Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Huron—Dutton , of Stratford ; Ontario—Eidout , of Cobourg Central—Henderson , of Kingston , Montreal ; Wilson—Matheson ' of Simcoe ; Hamilton—Fitch , of Grimsby ; Eastern Townships—Moorehonse . of St . John ' s ; Quebec—Pope , of Quebec ; London—Masson , of Sarnia ; Prince Edward—Not chosen .
BBANTFORD . ( From the Branlford Courier of June 2 Sth . ) It if- gratifying to us and to all true admirers of the ancient ^ Jd . time-honoured institution of Masonry , to be able to hear f illing testimony to the rapid progrees ancl wide-spread in" uence of this noble association of thefree and accepted througho ut the world . Canada now boasts a long of some of the
array most respectable , peace-loving , and order-seeking of its inhabitants firmly united together by that mystic tie " whicli softens the amenities of life by the sincerity of the brotherly love itinculcates , A humanising bond whose prominent characteristics are to ameliorate poverty by ihe seasonaWeness of its beneficence ; to humble arrogance by the austerity of its teaching ; to diffuse happiness by the purity of its precepts ; to foster science ,
religion , and morality by the wisdom of its ordinances ; and in a word to render all those virtues ivhich adorn and enoble mankind tho true standards of Masonic excellence . No wonder , then , that an institution based upon so solid a foundation should outlive nationalities and witness the fall of dynasties and the crush of great empires . There is not in th ' o wide world a locality where prosperity rei and where intelli and
gns , gence subordination pervade the masses , bufc there als 3 Freemasonry is co-existent—shedding around it the benign influence of its character , and perpetuating happiness wherficver ifc gains a foothold . And Brantford is no exception to this rule ; for we , at present , see in successful operation two lodges of Freemasons —Brunt ancl Doric ; and one chapter of Eoyal Arch Masonsthe Mount Horeb Chapter . These arc by no moans antagonistic
to one another . The anniversary of St . John the Baptist is a day sacred to Masons ; ancl accordingly the brethren of Brant Lodge celebrated that event on Tuesday last , tile 21-th insfc ., on which occasion Bro . John Taylor , of the firm of Taylor and Grant , was duly installed W . M . of Brant Lodge ( No . 4-5 ) for the ensuing year . After the installation ceremony was completed , Bro . AV . M . Taylor , in his new capacity of Master , invested the
following officers with the bailees of their several offices-. —Bros . David Curtis , jun ., P , M . ; G . ^ Lauterbach , S . W . ; J . W . Lothbridge , S . W . ¦ J . Bishop , See . ; D . McKay , Treas . ; A . Howie , S . D . ; J . Burnley , J . D . ; L . E , Smith , I . G . ; A . Korhy , M . C . ; P . Mudge , Org . ; W . Morgan , and G . AVilson , Stewards . The following Committees were also appointed : —Charit y—¦ Bros . Curtis , Gardhain , and Smith . Finance—Bros . Lindlcy , Lethbridgeand Davis . Committee on General
Purposes—, Bros . Jenkins , Much , and McMahon . These ceremonies being performed in accordance with the visual ritual , the next duty in the programme of the evening was the presentation of a Past Master's jewel to E . W . Bro . David Curtis , jun ., who occupied the chair of W . M . for the previous three years . The jewel is composed of solid gold , and valued at 79 dollars—a costly present , the contributing for
ivhich was alike creditable to tho brethren whose appreciation of the services of AV . M . Curtis was so significantly marked , and to him who was capable of inspiring that appreciation . Bro . W . M . Taylor presented the jewel ivith an appropriate address , to which Bro . CrirfiS replied , and said : —Worshipful Sir and Brother , —This new and substantial token of your fraternal kindness and esteem awakens in my breast emotion which language is inadequate to por . rfcray . Lot me requestin return
, , that you will accept my most heartfc-lt thanks for this beautiful and costly jewel , which I shall wear as an agreeable memento of the many seasons oi'iniellec-tual enjoyment I have had whilst engaged with yon in our researches after wisdom and truth . You have been pleased to mention my instrumentality in effecting certain desirable changes in your lodge during the past three years . AV'ith regard to this , I must say that -although I , this eveninglook with pride to the present happy and prosperous
, condition of this lodge , as compared with what it was at the commencement of the above named period , I cannot , however , arrogate to myself the honour your kindness of heart would bestow . I must certainly say that the whole honour is due to you , my brethren , who have so nobly and generously sustained me in the performance ol the duties devolving upon me as Master
