Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
will allow me , I will furnish you ivith the facts of his initiation into our ancient Craft . I have noiv before me the old Lodge book of Lodge No . 494 , iu ivhich I see the autograph of this distinguished Irish brother . It was iu this Lodge he was initiated when Colonel of the 33 rd Foot . The wan-ant was at that time held in Castle Dangan , County Neath , ancl Lord Moi-nington , his grace ' s father , presided 011 the occasion as Worshipful Master . I find that the following brethren ( a goodly array of eminent names ) were present , whose autograph signatures are in the
hook , viz ., Sir J . Somerville , Sir Benjamin Chapman , Ham Gorges , Delvin , Earl of Westmeath , Hubert Uniacke , Richard Boyle , John Pomeroy , William Forster , George Loivther , Lord Moniiugton , the Marquis of Wellesley , 1 <\ North , Karl of Guildford , Hubert Percival , Robert Waller , Richard Lesley , and the hero signed as A . Wesley . Iu the same book is to be found the signature of Lord Moi-uington the elder , his grace ' s grandfather , and many other names embalmed in historical memories . This warrant is HOAV worked under in Dublin . ' —
Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . " [ The-communication of Bro . Hyde Clarke , above referred to , originally appeared in the Freemasons ' ' Magazine , aud ivas copied into the London Journal AA'ithout acknowledgment—our contemporary frequently making use of our Notes and Queries in the same manner . ]
WESTMINSTER AND KEV STONE LODGE . What was the original number of the Westminster and Key Stone Lodge ?— -J . II . J . —[ Originally , at the date of the Avarrant , it was No . 7 . In 1740 , it became No . G ; in 175 G , No . 5 . Its first name was the Tyrean , which , in 1792 , was changed to the Westminster ancl Key Stone . At the union , in 1813 , it became No . 10 on the registry of Grand Lodge . ]
THE WASHINGTON' BIBLE . Is it true , that the Bible on which Washington was obligated is in England ?—NEW YORK . —[ The Lodge , No . 227 , held in Her Majesty's 40 th Foot , was in possession of the above Bible . For a detailed account respecting it , see the Rev . Dr . Margoliouth ' s Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry . " ] KNIGHTS HOSPITALLERS AND KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR .
Were these tAvo Orders founded at the same time , or which takes precedence in antiquity?—MILITES . — - [ When Bernard , the monk , visited Palestine , he found the Hospitallers established , in the valley of Jehosophat , in the year 870 . The Knights Templar were established in 1120 . ] X . A . V . —SCRIPTURAL PASSAGES . I would refer this correspondent to Dr . Oliver's " Book of the
Lodge , " in which ( not having it by me just noiv ) I think he ivill find what he wishes to knoiv . I would further refer him , and you too , Mr . Editor , to the twentieth chapter of the first book of Kings , ancl especially to the concluding portion thereof . Perhaps you will give your opinion in your next number as to whether this part ofthe Bible has or has not some reference to Masonry . — Y . A . X .
MUST GRAND MASTER OF IRELAND . Who was the First Grand Master of Ireland?—HIHERNICUS . — [ In Bro . Entiek ' s edition of Anderson ' s Boob of Constitutions , 4 to ., Loud ., 17 G 7 , p . 123 , under " Masonry in Ireland , " it is thus stated : "At last the Antient Fraternity ofthe Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland , being duly assembled' in Grand Lodge at Dublin , chose a noble Grand Master , in imitation of their brethren
of England , in the third year of his present Majesty King George II ., A . D ., 1780 , even our noble brother James King , Lord Viscount Kingston , the very next year after his lordship had , with great reputation , been the Grand Master of England , AVIIO has introduced the same constitutions and ancient usages which are recorded in this book . " ] DR . ASHE .
In Dr . Ashe's work , The Masonic Manual , published in 1825 ) the author declares himself of " the sacred profession , " and concludes with " their truly obedient servant , friend , and brother , Jonathan Ashe , D . D ., M . M ., " the same being dated from Bristol in November , 1813 . —I should be obliged to any brother who would supply me with an account of Dr . Ashe's clerical preferments . —CLERICUS ANGLICAN . ! -:.
