Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 4 →
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Royal Arch.
To THE SUPREME GEAND CHAPTEE or BOTAE AECH MASONS OP ENGLAND . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th of April to the 16 th of July , 1 SG 2 , which they find to be as follows -. — Balance 16 th of April 1862 £ 276 18 2
, , Subsequent Eeceipts 161 4 2 £ -138 2 4 Disbursements 97 9 9 Leaving a Balance of £ 3-10 12 7
AVhich balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival and Co ., hankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee beg also to report that a vacancy has occurred amongst the trustees of the funded property of the Supreme Grand Chapter , by the decease of the late Eai-1 of Yarborough ; and they recommend that the M . E . Companion the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Second Grand Principal , be appointed in bis
place . 'The Committee beg likewise to report , that a letter has been received from the Grand Scribe E . of the Grand Chapter of Canada , having reference to the granting of a charter , by the Supreme Grand Chapter , for a Chapter to oe attached to the Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 835 ) , Ottawa , Canada AVest , expressing regret that the Grand Chapter had determined to support this Chapter ; designating it as an irregularly formed Chapter ; and
stating that tbe Grand Chapter of Canada will declare the said Chapter clandestine unless the charter is withdrawn . The Committee are of opinion that , inasmuch as the subject was duly considered by the Grand Chapter and the principle avowed , after due deliberation , that the charter could be legally issued ancl ought to be granted , they as a Committee , have now no power of action , ancl can only report to tho Grand Chapter ihafc the question of right has been again raised by tho Grand Chapter of Canada .
The Committee have further to report , that they have received a memorial signed by the Principals ancl Past Principals of some ofthe Chapters inA ictoria , setting forth that difference of opinion exists respecting the construction to be put upon Art . 7 , page 15 , of the General Eegulations , and more especially as to the particular expression , "the Actual Master or Past Master of a Craft Lodge , " ifc not being clearly defined whether the term "Craft Lodge" applies only to lodges under the
Grand Loclge of England , or whether it comprises lodges under the Scotch ancl Irish constitutions ; and consequently , whether a brother who has been elected and installed Master of a lodge under such circumstances has or has not attained one of the qualifications required for election to the Principal ' s chair : and in the event of it being decided that lodges under the English constitution alono are referred to , the memorialists pray that the Grand Chapter will a Supplementary Eegulationde
pass , - claring that for the purpose of Eoyal Arch Masonry in A ictoria all lodges in that province , whether holding under the Grand Lodge of England , tho Grand Lodge of Scotland , or the Grand Loclge of Ireland , shall be regarded as on an equal footing ; or else , that some remedy against the present inconvenience may be provided . The Committee have maturely considered all the arguments
adduced by the memorialists , and feeling that great doubts may exist as to the construction of the said Article 7 , at page 15 of the Eegulations—especially when taken in connection with Article 20 , and tho recognition of the Irish and Scotch constitutions whicli results from the prevalent practice of exalting , ia English Chapters , Brethren " who have only attained the qualification ( prescribed by that Eegulation ) through the medium of the Irish or Scotch lodges , —they desire to bring the question before the Grand Chapter in order that some decision may be pronounced thereon , and some definite instructions given to the memorialists .
The Committee have also to report , that they have received a petition from Comps . John Buckley as Z , John Fitzowen Macgrenuan as H , Edward James Simpson as J , ancl six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Morning Star Lodge ( No . 810 ) , Lucknow , East Indies , to be called " the "Ramsay Chapter , " and to meet at Lucknow on the first Monday of every month . The petition being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted .
Royal Arch.
They have likewise received a petition from Comps . George Bolton as Z , David Eoss Farmer as II , John Hollins as J , and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Temperance ( No . 198 ) , meeting at Eotherhithe , to be called the "Chapter of Temperance , " to meet afc the Plough Tavern , Eotherhithe , on the first Tuesday of every month . The petition is also regular , and there being no other Chapter in the neighbourhood , the Committee recommend that . the
prayer thereof be granted . They have also received a petition from the Principals and other member of the Silurian Chapter ( No . 693 ) , Newport , Monmouthshire , praying for a charter of confirmation , the original charter being lost , and the Committee recommend that the prSiyer of the petitioners be granted . Tho Committee have finally to report that their attention has been drawn to the present regulation requiring the sum
of 15 s . to be paid for registration and certificate on exaltation , and they recommend that in the case of a companion regularly exalted by dispensation to act as a serving companion of a private Chapter , the charge for a certificate—in case he should require one—shall be fixed afc 7 s . Gd ., there being in such case no charge for his registration ; and that in any other case where a certificate is issued after a companion ' s registration fee has been paid , a like sum . of 7 s . Gd . shall be charged . ( Signed ) E . W . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons Sail , July 23 rd , 1862 .