of your lodge , without which assistance ancl co-operation my most strenuous efforts would have proved of little avail . In conclusion , I beg to intimate that , although I retire from the high position to which your confidence elevated -me , I shall ever retain a grateful remembrance of you , not only for the magnificent present made me this evening , bufc also for the many pleasures enjoyed by me whilst in my intercourse with you as members of Brant Loclge . I shall never cease to uso all my
endeavours to consummate the good and welfare not only of the lodge to which we in common belong , but also to exercise tho limited powers at my disposal for the prosperity of Masonry in general . This interesting ceremony being completed , the brethren soon after adjourned to Bro . George Lauterbach ' s saloon , where a magnificent supper awaited them . Due attention being given to the viands and other good things there
provided at great expense for their use , they showed their gratitude to the worthy host by proving that their organs of destructiveness was a little bit increased in their powers of destruction by the exciting nature of the evening's work . "And then to the song ancl the laugh was the night devoted , to gladness and social delight , " interspersed with toasts and speeches , which chastened for awhile the noisy deliht ivhich rang through
g the joy of the festival night . Bro . Mudge presided at the piano , and contributed hot a little to the hilarity of the evening hy the effectiveness with which ho rendered the Masonic songs sung on the occasion . Ho was ably assisted by Bros . Tutt , Smith , and Lauterbach .
COXSTAKTINOPLE . —St . John ' s Day was celebrated in Constantinople in a memorable manner . The brethren of the city and visitors assembled in the Palace of the English Embassy at Pera , where the District Grand Loclge had been convened . The state ball room lately occupied by tho Prince of AVales was fitted up as a Masonic Lodgo , the adjoining apartments being used as refreshment ancl robing rooms , and the banquet room being devoted to the luncheonThe was presided
. ceremony over by the A . AV . Bro . Hyde Clarke of Smyrna , the Dep . Prov . G . M . of Turkey , who opened the District Grand Loclge , the officers of which appeared in their new and splendid clothing . Tho Oriental Lodge ( No . 9 SS ) , mustered strong , No . 1121 and 1193 ancl the French lodge , were well represented , and there was a largo body of visitors from all parts of the world , though , on account of the of public affairsthe Persian ambassador
pressure , , H . H . the grandson of the Shah , the American Minister , H . H . the Grand A'izier , and other personages , were absent . The RW . and E . Hon . Bro . his excellency Sir H . L . Bulwer , Prov . G . M . of Turkey , entered , attended by AV . Bro . Aznavcur , Prov . G . D . C , as his Godfather , and was installed with accustomed ceremony . After receiving homage the Prov . Grand Master adjourned the District Grand Lodge from labour to refreshment , and invited
the brethren to the banquet room . Hero the D . Prov . G . M . proposed " health ancl success to the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , " and thanked him for his magnificent hospitality , and his excellency , in acknowledging tho toast , proposed "the health of Bro . Hyde Clarke , " to whom he ancl thoy were so much indebted , and particularly that day , for the realisation of aProv . Grand Loclge of Turkey . Labour being resumed , the consecration of the Bulwer
Lodge ( No . 1193 ) was proceeded with by the Prov . G . Master and his deputy , ancl Bro . the Hon . George Porter Brown , Sec . to the United " States Legation , duly installed into the chair of K . S . as W . Jl . of the new lodge . This chiefly consists of manof tlie diplomatic and consular body . The District Grand Lodge being resumed , Bro . George Levine was unanimously elected Prov Grand Treasurer . This occasion constitutes an epoch in the history of Freemasonry in Turkey .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The following is the Report of tho Committee of General Purposes , to be presented afc the Convocation on 'Wednesday , the Cth inst .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Huron—Dutton , of Stratford ; Ontario—Eidout , of Cobourg Central—Henderson , of Kingston , Montreal ; Wilson—Matheson ' of Simcoe ; Hamilton—Fitch , of Grimsby ; Eastern Townships—Moorehonse . of St . John ' s ; Quebec—Pope , of Quebec ; London—Masson , of Sarnia ; Prince Edward—Not chosen .
