 members had been raised and 2-t passed . It was now in a most satisfactory condition . —Bro . MAITSD responded to the toast of Ihe Army and Navyand Bro . Pickford for the lodges of the province . —
, " The health of the esteemed Vicar of Abergavenny , " now nearly a century old , was given as the oldest brother cf the Philanthropic Lodge , and fche toast was replied to by his son , Bro . Charles Powell , who assured the lodge that his father , though advanced in years , manifested great interest in the cause of Masonry . —Bros . Bolt , of Newport , ancl Burvill , of Hereford , sang several songs in capital style , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DOXCASTEE . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 29 S ) . —The brethren held their usual monthly meeting in the Town Hall , on Friday , the 25 th July . In the absence of the W . M . the chair was taken by Bro . J . Kisby , who on being called away by professional cluty , resigned it to Bro . Geo . Brooke , by whom the business of the evening was terminated . During the evening Bro . Fisher , who has left Leeds to reside in this town , was elected a joining
member , and Bros . Cooper and Geo . May were raised to tho sublime degree . It was stated that the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire have accepted the invitation of Bro . Smith , the W . M ., and will assemble at Doncaster on the 1 st October next . This seemed to give satisfaction to the brethren present , and there is no doubt that the Provincial Grand Lodge will ( as is usual on all such occasions in this town ) , be received with a hearty welcome , and the fraternal regards of tho brethren of St . George's Lodge .
SOUTH AUSTRALIA . The second annual Grand Masonic Ball , under the auspices of the Prov . G . M . of the Irish Constitution , Bro . H . Bagot , M . P ., was held afc tlie Adelaide Assembly Rooms , South Australia , on Thursday , May 8 th , 1 SG 2 , and was altogether the most brilliant affair that has ever yet taken place in the province . There were about 300 presentnumbering amongst them the Prov . G . M . H .
, , Bagot , M . JA ..- His Excellency Sir Dominic Daly , Governor-in-Chief , and the ladies of his family ; the Chief Justice ; Mr . Justice Gwynne ; the Attorney-General ; the Crown Solicitor ; the Colonial Surgeon ; the Mayor of Adelaide ; the Speaker ; the Registrar-General ; W . Fiveash , E . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; , T . C . McCunder , Prov . G . S . W ., I . C ; J . P . Boucaut , If . ? , Prov . G . Sec , I . C , with their ladies , and numerous others of the elite
of the province . The room , acknowledged to be tho very finest ball room in all the Australias , was decorated in an unusuall y splendid manner ivith flags , evergreens , mirrors , fountains , statuary , pictures , and Masonic emblems , from the M . M . to some of the highest of the Templar degrees , and looked altogether like fairy-land , not easily to be forgotten . We ought not to have omitted that amongst the evergreens were several huge
banana trees from the garden of Bro . E . E . Ton-ens , which greatly added to the effect . His Excellency , who was highly gratified , stayed till three o'clock , and said he did not think such a ball could have been got up out of England . At supper tlie R . W . the Prov . G . M ., proposed the "Queen and the Craft , " and afterwards the " Health of His Excellency , "
the only non-Mason present , and tho Masonic reception given to those toasts ( the only ones proposed ) , greatly astonished and amused the ladies . Dancing- was kept up till five o'clock , when the National Anthem was played , the company separating , greatly regretting that so splendid a ball was so soon at an end . On the Monday following , the Stewards of the ball patronised a musical and literary soiree in aid of the benevolent fund of the I . Cthe decorations of the ball remainingwhich attracted
, , a numerous assemblage , and also proved a great success . The brethren of the I . C . have taken a high stand in Masonry in South Australia , and have set an example in their working and general management ivhich the other constitutions in the province might nofc disadvantageously follow .
CANADA . GHASD LODGE . —ANNUAL Corait-jncATiox ' . The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge' of Canada was commenced in the Town Hall , St . Catherines , on Wednesday , the 9 th of June . The following Grand Officers were present : —M . W . Bros . T . D . Harrington , G . M . ; B . W . W . B . Simpson , D . G . M , ; William McGhie , as G . S . W . ; John H . Noel , as G . J . W . ; Rev . Vincent
Clementi , Grand Chap .: Henry Croft , G . Treas . ; D . Curtis , G . Reg . ; T . B . Harris , G . Sec .: James M . Rogerson , G . S . D . ; Isaac P . Wilson , as G .. T . D . ; Hon . Robert Spencc , as G . S . of P . ; Alfio DeGrassi , as G . Dir . of Cers . ; H . V . Sanders , as G . S . B . ; S . Blondheim , G . P . ; James Seymour , G . O . ; James Higman , G . Tyler ; George Masson , D . Dist . G . M ., London District ; JEmelias Irving , D . Dist . G . M ., Huron District ; William Fitch , D . Dist , G . M ., Hamilton District ; W . G . Storm ,
D . Dist . G . M ,, Toronto District ; W . H . Weller , D . Dist . G . M ., Ontario District ; A . A . Campbell , D . Dist . G . M ., Prince Edward District ; G . F . LaScrre , D . Dist . G . M ., Central District ; A . A . Stevenson , D . Dist . G . M ., Montreal District . After the disposal of some routine business , the lodge adjourned till eight o'clock in the evening , out of respect to the memory of the late Hon . W . H . Merritt , iKi . C On resuming , the GBAXD MASTEE ( M . W . Bro . T . D .
Harrington ) delivered the following Address to tlie M . W . the Grand Lodge of Canada : Brethren , —Once again we are permitted by the Great Architect of the Universe to assemble together . Another year has followed its predecessors , and we are still the recipients of His mercies ancl blessings—still suffered to exchange the friendly grasp—to mingle in social intercourse , and see each other ' s old familiar faces . The fiat was not issued to call us away , and ifc behoves each and all of us to be thankful and watchful , for the
future is a sealed hook , ancl not one can ever guess how suddenly the dread summons that cannot be evaded may reach him . I am led to address you thus seriously , and to warn you , in the beautiful language of Freemasonry , " to perforin your allotted tasks while it is yet day , " because , though we are here , death has been reaping his annual harvest , and many honoured ancl valued members of the human family have departed , leaving behind them only their memory ancl virtues . Hihborn ancl
g lowly , poor and ivealty , from each and all the last penalty will inevitably be exacted , and we cau only call tho present fleeting moments our own . Our Most Gracious Sovereign—our Queon—our widowed Queen—is even now bowed hy natural grief for the death of her nearest ancl dearest friend , her husband , —one for whose untimely loss the entire empire unites in mourning—one whose
domestic and public virtues had endeared him as well to every British subject as to all who had the privilege or honour of knowing him , or became in any way subject to his kind , amiable and benignant influence . We have tlie affecting declaration of our sorrowing Queen that none knew how thoroughly good was the illustrious prince the nation has lost . But her subjects , while grieving with , have increased cause to love her , who ,
forgetful of her own sorrow , even at the time when it must have been most poignant , identified herself with the widows of those humble , hard-working miners , who had been cut off by a terrible visitation , ' and , in her own misery , remembered ancl ancl soothed theirs . Daughter ancl niece of Masons ! well may the Fraternity be proud of her affinity to them , and gloriously does she , our loved and Sovereign Ladyadd refulgence to our
, Order , one of whose grand principles is , " relief" to suffering fellow creatures ! Soon ivill another of her children leave her protection , but with her full and free approval , one of those children of whom we are all so proud , and who cannot fail to carry about with them the impress of tho womanly virtues of