MASONIC MEDALS . Occasionall y there are displayed , particularly by foreign brethren , some A'ery interesting medals which in their signification are totall y unknown to me ; will any brother kindly send a description ol those he may have seen ancl so place upon record what they are like and to the degrees they belong ? - —P . BOND . —[ We should be obliged to any of our correspondents if they will give us the result or their experience iu the above query , and at the same time we Mould ad , yise "P . Bond" to consult the Numotheca Ntimisnuttica
Lalonioru . nl , published at Dresden , in 1840-46 , by Ernst 2 acharias , in which there are numerous well executed engravings of the medals of almost every grade in Masonry . ] ' THE RITUAL . [ Again we must state that questions of this sort cannot be answered in these columns . —If you want to know so muchgo to
, a Lodge of Instruction , and there you will learn what you desire . For the future all improper queries shall lie consigned to the flames , and the writers remain unanswered . If the inquirer who asks about " The Ritual , " in the present instance , had sent his name and address , we should have remonstrated with him , if found to be a brother , by letter ; but we are too old to be caught napping by an anonymous querist . ]
HATH LODGES . Iii reply to " T . B . A ., " who asks if the number ofthe Lodge I was inquiring for in December is correct , I am sorry to say that I have mislaid the reference , but , if it is not troubling my brother too far , perhaps he will furnish the information respecting No . 246 . —A .
OLD WARRANTS . Will the Secretary of any of the early Lodges on the register tell me what the old warrant of his Lodge empowers it to hold ? I have been informed that in some ofthe old warrants the right of holding Chapters and Encampments are conceded ; if this be correct , it is important to be known , ancl is so easily tested , that it is hoped the few " minutes occupied in looking over such a warrant would not be considered unprofitably spent by the Secretary of a Lodge when its object is to inform—A BROTHER .
SALE OF MASONIC DOCUMENTS IN PARIS . The following was yesterday put into my hands : —Catalogue d ' une preciciise Collection de Hires Ancieiis Mxuniscrits et Imprimis de Documents Originaux , S ,-c , sur tes Francs-Macous , la Rose Croix , le Mesmcrisme , la M ' agie , I'Alchemic , les Sciences Occultes , les Progihetes , les Miracles , < $ •<; ., which appear to have been the property , and were the Archives Gr . du Hit . Fcoss . Phque . and were
, submitted to public auction on the 23 rd of February last , in a sale extending OA'cr six days . Skimming over the catalogue , I saw several very important ivorks , both MS . and printed , and thought that our Grand Lodge library would have been benefited by the addition of some of them . Can you inform me if there was anyone present to secure some of these valuables for our collection ?—f * f .
HRO . THE 1 ! I-: V . JAMES WRIGHT . Bro . the Eev . James Wri ght , Minister of Maybole , delivered an address to the Mason bretliren of Scotland , at the church of St . Andrew , Edinburgh , on November 30 th , 178 G , which sermon and address , for the latter appears to have followed the former , ivas delivered before the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren all standing during the time it ivas spoken . What is known of the Minister of Maybole?—T . ALLEN .
MASONIC RELIEF TO A . PRISONER OF WAR . In the minutes ofthe proceedings ofthe Grand Lodge of May 5 th , 1757 , appears the folloiving entry : — " A letter to tho Grand Master elect , dated the 22 nd of April , from Brother If . Do Court , late commander of the French merchant ship , St . James , captured the 29 th of October last , by H . M . S . Windsor , and UOAV a prisoner of Avar , on his parole , at Lauuceston , in Cornwall , Avishing his lordshi
p could procure his liberty to return to Bourdeaux , and promising all good offices to brethren prisoners in France , and praying relief , Ai'as read , and spoke to ; when it being observed that no cartel ivas as yet settled ivith the French king , it might not be possible to relieve our brother otherwise than by money : Ordered , —that the Treasurer do pay twenty guineas to the order of Bro . William Pye , Esq ., Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , to he applied for the relief of Bro . De Court , in case , on enquiry , he shall find him Avorthy of assistance . " Was the brother found worthy , and the money applied to his use ?—E . A . L ., Devon .