BBANTFORD . ( From the Branlford Courier of June 2 Sth . ) It if- gratifying to us and to all true admirers of the ancient ^ Jd . time-honoured institution of Masonry , to be able to hear f illing testimony to the rapid progrees ancl wide-spread in" uence of this noble association of thefree and accepted througho ut the world . Canada now boasts a long of some of the
array most respectable , peace-loving , and order-seeking of its inhabitants firmly united together by that mystic tie " whicli softens the amenities of life by the sincerity of the brotherly love itinculcates , A humanising bond whose prominent characteristics are to ameliorate poverty by ihe seasonaWeness of its beneficence ; to humble arrogance by the austerity of its teaching ; to diffuse happiness by the purity of its precepts ; to foster science ,
religion , and morality by the wisdom of its ordinances ; and in a word to render all those virtues ivhich adorn and enoble mankind tho true standards of Masonic excellence . No wonder , then , that an institution based upon so solid a foundation should outlive nationalities and witness the fall of dynasties and the crush of great empires . There is not in th ' o wide world a locality where prosperity rei and where intelli and
gns , gence subordination pervade the masses , bufc there als 3 Freemasonry is co-existent—shedding around it the benign influence of its character , and perpetuating happiness wherficver ifc gains a foothold . And Brantford is no exception to this rule ; for we , at present , see in successful operation two lodges of Freemasons —Brunt ancl Doric ; and one chapter of Eoyal Arch Masonsthe Mount Horeb Chapter . These arc by no moans antagonistic
to one another . The anniversary of St . John the Baptist is a day sacred to Masons ; ancl accordingly the brethren of Brant Lodge celebrated that event on Tuesday last , tile 21-th insfc ., on which occasion Bro . John Taylor , of the firm of Taylor and Grant , was duly installed W . M . of Brant Lodge ( No . 4-5 ) for the ensuing year . After the installation ceremony was completed , Bro . AV . M . Taylor , in his new capacity of Master , invested the
following officers with the bailees of their several offices-. —Bros . David Curtis , jun ., P , M . ; G . ^ Lauterbach , S . W . ; J . W . Lothbridge , S . W . ¦ J . Bishop , See . ; D . McKay , Treas . ; A . Howie , S . D . ; J . Burnley , J . D . ; L . E , Smith , I . G . ; A . Korhy , M . C . ; P . Mudge , Org . ; W . Morgan , and G . AVilson , Stewards . The following Committees were also appointed : —Charit y—¦ Bros . Curtis , Gardhain , and Smith . Finance—Bros . Lindlcy , Lethbridgeand Davis . Committee on General
Purposes—, Bros . Jenkins , Much , and McMahon . These ceremonies being performed in accordance with the visual ritual , the next duty in the programme of the evening was the presentation of a Past Master's jewel to E . W . Bro . David Curtis , jun ., who occupied the chair of W . M . for the previous three years . The jewel is composed of solid gold , and valued at 79 dollars—a costly present , the contributing for
ivhich was alike creditable to tho brethren whose appreciation of the services of AV . M . Curtis was so significantly marked , and to him who was capable of inspiring that appreciation . Bro . W . M . Taylor presented the jewel ivith an appropriate address , to which Bro . CrirfiS replied , and said : —Worshipful Sir and Brother , —This new and substantial token of your fraternal kindness and esteem awakens in my breast emotion which language is inadequate to por . rfcray . Lot me requestin return
, , that you will accept my most heartfc-lt thanks for this beautiful and costly jewel , which I shall wear as an agreeable memento of the many seasons oi'iniellec-tual enjoyment I have had whilst engaged with yon in our researches after wisdom and truth . You have been pleased to mention my instrumentality in effecting certain desirable changes in your lodge during the past three years . AV'ith regard to this , I must say that -although I , this eveninglook with pride to the present happy and prosperous
, condition of this lodge , as compared with what it was at the commencement of the above named period , I cannot , however , arrogate to myself the honour your kindness of heart would bestow . I must certainly say that the whole honour is due to you , my brethren , who have so nobly and generously sustained me in the performance ol the duties devolving upon me as Master