INSTEUCITON . DOMATIC CITAPTEB ( NO . 206 . )—A special meeting was held on July 17 th , in consequence of the visit of Comp . Younghusband , of Liverpool , who was desirous of seeing the working of this Chapter of Instruction as , in his capacity of Preceptor of the Liverpool Chapter , he was anxious to promulgate among those requiring instruction in his province pure ancl unadulterated working . Present : Comp . Dr . Ladd , D . C . Supreme Grand
Chapter , ancl Z . No . 223 , Preceptor , acting as Z . ; Comps .. Garrod , as H . ; AVebb , J . ; Murr , P . S . ; also Stuart , Nunn , etc The ceremony was worked throughout , after which Comp . Ladd gave the lecture on the jewel and five Platonic bodies , and Comp . Garrod the illustrations of the banners and ensigns . The M . E . Z . congratulated the chapter upon the compliment paid to it by the eminent Companion Younghusband in selecting it as the source from whence ho intended to correctif
, necessary , any differences of working which might exist in his county , and stated that his visit to London was mainly with this object , ancl ifc must be clear to the companions that judging from the frequent intelligent observations and interrogatories , during the course of the ceremony that Comp . Younghusband was well grounded in the science and an ornament to his chapter . He , therefore , proposed that Comp . Younghusband be elected an honorary member of this chapter of Instruction
which was carried unanimously . Comp . Younghusband stated that he was taken by surprise at the compliment paid to him and quite unable to express his acknowledgment , but assured the companions that he thoroughly appreciated ifc and the kindness in calling a special meeting in his behalf , and was much gratified at witnessing the general working of the chapter and was glad to state that ifc did not materially differ from that
practised in Liverpool , where the name of Dr . Ladd was well known as Preceptor of this flourishing Chapter of Instruction .. He felt that in accepting the ' post of Preceptor in his province , it was his cluty to promulgate pure and correct working only , aud to enable him to judge what was right , ho thought he could not do better than come to the fountain-head , and thanked tlie companions of this chapter for their kindness .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Por . Tsiioum ROYAL NAVAL C ITAPTER OJT SOVEREIGN PRINCES OF ROSE CROIX . —BANQUET TO THE SUPBIME GBAND COUNCIL . For some time past it was known that the S . P . E . iff of the Eoyal Naval Chapter , afc Portsmouth , had invited the Supreme Grand Council to an entertainment there ; but , owing to some misconception of the day ( Friday , the 25 th ultimo ) , only the Most Puissant Sov . G . Com ., Dr . Leeson , ancl Lieutenant-Col . Clerk , 33 ° , were present , the meeting being held in the Phcoiux . Lodge Room , High Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
To THE SUPREME GEAND CHAPTEE or BOTAE AECH MASONS OP ENGLAND . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th of April to the 16 th of July , 1 SG 2 , which they find to be as follows -. — Balance 16 th of April 1862 £ 276 18 2
, , Subsequent Eeceipts 161 4 2 £ -138 2 4 Disbursements 97 9 9 Leaving a Balance of £ 3-10 12 7
AVhich balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival and Co ., hankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee beg also to report that a vacancy has occurred amongst the trustees of the funded property of the Supreme Grand Chapter , by the decease of the late Eai-1 of Yarborough ; and they recommend that the M . E . Companion the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Second Grand Principal , be appointed in bis
place . 'The Committee beg likewise to report , that a letter has been received from the Grand Scribe E . of the Grand Chapter of Canada , having reference to the granting of a charter , by the Supreme Grand Chapter , for a Chapter to oe attached to the Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 835 ) , Ottawa , Canada AVest , expressing regret that the Grand Chapter had determined to support this Chapter ; designating it as an irregularly formed Chapter ; and
stating that tbe Grand Chapter of Canada will declare the said Chapter clandestine unless the charter is withdrawn . The Committee are of opinion that , inasmuch as the subject was duly considered by the Grand Chapter and the principle avowed , after due deliberation , that the charter could be legally issued ancl ought to be granted , they as a Committee , have now no power of action , ancl can only report to tho Grand Chapter ihafc the question of right has been again raised by tho Grand Chapter of Canada .
The Committee have further to report , that they have received a memorial signed by the Principals ancl Past Principals of some ofthe Chapters inA ictoria , setting forth that difference of opinion exists respecting the construction to be put upon Art . 7 , page 15 , of the General Eegulations , and more especially as to the particular expression , "the Actual Master or Past Master of a Craft Lodge , " ifc not being clearly defined whether the term "Craft Lodge" applies only to lodges under the
Grand Loclge of England , or whether it comprises lodges under the Scotch ancl Irish constitutions ; and consequently , whether a brother who has been elected and installed Master of a lodge under such circumstances has or has not attained one of the qualifications required for election to the Principal ' s chair : and in the event of it being decided that lodges under the English constitution alono are referred to , the memorialists pray that the Grand Chapter will a Supplementary Eegulationde
pass , - claring that for the purpose of Eoyal Arch Masonry in A ictoria all lodges in that province , whether holding under the Grand Lodge of England , tho Grand Lodge of Scotland , or the Grand Loclge of Ireland , shall be regarded as on an equal footing ; or else , that some remedy against the present inconvenience may be provided . The Committee have maturely considered all the arguments
adduced by the memorialists , and feeling that great doubts may exist as to the construction of the said Article 7 , at page 15 of the Eegulations—especially when taken in connection with Article 20 , and tho recognition of the Irish and Scotch constitutions whicli results from the prevalent practice of exalting , ia English Chapters , Brethren " who have only attained the qualification ( prescribed by that Eegulation ) through the medium of the Irish or Scotch lodges , —they desire to bring the question before the Grand Chapter in order that some decision may be pronounced thereon , and some definite instructions given to the memorialists .