FREEMASONS ANTHEM . In the prologue to a play , spoken at Exeter , January 7 th , 1771 , there are some lines , ivhich I quote , said to be closel y imitated from the Freemasons' beautiful and well known anthem : — " There faithful friendship smiles in every face . The Lodge the social virtues fondl y love ; There wisdomrules trace
' s Ave , and so improve . * * * * , Whilst sceptred reason , from her steady throne , Well pleased surveys us all , and makes us one . ' What anthem is meant ?— -C , C . P .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
will allow me , I will furnish you ivith the facts of his initiation into our ancient Craft . I have noiv before me the old Lodge book of Lodge No . 494 , iu ivhich I see the autograph of this distinguished Irish brother . It was iu this Lodge he was initiated when Colonel of the 33 rd Foot . The wan-ant was at that time held in Castle Dangan , County Neath , ancl Lord Moi-nington , his grace ' s father , presided 011 the occasion as Worshipful Master . I find that the following brethren ( a goodly array of eminent names ) were present , whose autograph signatures are in the
hook , viz ., Sir J . Somerville , Sir Benjamin Chapman , Ham Gorges , Delvin , Earl of Westmeath , Hubert Uniacke , Richard Boyle , John Pomeroy , William Forster , George Loivther , Lord Moniiugton , the Marquis of Wellesley , 1 <\ North , Karl of Guildford , Hubert Percival , Robert Waller , Richard Lesley , and the hero signed as A . Wesley . Iu the same book is to be found the signature of Lord Moi-uington the elder , his grace ' s grandfather , and many other names embalmed in historical memories . This warrant is HOAV worked under in Dublin . ' —
Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . " [ The-communication of Bro . Hyde Clarke , above referred to , originally appeared in the Freemasons ' ' Magazine , aud ivas copied into the London Journal AA'ithout acknowledgment—our contemporary frequently making use of our Notes and Queries in the same manner . ]
WESTMINSTER AND KEV STONE LODGE . What was the original number of the Westminster and Key Stone Lodge ?— -J . II . J . —[ Originally , at the date of the Avarrant , it was No . 7 . In 1740 , it became No . G ; in 175 G , No . 5 . Its first name was the Tyrean , which , in 1792 , was changed to the Westminster ancl Key Stone . At the union , in 1813 , it became No . 10 on the registry of Grand Lodge . ]
THE WASHINGTON' BIBLE . Is it true , that the Bible on which Washington was obligated is in England ?—NEW YORK . —[ The Lodge , No . 227 , held in Her Majesty's 40 th Foot , was in possession of the above Bible . For a detailed account respecting it , see the Rev . Dr . Margoliouth ' s Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry . " ] KNIGHTS HOSPITALLERS AND KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR .
Were these tAvo Orders founded at the same time , or which takes precedence in antiquity?—MILITES . — - [ When Bernard , the monk , visited Palestine , he found the Hospitallers established , in the valley of Jehosophat , in the year 870 . The Knights Templar were established in 1120 . ] X . A . V . —SCRIPTURAL PASSAGES . I would refer this correspondent to Dr . Oliver's " Book of the
Lodge , " in which ( not having it by me just noiv ) I think he ivill find what he wishes to knoiv . I would further refer him , and you too , Mr . Editor , to the twentieth chapter of the first book of Kings , ancl especially to the concluding portion thereof . Perhaps you will give your opinion in your next number as to whether this part ofthe Bible has or has not some reference to Masonry . — Y . A . X .
MUST GRAND MASTER OF IRELAND . Who was the First Grand Master of Ireland?—HIHERNICUS . — [ In Bro . Entiek ' s edition of Anderson ' s Boob of Constitutions , 4 to ., Loud ., 17 G 7 , p . 123 , under " Masonry in Ireland , " it is thus stated : "At last the Antient Fraternity ofthe Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland , being duly assembled' in Grand Lodge at Dublin , chose a noble Grand Master , in imitation of their brethren
of England , in the third year of his present Majesty King George II ., A . D ., 1780 , even our noble brother James King , Lord Viscount Kingston , the very next year after his lordship had , with great reputation , been the Grand Master of England , AVIIO has introduced the same constitutions and ancient usages which are recorded in this book . " ] DR . ASHE .
In Dr . Ashe's work , The Masonic Manual , published in 1825 ) the author declares himself of " the sacred profession , " and concludes with " their truly obedient servant , friend , and brother , Jonathan Ashe , D . D ., M . M ., " the same being dated from Bristol in November , 1813 . —I should be obliged to any brother who would supply me with an account of Dr . Ashe's clerical preferments . —CLERICUS ANGLICAN . ! -:.