of your lodge , without which assistance ancl co-operation my most strenuous efforts would have proved of little avail . In conclusion , I beg to intimate that , although I retire from the high position to which your confidence elevated -me , I shall ever retain a grateful remembrance of you , not only for the magnificent present made me this evening , bufc also for the many pleasures enjoyed by me whilst in my intercourse with you as members of Brant Loclge . I shall never cease to uso all my
endeavours to consummate the good and welfare not only of the lodge to which we in common belong , but also to exercise tho limited powers at my disposal for the prosperity of Masonry in general . This interesting ceremony being completed , the brethren soon after adjourned to Bro . George Lauterbach ' s saloon , where a magnificent supper awaited them . Due attention being given to the viands and other good things there
provided at great expense for their use , they showed their gratitude to the worthy host by proving that their organs of destructiveness was a little bit increased in their powers of destruction by the exciting nature of the evening's work . "And then to the song ancl the laugh was the night devoted , to gladness and social delight , " interspersed with toasts and speeches , which chastened for awhile the noisy deliht ivhich rang through
g the joy of the festival night . Bro . Mudge presided at the piano , and contributed hot a little to the hilarity of the evening hy the effectiveness with which ho rendered the Masonic songs sung on the occasion . Ho was ably assisted by Bros . Tutt , Smith , and Lauterbach .
COXSTAKTINOPLE . —St . John ' s Day was celebrated in Constantinople in a memorable manner . The brethren of the city and visitors assembled in the Palace of the English Embassy at Pera , where the District Grand Loclge had been convened . The state ball room lately occupied by tho Prince of AVales was fitted up as a Masonic Lodgo , the adjoining apartments being used as refreshment ancl robing rooms , and the banquet room being devoted to the luncheonThe was presided
. ceremony over by the A . AV . Bro . Hyde Clarke of Smyrna , the Dep . Prov . G . M . of Turkey , who opened the District Grand Loclge , the officers of which appeared in their new and splendid clothing . Tho Oriental Lodge ( No . 9 SS ) , mustered strong , No . 1121 and 1193 ancl the French lodge , were well represented , and there was a largo body of visitors from all parts of the world , though , on account of the of public affairsthe Persian ambassador
pressure , , H . H . the grandson of the Shah , the American Minister , H . H . the Grand A'izier , and other personages , were absent . The RW . and E . Hon . Bro . his excellency Sir H . L . Bulwer , Prov . G . M . of Turkey , entered , attended by AV . Bro . Aznavcur , Prov . G . D . C , as his Godfather , and was installed with accustomed ceremony . After receiving homage the Prov . Grand Master adjourned the District Grand Lodge from labour to refreshment , and invited
the brethren to the banquet room . Hero the D . Prov . G . M . proposed " health ancl success to the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , " and thanked him for his magnificent hospitality , and his excellency , in acknowledging tho toast , proposed "the health of Bro . Hyde Clarke , " to whom he ancl thoy were so much indebted , and particularly that day , for the realisation of aProv . Grand Loclge of Turkey . Labour being resumed , the consecration of the Bulwer
Lodge ( No . 1193 ) was proceeded with by the Prov . G . Master and his deputy , ancl Bro . the Hon . George Porter Brown , Sec . to the United " States Legation , duly installed into the chair of K . S . as W . Jl . of the new lodge . This chiefly consists of manof tlie diplomatic and consular body . The District Grand Lodge being resumed , Bro . George Levine was unanimously elected Prov Grand Treasurer . This occasion constitutes an epoch in the history of Freemasonry in Turkey .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The following is the Report of tho Committee of General Purposes , to be presented afc the Convocation on 'Wednesday , the Cth inst .