The Committee have also to report , that they have received a petition from Comps . John Buckley as Z , John Fitzowen Macgrenuan as H , Edward James Simpson as J , ancl six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Morning Star Lodge ( No . 810 ) , Lucknow , East Indies , to be called " the "Ramsay Chapter , " and to meet at Lucknow on the first Monday of every month . The petition being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted .
Royal Arch.
They have likewise received a petition from Comps . George Bolton as Z , David Eoss Farmer as II , John Hollins as J , and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Temperance ( No . 198 ) , meeting at Eotherhithe , to be called the "Chapter of Temperance , " to meet afc the Plough Tavern , Eotherhithe , on the first Tuesday of every month . The petition is also regular , and there being no other Chapter in the neighbourhood , the Committee recommend that . the
prayer thereof be granted . They have also received a petition from the Principals and other member of the Silurian Chapter ( No . 693 ) , Newport , Monmouthshire , praying for a charter of confirmation , the original charter being lost , and the Committee recommend that the prSiyer of the petitioners be granted . Tho Committee have finally to report that their attention has been drawn to the present regulation requiring the sum
of 15 s . to be paid for registration and certificate on exaltation , and they recommend that in the case of a companion regularly exalted by dispensation to act as a serving companion of a private Chapter , the charge for a certificate—in case he should require one—shall be fixed afc 7 s . Gd ., there being in such case no charge for his registration ; and that in any other case where a certificate is issued after a companion ' s registration fee has been paid , a like sum . of 7 s . Gd . shall be charged . ( Signed ) E . W . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons Sail , July 23 rd , 1862 .
INSTEUCITON . DOMATIC CITAPTEB ( NO . 206 . )—A special meeting was held on July 17 th , in consequence of the visit of Comp . Younghusband , of Liverpool , who was desirous of seeing the working of this Chapter of Instruction as , in his capacity of Preceptor of the Liverpool Chapter , he was anxious to promulgate among those requiring instruction in his province pure ancl unadulterated working . Present : Comp . Dr . Ladd , D . C . Supreme Grand
Chapter , ancl Z . No . 223 , Preceptor , acting as Z . ; Comps .. Garrod , as H . ; AVebb , J . ; Murr , P . S . ; also Stuart , Nunn , etc The ceremony was worked throughout , after which Comp . Ladd gave the lecture on the jewel and five Platonic bodies , and Comp . Garrod the illustrations of the banners and ensigns . The M . E . Z . congratulated the chapter upon the compliment paid to it by the eminent Companion Younghusband in selecting it as the source from whence ho intended to correctif
, necessary , any differences of working which might exist in his county , and stated that his visit to London was mainly with this object , ancl ifc must be clear to the companions that judging from the frequent intelligent observations and interrogatories , during the course of the ceremony that Comp . Younghusband was well grounded in the science and an ornament to his chapter . He , therefore , proposed that Comp . Younghusband be elected an honorary member of this chapter of Instruction
which was carried unanimously . Comp . Younghusband stated that he was taken by surprise at the compliment paid to him and quite unable to express his acknowledgment , but assured the companions that he thoroughly appreciated ifc and the kindness in calling a special meeting in his behalf , and was much gratified at witnessing the general working of the chapter and was glad to state that ifc did not materially differ from that
practised in Liverpool , where the name of Dr . Ladd was well known as Preceptor of this flourishing Chapter of Instruction .. He felt that in accepting the ' post of Preceptor in his province , it was his cluty to promulgate pure and correct working only , aud to enable him to judge what was right , ho thought he could not do better than come to the fountain-head , and thanked tlie companions of this chapter for their kindness .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Por . Tsiioum ROYAL NAVAL C ITAPTER OJT SOVEREIGN PRINCES OF ROSE CROIX . —BANQUET TO THE SUPBIME GBAND COUNCIL . For some time past it was known that the S . P . E . iff of the Eoyal Naval Chapter , afc Portsmouth , had invited the Supreme Grand Council to an entertainment there ; but , owing to some misconception of the day ( Friday , the 25 th ultimo ) , only the Most Puissant Sov . G . Com ., Dr . Leeson , ancl Lieutenant-Col . Clerk , 33 ° , were present , the meeting being held in the Phcoiux . Lodge Room , High Street .