MASONIC MEDALS . Occasionall y there are displayed , particularly by foreign brethren , some A'ery interesting medals which in their signification are totall y unknown to me ; will any brother kindly send a description ol those he may have seen ancl so place upon record what they are like and to the degrees they belong ? - —P . BOND . —[ We should be obliged to any of our correspondents if they will give us the result or their experience iu the above query , and at the same time we Mould ad , yise "P . Bond" to consult the Numotheca Ntimisnuttica
Lalonioru . nl , published at Dresden , in 1840-46 , by Ernst 2 acharias , in which there are numerous well executed engravings of the medals of almost every grade in Masonry . ] ' THE RITUAL . [ Again we must state that questions of this sort cannot be answered in these columns . —If you want to know so muchgo to
, a Lodge of Instruction , and there you will learn what you desire . For the future all improper queries shall lie consigned to the flames , and the writers remain unanswered . If the inquirer who asks about " The Ritual , " in the present instance , had sent his name and address , we should have remonstrated with him , if found to be a brother , by letter ; but we are too old to be caught napping by an anonymous querist . ]
HATH LODGES . Iii reply to " T . B . A ., " who asks if the number ofthe Lodge I was inquiring for in December is correct , I am sorry to say that I have mislaid the reference , but , if it is not troubling my brother too far , perhaps he will furnish the information respecting No . 246 . —A .
OLD WARRANTS . Will the Secretary of any of the early Lodges on the register tell me what the old warrant of his Lodge empowers it to hold ? I have been informed that in some ofthe old warrants the right of holding Chapters and Encampments are conceded ; if this be correct , it is important to be known , ancl is so easily tested , that it is hoped the few " minutes occupied in looking over such a warrant would not be considered unprofitably spent by the Secretary of a Lodge when its object is to inform—A BROTHER .
SALE OF MASONIC DOCUMENTS IN PARIS . The following was yesterday put into my hands : —Catalogue d ' une preciciise Collection de Hires Ancieiis Mxuniscrits et Imprimis de Documents Originaux , S ,-c , sur tes Francs-Macous , la Rose Croix , le Mesmcrisme , la M ' agie , I'Alchemic , les Sciences Occultes , les Progihetes , les Miracles , < $ •<; ., which appear to have been the property , and were the Archives Gr . du Hit . Fcoss . Phque . and were
, submitted to public auction on the 23 rd of February last , in a sale extending OA'cr six days . Skimming over the catalogue , I saw several very important ivorks , both MS . and printed , and thought that our Grand Lodge library would have been benefited by the addition of some of them . Can you inform me if there was anyone present to secure some of these valuables for our collection ?—f * f .
HRO . THE 1 ! I-: V . JAMES WRIGHT . Bro . the Eev . James Wri ght , Minister of Maybole , delivered an address to the Mason bretliren of Scotland , at the church of St . Andrew , Edinburgh , on November 30 th , 178 G , which sermon and address , for the latter appears to have followed the former , ivas delivered before the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren all standing during the time it ivas spoken . What is known of the Minister of Maybole?—T . ALLEN .
MASONIC RELIEF TO A . PRISONER OF WAR . In the minutes ofthe proceedings ofthe Grand Lodge of May 5 th , 1757 , appears the folloiving entry : — " A letter to tho Grand Master elect , dated the 22 nd of April , from Brother If . Do Court , late commander of the French merchant ship , St . James , captured the 29 th of October last , by H . M . S . Windsor , and UOAV a prisoner of Avar , on his parole , at Lauuceston , in Cornwall , Avishing his lordshi
p could procure his liberty to return to Bourdeaux , and promising all good offices to brethren prisoners in France , and praying relief , Ai'as read , and spoke to ; when it being observed that no cartel ivas as yet settled ivith the French king , it might not be possible to relieve our brother otherwise than by money : Ordered , —that the Treasurer do pay twenty guineas to the order of Bro . William Pye , Esq ., Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , to he applied for the relief of Bro . De Court , in case , on enquiry , he shall find him Avorthy of assistance . " Was the brother found worthy , and the money applied to his use ?—E . A . L ., Devon .
FREEMASONS ANTHEM . In the prologue to a play , spoken at Exeter , January 7 th , 1771 , there are some lines , ivhich I quote , said to be closel y imitated from the Freemasons' beautiful and well known anthem : — " There faithful friendship smiles in every face . The Lodge the social virtues fondl y love ; There wisdomrules trace
' s Ave , and so improve . * * * * , Whilst sceptred reason , from her steady throne , Well pleased surveys us all , and makes us one . ' What anthem is meant ?— -C , C . P .